grmacgirl Member


  • The Walkemeter apps (Walkemeter, Runmeter, and Cyclemeter) can all auto-post to your FB, Daily Mile, or Twitter and if someone replies to these posts the apps will speak the replies to you through the speaker or headphones. It's a great motivator, especially when you're on a long walk/run/ride! I know they are available on…
  • I second that vote for the broiler!! Most of the flavor of grilling (sadly none of the smokiness of charcoal) but without having to fire up the grill and stand out in the heat. In the heat of summer I will put seasoned chops or chicken breasts on a small grill rack on one end of my half-sheet baking pan (lined with foil)…
  • My favorite after-work / pre-bike-ride snack is a low fat string cheese and a small handfull of nuts. I like almonds, The Man likes cashews. That takes the edge off and keeps us going for quite a while. And I try like crazy to keep fruit in the house so that I don't do anything stupid if I just get the munchies. :)
  • Morning, no clothes, after using the toilet and before consuming water (for meds) and food. The only exception is when I've just been to the doctor's office. I usually go straight home and step on the scale wearing whatever I was wearing for my appointment to make sure that we're more or less in sync.
  • Frozen, pitted cherries are really good in homemade fruit smoothies. The Man and I like to make the Alton Brown version ( but we usually use regular 1/2% milk and we swap out the types of fruit that we use depending on what we have. It's nice…
  • Added another 5.57 miles on the bike today for a total of 69.2 for the month. Unfortunately it looks like I'm not going to make it. I will make 75, so that's what I'll probably set for my July goal. The point is that I got off my but and moved - a LOT! :)
  • Added another 10.26 miles on the bike today for a total of 63.63 for the month. w00t!
  • 3 miles on Wednesday and 9.1 last night brings me to 53.37 total so far. I'm about 3 miles short of where I want to be by this date to make my goal. Looks like I have some work to do this weekend! :)
  • 9.8 miles on the 9th and another 4.3 miles on the 10th for a total of 41.21 so far. I was hoping to hit 50 miles by now but I've had a few busy days in a row. Definitely hitting the trail or the mall tonight to help catch up!
  • Planning ahead! If I know I'm going to that movie that comes out on Friday I plan my breakfast and lunch accordingly so that I can "afford" that small bag of popcorn with zero guilt. Also... A decent scale. Healthy food in the house at all times for snacking. Healthy recipes for foods that I like to eat MFP on my iPhone so…
  • 97 and humid today so we went mall walking instead of biking. I added another 3+ miles for a total of 27.11 so far... WELL on track for my goal of 100. w00t! :bigsmile:
  • 21.63 since Wednesday - that should give me 23.93 total! w00t!
  • 2.3 done Not feeling well over the past two days - hope to get back into full swing this weekend!!
  • The great thing about biking is that the miles roll away fast! I'm going to set a goal of 100 miles in the month of June, some waliking but mostly biking. If I knock down that goal I'll just set it higher for July! 8-)