

  • Check out myomytv.com for kb workouts they are tough but are posted by a qualified kb instructor married to a personal trainer
  • I know exactly how you feel I recently joined a gym, when I went to sign up the girl Katie was lovely and showed me round but I couldn't even look her in the eye as I was so ashamed of myself and felt out of place. I got a personal trainer just because I had no idea what I was doing!!! My first session with him I could…
  • Hey sorry to hear your feeling well, you need to be persistent with your gp as generally gps dont actually have alot of experience. I'm saying this because my soon to be husband had similar symptoms to yourself but also had the runs going to the loo 10-15 times a day with blood and unbelieveable pain, after 4 months of…
  • Thank you all so much for your feedback, I think part of the problem is that I carry most of weight on my hips and legs, which makes shopping a nightmare especially coming up to Christmas. Everyone is wearing lovely wee dresses and I as usual am wearing dark trousers and carrying my heals!!! On the positive side my legs…
  • Thank you all for your advice. It's seem protein bars are something to use sparingly but shakes are better. To be honest I'm not sure what to do as I dont see myself as a shake girl. I have a work "friend" who is 100% to health and fitness and has her own website and just passed her kettlebell instructor course and well…
  • Hello everyone, thank you all so much for your warm welcome I am checking in for yesterday which turned into a pretty bad day I was doing great untill yesterday evening, my bf has had a chest infection and now I have it too I felt so wiped out yesterday I could'nt even do 15mins of the mybody fate app ( if you havnt tried…
  • Hi this seems like a really fun but focused group, could I join your group. I am Belfast northern ireland and weight 274lb at the minute, my goal weight is about 140lb. I am getting married sept 2011 so am aiming at 3lbs a week untill January whn I go dress shopping.
  • Oh I know how you feel I have about half my body weight to loose and every time I think about that I feel ashamed that I let myself go so badly I havnt been clothes shoping in about 1 year as I cant face full lenght mirrors and have none at home. I refuse to look at photos of myself or even my reflection in any shiny…
  • Yeah kinda screwed up how this adding a quote your reply works oh well...:laugh:
  • LJCannon you have lost some serious weight you must feeling a real difference!!!. I love your goal of walk everyday in may and have adopted it has my own. I have also signed up swing dancing lessons, should be fun if nothing else. what is everyone else doing exersice wise, anyone else with a monthly goal like LJ
  • Im in on this I have been looking for a group like this, at the minute I have been struggling a bit but I am determined to lose this weight, some days it just seems like am impossible task!!! Just have to take it one day, one meal at a time. Found a great free podcast on itunes called Fat2Fit radio it really good and…
  • Hi well done on making the decision to change, it's really hard but you have made your first step. Give it your best and you will suceed. Check out fat 2 fit radio it's a great podcast with loads of really good advice. Good luck you can do it
  • Oh this is such a good post I turn 30 next feb and am dreading it, I would just be wonderful t o be able to party my birthday away in a pretty dress or something like that. I strongly beleive that it is possible even though I have so much weight to lose but life is all about hope and trying to improve yourself and the…
  • Hello Im pretty new here too, it is a great site full of friendly people, feel free to add me as a friend and we can encouage each other I have alot of weight to lose but am feeling pretty positive about it at the minute.
  • mamabear that is some great advice I always always crash at 3-4 when im in work feel light headed dizzy and so tired I could just drop going to try your advice out my next day on thanks
  • thank you for your tips tonight is my first night on and I am going to exerise now walk for 1hour and use my new toning ball then sleep as much as I can. Going to try and be organised and bring in lots of fruit and some protein to snack on. My mission is to try and do some exersie when I get home tomorrow morning. I figure…
  • hey there a friend of mine (she is marrying a personal traniner) has a website where she puts up quick routines using either ketlebells or bodyweight, some concentrate on certain areas and other do full body work outs, give it a look it gives varied workouts you can pick and choose from and most of them you can do in your…
  • Thanks for the advice I will search for that tonight, going to go for a swim tomorrow after work so hopefully I will be running my route before long. I just get self concious when I think about running outside even when i go for my walks I can get dogs abuse from complete strangers!!! guess a fat girl running is just an…
  • Hello everyone hope your all doing well, I am new on this site, I have alot of weight to lose i dont just want to be thin I want to be fit fit fit. I have set myself the goal of running the london marathon next year (no hope of doing this year) i have never been a great runner but really want to improve. I have been…