Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    jess, cris - I'm considering starting the C25K. What iphone app do you use?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am feeling much better. I took a very long nap and even rode Old Bessie for 30 mins. I think I had heat exhaustion. It was 100 today in Lou with a heat index of 110. I was out there a long time trying to duct tape my passenger side view mirror to the inside of my window. VERY long story. Very long, unbelievable story. Very long, unbelievable but sadly very true story.

    check in:
    calories: under but over 2K in sodium. Well, under when I logged it and hit the green button. After that - a different story.
    water: not enough, apparently, for 100 degree heat and a diabetic who took her shot and forgot to eat.
    exercise: does throwing up count? How about fainting at the car dealership? Again, see long story sentences.
    proud: I woke up from my nap!

  • Tubbyangel
    Tubbyangel Posts: 25
    Hi this seems like a really fun but focused group, could I join your group. I am Belfast northern ireland and weight 274lb at the minute, my goal weight is about 140lb. I am getting married sept 2011 so am aiming at 3lbs a week untill January whn I go dress shopping.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    sidenote, Elmox you need to try this place, they gave me a big bowl with greens and falafel balls the you get to load up from their salad bar with all sorts of goodies, carrots, beets, coleslaw, picked mini eggplants, taboleh, borccoli, chickpeas, etc and yogurt sauce, it was really yummy)

    Meokk: they have one in Philadelphia too, but beware of how many falafel balls you eat...they are so good...ask a middle eastern girl who is rased on this kinda stuff.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    sidenote, Elmox you need to try this place, they gave me a big bowl with greens and falafel balls the you get to load up from their salad bar with all sorts of goodies, carrots, beets, coleslaw, picked mini eggplants, taboleh, borccoli, chickpeas, etc and yogurt sauce, it was really yummy)

    Meokk: they have one in Philadelphia too, but beware of how many falafel balls you eat...they are so good...ask a middle eastern girl who is rased on this kinda stuff.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    jess, cris - I'm considering starting the C25K. What iphone app do you use?

    The one I have is c25k and it's a little green app with a guy running on the front. I love it!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hi this seems like a really fun but focused group, could I join your group. I am Belfast northern ireland and weight 274lb at the minute, my goal weight is about 140lb. I am getting married sept 2011 so am aiming at 3lbs a week untill January whn I go dress shopping.

    Fuffylove, welcome to this amazing group!

    We check in daily with calorie intake, water ( how much cups or oz), exercise ( type or amount in minutes), and something we are proud of. We weight in on Friday morning and after everyone has done so we pick the Biggest loser of the week (how much weight lost by percentage) and that person chooses the challenge for the beginning of the next week.

    Jump right into our thread and become part of this amazing chatty group of gals!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning all!

    Don't worry... I remembered that it's actually Thursday this week (I'll admit that it may have taken me a few minutes to make sure I had it right).

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: MFP didn't yell at me AND I was under WOO!
    Water: Certainly not enough, I felt terrible after rugby. More today for sure.
    Exercise: Touch rugby... IE lots of running.
    Proud: Well more relieved... as soon as we got to the field, I was STARVING. YAY! I haven't felt like that in more than a week. I'm going to make breakfast to see if I can't conjure it up again.

    I will even take a no loss this week if it means that I'm back on normal eating/feeling levels.

    I've been fighting the "my throat hurts, lets have ice cream" logic all of yesterday... I can hear it calling my name from the freezer. haha

    jess - I've had trouble in the past, too, with boys not understanding my love of/need for the gym. I think a lot of guys have the mentality that we should only want to better ourselves when we're looking for someone new. (Near quote from a past boy) To which I said... True! I am looking for the smaller me... she's in there somewhere. I'll find her. At. the. gym. :)

    meokk - I've been wanting to start the couch25K, too! Let me know if/when you want to start, maybe we can do it together (or at the same time, at least :smile: )

    blue - I hope you're feeling better today! :flowerforyou:

    elmox - I remember you saying you took a hot yoga class. Did you like it? Was it super expensive?
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Good morning all~
    lstpaul -Thank you for the welcome.

    Alot to catch up on.Staying on track with the food,but exercise is not hapening yet till back doctor says different.Waiting on insurance and to begin PT and two more tests.The MRI of my middle back now and neck-oh joy-
    BUT-am doing small light stretching and I do walk around the store with a cart and little things light cleaning etc.

    Be good to yourselves all and the rest will follow~

    have a great day
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Welcome Fluffy :smile: This is a great place.

    Serena is too funny, she is like since it is my bday today can i stay home and watch tv all day...i am like ummmm...no.

    Was a little dissapointed int he scale this morning...my lowest of all time from yesterday has went away ...still not above what i was 2 weeks ago so i will take it...we will see what the morning brings.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Pos_Me: Way to go on avoiding the turtle cake your hubby brought home! You're back full-force!

    Jess: Ah, yes, the high school food. We had Domino's pizza and an a la cart FULL of junk food such as nachos, cheese fries, etc. My junior year of high school, I had a slice of pizza, a side salad and Metabolife for lunch every day. My senior year I had either pizza OR a bagel with cream cheese and sometimes ice cream for lunch every day. I was actually thin in high school, but all of the crap built up in my system and caught up as soon as I went to college. Ugh!

    Cris: Nice job on completing W9D1! I'm glad I'm done with C25K...less pressure now that I just run when I feel like it for the amount of time I feel like. Just think back on how amazing this is that someone who really struggled with even the 60 seconds of jogging is now running for 30 minutes!

    fluffylove: Welcome to the group! One other thing to mention is that we start a new thread weekly because we accumulate so many posts each week. Awestfall (Ann) will post the link at the end of this thread on Sunday or Monday, so it should be easy to find. Also, I saw you said you were looking to lose 3 lbs/week until January; hopefully you've realized that there will be plateaus during that time, so make sure your goal is realistic and that you won't disappoint yourself if it doesn't happen as quickly as you'd like. Now tell us more about you!

    I'm really proud of myself today, gals! My mom and I worked out to the Ali/Leonard boxing DVD and she loved it! I'm going to have to leave that DVD at home so that she does it. It's her favorite workout so far. Secondly, I broke down and bought some Kemps Black Jack Cherry frozen yogurt last night...1/2 gallon but after my workout, I measured out a 1/2 cup serving and placed it in these tiny glass bowls we have at home. It was the PERFECT treat...delicious. I heard somewhere that the first few bites of any meal or snack are the most satisfying and I'm starting to agree. If I say so myself, I've done awesome this week with the food and exercise, but don't feel like I'm over-doing the exercise and killing myself. So refreshing. Oh, and I can't be too frustrated at the scale this week because TOM arrived this morning. Mystery solved.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 250 under
    Sodium: over by 553 (pizza)
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: Boxing DVD with mom, burned 309 calories
    Proud: See frozen yogurt comment above!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- do tell the story, now Im curious! I hope your ok!

    Fluffy- Welcome! I'm getting married Sept 2011, too! We are trying on dresses in January also and I am hoping to be in the 170 range by then...I hope I hope I hope!

    Meook- I use the same app as Jess and its awesome! I hope you do the program its whats helped me the most with weight loss, but Ill admit I did not fall in love with running, I still hate it with a passion...I think I found my love in spin class

    Heather- I remember not being able to do the 60 seconds too...how awful! Im so proud I did week 9 too, I was pretty ok and not struggling at all for the first 15 mins but the last 10 where brutal.

    The scale said 192.8 this morning! Then I went back to bed and it said 193.2 so Im going with the higher number...but that's still my lowest weight!!! YAY!!!! I want that 190 at the end of the month so bad!

    I met, or will meet my 3 workout requirement today..I went Monday, Wednesday and of course will be going tonight for spin class....so Im proud for sticking to that plan. I am also planning on making it to the Saturday spin class which is BRUTAL!!! But I love it!

    Be back later to chat

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    blue-I'm glad to hear you didn't go over your calories for the day. Just drink lots of water today to flush out that sodium. Hope today is a better one for you sister!

    POS Me-Way to go on passing up the cake!!

    meokk-Haha, you made me laugh with the getting protective of me. Yes he apologized, several times. And then apologized some more last night. Promised to never let it happen again. Said he understands that this is important to me and if it's important to me it's important to him...awww..lol...That's so exciting you get the free teeth whitening! Hope your dentist visit was better then mine. 1 cavity. UGH! I like your idea on the going out to eat too! Thanks!

    LilDebbie-OH MY GOD I love Fuddruckers!! I'm so jealous. But I couldn't control myself. Their burgers are the best!

    Cris-Way to go on c25k!! When are you thinking of doing day 2? I say we do the last 2 days together! Let's do it!! YAY for meeting your exercise quota for the week!!

    fluffylove-Welcome to this wonderful group of ladies!

    tstout-I died laughing on your comment about finding the inner skinny girl. That's what I should tell him.

    Heahter-You have been doing so great this week. So proud to see you back in full force but not killing yourself! I gotta remember to go get that kickboxing DVD you were talking about!! I'm with you on the not killing yourself bit. I've been happy with my lower intensity workouts.

    Well, Jillian kicked my butt this morning. I haven't done much strength training in a month or so, how awful, and so I did Last Chance Workout. I had a big protein shake afterwards because I was soooo sore! But it's a good sore. I feel like I'm getting back in the swing of things. 1 more day of exercise and I will have met my goal for the week. I may even throw in a Saturday morning spin class if I'm feeling it! And the scale read 213 again this morning. YAY! This post is long enough so I'm going to shut up now. Be back later!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    By the way, I just wanted to tell Cris how proud I am of you. Because I do remember when you had hit rock bottom and didn't think you could ever get passed week 4 I think it was. You didn't think you could ever do the 12 minute run and now you are running for 30 minutes! So proud of you! Way to stick with it! :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LilDeb -- Mmmmmm, Fuddruckers. I haven't been there in like 10 years! I'd never be able to be good there. Burger with pump cheese and pump cheese all over my fries and they have the best cookies. I think I may actually be drooling. :tongue:

    meokk -- I love that you have so much left to do for your wedding. That's probably where I would be in your shoes, too. There's a reason I didn't have one. My mom stressed me out plenty planning the stupid get together for my family this weekend. :laugh: If I had to plan a wedding with her I think I would have a complete mental breakdown.

    Blue -- glad you're feeling better now!

    fluffy -- Welcome! 3 pounds a week is VERY aggressive. Shoot for it, but realize that *any* pounds per week is a great thing! :smile: All signs point to slower weight loss equaling easier and more likely maintenance. :wink: I originally planned on 10 pounds a month and let's just say that has NOT happened -- though it did for the first 4-5 months!

    Heather -- I totally get the first few bites thing now, too. It seems like a huge waste to sit and eat a whole pint of ice cream now. I always think "Okay, so this ice cream can be good now... or it can be good now and like 7 other times" :smile:

    High school food -- I ate a Little Debbie cake, bag of Doritos, and a cherry coke nearly every day for lunch. Yeah...

    Mmmmm, falafel. After reading that discussion I'm really happy I put chick peas on to soak before I left the house this morning! :wink: It's not often I think clearly enough to make such a great decision that early. Bought pitas & greek yogurt for tzatziki last night, too. Great minds...

    Calories: 1475
    Exercise: 45 minutes elliptical; 12 minutes running (which was done after the 45 minutes elliptical. Apparently running is how I cool down. :tongue:)
    Water: 14 cups
    Proud: I got off work at 8.45 and I made it to the gym. And not for the half-assed 30 minutes I did last week. It was hard since I haven't been pushing myself for a few weeks but it felt so good (and bad).

    So, in just a couple of days of really being back on track, I'm almost back down to my lowest weigh-in weight (I'm up one pound which I honestly believe is water retention and "whatnot" :wink:).

    Also, I found some awesome popsicles! 45 calories each. They're like creamcicles but not as creamy. They have a regular fruity popsicle outside and the then vanilla creamy stuff in the middle. I bought the store brand because they were B1G1 and you guys know I love a bargain. :wink: Anyway, dh has requested I get like 2 more boxes of them (the "best by" date is like July 2011 so I think it's okay to stock up :laugh:). I may take a picture of my freezer for you guys. It's out of control. :indifferent:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-Looks like were all just about back to our lowest ever weight. Yay!! Hope you get rid of some "what not" before tomorrow. :laugh: Those poosicles sound delicious!

    Just realized I forgot to check in for yesterday

    Calories: 1254
    Water: 200oz...holy smokes!
    Exercise: Elliptical and Walking on the treadmil in the morning
    Proud: Getting back with planning things out ahead of time. It really helps when you can do that! AND my Mom came over for dinner and had my delicious chili and she kept telling me how excited she was for me to move in and teach her to cook. Not sure if that's a proud moment but I'm excited!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I would love to get a big cheeseburger and fries smothered in cheese suace...butttt...since i am barely loosing anything this month that will be a bad idea. I have decided i am getting a chicken sandwich (no bun...freaking bun 240 calories), with a side salad). The chicken breast itself is less than 200 (i am sure loaded in sodium though) . So hopefully i will be sitting at under 500 cals...I am soo tempted to bring a container of my own dressing than to chance that the don't have low cal dressing...

    I am sitting at 1lb loss from 2 weeks ago, i would like more but i really don't want less.

    Julie - I found these popsicles (okay serena wanted them), but they are like 2 for 80 calories, they are target brand not sure how they taste may have to try them out.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I enjoy the feeling I have after running, but can't say I love it as much as many others. It is about the best calorie burn for shorter workouts, though. My passion lies in boxing and kickboxing, I'm finding. I'm going to start doing research on boxing classes I might be able to take. I don't have a lot of funds for it, but once in a while I might be able to fit it in. I really want to try a YMCA membership, but I can't afford the $60/month! Hey, we're both 192.8 this morning. Here's to hoping we see a 190 soon!

    Regarding the "inner skinny", I just told the BF the other night that I feel I am truly a skinny girl stuck in a chubby girl's body because whenever I have a dream about myself (even nightmares), I'm always thin.

    So, the past week or two, I've really concentrated on the water intake and have noticed my skin is really shiny. I almost sparkle in the sun (am I a vampire??)....seriously. Has anyone else noticed this with increased water or am I going crazy? Even the BF says I glow now (No, not preggers, TOM arrived today!).
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Jillian Michaels actually suggests that people bring their own condiments to restaurants to ensure you're following your eating plan. I say go for it!

    Jess: Great job with the chili and your moment with your mom! I agree that a little planning goes a long way. I've planned out my meals for today and will need to find extra calories even with two servings of frozen yogurt worked in!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    WTG cris and jess on being in c25k week 9 that is soo awesome.

    I just can't get into running...i do not enjoy it..not sure if becuase it is hard on my ankles and knees carrying all this weight or i just don't like it.

    I am with cris...i really like the spin class...On and i am really digging my dance class...even though i can't do all of it especially like jumping stuff, and i am looking stupid i am sure..it is fun...I have been burning like 400-500 in the hr..