Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • blkgrlwithdreams
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Tes and I'm new to the group. I would love to join in, and get some advice and support although my journey of lifestyle changes. I currently weight 245 and my ultimate goal weight is 160. I am currently in summer school in college and able to cook homemade meals at home. I try to avoid fried and processed foods and eat 3 meals a day. I've been able to exercise 20 mins a day, alternating between the treadmill and elliptical. I've been able to lose 5# so far and hope to continue to lose 5 each month.

    Cant wait to hear from each of you! :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- 1200 on the dot
    water- still drinking but 100+
    sodium- 2500
    excercise- none, didnt make it to the gym to do wk9 :embarassed:
    proud- that I listened to my body....will try for wk9 tomorrow and hope my legs arent as sore

    good night!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Welcome blkgrlwithdreams! Just jump right on in with us. We weigh in every Friday. The Biggest Loser picks the challenge for the week. We check in daily with what you see above from Cris if you choose to.

    So I'm very proud of myself. I have everything together for dinner tomorrow. Someone posted a recipe for Black Bean Chili and I'm going to give it a try for dinner tomorrow. I'm going to cook it tonight so it's ready when I get home. I have all my meals tomorrow planned out and nothing is processed! yay! Here's my check in for today.

    Calories: 1342, 265 remaining!
    Water: 100oz+
    Exercise: w9d1 c25k
    Proud: I got up early and went to the gym! I logged everything I ate today, I think! Been really bad at doing this. And I got my water intake! That's more then 1 thing but I'm excited!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    tess - welcome !!!

    Blue - ROFL !!!! I will need to remember that!!

    Jess - WTG on getting up early and going to the gym

    Check in -
    cals 1722
    water -60 oz
    Exercise - 45 min arc trainer
    Cals burned - 415
    Proud - I feel like i am back in the groove.

    ****TMI warning***

    I know this sounds weird and probably gross (thus the tmi warning) but i am soo excited serena went poop. I am mean this was the largest poop i have ever seen...like no way this should come out of a almost 7 yr old. This explains a lot with the peeing in her pants lately, when she gets real constipated , doctors told me before, her bowels/intestine push on the bladder.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Tes and I'm new to the group. I would love to join in, and get some advice and support although my journey of lifestyle changes. I currently weight 245 and my ultimate goal weight is 160. I am currently in summer school in college and able to cook homemade meals at home. I try to avoid fried and processed foods and eat 3 meals a day. I've been able to exercise 20 mins a day, alternating between the treadmill and elliptical. I've been able to lose 5# so far and hope to continue to lose 5 each month.

    Cant wait to hear from each of you! :)

    Hi Tes,
    You have just joined !
    We are a great group, if I do say so myself....... Like Jess said we check in every day stating our calories, water comsumption and something we are proud of ( and chat as much as we each choose to) and weigh in on Fridays. Congrats on your 5lbs down and your healthy lifestyle choices. A lot of us are doing just what you are and all support one another and listen to each other when we need to vent or feel like giving up.
    I started at 225 in January and I'm down to 178 as of last Friday. I would not be at that weight today without the support I get from this board.

    I've learned a lot from our discussions and I know you will too. WELCOME :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for today:
    calories - 1100
    water - 90-100
    proud that I got some wedding planning accomplished today as I've really been dragging my heels.

    night all :yawn:
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome Tess and I saw another, but didnt cathc the name.. im very sorry! Welcome and this is a GREAT group, we are glad to have you!!!

    Blue: You really crack me up! I can just imagine, that happened to me with the red on Saturday's workout! I just wiped it away and moved on.

    Check in for today:
    Cals- under 1500 (my personal goal)
    Water - 96 oz
    exercise -- 20 mins elliptical 17 minutes treadmill 583 cals + 40 minutes chasing my 2 year old around in the pool at the Y. Seriously worked harder there than in the gym!!! lol
    Proud: That I got my WHOLE family a membership at the Y. Mom sis, my hubby and kids! AWESOME
    I haven't done much for me yet, but I think I will this weekend.

    Night all and sweet dreams to everyone! :wink:
  • worththeweight
    love your attitude!! and happy birthday!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome Tes and worththeweight. You will love it here! :flowerforyou:

    Kerri - I bet your red sweat was as pretty as your hair!

    I actually called my hairdresser. When she got to the phone she said, "Who?" Another story altogether, damn sarcasm. Sometimes a girl can't afford to get her hair cut as much as her hairdresser would like her to! But anyhoo, I digress. Moving on. So my hairdresser let me talk to the color specialist. She told me that happens a lot when people go red with grey hair. AS IF! OK so I have a little. Anyhoo, she said since it was not ammonia based dye, to either get a few shades darker red and do only the top again (it's the top that is neon), or just screw it and throw a bottle of non-permanent brown on the thing. I am thinking the latter. :ohwell:

    Oh and I just noticed there is an icon emote for me at the gym today with the orange streaks on my face: :explode: Thanks, Mike, for that.

    check in:
    calories: OK - sodium WAY over - by 1K! :frown: It was my father's birthday and you all know where I went for dinner! That's right, buffet!
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 mins elliptical, 30 mins treadmill
    proud: I did pretty good at the buffet.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy, I love a red tint to my hair (I have one naturally but I like my hair darker than natural) so I always end up dying it reddish brown and feel like a clown for a few days after. But after several washes, the red always tones itself down to a good level.

    Calories: 1386
    Exercise: None, really. I had to stay 2 hours late at work tonight because apparently people completely forget how to cook (and tip) when it rains. :grumble:
    Water: About 14 cups
    Proud: I did it. I logged every last calorie. I haven't been doing this religiously every day for a few months. I'll take a bite of something here and there and not log it. Bad. But today I logged everything. All the way down to the 1/2 packet of drink mix and the 1 bite of breadstick & garlic sauce and the 1 stick of sugar free gum and the 10 honey roasted peanuts. Every. Single. Bite. Just like I did for the first several month. I AM going to lose 50 more pounds.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning all :)

    Yesterday for the first time in a week I was within 300 calories of my goal! Woo!! (I'll admit, the peanut butter milkshake takes most of the credit) But I ate something for all six meals and even got about an hour of walking in. I still haven't gotten to the point where I feel hungry, but I'm at least at the point where the thought of food doesn't make me want to ralph. So I figure that's progress.

    Now if I could only get rid of this awful sore throat. :grumble:

    Happy thought for yesterday: I found a glimmer of motivation for work (which has been severely lacking lately). Working from home is HARD. Especially when I feel so awful.

    Challenge for today: Finish screwing my head back on. I feel like I'm all over the place lately... I just need to focus. I am going to start with a long yoga session. No phone, no internet.

    Check in for yesterday:
    Calories - Under but just barely :)
    Water - 8 cups
    Exercise - about an hour of walking
    Proud - See calories!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Tes, Welcome to our group! I guess Jess and Meokk gave you the rundown of what goes on around here..Thanks girls. Congrats on the 5 pounds! :flowerforyou:

    Litdeb: sorry to hear you daughter get constipated, but it’s nice to know why she is peeing in her pants..some questions are being answered. If you want something safe for her constipating try eating kiwi..one kiwi first thing in the morning will have you going in no time. I do this for my 4 y/o son when he complains his stomach hurts. You can eat it anytime of the day and it will still do the trick but I find that in the morning ( nothing in the stomach) will work faster. Good luck girl.

    Jess: job well done planning out your meals. I hae been doing the same thing, that way I am not left guessing what to eat and end up eating the wrong thing. You are doing great exercising and eating well:flowerforyou:

    Blue: aww, sorry to hear about you whole hair dying experience..hopefully when it washes out it won’t be so vibrant…that’s what happens to me when I first dye my hair auburn red. Hang in girl {{{HUG}}}

    Kerridodson: great job being under(calorie) your personal goal..keep it up :)

    Julie: well done logging all your food..I have been slacking off for the last 6 weeks that is probably why I have not lost a single pound. I restarted loggin in my food this Monday and I am with you…We will lose the 50 pounds. Good Luck girl!

    Tstout: sounds like you’re making progress. I hope that whatever you have leaves soon; It sucks being sick and trying to lose weight all at the same time. Congrats on the hour walk!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    forgot to check in yesterday..

    Check in:
    calories: over by 300, but all healthier options..all fruits ( 20 strawberries, 3 cups of watermelon, 2 cups of red grapes, 2 peaches and a handful of blueberries) I didn't eat al that at once but throughout the day...
    exercise: 40 minutes elliptical burned 400+ and 33 minutes of Just dance game for Wii ( I love this game!)
    water: not enough..slacking lately
    proud: that I ate fruits instead of chips, candy, cake, but it was way too much fruit..tomorrow only 2 servings and the rest will be veggies.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!

    I am back to my lowest weight of 194lbs!!!

    My legs are still super sore....I dont know whats going on. Maybe having TOM for this long is making my body weaker? I just feel so tired and sore. I have been resting...havent excercised hardcore since Saturday? I did work out Monday but it was really low intensity and only burned about 300 cals...so I dunno. Im listeing to my body and resting it but it doesnt seem to be getting better. I'd really like to be able to make it to the gym tonight. I hope Once I eat through out the day I'll have more energy. I would LOVE to see a 193 on Friday! My goal for the month is 190 and even if Im like at 191 or 192 Ill be happy!! I am on vacation next week but I plan on not eating too much (yea....thats the plan, we shall see)
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning all!

    Cris: I am so glad for you on the 194! I know you will get down to 190 by the end of the month because you can do it!!!

    Pos : awesome on the fruit yesterday. It gets easier and easier to choose fruit or veggies over the other stuff as we go (at least that is what I keep telling myself) :laugh:

    I am so excited! I have no idea why, I just feel so good! People are noticing my weight loss and commenting on how proud they are of me. I know I am doing this for me and I am sooo dedicated its not even funny. It is nice to hear your peers comment on it though.

    I also just found out what my brothers prize is! (If I havent said it before, I am in a weight loss challenge with my brother to see who can get to 275 first) I did this to motivate him more than me, but its working on me as well. If I win, I get a Nook!!! If he wins (which he wont) he gets his concealed handgun liscence and a holster for his gun. To each his own huh! Anywho, Im excited to finally know what his prize is because he had me in the dark for so long telling me it was going to be something horrible. (I think he was only saying that to motivate me) it worked!!! lol

    I only have 23 pounds to go and he has 43 (guys tend to lose a little easier than women I think)

    Everyone have a great day!!!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Tstout: I am glad you are feeling a little better in your tummy. I am sure the sore throat will get better soon. I had H1N1 a few weeks ago and it took me almost 3 weeks to finally get over the sore throat. That was a bad virus!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good morning!
    Congrats on the 194, Cris!
    Glad you're starting to feel a little better, Tstout.

    I feel much better today (though still not great). I got a full 5.75 hours of sleep last night!! :laugh: SO much better than I have been doing. I hope so much that all the drivers scheduled tonight actually show up and it doesn't storm like crazy so I can actually get off on time. I'd love be able to get up and go to the gym in the morning. I'm toying with the thought of showering and heading to work from there. It would save me 30 minutes and probably 20 miles. I know on paper I SHOULD, I just don't know if I'm comfortable enough with it. There are individual shower stalls with curtains.... but... yeesh, it creeps me out.

    Holy crap, there are Krispy Creme doughnuts on the ad to the right of my screen! :laugh: Mmmmm.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Welcome to our new friends!

    Jess - Chili sounds awesome. Just be sure you don't doctor it up like I do....sour cream, cheese, chips! Healthy chili turns into bad for your chili REAL quick. I know you are a smart girl and don't make silly choices like I do.
    Cris - Congrats on seeing that 194 again!! I saw 183.6 last night at my weigh-in, so I'm +0.6 from my lowest weight. Getting back down there!
    LittleSpy - Good for you for logging every.single.bite. I try to do that, but know there are some things that don't get logged in. What a great way to take accountability for everything.
    Deb - That must have been on big poop!! :noway: Glad the mystery of Serena's problems are becoming clearer.
    Blue - I love that :explode: is the perfect way to describe how you looked. You can make lemonade out of even the sourest lemons.
    Pos - I am eating fruit like a crazy person lately. I love summer!! If I'm over in cals because of fruit, I can deal with it.
    tstout - Way to keep after eating all the calories you need! I think it's so good that you recognize it's difficult right now and are making an effort to give your body the nutrition it needs. I hope the porcupine gets the heck out of your throat soon!

    Hot yoga was AWESOME!! I really really enjoyed it and felt great after the class. I will definitely make it part of my routine. At $5/class (plus $2 for a towel - no washer/dryer in my house means I'm using theirs!), it's totally something I can make work in my budget.

    With my double workout yesterday, I decided to pass on my workout this morning. I needed a rest day. Tomorrow will be another double workout day - cardio in the am, yoga in the pm.

    Cris, you'll be glad to know I got LOTS of water in. How much you ask? Well, just 22 cups. Yes, 22 cups = 176 oz. I sweated BUCKETS at hot yoga.

    Check-in for yesterday:
    Cals - Under with exercise cals - 1,421
    Water - 176 oz
    Exercise - Last Chance Workout video in the am, hot yoga in the pm = 487 cals
    Proud - I'm back down to 183.6!
    Positive/happy moment - Even though it was my first hot yoga class, I feel like I did a good job. I mentioned this to the instructor and she said I did a great job. YEAH!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    tstout - I hope you are feeling better! Hang in there!
    kerri - I think that's cool that you and your bro are having a little "contest" of sorts. I know when my brother and I lost weight at the same time, he KILLED me - almost twice as fast! Oy! I am proud of you for passing him up!
    litspy - glad you are feeling more like yourself again! Yes, the whole shower at the gym thing is creepy, but it is OK once you get used to it. Just MAKE SURE you wear thongs! OMG the first time I didn't because I was clueless and got the WORST case of athlete's foot! EWW!!!
    Pos_me - MMM fruit. I LOVE summertime fruit! My faves are the berries: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and blueberries. I am in heaven!

    And now, I shall turn my focus to........... :drinker: THE COMEBACK KID!!! :drinker: AWE YEAH, CRIS! :heart: YOU GO, GIRL! :heart: WAY TO SHOW US HOW IT'S DONE! :heart: I am so dang proud of you! We all are!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    News on the Ronald McD front: you gals were right, it is calming down. Whew! :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Goodness, I come into work late and I'm a page behind on posts! I had to go to the dentist. YUCK! I went to bed in a bit of a crabby mood, therefore I woke up in crabby mood. Mike came over last night. Now before he came over I said he could only stay for like an hour because I was going to bed early so I could get up and hit the gym. Well, when I told him it was time to go he threw a little bit of a fit. Which really ticked me off. I know he wants to spend time with me but getting up and going to the gym is important to me. I didn't go at all last week because I was spending time with him. Am I overreacting by being a little ticked off? My roommate said she thinks it's disrespectful. It took me 20 minutes to get him out of there. I did go to the gym this morning though. My back is hurting and I just didn't feel like I could give enough for a real high intesity workout so I kept my hearrate in the 130's and 140's. At least I went right? Now I'm finally at work after the dreadful dentist! And here are my comments!

    blue-I'm sorry you are having such an awful time with your hair. Glad to hear it's calming down though.

    tstout-What kind of peanut butter milkshake do you make? That sounds DELICIOUS!

    POS Me- I NEVER knew kiwi did that! Good to know! So glad to see you around and posting again!! Keep up your hard work and planning. We're all going to get each other through this.

    Cris-Congrats on the 193. I hear ya on the soreness. My lower back is KILLING me!! I went to the gym this morning and just did a lower intensity workout. Don't want to push it. Maybe more protein for the soreness?

    Kerri-It is always nice to know your hard work is paying off. I know I still get excited when people make comments to me, even if it's something small. Keep working hard. I think that's great you have a challenge going on with your brother!

    LittleSpy-I'm the same way. It creeps me out getting ready at the gym. But I must conquer my fear when I move. I have to.

    elmox-Hot yoga? That just sounds brutal! Kudos to you! And I will do my best not to make it a bad chili. LOL No chips or anything in my house. But I do have cheese...uh oh!