Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.... TO YOU! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Blue and Elmox I really hope you gals a great birthday!!!

    I haven't been to good this afternoon, but I know I will be better tomorrow. I hope the rest of us all have great weekends and enjoy the beer and such. Have a drink for me too!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy Happy birthday to Blue and ELmox..yall have great days !!!

    Got home from gym...Dance class + 20 min of very light cardio..burned 566 in all...not to bad i guess...i burned like 406 in my dance class..one song was new and i couldn't figure out what she was doing so didn't do too much in that one... It was packed though...I was almost late and didn't get my spot that i like, but still fun.

    Tomorrow is going to be such a busy day...my plan is to wake up early and go work out...come home ..eat some breakfast, serena wan'ts some pancakes, then let hubby go and abby WILL take a nap , if i ahve to hold her down...no way she will handle soccer + bday party... that is the main reason we are not going to the gym in the morning.

    SHe is being a pistol right now, hopefully she will crash her soon.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Evening all,,,,,
    firstly - Blue & Elmox - I hope you both enjoy your Birthdays and concerts and drinkies :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    LilDebbie - have a great party tomorrow, I hope all goes well and Serena has a fun time. :flowerforyou:

    Checking in:
    Calories - ate all my exercise
    water - little under, maybe 82oz
    exercise - walking my butt off around ikea for over 2 hours and then another hour doing other shopping must have earned me those meatballs right? :happy:
    proud - I only ate half of the plate of meatballs and after all of the walking today I'm not even really tired, such a difference from one year ago
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well I forgot to weigh in this morning. How could I do that??? I guess it is because I had so much going early this morning. So I will weigh in tomorrow and add to the hopefully losing list.

    Happy Birthday to Nancy, Lauren and Lauren's Hubby!!! Hope you have great weekends and enjoy every second of it!!! Lauren that is so neat that you and your hubby have the same bday!

    So today I wasn't the best at food but I did work my butt off in the yard! Burned lots of calories! I made homemade enchiladas and then when I looked it up they weren't so good after all. I was trying but apparently need to check first. Oh well!

    Check in:
    Calories - Under
    Sodium - Under
    Water - Not as much as usual
    Exercise - 90 mins of yard work - 989 calories burned!!! :noway: :noway:
    Proud - That even though I didn't do the best in food I did go and burn calories!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Well tomorrow is my nephews bday party so hotdogs and birthday cake. I will be good! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Let me clarify. When I say I went swimming, I meant I went to a pool and did some mild water aerobics and then treaded water. LOL It's all good. I wanted to have a good time, drink some good microbrews, eat some ice cream. That is exactly what I did! The heartache comes when you log all of that in and you see so many red minus signs that you think you're back in grade school getting your math test back. :noway:

    I had a blast and wouldn't have had it any other way. Well, I would have preferred NOT to have driven over the huge rock in that stupid rock garden (pre beers - I was completely sober) near my friend's house and gotten my car stuck until a man from up the street came and dug me out. But other than that, would not have changed a single thing. :ohwell:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK, I have to tell you something that happened tonight that really bothered me. So much so that I seem to not be able to go to sleep. I keep thinking about it.

    I'm starting to have a really weird problem with some of my "friends." It seems that the more people are noticing my weight loss, the more people I know are "claiming" that they have been the person to "get me to see the light" and lose the weight. It's happening a LOT, in many different areas. It seems that people are trying to "claim" me as their success story.

    For example, I was talking to a few friends the other day, one I had not seen for months. She raved about how great I looked and asked what I was doing. I told her about MFP, and that recently I had upped the intensity of my workouts by joining a gym. My other friend chimed in with "yeah I'm the one that convinced her to join the gym." NO she wasn't! I was thrown off by that response. All I could say back was, "Really? Because I joined without consulting anyone." My delusional friend started denying my statement like she was six years old and I had just caught her taking my Leggos. It was all very surreal.

    Another couple of friends and I were eating lunch one day and the topic turned to snacking. They were all discussing how many times a day they eat and what they eat for snacks. I joined in and said that I have been forcing myself to eat breakfast here lately and that it has been giving me more energy. One friend chimed in with, "And who gave you that idea to eat breakfast? Yes, me, thank you very much." NO it wasn't her! It was my PT and the trainer I had for a few sessions. I could not believe it! I told her exactly that - my PT discussed my eating patterns with me and HE recommended the plan I am eating right now. She retorted, "Well, I've been telling you for years to eat breakfast, long before you got that physical therapist." WTF???

    So now tonight. My friend was having this Juice Plus party and asked me and another colleague to go. So we did. I didn't buy a thing, because JP is not my thing (I had a severe reaction to it years ago), plus I am totally broke. After the party we had planned to go out for drinks, eats, etc., which we did. But before we left for the bar, another woman who was at the party whom I did not know started talking to me. And, well, you know me, I can talk to a wall and it talks back. So anyhoo, she found out from my friend giving the party that I was losing weight and she was very curious as to how I was doing it. I told her about MFP, then glanced over to my colleague and said, "Sandy joined MFP, too, a few months ago when I told her about it." Well, Sandy went postal on me! She interrupted her conversation from across the room to tell us, "I told YOU about MFP and then YOU joined." I was like, wtf, what planet are you living on? But then something inside me sort of snapped. I had had just about enough of people jumping on my weight loss wagon. And I said, "Honey, I've been at MFP since October; you've been there since March. Do the math." Then Sandy said, "I knew about MFP years ago. I'm the one who told you about it." I replied, "You did tell me you thought there were some online food calculators, but you didn't know any web addresses. I'm the one who searched and found MFP, dear, and told YOU about it." Then she had the nerve to lie again and say, "Oh, I had joined MFP years ago when it was just starting out and I told YOU about the website." NO she didn't! I was pissed to no end. I told her I refused to argue about something so childish and changed the subject.

    It got me to thinking. WHY do people want to take credit for my weight loss? Is it because they have nothing in their life that they're proud of? Do they have such low self esteem that they have to be seen as doing something great in everyone else's eyes? Are they that much of a control freak that they want to hog the spotlight? Are they jealous and can't negotiate their own unsuccessful attempts at losing weight so they have to take over mine? Do they see me as a person who would give them all the credit? Does it make them feel good to have others see them as my "savior"?

    As you can tell, this is really bothering me, and I don't like it one bit. NO ONE gets credit for my weight loss but ME and GOD. I need to really think about this one and figure out why this is happening, what I can do about it, and why this is REALLY bothering me.

    Thanks for listening, sisters! :heart: Maybe I'll get some sleep now that this is off my chest! :frown:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Morning blue
    hope you got some sleep. :yawn: :yawn:

    Sounds frustrating.
    Don't bother trying to figure out why this is happening , you'll just drive yourself round the bend ( and into a rock garden :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ). The only thing you can control is your reaction to comments like that.
    If it were me I would go one of two ways.
    1. Either joke about it. Maybe say sarcastically and over the top that it's all so and so 's doing that you lost 95 lbs. Hey everybody if you need to lose weight. Just ask so and so for breakfast tips and poof there it goes !!
    2. Take the offender aside soon after to have a quiet little chat and tell her that when she says things like that it makes you feel like she is trying to take credit for your success. It took a lot of pain and dedication on a daily basis to get where you are now and you want her to know that when she says things like that, you feel it belittles everything YOU have done. Hopefully she'll look like this :embarassed:

    Enjoy your bithday weekend and week and month !!!! :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    edited to add smileys that inexplicably no longer work from my phone
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Blue - I am sorry about your "friends" that is sooo rude in my opinion. I would not know what to do. YOU did this by your self and i am soo super proud of you and I would shout it to the top of the world!!!! It sounds like they are are almost jealouse that you are doing something awesome for yourself and want to attributed to that....I would never doo that to my friends..>even if i help them , i wouldn't say you lost weight cause i told you to do something...My good friend joined MFP after I "inspired her" (yep a 260+ fat chick inspiring others...funny huh)...it makes mee feel soo happy that something i could of done to help her get on this path...but if she lost 20, 40 , 50 , 100 whatever pounds i would never say that it is all my doing that she lost weight...that is just rude...

    Well got up and went to the gym at 7 this morning...i was soo dragging..i am thinking because i didn't eat anything (just a diet coke ) i went on like 5 different machines, my top of my arm hurts so i was struggling wiht the arc/elltipcals today, the bike was just not doing it for me either...Then i did the treadmill for 20 minutes (that usally is the demon, i hate that thing), but i did 20 min - 1 mile..yeah i know that isn't any great acheviment but for me to stay on for 20 minutes when iw as feeling uggg was pretty good, i did some intervals of running and walking , of course my speed wasn't that hight, but i did it..

    Still burnt like 400 cals, but took me longer than usual..Hubby is going now, little one will need a nap before soccer and bday party this afternoon...got to get clen the house before the inalws get here, pick up a cake, make goodie bags...I may be passing out tonight :smile: or may have to head up to the gym if i eat too many cupcakes :smile:

    I am only making 8 goodie bags , serena says some of her friends say they are coming but no rsvp's...if they show up fine, but i am not have enough goodie bags, i will have a couple extra, but i will be annoyed....is it just me or is it just rude to not rsvp if you are coming??
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Blue -- I'm naive so I tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe your friends really do feel like they're the ones who advised you. Maybe one friend really had told you a few times in passing conversation to eat breakfast. I know my mom hounded me about that for 25 years and I never listened to her. Maybe the other friend really did feel she guided you to the awesome online website you found by telling you these types of websites exist. ??? Anyway, regardless of who wants to take credit for giving you advice, everyone knows YOU get all the credit for making the change everyone sees in you. :flowerforyou: I'm not the best communicator but if it was bothering me as much as it is bothering you, I probably would talk to those friends individually using "I" statements. "I feel..." and explain to them you really need their support because that would be the biggest help of all to you. :flowerforyou: Other than that, I'm glad you had a fabulous birthday!

    I have a new lowest weight ever! And TOM is here (well -- it's doing it's "hey I'm kind of here for a few days before I really come and punch you in the uterus" thing it's started doing the last few times -- but that's when I'm the most bloated) AND I had a sodiumriffic dinner.
    That's down about 4 pounds from Monday. It's like I started over and am having a big first week loss again which is probably mostly water and that's fine. I'm just glad to see the scale move. I feel like I'm going to see the scale keep moving for a while now.
    I'm going to treat this myself like I just started this journey. I know a lot more now and I know better than to undereat like I did before. I'm only set to lose 1.5 pounds a week so I'm going to eat my base and around half of my exercise cals and see how that goes. I feel like for the last couple of months I've been too lax with myself -- eating foods I shouldn't be eating, having too many high calorie days without exercising, etc. So I'm going to continue my "work for it" plan, log EVERY bite, stay away from too many processed foods, etc. I think what I was doing was eating all my exercise calories and not taking into consideration bites of food I'd have here and there. It's pretty easy to eat away a 750 calorie deficit when you're not paying attention. Especially since I was basically eating whatever I wanted on the weekends without exercising. That was undoing any deficit I was creating during the week. So, now that I've really been paying attention the plateau mystery is solved. I know how to do this and I'm gonna.
    150 (140?), here I come!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Juile - sounds like you have a plan!!!!! YAY on lowest weight...YOu will get out of these 190's in no time !!!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cleaning up the house before friends come over for a birthday BBQ. REAL quick check-in...

    Cals - Over by like 400. Not too bad considering two beers and a pulled pork sandwich at the concert!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Grooving to Dave....so very little.
    Proud - Had a good time with Jonathan last night and am excited about the rest of the weekend.

    Nancy - Happy birthday!! To those friends, YOU did this and YOU know it.
    Julie - Congrats on the lowest weight and the new plan!
    Deb - Have fun at the party today!!

    Thank you ALL for the kind birthday wishes! Love from the weight loss sisters = fabulous!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    OK, I have to tell you something that happened tonight that really bothered me. So much so that I seem to not be able to go to sleep. I keep thinking about it.

    I'm starting to have a really weird problem with some of my "friends." It seems that the more people are noticing my weight loss, the more people I know are "claiming" that they have been the person to "get me to see the light" and lose the weight. It's happening a LOT, in many different areas. It seems that people are trying to "claim" me as their success story.

    For example, I was talking to a few friends the other day, one I had not seen for months. She raved about how great I looked and asked what I was doing. I told her about MFP, and that recently I had upped the intensity of my workouts by joining a gym. My other friend chimed in with "yeah I'm the one that convinced her to join the gym." NO she wasn't! I was thrown off by that response. All I could say back was, "Really? Because I joined without consulting anyone." My delusional friend started denying my statement like she was six years old and I had just caught her taking my Leggos. It was all very surreal.

    Another couple of friends and I were eating lunch one day and the topic turned to snacking. They were all discussing how many times a day they eat and what they eat for snacks. I joined in and said that I have been forcing myself to eat breakfast here lately and that it has been giving me more energy. One friend chimed in with, "And who gave you that idea to eat breakfast? Yes, me, thank you very much." NO it wasn't her! It was my PT and the trainer I had for a few sessions. I could not believe it! I told her exactly that - my PT discussed my eating patterns with me and HE recommended the plan I am eating right now. She retorted, "Well, I've been telling you for years to eat breakfast, long before you got that physical therapist." WTF???

    So now tonight. My friend was having this Juice Plus party and asked me and another colleague to go. So we did. I didn't buy a thing, because JP is not my thing (I had a severe reaction to it years ago), plus I am totally broke. After the party we had planned to go out for drinks, eats, etc., which we did. But before we left for the bar, another woman who was at the party whom I did not know started talking to me. And, well, you know me, I can talk to a wall and it talks back. So anyhoo, she found out from my friend giving the party that I was losing weight and she was very curious as to how I was doing it. I told her about MFP, then glanced over to my colleague and said, "Sandy joined MFP, too, a few months ago when I told her about it." Well, Sandy went postal on me! She interrupted her conversation from across the room to tell us, "I told YOU about MFP and then YOU joined." I was like, wtf, what planet are you living on? But then something inside me sort of snapped. I had had just about enough of people jumping on my weight loss wagon. And I said, "Honey, I've been at MFP since October; you've been there since March. Do the math." Then Sandy said, "I knew about MFP years ago. I'm the one who told you about it." I replied, "You did tell me you thought there were some online food calculators, but you didn't know any web addresses. I'm the one who searched and found MFP, dear, and told YOU about it." Then she had the nerve to lie again and say, "Oh, I had joined MFP years ago when it was just starting out and I told YOU about the website." NO she didn't! I was pissed to no end. I told her I refused to argue about something so childish and changed the subject.

    It got me to thinking. WHY do people want to take credit for my weight loss? Is it because they have nothing in their life that they're proud of? Do they have such low self esteem that they have to be seen as doing something great in everyone else's eyes? Are they that much of a control freak that they want to hog the spotlight? Are they jealous and can't negotiate their own unsuccessful attempts at losing weight so they have to take over mine? Do they see me as a person who would give them all the credit? Does it make them feel good to have others see them as my "savior"?

    As you can tell, this is really bothering me, and I don't like it one bit. NO ONE gets credit for my weight loss but ME and GOD. I need to really think about this one and figure out why this is happening, what I can do about it, and why this is REALLY bothering me.

    Thanks for listening, sisters! :heart: Maybe I'll get some sleep now that this is off my chest! :frown:

    Blue: sorry to hear the you friends want to take credit for your weight loss. I would agree with Julie that maybe along the road your friends did mention things to you like joining the gym or a online weighloss website..however, you are the one who got on teh wagon..your freinds can chant all they want. It can go in one ear and come out the other, but you are the one who wanted to change your lifestyle to becoming healthy ( and they can't take that away from you!) and you are the one who dedicated time in the gym and on MFP and lost those 90+ pounds..and they can't credit for that.

    Cheer up hun {{{{HUGS}}}} Love ya weight loss sister:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Cleaning up the house before friends come over for a birthday BBQ. REAL quick check-in...

    Cals - Over by like 400. Not too bad considering two beers and a pulled pork sandwich at the concert!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Grooving to Dave....so very little.
    Proud - Had a good time with Jonathan last night and am excited about the rest of the weekend.

    Nancy - Happy birthday!! To those friends, YOU did this and YOU know it.
    Julie - Congrats on the lowest weight and the new plan!
    Deb - Have fun at the party today!!

    Thank you ALL for the kind birthday wishes! Love from the weight loss sisters = fabulous!

    have fun Elmox! and love ya too:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I have a new lowest weight ever! And TOM is here (well -- it's doing it's "hey I'm kind of here for a few days before I really come and punch you in the uterus" thing it's started doing the last few times -- but that's when I'm the most bloated) AND I had a sodiumriffic dinner.
    That's down about 4 pounds from Monday. It's like I started over and am having a big first week loss again which is probably mostly water and that's fine. I'm just glad to see the scale move. I feel like I'm going to see the scale keep moving for a while now.
    I'm going to treat this myself like I just started this journey. I know a lot more now and I know better than to undereat like I did before. I'm only set to lose 1.5 pounds a week so I'm going to eat my base and around half of my exercise cals and see how that goes. I feel like for the last couple of months I've been too lax with myself -- eating foods I shouldn't be eating, having too many high calorie days without exercising, etc. So I'm going to continue my "work for it" plan, log EVERY bite, stay away from too many processed foods, etc. I think what I was doing was eating all my exercise calories and not taking into consideration bites of food I'd have here and there. It's pretty easy to eat away a 750 calorie deficit when you're not paying attention. Especially since I was basically eating whatever I wanted on the weekends without exercising. That was undoing any deficit I was creating during the week. So, now that I've really been paying attention the plateau mystery is solved. I know how to do this and I'm gonna.
    150 (140?), here I come!

    Congrats on your weight loss!

    I was doing the same thing and this week I REALLY focused on what I put in my mouth. I did ( in the past) do a lot of mindless eathing, while I read the paper, get on line, or watch tv..but this week I wrote down EVERY single bite... If I had a spoonful of peanut butter while making my son a peanut butter and jelly sandwich..I wrote it down. when I do things I don't think about eating this and that..I just do it. and when I go log my food, because I don't reamember eating it..I don't write it down. But this week I was aware of everything I was doing. I sat down and ate something, and not like before stand and eat..because I was too busy to sit down.

    I weighted myself this morning and with tom almost done..I was one pould lower than my lowest weight, I think 3 weeks ago.

    Heres to getting this done:drinker: We can do this!

    Have a great weekend..and stay focused!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue and Lauren- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVES!!!!! ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Blue- I would take the sarcastic route that Meook mentioned, but thats just cause thats how I deal with things.:laugh: :laugh: Personally I would roll my eyes when my freinds made those comments and then say "yea, she lost my 93lbs for me" they'd get the point....I see why it bothers you but dont let it, that means they win!


    Checking in for yesterday:(I wasnt sure if I logged my pit beef right...but I found the closest comp to it)
    calories- 1256
    water- yup, plenty..since I didnt have beer and all
    sodium- my log says 1600 but its prob over 2000...so who knows
    excercise- I danced with my son and had a blast!!! lol I didnt log it but I was def out of breath towards the end.
    proud- that I listened to my WONDERFUL and SUPPORTIVE MFP friends and did NOT buy beer. Instead I sucked it up and went to spin class this morning so I could drink some tonight :love: :drinker: (thanks Julie!)

    Today I did my spin class and burned 760 cals...yup..all going to beer...if I do this properly I will still be under cal today! HOLLA!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh and even with the pit beef and fries for dinner my weight was 193.4 this morning...0.4 from yesterday but I think the fries had something to do with that!!!

    If I can stay under 194 come monday I'll be super proud!!!!

    Be back later

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Litspy - Yay on lowest weight! You rock! :heart: :heart: :heart: ANOTHER COMEBACK KID HERE, FOLKS!:heart::heart: :heart:
    Elmox - Congrats on your lowest weight as well! That is fantastic!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thank you all for helping me with my crisis. I'm so hung over today (my actual birthday) that if those comments reared their ugly heads today I'd say "F*** you all." :laugh:

    I get that maybe these people actually think they said something to me first, but my question is, who cares???? And why do they need to give that credit to themselves????? I don't get it. Guess I never will. :ohwell:

    Yeah, sick as a dog today. I guess those bar pretzels, home made chips and cheese, BBQ, french fries, 2 pints of ale, and ice cream weren't exactly eating clean. :sick: But man, how many trips to the "bathroom of what not" am I gonna make? :noway: :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    whoot whoot !!!! Blue - hope you recover soon enough to party again tonight !!!!

    Cris - I don't know exactly what pit beef is but I think I want some.......drooling. WTG on planning your beer !!!

    So I put in some hard manual labor in the yard today and it was HOT. I was doing rock work....yuk. But in related and exciting news, the vegetable garden we put in in May/June is starting to reward us. I picked our first cucumber today and some cherry tomatoes and lettuces so a big salad tonight of our own organic growing...yummy. There may be a silly FB pic coming soon :bigsmile:

    congrats Cris, Pos Me and Little Spy on your low low low weights :drinker: :drinker:

    check in for today
    calories - fine, ate quite a lot of exercise
    water - OK
    exercise - gardening & walking round a summer sidewalk sale for an hour
    proud - veggies!!!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    blue-I'm sorry to hear your friends trying to take credit for your weight loss. You are the only one who has done it. You make the ultimate decision. I agree with meokk and Cris, I'd take the sarcastic route but that's just me. :laugh:

    Cris-I'm so proud of you for not buying the beer last night! That's a big step for you!

    Julie and Cris and POS Me-Congrats on the lowest weights!! It's gonna be a great week ladies!

    Hope Lauren and Blue are enjoying their birthdays. Blue, hope you aren't still hung over!

    So I made fish tacos and the brownies (the right recipe) tonight for my parents. YUMMY!! Pretty good if I do say so myself! It's been an interesting day of sorts that's for sure. I realized last night that Mike and I just don't have that spark or chemistry. I feel awful. I ended things with him today and he is really really VERY upset. He's starting to get ugly about the situation. I can't help the way I feel and he doesn't understand that. What can ya do? I didn't get any exercise but I went up and down 3 flights of stairs about a dozen times. Wanna hear the crazy part? I wasn't dying! Felt great to be able to load up my car full of stuff to move myself and not want to pass out! Hope everybody is enjoying their Saturday! :drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ugg..this day has been eventful....

    Serena's party went good.. 2 kids from the street came (1 that rsvp'd and one did not), so total of 7 guests (including abby), she had a good time and got lots of loot...!! She had a great time..

    Then hubby parents are staying tonight, and some friends of the family came over too..We just had some burgers and are chilling

    Seren'as cupcakes are awesome!!! I had one at the party (hate to say that was my lunch :smile: ) i didn't feel like eating before the party...i am planning on to have one for desert...to my suprise they are like 158 they are freaking delicious :smile: even with 2 cupcakes I still have like 500 cals left for today (of course using my exercise calories) guess that getting up at 7 and hitting the gym to burn 400 was a good idea !!!
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