Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    Realized I didn't check in yesterday.
    Cals - Over. Someone went to a happy hour, drank 3 beers, and decided to order Chinese food. WHOOPS! :blushing:
    Water - 96 oz (just 1/2 c. short of my 100 oz goal!)
    Exercise - Walking for 45 min at 2 mph
    Proud - Water?? I had fun at the happy hour. Jonathan also brought home flowers for no reason last night, which was a lovely treat.

    tstout - LOVED hot yoga. Will definitely continue to do it. Maybe not this summer because there are so many free outdoor classes around the city. I figure I might as well take advantage of the free classes! I went to a place called Yoga To The People, and they only charge $5/class. Totally affordable!

    meokk - Thanks for the restaurant rec! I think I pass one everyday on my walk from the subway to work at 7th Ave and 40th St.

    Emmm Elmox, guess what, you don't have to drink 100oz now, you're not 200lb anymore hon !!!!!:bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Cris and Jess: I talk to myself a ton during running workouts, too.

    So last night, I wore the weighted gloves (that came with my kickboxing video) while doing the boxing video and I felt SO strong. I was throwing punches so hard, I almost knocked myself off balance sometimes. I just imagined myself beating up an attacker. That article in Fitness magazine that I posted last week has been in my mind non-stop and I'm really using as a motivator to keep up the kickboxing and boxing workouts. I think I found a passion.

    Lately I've been thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. As you ladies know, my horseback riding instructing is my biggest passion and I'd love to make a living from it someday but I want to find something else I really enjoy that I could do for a job in the meantime. One of the things that crossed my mind is personal trainer/fitness instructor. I know people wouldn't want to pay a chubby girl to tell them how to get in shape now, but once I get to my goal weight I think I'd like to pursue it. Nothing bugs me more than going to a personal trainer and having them tell you how they stay thin easily, they're naturally thin, etc. In thinking about several of the Biggest Loser contestants who now teach fitness classes, I think people are really seeing the value of training with someone who truly knows what they're going through and has gone through it themselves. Any thoughts? I want honest opinions. I don't feel like I can tell any of my friends/family members about this thought yet because I think some of them would tell me to go for it regardless of what they really thought and others would laugh because I'm still chubby.

    Now that's inspiring!!! I think you would make a wonderful fitness coach, who else could a chubby girl trust more than a formerly chubby girl ?? Maybe in your wildest dreams it could even be a horesback fitness training program :love: :love:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK sorry for 3 posts in a row but I have to share that I bought a dress !!!!!
    It's not the wedding dress but the one for the rehearsal dinner and I love it :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I had quite a lovely experience, I tried on the "L" and it was too big !!!!!!! I actually ended up with the "S" but I'm nowhere near an S really it's just the dress was a silky, baggy cut with a belt and less of the baggy material looked better on me. Still it's the only item of clothing in my closet with an "s" on the tag :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I wasn't even expecting to find a dress today but I just saw it and it called my name. I went in for different spanx to wear when trying on real dresses next week, ewww I hate trying those sausage casings on :noway: :grumble: :noway: :grumble:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi girls, just checking in quick since it's busy at work.
    calories: good, good, good again ... woo hoo!
    exercise: good - went for a long walk with a friend - up and down little hills and at a fast pace
    water: BAD :sick: I didn't drink any water on our long walk and ended up feeling pretty sick afterwards because it was hot and humid
    proud: that I had a few good days this week and feel more in control! Yeah! :drinker:

    Hubby and I are heading up north to pick my 16yo daughter up from wilderness camp tomorrow. We are leaving tonight so that we can drive halfway and stay at a hotel/casino to break up the long drive. Should be fun but will probably be challenging to eat out the next few meals. I'll be weighing in on Saturday, I hope I see some progress on the scale!

    Have a good Thursday and Friday everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris and Jess: I talk to myself a ton during running workouts, too.

    So last night, I wore the weighted gloves (that came with my kickboxing video) while doing the boxing video and I felt SO strong. I was throwing punches so hard, I almost knocked myself off balance sometimes. I just imagined myself beating up an attacker. That article in Fitness magazine that I posted last week has been in my mind non-stop and I'm really using as a motivator to keep up the kickboxing and boxing workouts. I think I found a passion.

    Lately I've been thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. As you ladies know, my horseback riding instructing is my biggest passion and I'd love to make a living from it someday but I want to find something else I really enjoy that I could do for a job in the meantime. One of the things that crossed my mind is personal trainer/fitness instructor. I know people wouldn't want to pay a chubby girl to tell them how to get in shape now, but once I get to my goal weight I think I'd like to pursue it. Nothing bugs me more than going to a personal trainer and having them tell you how they stay thin easily, they're naturally thin, etc. In thinking about several of the Biggest Loser contestants who now teach fitness classes, I think people are really seeing the value of training with someone who truly knows what they're going through and has gone through it themselves. Any thoughts? I want honest opinions. I don't feel like I can tell any of my friends/family members about this thought yet because I think some of them would tell me to go for it regardless of what they really thought and others would laugh because I'm still chubby.

    I think that is an awesome idea. I know that motivates me when I know people have worked hard to get to that ultimate goal. Seems more attainable. I definitely think you would be a good motivator as well. I've actually been throwing around the idea of being some kind of chef. I'm always trying new recipes and cooking and looking for a healthy way to cook delicious food. Was my Mom's idea really. But I think it's something you have passion for and could be raelly great for you. If that makes any sense. Go for it girl!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heather, I think you'd be a great fitness coach! I've thought I may want to work part-time at a gym in some way when I'm in better shape. I'd love a free gym membership at a gym with a pool and classes. Maybe I'd even teach a class one day. I think will be a great way to maintain a high level of fitness.

    Warning --- Work vent ahead.
    I may strangle a coworker.
    He has been grating on my nerves ALL week (I'm sure some of my impatience with him is PMS related since I'm expecting TOM within the next few days). I'm not sure what his problem is exactly, but I'm getting the impression he's becoming senile and is totally defensive about it (as most folks are, and it's understandable, but yeesh). He keeps giving employees TOTALLY wrong information and I try to correct him very gently (and I've generally been waiting until the employee leaves so as to not embarrass him & then he can follow up with them with the correct information). Yesterday, he stood here and ARGUED with me in front of an employee who is a supervisor until finally one of the managers in our HR department came to back me up. I wouldn't have argued if it hadn't been VERY important he give out correct information to this supervisor. But he was telling the supervisor to do something ILLEGAL. Something that we JUST last week FIRED a supervisor for doing!!! If that supervisor had done that, and then gotten in trouble for it, my coworker's *kitten* would have been sitting in COURT testifying he had in fact told the supervisor to do what he had gotten fired for doing. Yet he still stood there arguing with me and snorting and scoffing at me like I was making a big deal about nothing (and what I was suggesting the supervisor do about his problem with his employees was a very very very simple and easy fix).
    My coworker finally said "Julie's right. She always is." which REALLY effing pissed me off. Because the thing is, yes, I AM ***ALWAYS*** RIGHT when I tell him something. That's why I'm telling him -- because he's done something wrong and it needs to be corrected. And rather than have him continue to do things incorrectly, I figure he'll want to do it correctly from that point on.

    He needs to re-retire. Seriously. I spend about 75% of my time at work correcting his mistakes and I'm not even effing kidding. My job would be so much easier if he weren't here and I could just do both of our jobs myself.

    It's one thing to work with someone who makes mistakes but then learns from those mistakes (Hey, I do make mistakes!). But it's quite another thing altogether to work with someone who emphatically makes the same mistakes and gives out the same misinformation over and over and over and over and over again despite all your efforts to kindly teach him the facts and the correct way to do things. And, the thing is, this jerk is 40 years older than me which I'm sure is one of the reasons he obviously has such a huge problem with me knowing more about his job than he does (since he's worked for state government for about 35 years and has worked at this agency twice as long as I have).

    Holy crap that was a long vent but I don't have anyone else to vent to. I know hubby gets tired of listening to me complain about this guy. He keeps telling me to approach my supervisor about him but I don't know how comfortable I am doing that. I know she sees his mistakes. I heard her just yesterday exhaustedly tell him he was giving an employee bad information. :ohwell:

    The thing is, he's the only employee in our department who is leftover from the last Benefits Manager. So, my supervisor didn't hire him. She hired me, and another guy (who is 2 years younger than me and is AWESOME). So, the guy I'm complaining about is kind of like... a different caliber (to put it nicely). He's the kind of person who does very well working in state government. My supervisor, me, and my other coworkers aren't standard government worker material (I've worked at another agency and there always seem to be this tug of war between younger well educated people & people with private industry experience vs. old state workers...). She tells me & the younger guy we're "way above the curve" pretty much all the time. I don't have a single problem with any other coworker. Just this guy. So... that's why I don't think the situation is so much my fault... :indifferent:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    meokk! I just realized I never responded to you about c25k... wow. My brain is suffering this week.

    Most of my free time is Monday through Friday morning/daytime. Maybe if we set weekly goals together, then we can do it whenever we each have free. How does that sound?

    I know I need to do SOMETHING... last night at rugby, there was a girl who I wasn't able to catch a couple times and I totally should have been able to. Time to get geared up! The season is just around the corner. Adam and I were talking about playing last night. I love talking to him about rugby. He has such a passion for the game... it makes me want to play that much more! I'm normally a pretty decent tackler... but he wants to work with me this summer to really get my hitting down. Quite excited :) I feel like I've already learned a lot from him. Last fall, I think had been one of my best seasons yet. And I owe a lot of it to him cheering me on from the sidelines.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    OK sorry for 3 posts in a row but I have to share that I bought a dress !!!!!
    It's not the wedding dress but the one for the rehearsal dinner and I love it :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I had quite a lovely experience, I tried on the "L" and it was too big !!!!!!! I actually ended up with the "S" but I'm nowhere near an S really it's just the dress was a silky, baggy cut with a belt and less of the baggy material looked better on me. Still it's the only item of clothing in my closet with an "s" on the tag :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I wasn't even expecting to find a dress today but I just saw it and it called my name. I went in for different spanx to wear when trying on real dresses next week, ewww I hate trying those sausage casings on :noway: :grumble: :noway: :grumble:

    That is so great that you found a dress! And a "S"!? WOW! I don't think I've ever seen that letter. Nothin below the "L" :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Nancy – I am not having a good eating day today. I had my upper GI this morning and I have been hungry for all of the wrong things. The day before weigh in day, dang it! But as for yours yesterday it is over with and you are moving on. Today is a wonderful day to be on track. Now I will have to find something light and small for dinner tonight.

    Deb – Tell Serena Happy Birthday for me! I am sure you can do good a Fudrucker’s. Much better than I probably would. I have a hard time saying no to French fries.

    Cris – Yea on no lieing ticker!! And WTG on doing w9d1 you are doing awesome! You are doing great on meeting your goals. Look at you go!

    fluffylove & mollybslimmer – Welcome!

    Teresa – So glad that you are starting to feeling better and that you appetite is back!! I want to start c25k too!! Maybe we can start a little group of us in here. So far Meokk, Teresa, and April in….who else?

    Heather – I am so proud of you on the frozen yogurt! Portion control!!! In my opinion I would rather have a PT that had a weight problem at some point and really understood that. I do think that you should do it if you truly want to. Note- I feel the same way about all of you ladies!!

    Jess – So glad that Mike apologized for the other night. WTG on doing all of your exercise and the 213!!

    Meokk – I won’t have time to do it except for Th-Sun either so that sounds like that is a good thing. I only have an elliptical but I don’t know how I am suppose to know how fast I am going or does that matter? Jess or Cris what do you do? Congrats on finding a dress even though it isn’t the one yet and it was a S!!! Are we going to get some pics?

    Julie – Great on those pants! I can’t wait to be in that size again. But then again I would be excited to fit into 20s again. I completely understand your venting. Vent away. That is how I feel with some of the ladies that I work with at the state. Out of 55 people only 4 of us are 30 or younger. So there is at least 15-20 years different between us and the next people. So on that note they do the same thing to me because I am younger and sometimes know more than they do. Some of them don’t like me because I am in a higher position than they are and they have been there longer. ARGH!!!! I will say at least your boss recognizes that he is doing wrong and not just over looking it like mine does.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Wow that was some vent! Hope you feel better. That would be really frustrating for me too. Kudos on not ripping his head off. Maybe since your supervisor sees it as well something will be done, sooner then later!

    Cris-I've been climbing up and down a ladder and ontop of counters all day decorating for a promition were doing. Man do my legs hurt! This run is going to kill me tomorrow. But I'm glad I got a push to force myself to do it!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    So this morning I had my Upper GI done and was so glad that the Dr said that everything looked great! I do not normally get good results when I get procedures done so it was great news! So I have not been eating very healthy today at all. And of course I am going to pay for it. I need to stop letting myself give in on the days that are abnormal. This is not an option!! The thing that gets me is that I am not allowed to exercise today because of it. So I am not able to work off my bad choices.

    So I am getting the c25k app and hope that I stick too it. I really, really HATE running but I want to get rid of this weight and Jess, Julie and Cris have had great success. So Meokk and Teresa when do we start?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So this morning I had my Upper GI done and was so glad that the Dr said that everything looked great! I do not normally get good results when I get procedures done so it was great news! So I have not been eating very healthy today at all. And of course I am going to pay for it. I need to stop letting myself give in on the days that are abnormal. This is not an option!! The thing that gets me is that I am not allowed to exercise today because of it. So I am not able to work off my bad choices.

    So I am getting the c25k app and hope that I stick too it. I really, really HATE running but I want to get rid of this weight and Jess, Julie and Cris have had great success. So Meokk and Teresa when do we start?

    I hated running when I started too. It became theraputic for me. I enjoy it as long as it's not a long run. I like the intervals more. I like boosting my heart rate up, getting my heart rate back and then blowing it up again. Maybe I'm weird! I was in the 230's when I started, I think!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Tstout: love your comment looking for the smaller you

    Heather: I love that comment that thre first few bites of something is the best. I also read Bethenny Frankel’s book and it is one of her 10 Rules. “Taste everything , eat nothing” or as the Italians say “ eat little , but eat well” the best way to eat is to eat little bits of REALLY good food. After the third bite, the food is not as tasty as the first two bites, right.

    Jess: glad you boyfriend understood where you’re coming from..he sounds like a great guy.

    Blue: wondering how you’re doing today?

    Litdeb: happy 7th birthday Serena, and enjoy yourself at the restaurant.

    Meokk: Mine are approximately the same size, however, mine are homemade and I add sesame seeds. So mine are approximately ( for 1 falafel) 60 calories for and 3 grams of fat.

    Julie: you know you can make falafel ahead of time. Once you soak/wash the chickpea, food process chickpeas, onion, garlic, cilantro, and parsley. you can pack in ziploc bags and freeze. Take a bag out and let defrost. When it’s completely defrosted add spices: cumin, coriander, salt, pepper, sesame seeds, and baking powder. Mix and fry or bake.. But you freezer is probably packed with all that ice cream you’ve been buying..LOL

    Julie: I bet you can’t beat this deal! I had a coupon for MODELLS. 5 dollars off anything 5 dollars or more…and well they had yoga pants for 5 dollars in the clearance rack..so I got them free..well 2 pairs free..had 2 coupons. Then I went to Kohls and I had a 10dollar my brother in-law gave me plus my 30% discount on top of the 70 percent clearance rack…and well I saved 120 dollars. I bought a bag pack (Adidas) originally 75 dollars, got it for 15 dollars. Bought a pair of levi pants for my son ( 4 y/o) for 6 dollars a NIKE short set for 8 dollars and a pair of CANDIE jeans for my daughter for 6 dollars…so I love bargains too…way to go on your Kmart shopping :)

    Heather: I think you will make a great personal trainer..pursue what makes you happy, I say. And I think of you gals the same way..you all are more than friends, more like sistas.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Raider - Glad to hear you got the good word from the doctor!
    Julie - Ugh. Totally feel your vent. Another reason I love this group - we can let it all out.
    Blue - Forget about yesterday. Yesterday is in the past. Log it if you haven't and move on.
    Jess/Cris - So proud of you all for being so close to graduation!!
    Meokk - Hooray for a S dress!!!
    Heather - I love the personal trainer goal!! I totally agree that when you see people who have lost weight and are now in the position to help others, it's so inspiring.

    OK, gotta focus up and get something accomplished for the next hour - then it's off to yoga!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    As I was hitting send on my last reply, I realize you ladies are better friends to me than some of my "real life" friends. I so wish you gals lived closer!

    I feel the same way! haha..is that weird? I feel that some of us are going to meet up eventually as we cross paths. It's bound to happen.

    lstpaul-Have a safe trip!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK sorry for 3 posts in a row but I have to share that I bought a dress !!!!!
    It's not the wedding dress but the one for the rehearsal dinner and I love it :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I had quite a lovely experience, I tried on the "L" and it was too big !!!!!!! I actually ended up with the "S" but I'm nowhere near an S really it's just the dress was a silky, baggy cut with a belt and less of the baggy material looked better on me. Still it's the only item of clothing in my closet with an "s" on the tag :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I wasn't even expecting to find a dress today but I just saw it and it called my name. I went in for different spanx to wear when trying on real dresses next week, ewww I hate trying those sausage casings on :noway: :grumble: :noway: :grumble:

    That is so great that you found a dress! And a "S"!? WOW! I don't think I've ever seen that letter. Nothin below the "L" :laugh:

    An S? Congrats! Great job!
    An L? I am still trying to get into "one size fits MOST"! :laugh:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    As I was hitting send on my last reply, I realize you ladies are better friends to me than some of my "real life" friends. I so wish you gals lived closer!

    I feel the same way! haha..is that weird? I feel that some of us are going to meet up eventually as we cross paths. It's bound to happen.

    lstpaul-Have a safe trip!!

    Agreed! Without Adam and my family, I mostly have just a bunch of acquaintances and a few closer friends.

    Meokk and April! How's next week sound?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    As I turn 47 in a few days, I must say you are all my darling little children! And actually I think I could be all of your mothers. I don't think there is another 40-something in the sisterhood, is there? LOL

    I am MUCH better today, thanks. I have had very few "rotten" days since I started losing weight, so when I have one it throws me for a loop. I think I had heat exhaustion. All better! Girls, the story is entirely too long but it includes my diabetic cat getting sick, no sleep, no breakfast, overheating, throwing up, dizzily driving into my neighbor's trash can and tearing off my side view mirror, nearly passing out at the dealership, being fed peanuts and water (and for her next trick, the elephant will step one foot on a stool and raise her trunk :wink: ), charging on my credit card that I am so desperately trying to free myself from, having a headache the size of Texas, and taking a nap. The good news is I am still alive and having a wonderful day to make up for it! :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I just installed my app a d I'm going to buy running shoes tomorrow so I can either start this weekend or next Friday.
    What works best for you ladies?
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Raider - I hate those tests I dont know how you are even eating at all after that. I am sure you will do well at dinner and be under, but if not, its ok, just one day and you will do better tomorrow I am sure.

    Lildeb: Happy birthday to Serena!! I love Fuddruckers and I avoid it because I cant stay away from the pump cheese!!! Gosh how I want some now!!

    Julie - I'm am sending some good vibes your way on the coworker thing. I thought it was tough to work with a large group of women, but sometimes dealing with men can be way worse!

    Blue _ sorry to hear about your bad day yesterday. I really hope it gets better today.

    Meokk - Yay yay yay on the S!!! I also am still trying to get out of the specialty stores! or even the specialty Plus size section!

    Heather -I think you would make a great PT, you have personal experience to draw from and I know I tend to listen to someone more if I know they came from the same place I am at. I say do what makes you happy and if that is it, then go for it!!!

    I don't think I checked in for yesterday... oops!

    Cals -- over 200 (started TOM and wanted to EAT EVERYTHING!!!)
    Water- 96 oz
    Exercise - yep!
    Proud: that I didnt EAT EVERYTHING!!!!

    So I have also been having a rough day today. Nothing major happened, just moody and emotional (see above reason TOM) I am not used to having this. I had an endometrial ablation done in March of 08' and stopped having one soon after. Well when I let my weight balloon up to 331, I guess that really messed me up so now I got the dreaded flow back! One good thing is that it appears to be WAY more regular than ever in my life!!! Hopefully wont last two or three months like it used to before surgery!

    Nothing else unusual is happening with me, Im kinda boring huh?? :smile: