Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Lildeb - great job this week with your loss and during a birthday week with cupcakes and all....I'm impressed.

    Cris - whoa - an earthquake on the east coast is goofy...did you feel it??
    I don't know what to tell you about eating more cals. You know your body best. I just want you to be healthy :heart: :heart: :heart:
    If you were me you'd eat CHOCOLATE !!!!!!! but that's not really good advice now is it. :tongue:

    Before the gym I didnt want to eat too much so I had a cereal bar and toast with cheese (one of my obsessions, love it!)

    Ate chicken parm for dinner again and then I even treated myself to some ice cream

    By then it was 10pm and I wasnt staying up to eat lol....I do know what u are saying though...I love it that you care :flowerforyou: :love:

    I might go buy some dove milk chocolate this weekend just for you hehe I loooove Dove

    edited to say- and no I did not feel the earthquake but I thought it was weird as well....it was all over the radio and news this morning WEIRD!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Congrats to those who are showing a loss this week! I was still at 192.8 this morning, but I'm blaming it on TOM because I know I've done everything right this week with the eating and exercising. I think I will get to join in on recording an actual loss next Friday. For now, I am changing my ticker (good or bad) at every weigh-in because I want to be able to track my food diary in relation to the actual gains and losses. I analyzed my food diary from when I was losing fairly consistently and saw that I was inadvertently zig-zagging calories, so I think I need to try doing that again. The weeks I was losing, my calories ranged anywhere from 1200-1650 every day with one 2000+ calorie meal a week. Maybe I can recapture that to lose the last 30-40 lbs.

    Secondly, thanks for all of your support regarding my personal trainer question. I have the pamphlets and information from various schools and programs. My biggest problem is FEAR when it comes to changing jobs. Following a change of career would be scary but would ultimately be worth it, I think. It took me several years to finally decide to get my riding instructor certification but now that I have it, I'm so glad I did it and it wasn't nearly as stressful as I thought it would be. Thanks again!

    Jess: If you love cooking, you should definitely look into becoming a chef. Hopefully you don't have the fear of big changes that I do! Besides, if you become a chef and I became a trainer, we can be the newest version of the Jillian Michaels/Curtis Stone team from Biggest Loser! Heck yeah!

    Meokk: Congrats on the size S dress, even if it was a fluke. Flaunt it!

    Julie: Sorry you have an annoying co-worker. My front office co-worker and I were venting about others in our company lately because they just don't seem to understand anything some days. So frustrating! As someone in HR, I know how stressful it can be when someone wants to do something illegal!!

    Pos_Me: Nice job on the bargain shopping for clothes. I need to start using coupons more but I tend to clip them out and then forget them when I go to the store or when I go to use them, they've already expired. I do love a sale on workout clothes more than anything right now, though!

    Deb: Awesome job being under 500 calories for a Fudrucker's meal! That's amazing. I'm glad you brought your own salad dressing to keep the calorie counts in check. Have a great time at Serena's party; I'm sure she'll have a blast even if it is a smaller party...afterall, if there are fewer people it just means she gets to eat more of the cupcakes. Way to go on the 55 lbs. lost, too. You're on fire and I'm so proud of you!

    Wow, I never knew that kiwi burning the mouth is a sign of latex allergies. I'm guessing it must not be the same thing with pineapple because I don't have a latex allergy. Good stuff to know, though!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 298
    Sodium: over by 134
    Water: 79.6 oz.
    Exercise: Walking (leisurely) at volunteer work.
    Proud: I've met my daily water goal of 64 oz. each day for almost two weeks now! Yay for shiny, glowing skin!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Are you anywhere near Germantown, MD?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I have to los 1.5lbs per week for the next two weeks to make it to my end of July goal. It sounds totally doable with hard work and sticking to the plan....except that I am going on vacation Thursday!!! :sad: :sad:

    Of course I will try to be good and Im sure being on my feet and walking around the parks all day is a GOOD thing, but we are staying at a motel, meaning we will be eating out for 3 meals a day! Breakfast I plan on maybe taking some slim fast and some cereal bars but lunch and dinner will be eaten at the park...ugh
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Ohhh I have to share this.....
    I finally tried one of those Skinny Cow products you guys are always talking about and OMG was it good.
    It was a chocolate cone with chocolate sauce on top, same size as those other ice cream cones but only 150 calories.
    I will be eating more of those for sure
    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have changed my ticket one again...I really think i liked seeing a shorter goal , so I think i changed to only add 25 lbs at a time, so now it is set for 75 then when i get there , i will bump it to 100....I like to see my little frog jumping :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    eook- thanks for the concern! I really have a hard time losing anything if I dont stay around 1200 calories, and really I have to force myself to get to that point because normally I am stuffed after about 1000 calories. I know people dont believe that but whatever. I can eat junk food and go way over 3000 but if I eat healthy stuff I just feel a lot full sooner. My last burn out was more excercise related than food related, I was doing 600+ workouts 5-6 times a week. I am down to 3-4 times a week and have been trying not to aim for 600...just do my 45 mins and Im outta there. Monday I did a 300 cal burn because I really just was sore and couldnt do high intensity. I dont know what to do...I think your concern is valid but I dont think I am over doing the excercise since I cut back to 3-4 times a week and Im feeling satisfied at this calorie range...suggestions??

    My suggestion is that higher calorie doesn't mean unhealthy. Avocado, coconut milk, and nuts are super healthy foods but they're all very high calorie. :smile: So, my suggestion is to work a few more foods like that into your diet in small amounts. Olive oil is good for you, too. Roast some veggies or potatoes in it -- yum! Many studies suggest 2% milk is better for you than skim (and whole may be even better but I just can't bare the thought, lol). That includes 2% yogurt, 2% or full fat cheese, etc.

    I think you're doing a fantastic job and you've found what works for you and that's a good thing. But I do worry about long term for myself and for all of you and that includes keeping our metabolisms healthy. :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris - whoa - an earthquake on the east coast is goofy...did you feel it??

    We have 'em all the time in SC! Just little ones though. We can feel them occasionally in Columbia. I think I remember feeling/hearing one twice since I've lived here (8 years). Very small and I don't ever realize what it is until later when I hear that it was an earthquake. But there have been several that I didn't have a clue were happening. The last really big one was over 100 years ago.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I have faith that you can lose weight while on vacation. The biggest piece is going to be staying away from the high sodium foods. You definitely know what you should be eating, so make sure you stick to it. Lean meats, no creamy sauces, stay away from fried foods as much as possible, etc. You can do it!! Let's get under this 190 mark together!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I can do the nuts, avocado...not a fan! Olive oil on roasted potatoes sounds yummy and I havent had that in awhile...maybe this weekend! Yummm

    My cheese ( I have a cheese problem and eat it daily) is 2% milk....I might try drinking a glass of milk...we usually only have whole in the house for the baby but I think its time to switch him to 2% anyways!

    Thanks for the tips!

    Yea I have no idea where my metabolism is at....I cant really read it because I have had so many cheat meals and days that nothing has been consistent for too long for me to really put a gauge on it. Im hoping once summer is gone and my schedule is back to normal that I can figure it out a little better. I hope I can at least!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Apparently I missed the original post that covered the kiwi/latex correlation.

    But I don't have a latex allergy either and kiwi does burn my mouth. I do have somewhat sensitive skin though and I've found one fabric softener makes me break out in hives and whatever the electric blanket I bought last winter was treated/washed in gave me hives as well.
    My mother has extremely sensitive skin. She's allergic to COLD and pretty much every fragrance ever but surprisingly enough not to latex.

    jess -- try a heating pad on your legs. I know you mentioned more protein after working out to try to prevent the soreness and I read an article a few weeks ago that specifically studied women and results showed women who consumed more protein after hard exercise actually experienced MORE soreness (opposite from men). It's just one study and of course the results would need to be repeated several times before any real proof existed but I just thought it was interesting & wanted to share. One study isn't going to sway me one way or another. The point is, exercise scientists haven't ever really studied women and it turns out we may actually be different from men. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Apparently I missed the original post that covered the kiwi/latex correlation.

    But I don't have a latex allergy either and kiwi does burn my mouth. I do have somewhat sensitive skin though and I've found one fabric softener makes me break out in hives and whatever the electric blanket I bought last winter was treated/washed in gave me hives as well.
    My mother has extremely sensitive skin. She's allergic to COLD and pretty much every fragrance ever but surprisingly enough not to latex.

    jess -- try a heating pad on your legs. I know you mentioned more protein after working out to try to prevent the soreness and I read an article a few weeks ago that specifically studied women and results showed women who consumed more protein after hard exercise actually experienced MORE soreness (opposite from men). It's just one study and of course the results would need to be repeated several times before any real proof existed but I just thought it was interesting & wanted to share. One study isn't going to sway me one way or another. The point is, exercise scientists haven't ever really studied women and it turns out we may actually be different from men. :laugh:

    Who would of thought we were different from men!? What a concept! :laugh: Thanks for the info!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oooo goood call! I can not wait to get home and put my heating pads on each leg! :laugh: :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    lildebbie........-2.5 = 0.94%
    Pos_me.........0.0 = 0.00%
    Littlespy..........0.0 = 0.00%
    tstout..............-0.6 = 0.26%
    Awestfall........-1.0 = 0.47%
    Jess................-2.6 = 0.00%
    Kerri................-3.0 = 0.99%
    Cris.................-1.0 = 0.51%
    Meokk.............-2.0 = 1.12%
    HeatherMN......0.0 = 0.00%
    Elmox...............-3.0 = 0.00%

    I'm 0.6 away from my lowest weight, so I'm hoping that next week I'll be able to record a loss.

    Had a great yoga class last night - I was sweating like crazy. Then went for a mani/pedi. Fun!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Under w/exercise cals = 1,465
    Water - 96 oz
    Exericse - Last Chance Workout in the am, yoga in the pm = 453 cals burned
    Proud - Double workout day!

    Birthday celebration weekend begins today. Jonathan and I are going to see the Dave Matthews Band tonight at Citifield. Tomorrow we've got friends coming over for a BBQ (BBQ chicken, roasted veggies, pesto pasta salad). Tomorrow night we are seeing DMB AGAIN at Citifield, with 4 other friends. Sunday is our actual birthday (Jonathan and I have the SAME birthday - day and year! I'm 6 hours older), but I'm not sure what we are actually going to do on our birthday.

    I'm planning to do Last Chance Workout again tomorrow morning before the BBQ and may do another 30 min video/on demand program after that depending on how the house looks and when I wake up!

    Cris....yum, cheese.....
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Girls, I finally wake up early and think I'll beat people to the Friday post and lo and behold, THREE PAGES later, I am posting! :laugh: Three pages before 10:30am Central Time? There ought to be a law - similar to no booze before noon! :tongue:

    But seriously, post away. I love it!

    We had some great losses this week! We have a TWODERVILLE celebration, a few lowest-in-forever weights, a Serena-birthday-goal weight, a few oooh-so-close-to-my-lowest weights, plus a few next-week-will-be-it weights. This is fantastic girls!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a LOT to celebrate!!!!!! I am down this week as well. Whew! Although I am not going to make my 100 pounds by my birthday goal (b-day is tomorrow), I sure gave it a GOOD run! I am very proud of the 93 pound gift I gave myself!!! :heart:

    :drinker: A HUGE shout out to Kerri!!!!!!! :drinker:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: CONGRATS ON HITTING TWODERVILLE, KERRI!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    lildebbie........-2.5 = 0.94%
    Pos_me..........0.0 = 0.00%
    Littlespy...........0.0 = 0.00%
    tstout...............-0.6 = 0.26%
    Awestfall........-1.0 = 0.47%
    Jess................-2.6 = 0.00%
    Kerri................-3.0 = 0.99%
    Cris.................-1.0 = 0.51%
    Meokk............-2.0 = 1.12%
    HeatherMN.....0.0 = 0.00%
    Elmox.............-3.0 = 0.00%
    Blueeee.........-3.5 = 0.88%
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: TWODERVILLE, TWODERVILLE, KERRI IS IN TWODERVILLE!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thanks for the heating pad reminder - forgot who mentioned it. My arms are KILLING me from yesterday's 60 lb. weights my S&M PT made me do.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Blue: What else am I supposed to do at work prior to 10:30am central? I start at 7:30 and we all know how dull life would be if we had to do work while at work!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Blue - Congrats on the 93 lbs that is soo awesome...Have a great birthday tomorrow ...

    So no workout at lunch for me today...got to go birthday shopping for the birthday girl, i gave her some presents last night..

    Who would of though 10.00 at claires could get a 7 yr old soo much, i went a few weeks ago to get her a couple pair of earrings, and they had racks of 10 for 10...so of course i had to take it. She got earrings, necklaces, nailplish, a little purse and hair clips !!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Blue: What else am I supposed to do at work prior to 10:30am central? I start at 7:30 and we all know how dull life would be if we had to do work while at work!
