Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    First, I have to say I am more than shocked at what you guys ate for lunch in high school !!!!! I can't believe that they put fast food chains in schools. I thought the high school I transferred to in LA was bad enough as they served loads of unhealthy fried food and pizza but Chick-fil-a is NUTS !!! My high school in England, way back then, had 3 ladies cooking from scratch just like your grandma would and making quiche, salad, shepherds pie & veggies and such the like. They even made the deserts from scratch.
    Hard to believe now but I was very fit and healthy in HS and played loads of sports so I wouldn't touch the food in the LA cafeteria and brown bagged instead. The sad part is that probably every school in England has the junk food now too. :cry: :grumble:

    Blue - sorry about your day, I didn;t realize it was such a bad one, passing out and all. Are you OK today ??:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Posme - do you think that this calorie count is accurate for falafel balls?
    4 falafel balls = 180 cals They were each about the size of a ping pong ball that had been cut in half.

    Tstout - I'm totally up for doing C25K together, I see how much it motivates Jess and Cris so yes, lets plan to do it. !!!:drinker:
    I need to prepare a few things first like I don't own any running shoes......... What is your schedule like each week. I'm generally not able to run M-W but could run Th - Sun and sometimes Wednesday evening but depends when I get home and how dark it is.
    I don't have a gym membership or a treadmill so I'll be running outside and weather will be a factor too but I'm not in a hurry.
    What do you think??
    p.s. love your comment about looking for the smaller you!!

    Heather - that's brilliant, I had an aha moment when I read what you said about the first few bites testing best. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just remembered something that made me LOL.

    So after pos_me said she found clothes for her son for like 25 cents at K-mart I HAD to go :tongue: (I know, I have a problem. It's really kind of sad). I bee-lined for the "clearance" rack and found 2 pairs of pants for work for $12.99 each (hey, not great, but I got 2 pairs of pants for the price of 1 cheap pair of pants). I didn't try them on. I was bold enough to buy 1 size 14 and 1 size 12.

    I tried them on last night, 14s first. They fit. A little roomy even but definitely not too big which meant I was brave enough to then try the 12s. Up buttoned and zipped without a fight. Awesome! Then I walked out of the bathroom to the full length mirror currently sitting in the "hall" (it's not a hallway but I have nothing else to call it other than like "tiny room in the middle of my house that leads to 4 other rooms" and let's face it, "hall" is just easier to say/type). Let me start that again... I walked out of the bathroom to the full length mirror and dh could see me from the bedroom. I thought the pants looked pretty good but when hubs saw me he said "HEY GIRL! OoooOOOooooh!" and I knew immediately they were a bit too tight for work. :laugh: I've learned over the last few months that "HEY GIRL!" is my indicator that the pants are hugging my hips too much (or just enough in dh's opinion). :tongue:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    By the way, I just wanted to tell Cris how proud I am of you. Because I do remember when you had hit rock bottom and didn't think you could ever get passed week 4 I think it was. You didn't think you could ever do the 12 minute run and now you are running for 30 minutes! So proud of you! Way to stick with it! :drinker:

    Awww thank you! You made me tear up!!!! Yea, I was stuck on week 5 I think it was for like over a month. I was physically ready for it (but I didnt know) but I was mentally unprepared for it until you came along and passed me up! My competitive side kicked me in the butt and told me to go do it! I would never ever have been able to do it without a nudge from you! That's why I think its so important to me that we finish this together...I prob would have quit without you so thank you! ok now im crying im a geek!

    You think you can do day 2 tomorrow? or attempt it? I dont think Ill be able to do it after Saturday because if I go to spin class that lady has me sore for like 4 days afterwards, shes a nut! I go on vacation Thursday so maybe Wednesday (Im off work) we can do day 3?

    Let me know if that works for you!

    Love ya girl!:heart::heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-Wow! A size 12!? That's amazing!!

    meokk-Yeah it was quite sad what my HS had in the cafeteria. We had the typical "cafeteria" food too, but of course nobody ate that.

    LilDebbie-I am in awe of you taking a dance class. I would love to do that. Don't have the courage, yet! I'm with Heather. Take your own condiments.

    Heather-I noticed the same thing this morning. They say water really helps the skin and helps hydrate it. My face is almost perfectly clear right now. I'm sure TOM will come and ruine that in a wek or two!

    Just realized I forgot my leftover chili at home. GRR!!! Gotta find a plan for lunch!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    By the way, I just wanted to tell Cris how proud I am of you. Because I do remember when you had hit rock bottom and didn't think you could ever get passed week 4 I think it was. You didn't think you could ever do the 12 minute run and now you are running for 30 minutes! So proud of you! Way to stick with it! :drinker:

    Awww thank you! You made me tear up!!!! Yea, I was stuck on week 5 I think it was for like over a month. I was physically ready for it (but I didnt know) but I was mentally unprepared for it until you came along and passed me up! My competitive side kicked me in the butt and told me to go do it! I would never ever have been able to do it without a nudge from you! That's why I think its so important to me that we finish this together...I prob would have quit without you so thank you! ok now im crying im a geek!

    You think you can do day 2 tomorrow? or attempt it? I dont think Ill be able to do it after Saturday because if I go to spin class that lady has me sore for like 4 days afterwards, shes a nut! I go on vacation Thursday so maybe Wednesday (Im off work) we can do day 3?

    Let me know if that works for you!

    Love ya girl!:heart::heart:

    aww now your gonna make me cry and I'm not a cryer! :laugh: I must make joke to not cry. I'm definitely with you. It's just as much mental as physical. Can't let yourself get into your head. So! I think that sounds like a plan! It will FORCE me to go tomorrow even though I'm gonna be sore. I will go home and do lots of stretching tonight. Let's do it! Day 2 tomorrow and day 3 Wednesday. Then we can PARTY!! I think we deserve a party when we finish!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I was just thinking about my lunch plans and remembered something from Losing It the other night. Did anybody else catch on to the guy asking the Subway people to scoop the inside of the bread out? Does it make that much of a difference?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- no partying for me until I reach that 190 this month! I am so determined to see it I cant mess it up! We can blow whistles and throw confetti...hehe. Ok Im scared now that we have a a set date!! PRESSURE!!!! I have spin tonight so Friday I hope Im ok, the Thursday night lady isnt as tough as the saturday lady.

    Deb- Id bring my own dressing!

    Heather- yea, water does wonders for your skin! Bobby used to always comment on my glow..he hasnt in awhile so I guess he got tired of telling me :tongue:

    School lunch- We had a weird shool with no real cafeteria. We had a bunch of vending machines and microwaves and toaster ovens. I would usually bring in frozen meals or just eat snack from the vending machine with a giant soda. The only thing the "mock" cafeteria sold was cookies, freshly made OMG they were amazing! I bought 3 sugar cookies every day from freshman year to senior year...as a senior we were also allowed to leave for lunch if we drove so we would hit up chik fila BK and McDonalds quite often. I cant believe you guys actually had fast food restuarants in your school! thats so weird!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess- no partying for me until I reach that 190 this month! I am so determined to see it I cant mess it up! We can blow whistles and throw confetti...hehe. Ok Im scared now that we have a a set date!! PRESSURE!!!! I have spin tonight so Friday I hope Im ok, the Thursday night lady isnt as tough as the saturday lady.
    OK no party until you hit 190! It's a deal!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I saw that on losing it with jillian, and believe me i bet it would make a difference. The bread at subway is anywhere from 200-250 calories, so you are saving probably half of that. WHen i go out , i hardly eat the bun stuff comes on, i wrap it in lettuce...liek tonight the buns are like 240 calories...i think a breadstick comes with the salad, i much rather have that :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    wonder if they would look at me like I'm nuts if I ask them to do that. I have never heard of that.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    When I get a sandwich, I usually just remove either the top or the bottom and eat it open face....less chance of crazy looks that way I suppose and the same result.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    When I get a sandwich, I usually just remove either the top or the bottom and eat it open face....less chance of crazy looks that way I suppose and the same result.

    I love this idea!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I also do open faced sandwiches and burgers pretty often. The bun just isn't worth it to me a lot of the time so I take the top off. I'd rather have those empty calories somewhere else (like in popcicle form!).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am so craveing a burger now since Fuddrcukers was mentioned. NO Jessica, no burgers! It helps when I talk to myself!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lol I talk to my self ALOTto get through some of my excercises, especially c25k runs!

    Yesterday I was super pissed off at something Bobby did (which turns out he didnt do at all) but I was so mad that I just kept reciting the situation to myself the whole time and I was so angry and I took it out on the running....so I got a good work out AND he didnt do what I thought he did....lol so overall it was a good night!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    I just wanted to share...

    I heated up some leftover spaghetti for lunch. I spooned out what I normally would eat... stuck it in the microwave. When I went to take a fork to it, I looked at it and thought "oh gosh, that's so much... let's only eat half". And I'm STILL full from the smaller portion I ate.

    Just proves that this IS a lifestyle change and not a diet. :smile:

    Work has actually been busy today (for a change!) I'll catch up with everyone later on. Happy Thursday!
  • ShondaS
    ShondaS Posts: 6
    I felt the same way after my vacation. I drank, but I really did try to watch what I ate. Because of traffic, we walk because cabs didn't want to come into the French Quarter after a certain hour. I also know that I struggle with water retention. I don't even let it get to me anymore...well not that much..lol

    Anyhow, I would not even count that as weight gain. A water pill or natural diaretic will make that go away quickly.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris and Jess: I talk to myself a ton during running workouts, too.

    So last night, I wore the weighted gloves (that came with my kickboxing video) while doing the boxing video and I felt SO strong. I was throwing punches so hard, I almost knocked myself off balance sometimes. I just imagined myself beating up an attacker. That article in Fitness magazine that I posted last week has been in my mind non-stop and I'm really using as a motivator to keep up the kickboxing and boxing workouts. I think I found a passion.

    Lately I've been thinking about what I want to be when I grow up. As you ladies know, my horseback riding instructing is my biggest passion and I'd love to make a living from it someday but I want to find something else I really enjoy that I could do for a job in the meantime. One of the things that crossed my mind is personal trainer/fitness instructor. I know people wouldn't want to pay a chubby girl to tell them how to get in shape now, but once I get to my goal weight I think I'd like to pursue it. Nothing bugs me more than going to a personal trainer and having them tell you how they stay thin easily, they're naturally thin, etc. In thinking about several of the Biggest Loser contestants who now teach fitness classes, I think people are really seeing the value of training with someone who truly knows what they're going through and has gone through it themselves. Any thoughts? I want honest opinions. I don't feel like I can tell any of my friends/family members about this thought yet because I think some of them would tell me to go for it regardless of what they really thought and others would laugh because I'm still chubby.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    As I was hitting send on my last reply, I realize you ladies are better friends to me than some of my "real life" friends. I so wish you gals lived closer!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member

    Realized I didn't check in yesterday.
    Cals - Over. Someone went to a happy hour, drank 3 beers, and decided to order Chinese food. WHOOPS! :blushing:
    Water - 96 oz (just 1/2 c. short of my 100 oz goal!)
    Exercise - Walking for 45 min at 2 mph
    Proud - Water?? I had fun at the happy hour. Jonathan also brought home flowers for no reason last night, which was a lovely treat.

    tstout - LOVED hot yoga. Will definitely continue to do it. Maybe not this summer because there are so many free outdoor classes around the city. I figure I might as well take advantage of the free classes! I went to a place called Yoga To The People, and they only charge $5/class. Totally affordable!

    meokk - Thanks for the restaurant rec! I think I pass one everyday on my walk from the subway to work at 7th Ave and 40th St.