Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cris - WTG on the 194 ..you can do it k now you can ...sorry you are still feeling icky..hope you get some energy today

    was soo excited today...lowest weight yet...yes down to 263.8.. My goal was to be down 55 by Serena's party which is staturdya, that is .8 lbs more...Now not sure if i will as we are taking her out to eat on Thursday for her real bday, so i am sure whatever will be loaded with sodium.

    Thanks about serena...i know everyone doesn't want to hear about her poop...it has been a big deal for a long time ...me and hubby are vowing for her to eat healthier (she doesn't eat that good now), cutting out more of the processed foods (like chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, etc). It is hard with her sometimes but i know if she ate more fruits and veggies her digetstive track would be better. HOpefully the accidnets will subside for a while...especially this weekend for her bday and all.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    litspy - glad you are feeling more like yourself again! Yes, the whole shower at the gym thing is creepy, but it is OK once you get used to it. Just MAKE SURE you wear thongs! OMG the first time I didn't because I was clueless and got the WORST case of athlete's foot! EWW!!!

    It always takes me a few seconds when someone calls them "thongs." :tongue: I mean, I know that's what they're called but NO ONE around here says anything other than "flip-flops." Southerners love onomatopoeias (Woot! I'm even unzombied enough to spell today!).

    I definitely learned my lesson about shoes in community showers from band camp in high school. :indifferent: I even wore them when I lived in a dorm in college even though I only shared my shower with 3 other people. Yicky.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I used the words thong and flip flops pretty interchangeably, but only learned to do so after I was old enough to know about thong underwear. My family refers to thong underwear as "butt floss", so in my household thong only means footwear. Confusing, yes and sometimes it creates the most interesting mental pictures.

    Tes: Welcome to this awesome group!

    Cris: Congrats on the 194. I wouldn't be surprised if you saw a 192 for Friday's weigh-in! Oh, when we were talking about kickboxing before, I forgot to remind you to look into your local community education. Cardio kickboxing classes are offered through my CE for $5 per time and they're drop-in classes, so people can just come as it fits their schedules. Just a thought!

    Deb: For constipation, I find that nuts do the trick for me every time. It doesn't seem to matter what kind and peanut butter usually does it, too. If Serena doesn't have nut allergies, this may work for her if she doesn't like/want kiwi.

    Pos_Me: Speaking of kiwi...I never knew it was good for constipation either. Thanks for the hint! My boyfriend's son sometimes gets constipated so I'll keep it in my "bag of tricks."

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 108 under, even with Chinese food!
    Sodium: Way over
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: 10 minutes walking and 21 minutes running on the trail, followed by 20 minutes Biggest Loser Jump Start and 15 minutes Slim & Limber stretching.
    Proud: That my sister and mom joined in on the exercising! My sister rollerbladed on the trail and walked on the treadmill. Mom walked the dog on the trail and then did the DVDs with me.

    Off to set up the company potluck for today!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- thanks!!! :blushing: :blushing:

    Pos me- I didnt know Kiwi did that, thanks for the tip! When my son gets constipated we have to wrestle to get him to eat prune (baby food), he actually likes kiwi so thats a great tip!!!

    Jess- Im sorry Mike was disrespectful, I dont think you are making a big deal out of nothing, its obviously something thats important to you and he should have been mindful of that

    Julie- lol I was like "thongs?!'' we call them flip flops or sandals...never thongs! I was like huh?! Yea, def wear shoes, I wore them at camp and in college too!

    Heather- thanks for the tip! $5 is not bad at all! Im going to see if they offer that around here! thanks!!!

    I think I have my photographer and DJ picked out- so Im excited! Now its just a matter of booking them!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Yay for finding a DJ and photographer!! Better get it booked! And thanks, I felt like I was overreacting but I made it very clear what time he needed to leave before he came over. He always pulls this on me. GR! LOL

    Heahter-WOW! You got a lot of workout out in!! I'm considering doing a DVD tonight. We will see how the night shakes out though

    I'm so anxious to go home and see how my chili turned out! Ever since tstout mentioned peanut butter protein shake though, I have been craveing it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - WTG on the picking out the dj and photographer

    Thanks for the advise on constipation...I am not sure i can get her to eat a kiwi or nuts...but she likes creamy peanut butter so maybe i will look at it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Speaking of kiwi...
    I LOVE it, but fresh kiwi burns my mouth. It it just my weirdness or does that happen to anyone else? I don't even have to eat much of it -- like I can't eat an entire tiny kiwi in one sitting or my tongue will be super sore. Fresh pineapple, too (though I can eat more of it). Just wondered if I'm weirdly sensitive to it or something or if it's a common thing.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    cake place picked out too! I just chose the least expenisve one, I dont really care about the cake

    out of all the weddings ive been to i have NEVER had cake so I dont know what happens to it, i think its like purely for "cutting the cake" pictures only! stupid!

    I found a local supermarket that makes wedding cakes for relatively cheap but they only use pound cake...not the tastiest but whatever its cheap! They have awesome designs though so it will look pretyt for my pictures, i doubt ill be eating any of it hah! the only problem is that bobby kind of had his heart set on red velvet which they dont make...but really, is he willing to pay an extra $200 for red velvet?! i think not!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    cake place picked out too! I just chose the least expenisve one, I dont really care about the cake

    out of all the weddings ive been to i have NEVER had cake so I dont know what happens to it, i think its like purely for "cutting the cake" pictures only! stupid!

    I found a local supermarket that makes wedding cakes for relatively cheap but they only use pound cake...not the tastiest but whatever its cheap! They have awesome designs though so it will look pretyt for my pictures, i doubt ill be eating any of it hah! the only problem is that bobby kind of had his heart set on red velvet which they dont make...but really, is he willing to pay an extra $200 for red velvet?! i think not!

    Are you going to do the grooms cake or whatever? Could that be red velvet?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I wasnt oing to have a grooms cake but maybe we can have one at the rehersal dinner and have it red velvet....hehe that way his parents can pay for it!

    I know im mean...whatever!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I wasnt oing to have a grooms cake but maybe we can have one at the rehersal dinner and have it red velvet....hehe that way his parents can pay for it!

    I know im mean...whatever!

    HAHA! Nice! I love it! Planning a wedding is stressful. I think if I ever get married, I want to elope. Seeing my sister try and plan hers is just exhausting!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have had the worst craving for ice cream for weeks! UGH! Make it go away!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I agree that Mike needs to be respectful of how important going to the gym is. Do you watch Jillian Michael's Losing It? Last night the woman threatened to leave her husband if he sabotaged her healthy lifestyle, even though she loves him and would rather he got on board and was with her for the rest of her life. I said to the tv, "Way to go, Amy!" Therefore, I personally do not think you're over-reacting. If he wants to see you more, suggest you two get active together by playing tennis, going for a walk/jog or hiking.

    Julie: I get a sore tongue from fresh pineapple too, but I LOVE it. I think it depends on the acidity level because the fresh pineapple I buy here in Minnesota does it, but fresh "Maui Gold" pineapple when I was in Hawaii didn't bug me at all. I think it's because the Maui Gold pineapples are engineered to be lower in acid. I've never eaten fresh kiwi, but I'll have to give it a try and see if it hurts my tongue.

    With all of this talk about a peanut butter protein shake, I may have to have one for dinner. I'm guessing my volunteer work will be canceled tonight because of the terribly hot, humid weather that is expected to bring severe storms tonight. Boo!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im loving skinny cow's 100 calorie chocolate truffle popsicle...yum! I have had one the past 2 nights! Not good but better than going to DQ and having a sundae wuth hot fudge and whipped cream...o now I want hot fudge....yummmmmo!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have had the worst craving for ice cream for weeks! UGH! Make it go away!

    Personally, I can't ignore an ice cream craving until I actually eat some. Work it into your day and have a little; a cone or dish at an ice cream shop so a big tub of it isn't sitting around at home.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris: glad the wedding preparation is falling into place. You might need a long honeymoon after you're all done all of this madness..just saying:laugh: ..remember meditation might be in order soon..:flowerforyou:

    Julie: I am not sure about the mouth soreness, but could you be allergic to the fruit? Or it could be acidity in some fruits like: tomatoes, pineapples, kiwi, oranges, ect that might cause the soreness..

    I forgot whatelse to say....darn memory loss
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Im loving skinny cow's 100 calorie chocolate truffle popsicle...yum! I have had one the past 2 nights! Not good but better than going to DQ and having a sundae wuth hot fudge and whipped cream...o now I want hot fudge....yummmmmo!

    I have been wanting a DQ Blizzard for weeks. I mean seriously! I never crave sweets and it has been terrible! I thought about telling myself if I worked out twice tomorrow I could have one. But IDK if I'm okay with that. Not the night before a weigh in anyways.

    Thanks Cris and Heather for the suggestions. I may have to take one of those instead of going all out on DQ.

    Heahter-I saw that and thought it was AWESOME. I was just like WOW this woman means business. And I don't know if he was trying to sabotage me getting up in the morning (he never really encourages me, not does he give me a push to go which is kind of what I would want in a guy right now) or if he was just being selfish and wanted more time with me. Regardless, it made me a little upset. I haven't really talked to him all day. I expected an apology this morning seeing as how he had a few beers but nope. We shall see how it unravels tonight! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have been wanting a DQ Blizzard for weeks.

    I had one on the way home from the beach a few weeks ago. Double chocolate cookie dough or something like that. OH MY it was so good. I got the small and thought I would die before I finished it. :laugh:

    I'm with the rest, I can't ignore an ice cream craving. I have it embarrassingly often -- close to every day. I can take a bite or 2 now and be satisfied. I actually just open the container, get a spoonful and put the container back in the freezer and then sit down to eat the spoonful. I used to eat entire pints at a time. :embarassed: For real, like in one sitting. I've had a pint of Starbucks Java Chip in my freezer for 2 weeks! It's still half full! (optimist... lol)

    The skinny cow bars are yummy and so are the Breyer's ice cream bars. Those have more chocolate on them so they're 130 but worth it! :tongue: I also like Breyers no sugar added chocolate, vanilla, strawberry ice cream. 80-90 cals per 1/2 cup (the nutrition label recently changed) and LOADED with fiber. :huh:
    Yeah, none of that is good for you. I think it all has fake sugar in it. But... sometimes it's worth it to be bad. :wink:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lilspy: Did I tell you guys that my YMCA locker room is being renovated? and they stuck us girls in the mens old locker room that doesn't have individual shower stalls AT ALL! just one big shower area .... ick, ick, ick :noway: .... but I've been doing it because I won't stop going to step class before work, and I tried driving home and it adds 45 minutes to my morning so that doesn't work. So if I can handle group showering for 2 months, you can handle individual stalls! I always wear my swim robe when I'm not in the shower - others walk around naked but frankly I don't really want them thinking of me naked when they see me in class and visa versa. I ran smack into my step instructor buck naked in the locker room once and it bothered me for weeks whenever she was up front teaching the class! and I definitely vote for the flip flops (I had to think twice about the 'thongs' too) - I never let my feet touch the ground in the locker room (especiallly now that we are in the very stinky old men's locker room:sick: ) ... I put my towel on the ground when it's time to dry off my feet and put on my shoes, otherwise my flip flops are always on my feet.
    p.s. kiwi and pineapple burn my mouth too ... always thought I was just weird

    Cris: sounds like you are going to town on those wedding plans! fun, fun, fun ... we found a friend of the family to make the cake - ALOT less money, and she made both a regular wedding cake and cheesecake because we don't like regular cake

    lildeb: I am a strong proponent of prunes for constipation - it does the trick every time .... I actually like them, but my kids don't care for them all that much but will eat them when they have to because they are uncomfortable. I wonder how much your daughter's constipation problem isn't contributing to her bladder issues ... it seems like they may go hand and hand.

    Congrats Blue ... you are soooo close to 100 pounds! WOW! (p.s. I hope your hair-scapade turns out ok in the end! :frown: )

    Jess: It took my hubby a long time to adjust to my being serious about going to the Y on a regular schedule. I guess I was inconsistent about it for so long that he just didn't believe me when I told him I was going to be getting up EVERY Tuesday and Thursday morning to work out and he would have to get the kids ready for school those days - I bet it was 6 months where he would ask me if I was going to go the next morning and I would say 'yes - just like always'. I think he finally has it down ... but I have to get more consistent with food because sometimes he derails me by wanting to get something high calorie and encourages me to eat ... and he'll say he just doesn't know when I'm 'dieting' or not ... I guess that means I still need to work on it being a lifestyle change not just an on-again off-again diet.

    checking in:
    calories: good, good, good!
    exercise: good
    water: not so good (diet pepsi-ing again this week instead of water I'm afraid)
    proud: that I ate often and fairly small all day and wasn't hungry
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-He doesn't have to exercise and everything and watch what he eats, he's already a smaller guy to begin with. So when he wants to go have mexican all the time I constantly have to say no! Men! Are you feeling any better? How's PT going?

    Anybody heard from colorado girl?