Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Hello All~
    I love reading these posts and would love to join in ~
    thanks .
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I do call her a little turd, but as well in a loving way. She's more okay with that for some reason. She really doesn't like munchkin or anything girly! She's such a tomboy.

    Thanks for all the vitamin tips. I'm going to go out and buy one today I think. Probably either split it up like Julie suggested or just take it at night. I've just been so afraid to start taking them again but I know it's important.

    I forgot my yogurt this morning. So angry with myself. So I had to have one of those Jimmy Dean breakfast crossiants...and all I have for lunch is a Healthy Choice Cafe Steamer...I don't want 2 meals of processed foods in one day! I looked up a salad a quiznos which looks really yummy and low in calories, might go for that. Dang me and my not being prepared self! GRRR!! But the good news is I've already had 64oz of water today! I went into the restroom a few minutes ago and there was a huge roach crawling on the wall, I almost wet my pants. I hate bugs! :mad:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Birthday Ann!!!

    Moreover, thanks for the new thread. Glad you had a wonderful time camping. We missed you!

    I take women’s oneaday multi-vitamin ( I also have to take it with something because I get really sick to the stomach). Plus, vitamin C, D, and B12 (sublingual – under the tongue)..whenever I remember.

    Jess: Why did you think I change my hair? I can’t do much with curly long hair, but put it in a pony tail, bun, and let it out ( but it get frizzy to fast).

    I saw you had posted something about having a bad hair day and I thought you had changed your hair and didn't like it. Read it too quickly! haha!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Happy Birthday Ann!!!

    Moreover, thanks for the new thread. Glad you had a wonderful time camping. We missed you!

    I take women’s oneaday multi-vitamin ( I also have to take it with something because I get really sick to the stomach). Plus, vitamin C, D, and B12 (sublingual – under the tongue)..whenever I remember.

    Jess: Why did you think I change my hair? I can’t do much with curly long hair, but put it in a pony tail, bun, and let it out ( but it get frizzy to fast).

    I saw you had posted something about having a bad hair day and I thought you had changed your hair and didn't like it. Read it too quickly! haha!

    Not sure..I must have been complaning about the heat and the damage it causes my hair:sad: . that's why I put it in a bun most of the summer.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Pos - I am right there with ya...i have very naturally curly hair a majoirty of the time it is in a bun...

    I havent' been taking viatmanins, the lady at gnc (who by the way lost 100 lbs , she had her before picture up there, and very knowledgeable), said when youare working out you realloy need to take the, i figure i haven't but probably need to take something. I am supposed to take vitamin d(i do when i remember), i don't need the folic acid too much anymore (tubes are tied). but i probably need to take them to make sure and get all my vitamins :smile:

    Kids get to the point they don't liek the names you call them :smile: I call serena turtle bear..she says don't call me that do i look like i have th head or a body of a turtle or a bear.

    Of course abby doesn't mind :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes.My girls are in the kitchen now trying to make me a birthday cake from scratch SO CUTE!! I love my family.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Here is the new thread and here is to me getting the 3 pounds of vacation sodium back off.Who knew crab legs ,clams,and shrimp are loaded with sodium.I loved it though and i know i will be ok.I needed the break from always worrying about weight loss and now I feel alot better about getting on track.I walked and walked and sweated while I was gone and I may have gained 3 pounds but I am not letting it bother me.I turned the big 30 today and I feel GREAT!!! I will meet my goals even if it takes me longer than I expected.I am getting a Wii Fit plus game and the board for my birthday today so I am excited about that.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANN!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Awestfall: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :drinker:

    Mollybeslimmer: Welcome!

    Lildebbie: I hope you will get some answers that will help Serena. That sounds stressful.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories: (over - I haven't logged my dinner last night yet but I know it was bad ... I was home alone and that gave me an excuse to make a big old potato with too much butter and cheese :grumble: - bad old habit of mine)
    exercise: not much - short walk across soccer field
    water: not great either

    I'm glad I went to the neurosurgeon appointment - very nice man, he patiently showed me what he was seeing in the MRI and explained why he wants to do more tests to help determine if trying more physical therapy for awhile is a good plan, or if surgery should be recommended sooner. I have 2 herniated discs in my neck that are impinging on a nerve (which I knew from the MRI results) ... but he is also concerned about whether they are also compressing my spinal column and that is why the physical therapy has helped the pain but the tingling has actually gotten worse. I'm not looking forward to the tests - CT, EMG and MYELOGRAM (that one sounds pretty icky - dye injected in the spinal column before x-rays - have to stay for observation for a few hours afterward and need a ride home - no lifting or strenuous activity for 2 days afterwards). But will be good to find out what is going on. I'm waiting to hear back from the scheduler, but she was trying for next week or the week after ... which of course is right when I will be extremely busy at work ... and right before I go on a week's vacation to a cabin. Life just isn't smooth and easy going for very long, is it? :huh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Does anybody take any vitamins or anything daily? I was told I need to be taking a womens daily supplement or something? I take omega, when I remember.

    I take a prenatal vitamin but before that I was taking a women's daily supplement and calcium with Vitamin D. I of course was suppose to be taking Omega 3 too but I couldn't remember but now I am on a prescription dose of Omega 3. So if you need the Omega take it so that you don't have to have the prescription!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess -- I try to remember to take a women's multivitamin. I think the "women's" part is mainly just extra calcium, iron, and folic acid. :wink:
    But I don't really think I NEED to take it. Most of it probably just gets peed away. So, honestly, I take the one with folic acid in it because I'm afraid I'll accidentally get pregnant. :blushing: Adequate amounts of folic acid are absolutely essential in early pregnancy for healthy baby growin'. DH has an old friend who's gf got pregnant and didn't know and their child was born with spina bifida. If she had been taking a folic acid supplement during the early parts of her pregnancy (when she didn't know she was pregnant), the baby would have likely been fine. "Research has shown that if all women who could possibly become pregnant were to take a multivitamin with folic acid, the risk of neural tube defects like Spina Bifida could be reduced by up to 70%." http://www.spinabifidaassociation.org/site/c.liKWL7PLLrF/b.2700277/k.2112/Folic_Acid.htm

    I feel like one of those old "The more you know" commercials. :tongue:

    Edit: If you feel sick, try taking it with a full meal. You can also split it in half and take one half with breakfast and one half with dinner. That's probably better in terms of absorption anyway but I'd never remember twice a day.

    I have heard the same thing about the folic acid. My OB/GYN told me that once we started thinking about getting pregnant that I needed to start taking prenatal vitamins. So I have been taking them for 6 months so when I do get pregnant I should have lots of goodness. :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: Happy Birthday!!

    Jess: I used to take Women's One A Days, but got really sick from them and if I ate before taking them or with them, I'd even throw up immediately afterward. After researching online, I found this is really common. So, I switched over to children's Flintstone chewables and take two a day instead of one. I also take a few TUMs twice daily for extra calcium. When I remember, I also take DHA, which is a plant-based Omega recommended by Dr. Oz because sometimes the fish oil ones can give you "fishy burps." Eww. Oh, and if you're tracking your sodium, you may want to stay away from the Jimmy Dean breakfasts because they have over 1/2 a day's worth of sodium (over 1,000 mg) in one sandwich.

    Interesting factoid for today: Military studies of soldiers in Afghanistan have shown that low-fat milk is the best cure for dehydration.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Yea this one had 870, ugh, kill me! It pretty much ruined my sodium for the day. So I'm trying to keep it as low as possible for lunch and dinner! I'm making pasta with squash for dinner so I think I'll be okay for dinner, lunch is what I'm worried about. I'll have to look into the flinestone vitamins if the multivitamin doesn't sit well with me. Thanks for the information!

    Lstpaul-Wow! So glad you ended up going to your appointment. I would hate for you to have to have surgery. Sending you positive vibes!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Weather is looking a little shaky here in NYC (lots of storm rumbles), so I'm guessing that outdoor Pilates is out. However, I found a hot yoga class that I'm going to try tonight. I know I'll sweat buckets, so I'm going to up my water intake today. I'm super excited about the class and ready to challenge myself!! It's such a cool feeling to be so excited about exercise!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I seem to be doing awful with protein today! UGH! I need something that's high in protein but low in sodium. Sodium is kicking my butt today! I went to Walmart and bought one of their market fresh salads. I figured most of the sodium is in the dressing so I used not even half of it.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Istpaul - Super glad that you went to the doctor's appt. Even though it is not the greatest of news it is still good to know what is going on and if there are ways to improve it. I sure hope that they find something that works for you soon.

    Jess - Great Job on going to Walmart and getting a salad instead of eating your frozen dinner to help you stay in control of the sodium.

    Well, I was bad for lunch and didn't stick to my meal plan but I went and had something that was about the same in calories maybe a little more but not terribly bad. But it was really high in sodium. I am now on the watch for sodium but hopefully I will be able to watch it. I know that this sounds bad for me and sodium but does anyone know of something quick to pick up on the way home from work for dinner? I don't have time to go to the grocery store and get everything done that I need to. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Istpaul - Super glad that you went to the doctor's appt. Even though it is not the greatest of news it is still good to know what is going on and if there are ways to improve it. I sure hope that they find something that works for you soon.

    Jess - Great Job on going to Walmart and getting a salad instead of eating your frozen dinner to help you stay in control of the sodium.

    Well, I was bad for lunch and didn't stick to my meal plan but I went and had something that was about the same in calories maybe a little more but not terribly bad. But it was really high in sodium. I am now on the watch for sodium but hopefully I will be able to watch it. I know that this sounds bad for me and sodium but does anyone know of something quick to pick up on the way home from work for dinner? I don't have time to go to the grocery store and get everything done that I need to. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    It's a bit quiet in here today. Where is everyone?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm here, I'm here!! How's it going up there?!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I'm here too! just quietly lurking.

    I too am bad on the sodium. I had over 5k in sodium yesterday so I feel a little bloated today! ugh!

    Wish I could help with the dinner suggestions, but I am so lucky cuz my mom cooks for me and the kids since hubby works out of town! I don't know what we are having but she is doing the healthy lifestyle with me. I am so spoiled!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: H_A_P_P_Y__B_I_R_T_H_D_A_Y__A_N_N!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ... and many more ...

    Peeps, *I* am the one with the bad hair day, life! :sad:
    Kerri = cute red :happy:
    Blue = giving Ronald McDonald a run for his money :noway:

    El - your birthday is a day after mine! Yay!!! I love that we have so many July birthdays!!!!! My dad's birthday is today, too! 85!