Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    And now for weigh in...

    I'm down a few pounds from last week at 195.6. I'm *SO* happy to see a 195 again. I'm really encouraged by this because 1. I ate too much sodium yesterday. My rings are my gauge now and they are super tight this morning. 2. TMI 3. TOM is imminent 4. I'm only 0.2 pounds above my lowest weigh-in weight and only 0.6 pounds above my lowest weight ever.
    I'm so going to be able to record a loss next week! FINALLY.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    And now for weigh in...

    I'm down a few pounds from last week at 195.6. I'm *SO* happy to see a 195 again. I'm really encouraged by this because 1. I ate too much sodium yesterday. My rings are my gauge now and they are super tight this morning. 2. TMI 3. TOM is imminent 4. I'm only 0.2 pounds above my lowest weigh-in weight and only 0.6 pounds above my lowest weight ever.
    I'm so going to be able to record a loss next week! FINALLY.


    WTG Julie - YOu will get a loss next week ....smashing through that 195 ...YOu goo!!!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member

    I'll take it... given the 4.5 loss last week haha. Although, I am SURE there is about 2 pounds of snot in my head right now. So hopefully whenever I shake whatever this is I can cut out a few more pounds.

    Yesterday, I went from being geared up to go for a run to nausea and feeling terrible pretty quickly. We went down the street to the pub and I had a burger, a few french fries and one beer. Not too bad! I still ended up under my daily goal.

    April and Meokk - let's shoot for next week!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    1 pound lost for me since the Friday before my vacation

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Still not back to my lowest so I'm going to show a 0% but only 2.2 pounds away! WOOHOO!!! I'll take the 2.6 pounds lost. Haven't seen that in a few weeks! Actually showing up .2 from yesterday. I'm sore as crap and pretty sure my muscles are holding onto some water. Needless to say Cris, there is no way I can run today. What is plan "B'"? If you go tonight I can try and go this weekend and do day 3 on Wednesday.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning all!!

    Yeah lildeb! So happy for you! 195, cant wait til I get there!

    I do not know how to do the percentage thing. I lost 3 lbs this week. Down to 298 from 301 last week right. Woo hoo! Soon as TOM is gone and some of the water is gone, I am hoping it will go down.

    Talk more later ladies!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Kerri- Congrats on being out of the 300s!

    Jess- there is no way in hell I can run tonight, my legs are screaming at me! Im sorry I dont want to hold you back!

    Meook- thanks for the concern! I really have a hard time losing anything if I dont stay around 1200 calories, and really I have to force myself to get to that point because normally I am stuffed after about 1000 calories. I know people dont believe that but whatever. I can eat junk food and go way over 3000 but if I eat healthy stuff I just feel a lot full sooner. My last burn out was more excercise related than food related, I was doing 600+ workouts 5-6 times a week. I am down to 3-4 times a week and have been trying not to aim for 600...just do my 45 mins and Im outta there. Monday I did a 300 cal burn because I really just was sore and couldnt do high intensity. I dont know what to do...I think your concern is valid but I dont think I am over doing the excercise since I cut back to 3-4 times a week and Im feeling satisfied at this calorie range...suggestions??

    So I am 193 today! My lowest weight in probably 3 years!!!! Somehow Im having trouble fitting into my old stuff though which I totally wore at this weight... I dont get it:explode: :grumble: Between my c25k run Wed night and spin class last night my legs are sore sore sore...I am taking today off and might even skip Saturday's spin class depending on what my body is telling me to do. I had trouble getting out of bed, thats how sore I am

    On totally unrelated news....I hear that we had a earthquake in Maryland this morning...WTH?! :noway:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess- there is no way in hell I can run tonight, my legs are screaming at me! Im sorry I dont want to hold you back!

    So I am 193 today! My lowest weight in probably 3 years!!!! Somehow Im having trouble fitting into my old stuff though which I totally wore at this weight... I dont get it:explode: :grumble: Between my c25k run Wed night and spin class last night my legs are sore sore sore...I am taking today off and might even skip Saturday's spin class depending on what my body is telling me to do. I had trouble getting out of bed, thats how sore I am

    On totally unrelated news....I hear that we had a earthquake in Maryland this morning...WTH?! :noway:

    You aren't holding me back! Trust me. My legs are screaming at me too. It's all the squats and lunges yesterday. UGH! So I'm taking today as a rest day today as well, we will see how I feel tomorrow. We're finishing this together! No if's and's or butt's about it! I really don't see me hitting the gym tomrorow unless it's for some LIGHT cardio! As far as the clothes not fitting, it's probably because you are carrying your weight differently. Or you are comfortable wearing them as tight as you used to to wear them. If that makes any sense. I wear clothes now that I wore 20 pounds again and am just like "What was I thinking!?". But most likely it's you carrying your weight different. They will fit soon!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I did the biggest loser game for my Wii yesterday and boy was it tough.I had Jillian as a trainer and I did a challenge .I was sweating profusely after only 10 minutes of the challenge but I managed to get first place.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I think it does have a little bit to do with both. When I was 190 before my stomach was a lot flatter...I guess the little pouch I have now is a little gift from being pregnant! I also am not as comfortable wearing my outfits as snuggly as before...I dont think I look bad when I wore it before, its more like I have lost some of my self confidence and am not mentally ready to show my curves off like I used to be

    If I go to the gym tomorrow at all I want to do my spin class, I love that class! But at the same time I dont want to be sore for a week cause I over did it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning all!!

    Yeah lildeb! So happy for you! 195, cant wait til I get there!

    I do not know how to do the percentage thing. I lost 3 lbs this week. Down to 298 from 301 last week right. Woo hoo! Soon as TOM is gone and some of the water is gone, I am hoping it will go down.

    Talk more later ladies!!!

    I wish i could take that credit..but that was julie...I am far far far away from 195 :smile:

    Congrats on being under 300..I know the feeling ( i started at 318), when I got under 300 i was excitred..

    Do do your loos just take 3/ 301 * 100 = so like .99 % or something like that.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I think it does have a little bit to do with both. When I was 190 before my stomach was a lot flatter...I guess the little pouch I have now is a little gift from being pregnant! I also am not as comfortable wearing my outfits as snuggly as before...I dont think I look bad when I wore it before, its more like I have lost some of my self confidence and am not mentally ready to show my curves off like I used to be

    If I go to the gym tomorrow at all I want to do my spin class, I love that class! But at the same time I dont want to be sore for a week cause I over did it!

    I would think they would fit somewhat different after having a kid...don't you "love" the presents from the kiddos...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LilDebbie-Hope Serena had a wonderful birthday! I love those cupcake cakes. mmm...yummy!! Way to go on the Fuddruckers. You are doing so amazing, I am so proud of you! Hope the party goes well tomorrow. You weighed yourself 11 times? Wow!

    fluffylove-Hope you get to feeling better!

    LittleSpy-You will participate in the biggest loser weigh in next week. We all will! I hope to be there too with everybody else!

    Cris-I'm in the same boat. I'm not comfortable wearing things as snug as I use to. It's weird, I always have to ask people if I'm getting to brave with some of the things I wear. Seems I'm more self concious in some ways, then again more confident in others. Gotta love this little journey we are on. And I did not hear about the earthquake this morning. It took me awhile to get going around the apartment and hobble up and down the stairs.

    Anybody know what helps with soreness besides stretching? I been doing that. My legs wont stop screaming at me! Mike and I were supposed to go bowling tonight. I feel like such a moron. :ohwell: I told him there's no way I can throw a bowling ball right now. My arms are sore too. Just not as bad as my legs.

    Edit: I forgot to to y'all! I got an email this morning and my dres for the wedding is here!! 12 weeks my @$$!!! Not even 4 weeks. Oh well. I'm glad to have it early. I can hang it in my bedroom and keep myself in check!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    I'm so excited to be losing properly again now after my lost month of June !!!! If I can lose 1.2 lbs by next Friday I will be officially "OVERWEIGHT" no more obesity !!!!!!!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: Kerri - Congrats on making it to Twoderville - fantastic :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Lildeb - great job this week with your loss and during a birthday week with cupcakes and all....I'm impressed.

    Cris - whoa - an earthquake on the east coast is goofy...did you feel it??
    I don't know what to tell you about eating more cals. You know your body best. I just want you to be healthy :heart: :heart: :heart:
    If you were me you'd eat CHOCOLATE !!!!!!! but that's not really good advice now is it. :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I am bit obsessive...if the dang scale would say the same thing maybe i wouldn't be :smile: no i probably would still be...I was soo excited to be down to 55 lbs loss wanted to make sure it was real

    Meookk - No cupcakes yet :sad: that is for tomorrow ...i know i will have 1 or so..but not go overboard.

    What is soo awesome is as of htis morning me and hubby together have lost 107 lbs...Yes that is more than both of are children..that is almost as much weight as my skinny a&%* sister..Yes she wears like a 2 or something like that...
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Thanks Meokk! It was hard work and I know its going to be more hard work, but I am proud of my accomplishment! I am sooooo happy that I got into a 24 today too! I haven't worn this size in 2+ years.

    Jess: I hear eating protein for sore muscles works. I haven't tried it yet, but maybe it will work, plus lots and lots of water.... as usual!:laugh:

    Sorry lildeb I sure do get confused on here easy. But you did lose weight and that is a great thing!!!! 2.5 lbs woo hoo!!

    fluffylove: Summer colds are the worst! I hope you feel better soon!

    Cris: Congrats on the 195! I am having the opposite thing happen with clothes, I want to wear them a little tighter because I am sooo used to wearing them super baggy to cover up the chub! of course, not too tight, still not quite ready for that:tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks Meokk! It was hard work and I know its going to be more hard work, but I am proud of my accomplishment! I am sooooo happy that I got into a 24 today too! I haven't worn this size in 2+ years.

    Jess: I hear eating protein for sore muscles works. I haven't tried it yet, but maybe it will work, plus lots and lots of water.... as usual!:laugh:

    Sorry lildeb I sure do get confused on here easy. But you did lose weight and that is a great thing!!!! 2.5 lbs woo hoo!!

    fluffylove: Summer colds are the worst! I hope you feel better soon!

    Cris: Congrats on the 195! I am having the opposite thing happen with clothes, I want to wear them a little tighter because I am sooo used to wearing them super baggy to cover up the chub! of course, not too tight, still not quite ready for that:tongue:

    Kerri - WTG On the 24's..I am in 24's now...hoping to get out of them totally by the end of the summer :smile: stupid sizing on stuff, i can wear some 24's comfortobaly, some are a little big and some are freaking tight....
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