

  • CONGRATULATIONS! Great dedication :)
  • Im on week 5 .... and I dont follow the nutrition guide - I eat pretty healthy anyways but do need to up my protein. Maybe I should start using the guide! hahaha
  • I am on my rest day before starting my recovery week. I am halfway done insanity!! I cant believe it. I put in one of the MAX dvds and almost DIED when I saw these new moves. Some of the workouts that I struggle now, are in the WARMUPS! oh my word what I have I gotten myself into! hahah stay tuned....
  • Thank you so much for sharing - you are definitely an inspiration to everyone on here :) Keep up the amazing work! I hope I can share a success story next year.
  • Way to go! This is amazing! Im so happy you're proud of yourself because you should be for sure! I tried reading through all of the posts and I may have missed it, but what workout program did you follow? Or did you make your own?
  • 100% true - my doctor who I see for my recent thyroid diagnosis advised me that the ADA has not set a caloric goal for a patient range based on "height, weight, age" since 1994. The reason behind that is because not everyones internal organs and digestion are the same and that online TDEE calculators cant be 100% accurate…
  • Shakeology is worth the investment - it is expensive however the nutrients you get from it are incredible... and think of it as purchasing your breakfast for the WHOLE MONTH ... rather than getting a coffee here or a bagel there or out to lunch here etc. Beware of the vegan flavors - they have a weird texture! Chocolate is…
  • I agree! I know super super skinny girls are not healthy, but it is DAMN frustrating when I know girls who eat barely anything are so skinny and I am working my butt off and doing everything right and am not losing ANY weight! (yes, I am toning) but lets face it, we all work out to be HEALTHY, but deeeeeep down - WE ALL…
  • Congratulations! You are an inspiration :)
  • I did the Couch to 5K program and it was incredible. The actual C25K app was a little too "busy" looking for me, so I downloaded RUN5K app ... I loved it. I ran my first 5k two weeks ago and it was amazing! I am so proud that I was actually able to complete the program. on 7/7/12 I couldnt even run for a minute without…
  • I am so happy this was on the side of MFP - I just went on a rant last night about how frustrated I am getting because I am not losing actual "weight" ... this is the best thing for me to read right now and that is incredible. Thank you so much for posting this!!! <3
  • I hurt my ankle tooo!!! I ran my first 5k two weeks ago and strained my foot/ankle area so I took a week off but I am back at it... hopefully it wont get worse, only stronger if I keep pushing through
  • Im on week 4 day 3 of insanity :) Ill join this challenge toooo!!! I need the support :)
  • Marcy you are INSANE - I cant wait to see your results from Body Beast!!!
  • Im so happy that youre healthy and turned things around and got HEALTHY, not SKINNY. you're an inspiration!
  • Im new to insanity - I just completed week 1 and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I tried p90x before and wasn't a fan of all of the weight lifting. I tried TurboFire and really liked that but I love insanity more. Not as dancy and jumpy... If anyone wants to friend me, I would love the additional support throughout this to finish the…
  • I take the GNC womens ultra mega active vitapak everyday. It has the following: Clinically studied multivitamin with 2,000 IU of vitamin D-3 Increases energy and calorie burning Fuels fatty acid metabolism with carnitine and CLA Cushions joints with vitamin C, collagen and HA
  • Did you try this?? If so, how did you like it?? My boyfriend gave me his tub of it to try and I am going to this afternoon when I go for my run...
  • Anyone can add me too! You can never have enough support. I recently started the C25k program so I would love to be friends with anyone who can provide any tips to get me to my goals. I now understand the running addiction! :)
  • Im seeing on the GNC website two that seem like they have fairly good reviews. One is the Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite and the other is Cellucor SuperHD - any one taken either of these or both, and liked one over the other?
  • I can definitely relate - I am super impatient when it comes to seeing results, and when I don't see results right away I get discouraged and give up. Not anymore! I found Turbo Fire and combining that with eating healthy is giving me results already! When I started I was 160lbs and now I am 154 and my waist was 41in and…
  • I have a GAIM oregon heart rate monitor and I like it - it varies all the time on how many calories I burn so I know it's really working. With the HIIT workouts I burn 300+ and with the Fire / EZ workouts I burn easily 450+
  • I literally JUST got my Turbo Fire in the mail yesterday.... and I know it was only day 2 today, but I have never wanted to workout so much before. I tried p90 and it just wasnt for me. This is so much fun and she really is the most motivating fitness instructor I have ever seen. I KNOW I will see results, and it will be…