Can I lose weight running...



  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    (any app suggestions are welcome, as i'm not an experienced runner)

    As I don't run (shin splints did me in), I bike instead...but if I ran, this app sounds like a blast!


    ^^Thanks for that app recommendation. I used it this morning and it's so much fun.

    But OP, yes I only run now. I also add weight lifting in 3x weekly, but I run as my main cardio daily. I have had good success dropping the pounds with running.
  • WOW! I didn't think anyone would have read my need for help (NB: MFP - we need notifications!) so thank you to EVERYONE for your response. VERY helpful.

    I've hit a bit of a slump and was going to cancel my gym membership, as they're not open for me to go in the morning, hence the running thought, but have woken up today and thought nooooo, keep it on, I am new to the area and should keep the membership to fill my evenings with classes / gym floor efforts.

    You've all definately given me the excitement for running though, sounds like you all love it! I'll try and get used to one of the apps whilst using the treadmill, before a class... Then when the downpours of rain slow down, i'll get in to going for an early morning run.

    My 'fault' is, I tend to get addicted very quickly, and want to go every day, but am constantly in competition with myself, as I got a really bad back injury last year, putting me out of all sorts of action and now I can get back in the game, I just wanna attack it mornings and evenings, and beat myself up if I don't manage it, but know I have to have rest days...

    Oh the exercise circle of a singleton! ;)

    Thanks again everyone - you've all really helped - lift my spirits if anything!! xxx

    Yea...I gave up on my 6:30am workouts 2wks ago...BUT for the past 2wks I have been faithful to my 6pm (9pm when I have night class) workouts 6night/wk. It doesn't matter when you do it...just as long as you do it
  • I did the Couch to 5K program and it was incredible. The actual C25K app was a little too "busy" looking for me, so I downloaded RUN5K app ... I loved it. I ran my first 5k two weeks ago and it was amazing! I am so proud that I was actually able to complete the program. on 7/7/12 I couldnt even run for a minute without losing my breath. In a little under 8 weeks I was running 10min miles (6mph) ... definitely give it a shot! I didnt lose any weight, but I toned in my legs BIGTIME
  • I'm on to a winner (early days, but I think i'm right!)... I've downloaded the '10k for Pink' App, and put it to use Wednesday evening and for the first time ever, my first morning road run today! I found it tough, but equally enjoyable!

    Reducing the food intake, and sticking to 3 to 4 runs a week, i'll be running the show in no time, haha :) xx
  • Hey everyone!

    I used to be addicted to a morning bootcamp, but since relocating 2 months ago, there isn't anything similar in my new area and the 3 stone has piled back on. The gyms don't offer much here either, so was looking at running in the morning, before work (any app suggestions are welcome, as i'm not an experienced runner) with a Saturday morning outside bootcamp, and a Hot Yoga class every now and then.

    Obviously the food needs to ease up too, smaller portions and cutting out the self pity sugar binges.

    But, what I want to know is, could the weight reduce if I work on the routine mentioned? Hoping to shake off 20kgs...

    Thank you in advance!! :) x
    its been proven that u need a mix of cardio and weights, there is an article in mens fitness about this i just read.

    you will lose weight but then you hit adaption phase and stop.