Can I lose weight running...

Hey everyone!

I used to be addicted to a morning bootcamp, but since relocating 2 months ago, there isn't anything similar in my new area and the 3 stone has piled back on. The gyms don't offer much here either, so was looking at running in the morning, before work (any app suggestions are welcome, as i'm not an experienced runner) with a Saturday morning outside bootcamp, and a Hot Yoga class every now and then.

Obviously the food needs to ease up too, smaller portions and cutting out the self pity sugar binges.

But, what I want to know is, could the weight reduce if I work on the routine mentioned? Hoping to shake off 20kgs...

Thank you in advance!! :) x


  • AlwaysImprovingMe
    Hey, I'm not a runner so not going to offer advise on what it can do when I'm not sure myself. However my daughter just started an athletics club this summer and e weight has just dropped of her (she was at the puppy fat stage so would of come off anyway I just think the running helped, it's definitely helped her self esteem)

    Also, I am starting to catch the running bug I looked at a few c25k apps but personally prefer 10k for pink (it starts similar but continues for an additional 7 weeks to go to 10k and I prefer the music fade features and voice command options) so that might be worth a look, the other app I love is zombies run but that really is a love it or hate it app, definitely a distraction though if you struggle with running.

    Sorry I can't be more help but wouldn't like to give bad advice. Hope you find something that works for you
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    i am not a runner but recently have started.... i was walking fast enough so i thought y not lol. All i know is if it gets your cardio will burn calories... n if you are eating that will cause a deficit you will lose.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I started my weight loss journey doing water aerobics but a few months back I started running. Well I'll be honest I started couch to 5 K which was as much walking in the beginning as running. Point is the weight is still coming off. Exercise comes in two flavors cardio and strength, both are great ways to exercise but even better when mixed together.
  • hbaby2
    hbaby2 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes but strength training is going to be a lot more effective. :) why not try Jillian Micheals 30 day Shred video? That is cheap and effective and will give you great results!
  • jennable
    jennable Posts: 48 Member
    I started MFP last January and didn't see a lot of weight loss. I was walking for exercise. I started running a little it started coming off fast. Maybe it was just my experience, but it has been great. I also do step aerobics and 30 Day Shred at home when the weather is bad and I can't run.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    Yes you can lose weight running, as long as you are maintaining a calorie deficit, you could lose weight by not doing anything exercise wise.

    That being said, cardio helps burn fat (as well as muscle) so while running is great to also make your heart healthy among other things, also look into lifting weights as well. It will help you maintain your muscle mass while losing the fat and will help improve your look overall.

    If you are not a runner, I would suggest the couch to 5k program. If the first couple of weeks on it are too easy you can always skip ahead but it would be a great starting off point! Also make sure you have proper running shoes to avoid pain and injuries!
  • Mac247
    Mac247 Posts: 57
    (any app suggestions are welcome, as i'm not an experienced runner)

    As I don't run (shin splints did me in), I bike instead...but if I ran, this app sounds like a blast!

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I wouldn't recommend running every day if you're not a seasoned runner... it's a good recipe for an injury. (Says the girl who was on the bench for 6 weeks with a stress fracture last winter.)

    I run 3x a week, and do strength training 3x a week. If you don't belong to a gym, something like 30 day shred or look up body weight exercises would be a good place to start.
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    Most definitely! I started running at 200 pounds 4 years ago. I am now 132 and still enjoy running. I do incorporate some strength training but running is most definitely a fat/calorie burner.

    If you would like to add me as a friend, go for it. I run approximately 25 miles per week now and am currently training for a half marathon on October 21!
  • jodee126
    Absolutely! I am down 52lbs so far and have done mostly cardio with some weights mixed in. My cardio consists of running, intervals of running and walking, and biking. To start running just start with intervals. Run for a while then take a break and walk, then run some more, this will eventually build up your endurance. Running has helped me drop a ton of fat and tone up in a big way. I've always carried my weight in my butt and thighs and running has really helped me slim them down. Go for it! I love running now and its such a great feeling when you get done with your run! Good luck!
  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    To answer your question yes, you can lose weight by running, but as the other poster stated incorporate some form of strength training into your regimen. You don't need the gym for that....Some good apps are c25k, and I also like lolo. Good luck on your journey.
  • MrsAFR
    MrsAFR Posts: 103 Member
    I think it helps but its more about food. I do all sorts of exercise swimming, running, dvd's etc but if I don't get the food right none of it matters.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Yes you can lose weight running, as long as you are maintaining a calorie deficit, you could lose weight by not doing anything exercise wise.

    That being said, cardio helps burn fat (as well as muscle) so while running is great to also make your heart healthy among other things, also look into lifting weights as well. It will help you maintain your muscle mass while losing the fat and will help improve your look overall.

    If you are not a runner, I would suggest the couch to 5k program. If the first couple of weeks on it are too easy you can always skip ahead but it would be a great starting off point! Also make sure you have proper running shoes to avoid pain and injuries!

    ^ Exactly this. :drinker:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Definitely, I lost most of my weight from running. I started the C25k program last year in June and completed a 1/2 marthon in November. I went from 220 to 149. Then I got sick and stopped running, I gain back up to 176, but now I am back on track working on getting the weight back off. Down to 159 now. has podcast you can download to an mp3 player or your smartphone.
  • AlwaysImprovingMe
    Lol, I suggested this at the start of the thread, you have great taste! Also thought you might like to know I have a friend who listens to this app whilst cycling (not on busy roads obviously) but she says it works great for her so you might want to give it a go!

    Also if you follow sixtostart on twitter they sometimes post activation codes to get the app for free
    (any app suggestions are welcome, as i'm not an experienced runner)

    As I don't run (shin splints did me in), I bike instead...but if I ran, this app sounds like a blast!

  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    Absolutely. I just realized that most of my back fat and belly fat is nearly gone from running. I've lost 87 lbs and most of it has been lost through running and Zumba. Good luck! Get fitted for proper running sneaks though. It'll help.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    YES!!! (but would recommend a balanced workout scheme... Run days 1,3,5. Strength train or other type of cross training 2,4,6. And on the 7th day... REST! :happy: )

    Running burns a great deal of calories per hour, but isn't a muscle builder. By adding strength traing you build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    running just helps to burn off the food you ate faster. you usually lose more weight running as long as you dont eat back all of the calories you burned off running.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I wouldn't recommend running every day if you're not a seasoned runner... it's a good recipe for an injury. (Says the girl who was on the bench for 6 weeks with a stress fracture last winter.)

    I run 3x a week, and do strength training 3x a week. If you don't belong to a gym, something like 30 day shred or look up body weight exercises would be a good place to start.

    best advice!! We are friends and I didn't know you went through the stress fracture crap's killing me, doc appointment next Tuesday hopefully will have me in the clear !

    to the OP -try running intervals like run from one street light to the other then walk the next ..slow and easy gets you there!
  • xkdrowex
    xkdrowex Posts: 107 Member
    Here is an excerpt from an Interview with Jillian Michaels...

    Jillian Michaels covers the July/August issue of Fitness, and in the interview the former 'Biggest Loser' trainer opens up about leaving the show, her body hangups and her workout regimen.

    Here are a few excerpts; scroll down for photos and read the whole thing here.

    On her least favorite body part:
    “My *kitten*! I hate it! There’s cellulite on it, and no matter what I do, I can’t get rid of it. The reality is that it’s connective tissue. I can starve and my boobs will go and my face will get gaunt, but I will still have cellulite. It’s not so much about aesthetics for me these days. Instead, I think a lot more about the mark I’m going to make on the world than about the back of my *kitten*.”

    On her workout hell:
    “A marathon. I think, you’re at mile twenty and you have six more to go and your body is just battered and bleeding and miserable. I would rather be dead.”

    On what she never skips in her workout:
    “This is ironic. As much as I hate it, I run every time, like three miles. It makes you skinny, that’s why. It works.”