Eating more to weigh less or eating less to weigh less? .



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    cause everyone says EAT LESS MOVE MORE! to everyone as though they know what that person is ALREADY doing. Too many cases out there where people need to EAT MORE LIFT MORE and not EAT LESS MOVE MORE.

    EAT LESS MOVE MORE only works for sedentary people who never barely if at all exercise and eat 3-5000 calories a day.
  • andibswanson
    andibswanson Posts: 15 Member
    I eat healthy to live the rest of my life healthy! Its not about skin and bones its about healthy and fit. Put GOOD, CLEAN FOOD in your body and you will have the best results....No 2 claories are made up the same....there is no reason that anyone should EVER not eat to lose weight...that is just CRAZY!! Just eat the RIGHT FOODS.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    lots of people are having success with the eat more to lose more plan. Look, if you have to eat 3500 calories over your TDEE to gain 1 lb, the eat more to lose more theroy works and makes sense. it's just a very slow process and most people get really impatient. it feels wrong because it is against everything we have been taught (eat less and lose).

    for some people, they can simply eat less and lose and never plateau.

    i read so much about people pleateuing that i think there is something to the homeostasis of the bodies metabolism and it's ability to "save" itself. eating too less puts it in a weird mode where it doesn't want to let go. eating more allows the body to free up the fat. the trick is to eat right. so, now that you have 1000 more calories a day, or whatever, doesn't mean it's ok to eat twinkies. that might be where some people fail. i don't know.

    i do not believe that everyone is different. in fact, i think that's bunk. were all the same. but, the variable are diet, effort in exercise, and commitment. so, given a set of variables within your own life, you have to find that balance. i like the eating more group. i am in maintenance and i am eating way more and i feel better than i did eating less. my workouts are better and i have more overall energy. so, jus try different things and see how it works for you.

    I agree with you on the whole homeostasis thing. The human body evolved at a time when the next meal (or even the one after) was not guaranteed. The body works very hard to stay in balance and to counteract lean times, when food might not be plentiful. Unfortunately, this might get in the way of our plans for weight loss.
  • Tonika44137
    Tonika44137 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm bored and sleepy I could use this entertainment :laugh:
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    I very much want to see replies to this to!

    Because although seen as unhealthy by most, I feel like theres no doubt that if you eat less, you'll weigh less. You might feel ****ty & lose a bit of muscle along with it, but you'll still weigh less.

    Then how does that explain all the people who come on here claiming to be severely restricting their calories but still not losing weight? Apparently having your weight loss stall because you're not feeding your body enough DOES happen.
  • When I eat more I gain. When I eat less I lose weight. Point is I eat enough to remain healthy and strong but not too much that my body doesn't use the food and stores it instead.

    100% true - my doctor who I see for my recent thyroid diagnosis advised me that the ADA has not set a caloric goal for a patient range based on "height, weight, age" since 1994. The reason behind that is because not everyones internal organs and digestion are the same and that online TDEE calculators cant be 100% accurate for those reasons. He said if I want to lose weight, I should eat as little as I can TOLERATE - not starve myself. Theres a huge difference and I understand that difference. A well balanced, nutrient dense diet that is do-able for me is what he advised me to do. I know there are many many journal postings and articiles that may disagree with this, but those writers do not know me nor my body type and how my body metabolizes food and hormone levels etc - and my doctor does so I will go by his instructions
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I had a hard time figuring out "eat less to weigh less" as i follow the eat more to weigh less but i am thinking Its eat less to weigh less meaning eat less then you burn meaning if my TDEE is for example 2500 and I'm eating 2000 calories then voila eating less, still a 500 cal deficit which would be 1lb per week. I don't think it means eat 1000cal everyday. In the end is it not the same thing?
    It doesn't work like that in the real world.

    What doesn't work like that in the real world?
    The numbers are not so clear cut like many want them to believe. They are so hung up on the numbers they don't do anything about their situation. There is no need to worry about TDEE, etc, etc. Just get of your *kitten* and lift, eat, take notes, and make adjustments.

    People make an already difficult situation harder.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's not a matter of "eat more" or "eat less." It's "eat RIGHT."

    Figure out what your maintenance calories would be. Eat slightly less than that. That's all. No need to cut your calories in half.

    Set attainable and sustainable goals. Fitness models may be at 15% body fat or less during competitions and for photos shoots, but they don't maintain that level of leanness year 'round, because that requires very restrictive diet and exercise that isn't something most people can or should sustain long term.

    Personal opinion: If you have to eat as though you're "dieting" to maintain your weight, it's not the right weight or body fat percentage for your body.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    In before a certain person thread jacks the thread with links to her own threads


  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I want to look good naked.

    So I eat more and work hard because I want to keep as much of that muscle as possible.
    It's taken me almost a year to lose 20lbs and for some people they aren't that patient.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    this is what I'm saying... LOL..

    saying "eating less will make you gain (or not lose)" makes no sense to me.

    Muscle burns calories. If you "eat less" beyond a certain point, and especially if that "less" is protein, your body is burning off calorie-burning lean muscle mass in order to meet its caloric need.

    As you lose that muscle, your BMI (the energy you burn at rest on a given day) drops. Your ability to perform physical tasks also drops. So you are actually burning fewer calories in a given day due to that loss in muscle. As a result, your body needs less food, and to maintain a weight loss deficit you need to further reduce your calorie intake.

    Short term, eating less will make you weigh less. That's very true. But it's the changes it makes to your body composition and therefore metabolism (ability to burn calories) that make the math not work any more.

    It's not that the math is bad, it's that you have to take into account that another variable is changing.

    (CALORIES EATEN - CALORIES BURNED) * 3,500 = 1 pound. Eat 3,500 more calories than you burn, gain one pound. Burn 3,500 more calories than you eat, lose one pound.

    But what you EAT can also affect what you BURN.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    In before a certain person thread jacks the thread with links to her own threads




  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    If you eat nothing, you lose rapidly. Your body eats the fat that you have as energy stores. When you eat only a little and less than your recommended caloric intake, your body will store it as fat because it is in starvation mode. Fat is emergency fuel. Basically, it knows you're not eating so instead of spending the energy now, it stock piles it to burn off later.

    First, congratulations on overcoming anorexia. It's a tough path, but you're tougher. Nice job!

    Second, you burn a lot more than fat when you eat nothing. The body can turn carbohydrates into fat and vice versa, it can turn protein into fat or carbohydrates, but it simply cannot synthesize protein from anything else. If you eat nothing, your body ends up with a deficit of the one thing it cannot make - protein.

    There are two sources of protein in the body. Muscles and organs. Your body is pretty smart about cannibalizing what is not used in order to support what is used. The heart and brain are priority #1 and #1 (no, no typo, both are equally important) for your body - both are required on order to ensure immediate survival.

    The brain runs on sugar. No sugar coming in? Fine - the body will synthesize it out of protein and fat.

    The heart runs on protein. No protein coming in? Fine - the body will cannibalize less critical muscle. Arms, legs, abdominal, whatever.

    If you are losing weight slowly, eating healthy, and working out a lot, the loss will be heavily biased toward burning fat. It's already got what it needs for nutrition and the muscle is being used, so fat is the optimal energy source.

    Try to lose much faster and your body will be short on things it cannot get from fat reserves.
  • In before a certain person thread jacks the thread with links to her own threads

    A short, 51 year old, someone...with 12% bodyfat maybe?

    Too funny!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I had a hard time figuring out "eat less to weigh less" as i follow the eat more to weigh less but i am thinking Its eat less to weigh less meaning eat less then you burn meaning if my TDEE is for example 2500 and I'm eating 2000 calories then voila eating less, still a 500 cal deficit which would be 1lb per week. I don't think it means eat 1000cal everyday. In the end is it not the same thing?
    It doesn't work like that in the real world.

    What doesn't work like that in the real world?
    The numbers are not so clear cut like many want them to believe. They are so hung up on the numbers they don't do anything about their situation. There is no need to worry about TDEE, etc, etc. Just get of your *kitten* and lift, eat, take notes, and make adjustments.

    People make an already difficult situation harder.

    LOL@ worrying about TDEE

    I'm glad that I learned about TDEE when I first started or I might have gotten off on the wrong foot!
  • p_s_a
    p_s_a Posts: 45
    Why did I ask this question two days ago and not get ONE single reply. This has four pages of reply's. Thanks guys. :angry:
  • In before a certain person thread jacks the thread with links to her own threads





    love this! :)
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,647 Member
    to lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than your body uses. It is scientifically impossible to lose weight if you eat MORE than your body burns. Starvation mode under 1200 cals does not apply to everyone. Depending on your gender, age, activity level and fat%, It is possible to get all the necessary nutrients and lose healthily at levels as low as 800 cals per day. An 80 yr old woman who is 5 ft tall, and not very active, would most likely gain weight on 1200 calories per day.

    There is no magic number that applies to everyone.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    In before a certain person thread jacks the thread with links to her own threads

    A short, 51 year old, someone...with 12% bodyfat maybe?

    I totally knew who you guys are talking about. I'm glad I'm not the only person who noticed that happening a LOT.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,647 Member
    cause everyone says EAT LESS MOVE MORE! to everyone as though they know what that person is ALREADY doing. Too many cases out there where people need to EAT MORE LIFT MORE and not EAT LESS MOVE MORE.

    EAT LESS MOVE MORE only works for sedentary people who never barely if at all exercise and eat 3-5000 calories a day.

    And what about the short middle aged woman who only burns 1500 cals a day? That person would gain weight if they ate 2000 calories a day.

    I wish people would quit making blanket statements as if they know everything about weight loss for everyone.