

  • Sending you a friend request. You had me at Peanut Butter M&M's...although I haven't had any in forever :(.
  • Welcome to MFP. I've found that this is one of the best, easiest and quickest resources to use to lose weight. I absolutely LOVE MFP and wouldn't be down 25 lbs without it. You can do this, we all can do this. It can be a struggle sometimes but luckily we have our MFP friends to keep us going.
  • I'm ALMOST to the 20 lb mark. It's so close I can feel it (not taste it :laugh:) I just started 30DS and am hoping that I can push myself over the 20 lb mark in the next week...maybe 2.
  • I just took a look at your diary and the first thing I noticed was cutting out your Pepsi consumption. I used to be a HEAVY Coca-Cola drinker and now...NO coke for me and if I do it's a Coke Zero. The way I look at it is...I want to chew my calories. I know it might sound funny. The other thing I would suggest is eating…
  • Sadly it took about 7 years for me to get to this point. I used to be in great shape and LOVE working out. I love working out again so that's a good thing. :smile: I know I will get there and the journey will not be quick. I'd rather the journey be a bit slower so that I keep learning great habits and continue to burn my…
  • I have the same problem. I was recently told to put ice in a baggie and then ace bandage the bag to my shin. I haven't tried it yet but it should help. Also, I think I'm going to get some inserts for my shoes this weekend and see if that helps...I'll be gellin while working out :laugh:
  • You deserve better than him! I know it's hard but try to use your workouts to get rid of your stress. If you need someone to talk to, I'll listen. :) And in the end you'll come out a stronger and better woman :)
  • Well...I tried. This is going to be a work in progress.
  • I think I'm actually going to do it outside. Around my block is almost exactly one mile so I though that would be a good place to start.
  • My trainer actually told me to be sure to eat something before going to bed because you don't want you metabolism to slow down while you're sleeping. He did say not to have fruit before bed though because there is too much sugar.
  • Well I don't mind looking silly anywhere...actually being and looking silly is one of my most favorite things to do :)
    in kettlebells Comment by cls0824 May 2011
  • I actually just purchased a 10 lb kettlebell. I think it would be safe to start with 10 and work your way up. My brother has a 20 lb kettlebell and I tried to work with it and it was just too much. I would say go to a local store that sells them and try it out :) I might look silly in the aisle doing kettlebell…
    in kettlebells Comment by cls0824 May 2011
  • I have a Polar FT4 which is what my trainer suggested I get. I've been using it for about a month now and love it.
  • You look fantastic! Keep up the good work!
  • I'm planning on running my first 5k next Spring. I'm focusing on weight loss before I focus on the 5k. I'd love to hear how it goes.
  • Mine is Lynn