jenniferolg Member


  • Count me in! I had a busy spring and even busier summer, with school starting, I am ready to focus on eating right and exercising. A twelve week challenge sounds like the best way to get back into good habits. ~Jennifer
  • Hi K! Congratulations on your new baby! I have had six beautiful children and have been right where you are. You will lose it all in time. My goal was always to have it off completely by the baby's nine month check up and it worked perfectly. I always lost more in the 8th and 9th months post partum - probably because life…
  • I am not sure why it works because it seems contrary to current diet advice, but when I eat only three times a day with nothing in between, I do better than when I graze throughout the day. This has always been true for me and I have never done well on the current "eat 300 calories 4 times a day" programs. My husband…
  • Awesome! Good luck!
    in hello Comment by jenniferolg June 2010
  • Great attitude! I also think about all those folks on the Biggest Loser show and figure if they can work out for 8 hours a day at the level they hit, I can surely eek out an hour!
  • I suggest that you recognize last week as a valuable experience where you chose to eat more food than what is recommended on your food plan and wonder why. In what ways did you benefit from the extra food? In what ways can you get the same benefit next time without the food, but with some other method? Where you thrown…
  • Ever watch Biggest Loser? It always amazes me when the contestants have a week like that. Sometimes they aren't eating enough or have some sort of stress in their lives at the moment according to Bob and Jillian. I wish I could afford one of those Body Buggs they use, it would help me see exactly how many calories I burn…
  • I take my lunch every day too - here are some suggestions: Peanut butter with or without jelly on arnolds sandwich thins Fat free cheese with lettuce and tomatoes or even pickles with mustard on the sandwich thins or 35 cal bread Sliced cucumbers or zuchinni with bean dip Any sandwich filling wrapped in lettuce leaves…
  • I had trouble at first too. I moved my daily goal up to what I was eating and then started reducing a little bit every day and eventually, I was able to eat at my goal.
  • I have an oldy but goody recipe that I found in some doctor's weight loss book years ago: take one cup of non fat cottage cheese, 1/2 - 1 banana, and any other fruit if desired - berries being the best, plop it all into a blender, pour enough sugar free lemonade to cover, whip it up and you have a tart, fruity, high…
  • I bought it too. I went through the whole kit, put everything together like it was supposed to go, took before pictures and modified them to motivate me (made after photos basically), and tried the diet. It does work, BUT it involves an awful lot of cooking, toting, eating and thinking about food! I still use the knowledge…
  • SuadElTurk, I know many thin people who eat late at night! Current research shows that weight loss is simply calories in vs calories out all things being equal. But, health is not built with empty calories. Some people have food allergies and other have food addictions and those both factor into being able to stop eating…