I do not understand why I am not losing weight?

After running 11 miles yesterday on top of all the working out I have did this week, I have not lost any weight for the week. I am still the same as last week. I know something is going on with my body because I look even smaller then I did last week and all my clothes fit bigger, but my scale is not agreeing.

Week 1 I lost 3 pounds
Week 2 I lost 3 more pounds
Week 3 I lost 2 pounds
Week 4 I lost 2 pounds
Week 5 I lost 1 pounds
Week 6 (today) I lost NOTHING

What is going on? Am I gaining muscle? Do I need to eat more lean foods? What should I do?


  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    Just a guess.. but with so much exercise, maybe you are losing fat and gaining muscle!

    I'm sure you have heard the old addage that muscle weighs more than fat, and as you are still seeing a reduction in your measurements, I don't think it's completely unlikely!

    You must be looking pretty toned now :) Congrats!
  • Canadianjake
    Sounds like your body is transitioning body fat into muscle - you'll look and feel skinnier however because muscle weighs more than fat - you may not see the result on your scale right away.
  • maryvick
    maryvick Posts: 12
    This has happened to me many times --- yes if you are exercising a lot you are gaining muscle and losing fat and the net is higher on the scale -- but stick with it because you will suddenly drop --- my typical pattern was nothing for ten days, then five pounds less one day --- your body adjusts to changes in both diet and exercise --- you might want to get advice from a trainer or nutritionist -- but as a non-expert, i can only say in my experience this happens especially if you are exercising a lot more than you are used to --- sometimes it helps to not weigh but still record food and exercise and wait a few days to weigh --- and keep your emphasis on how much better you feel and even how clothes are fitting better -- than that number on the scale -- it will change.... for certain!
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Don't stress about it. So long as you are exercising some calories away, then you MUST be losing fat. However, if your scale doesn't agree, then look at your body. Your body is a better measurement of how much weight you've lost and how much muscle you've gained. Try taking weekly photos to see if there's any changes.
  • BlackBeltLife
    BlackBeltLife Posts: 180
    photos do help with this, but also take measurements, Waist thigh arms neck wherever you can think of. Next it is just 1 week its not the whole journey. If you are same weight and measurments in a month then review what you are doing, but not a week. you WILL fluctuate. Just keep living healthy. Hope that helps
  • jenniferolg
    jenniferolg Posts: 14 Member
    Ever watch Biggest Loser? It always amazes me when the contestants have a week like that. Sometimes they aren't eating enough or have some sort of stress in their lives at the moment according to Bob and Jillian. I wish I could afford one of those Body Buggs they use, it would help me see exactly how many calories I burn exercising. Last week one of the contestants ran a marathon and didn't lose! Imagine that.
  • Newfunlander
    Newfunlander Posts: 65 Member
    I haven't seen any change in my weight for a few weeks but yesterday I decided to wear some clothes that were tight on me the last time I wore them. They actually fit ! I did my measurements and discovered that I had lost inches. Sometimes the scale can be our worst enemy. Just keep doing what you are doing and the results will speak for themselves ! :)
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    Make sure you are logging everything you are eating in your food diary. Don't get sloppy about this.

    Adjust your calorie intake up/down and see if it makes a difference. I hit a plateau and when I added 150 calories to my limit I started losing again.

    If you were dehydrated last week when you weighed in it would give a false low. Then if you were retaining water this week it would give you a false high. I weigh myself every day and then average the results for the week.

    I am a novice at this weight loss thing so everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt substitute. :)
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Muscle doesn't really weigh more than fat though. A lb of muscle, and a lb of fat is still a pound. But you still want the muscle to replace the fat since muscle burns fat. You need to become best friends with your tape measure. You're probably losing inches all over your body, even though the scale isn't going down.
    Focus on that part of your new lifestyle. :flowerforyou:
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    Are you eating enough calories.. You do a lot of exercise, are you eating back some/most of your cals?

    Perhaps you can do as suggested above, take your measurements. I find them to be very motivating! The scale will move in do time. Be patient with yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    love the responses.

    It works the opposite way too, unfortunately:grumble:

    I was on maint cals after losing 38 pounds. I became lazy, and stopped working out as hard. Well I didnt get lazy.........life happened!! LOL

    Well I get on the scale 1x wk and always the same weight. WOOT right? Uh, no! Went to put on my skinny jeans and Mr. Muffin Top was there in all his glory:angry:

    I didnt even gain any inches, if you can believe it!. It was fat distribution........plain and simple. I have a side by side of me prior to 6 wks of training 3x wk with a trainer. I did not lose ONE stinking pound.........but my shape was COMPLETELY different!!

    So keep up the good work and screw the scale for a few weeks.............you ARE doing it right!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    For me, after a long run (10+ miles), I always retain water for a day or so.

    It looks like you lost quite a bit of weight the first 4-6 weeks you were tracking. You can not expect to maintain those numbers week after week after week, unless you were extremely heavy and I'm assuming by the fact that since your ran 11 miles the other day, you are not obese

    Like others said, make sure you are eating enough and staying hydrated. And take measurements!

    Good luck!
  • sfstallworth
    Thanks everyone for all the advise! I will look into working with a professional as far as my eatting and working out goes to help me make sure I am on the right track to losing these last 22 pounds. I will also not weight myself for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I plan on buying a tape measure tomorrow and making it my best friend also!

    Thanks again!