postpartum newbie

Good Morning everyone!

I'm new to the site and on the track of losing these last 20 lbs gained during pregnancy. I'm not completely heartbroken about the weight b/c it afforded me a beautiful little girl; however, I 've never been over 140 in my life but now I'm a solid 161. I'm motivated to take my body back and then some. I have a very supportive and fit husband who keeps me dedicated just by looking at his sculpted body <insert jealousy here lol>. But I'm excited about this journey and finding new dedicated friends on the same voyage.



  • jenniferolg
    jenniferolg Posts: 14 Member
    Hi K!

    Congratulations on your new baby! I have had six beautiful children and have been right where you are. You will lose it all in time. My goal was always to have it off completely by the baby's nine month check up and it worked perfectly. I always lost more in the 8th and 9th months post partum - probably because life began to return to normal by then and I had more energy. I just tried to follow a 1,500 calorie a day diet and get as much sleep as possible at first. I started being serious about exercise later. With my third, baby however I decided to work it all off during my 6 week post partum period and I did. I used a Nordic Track ski machine every day for an hour. I depleted my adrenal glands and was exhausted when I went back to work, so I don't recommend that at all. Maybe start with 30 minutes a day of exercise?

    Blessings and best of luck to you!
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. First off congrats on your baby girl. Kids can truly be a blessing in dequise. I have a 22 month old (lol cant admit she is almost 2 so I still give months). This site is awesome, very supportive. It has helped keep me grounded. Add me as a friend if you want. Good luck on your journey.
  • KHolloway09
    Thank you Jennifer! I'm always interested in learning how other mothers worked off the weight. It can be rather easy to become comfortable with the weight and just accept it. But I love when I learn when and how other mothers decided to take their bodies to another level of fitness!