Having Trouble Reaching Daily Calorie Goal

Does anyone else seem to always go under the daily goal? Mine is set at 1200 and even when I exercise and add 200+ calories, I can't even get to 1200. Then if I try to eat something else, I'll go over on fat or carbs... any suggestions?


  • jenniferolg
    jenniferolg Posts: 14 Member
    I had trouble at first too. I moved my daily goal up to what I was eating and then started reducing a little bit every day and eventually, I was able to eat at my goal.
  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    I had trouble at first too. I moved my daily goal up to what I was eating and then started reducing a little bit every day and eventually, I was able to eat at my goal.

    But I am eating UNDER my goal. My goal is 1200 and I'm only eating about 1100 or less every day. I don't want to go into "starvation mode"
  • SweetCharity
    Have you tried adding a scoop of protein powder or a protein bar?
  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    No I haven't. But will this add carbs or fat?
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    To gets cals and avoid fat I usually do fat free yogurt or some kind of fruit. These have some carbs in them, but not as much as other sources.

    I also have big salads as lunches. Barely any carbs, but I get the calories and protein from the meat, low fat cheese, and vinaigrette. Then I have carbs to spare for other things.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am having the exact same trouble! I have been under the 1200 and once was under the 1000 and have not done any excersize to see if that helps, at the moment I feel like I am doing ok, but like you don't want to go into starvation mode either. I just want to lose weight in a healthy way.
  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    I am having the exact same trouble! I have been under the 1200 and once was under the 1000 and have not done any excersize to see if that helps, at the moment I feel like I am doing ok, but like you don't want to go into starvation mode either. I just want to lose weight in a healthy way.

    Definately! I feel fine, but I'm worried about that starvation mode... I've even been under 1000. I think it's mostly because I eat low calorie items. If I ate the regular stuff, then maybe I'd meet it, but with more fat.. that's the thing I want to avoid.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Are you using the "default settings" for carbs, fat, etc.? If so, there are many different schools of thought and MFP picked one. You can search the other topics to read about what some others are doing. You can also do internet searches about it. It may be that the default settings are not what you should be eating (based on your personal goals). Check that out, and then if that's set correctly, I would definately consider the protein powder. Other things to consider are switching out any "diet" foods you eat (low-fat, low-cal, etc.) for the real deal. Adding more meat (lean of course) might also help.

    I haven't checked to see if your diary is viewable, but those are some ideas I had off the top of my head. Good luck on finding the right balance!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am having the exact same trouble! I have been under the 1200 and once was under the 1000 and have not done any excersize to see if that helps, at the moment I feel like I am doing ok, but like you don't want to go into starvation mode either. I just want to lose weight in a healthy way.

    Definately! I feel fine, but I'm worried about that starvation mode... I've even been under 1000. I think it's mostly because I eat low calorie items. If I ate the regular stuff, then maybe I'd meet it, but with more fat.. that's the thing I want to avoid.

    Yes that is m too, I am not trying to be under the 1000, but was only barely over it again tonight, I don't want to eat things JUST to raise my calories as it feels wrong to be doing that if you know what i mean. But I suppose I am just going to have to eat a bit MORE of the good stuff. I also wondered if the fact that I am likely to go OVER this weekend what with it being Mothers Day on Sunday and going to my Daughters for a meal, if the fact that over the WEEK it works out more evenly? Would that work?
  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    I am having the exact same trouble! I have been under the 1200 and once was under the 1000 and have not done any excersize to see if that helps, at the moment I feel like I am doing ok, but like you don't want to go into starvation mode either. I just want to lose weight in a healthy way.

    Definately! I feel fine, but I'm worried about that starvation mode... I've even been under 1000. I think it's mostly because I eat low calorie items. If I ate the regular stuff, then maybe I'd meet it, but with more fat.. that's the thing I want to avoid.

    Yes that is m too, I am not trying to be under the 1000, but was only barely over it again tonight, I don't want to eat things JUST to raise my calories as it feels wrong to be doing that if you know what i mean. But I suppose I am just going to have to eat a bit MORE of the good stuff. I also wondered if the fact that I am likely to go OVER this weekend what with it being Mothers Day on Sunday and going to my Daughters for a meal, if the fact that over the WEEK it works out more evenly? Would that work?

    Did you mean something else other than Mother's Day? That's in May =)
    I guess this is how that happens to me... throughout the entire week I would say it's pretty even. Next week is my birthday and I have plans to go out to my favorite restaurant that makes delicious homemade onion rings... that'll be my downfall. lol
  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    I am having the exact same trouble! I have been under the 1200 and once was under the 1000 and have not done any excersize to see if that helps, at the moment I feel like I am doing ok, but like you don't want to go into starvation mode either. I just want to lose weight in a healthy way.

    Definately! I feel fine, but I'm worried about that starvation mode... I've even been under 1000. I think it's mostly because I eat low calorie items. If I ate the regular stuff, then maybe I'd meet it, but with more fat.. that's the thing I want to avoid.

    Yes that is m too, I am not trying to be under the 1000, but was only barely over it again tonight, I don't want to eat things JUST to raise my calories as it feels wrong to be doing that if you know what i mean. But I suppose I am just going to have to eat a bit MORE of the good stuff. I also wondered if the fact that I am likely to go OVER this weekend what with it being Mothers Day on Sunday and going to my Daughters for a meal, if the fact that over the WEEK it works out more evenly? Would that work?

    Nevermind.. you must live in the UK.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Daily recommended intakes : 50%-55% of your calories should come from carbohydrate, 20% from protein and less than 30% from fat, if you're consistantly under on protein, than you need more protein, same goes for if you are under on fat or carbs. If you are always under on cal. and not hungry, then stop eating "diet" food and eat regular food. Not everyhting needs to be low fat or low cal. I usually only eat lowfat dairy because it contains less cholesterol and saturated fat. I did buy weight watchers bread last week, but only because it was on sale.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Nope, it's definately Mothers Day on Sunday. I have been invited to dinner especially for it, there are signs everywhere in all the shops and adverts on the TV.
  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    Daily recommended intakes : 50%-55% of your calories should come from carbohydrate, 20% from protein and less than 30% from fat, if you're consistantly under on protein, than you need more protein, same goes for if you are under on fat or carbs. If you are always under on cal. and not hungry, then stop eating "diet" food and eat regular food. Not everyhting needs to be low fat or low cal. I usually only eat lowfat dairy because it contains less cholesterol and saturated fat. I did buy weight watchers bread last week, but only because it was on sale.

    I definately get enough protein.. I'm usually over on that everyday, but that doesn't worry me too much.
    I've been over on carbs for the past week and I really don't like that fact... and I always have trouble with keeping my fat intake low.
    The only thing I am under on is calories... I usually dont' eat low cal, only low fat... but if I stop eating low fat, then I'll go way over.
  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    Nope, it's definately Mothers Day on Sunday. I have been invited to dinner especially for it, there are signs everywhere in all the shops and adverts on the TV.

    Sorry, I just realized you live in the UK.. In the US it's May 9th. =) Kinda strange.. I never knew they were different.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Daily recommended intakes : 50%-55% of your calories should come from carbohydrate, 20% from protein and less than 30% from fat, if you're consistantly under on protein, than you need more protein, same goes for if you are under on fat or carbs. If you are always under on cal. and not hungry, then stop eating "diet" food and eat regular food. Not everyhting needs to be low fat or low cal. I usually only eat lowfat dairy because it contains less cholesterol and saturated fat. I did buy weight watchers bread last week, but only because it was on sale.

    I definately get enough protein.. I'm usually over on that everyday, but that doesn't worry me too much.
    I've been over on carbs for the past week and I really don't like that fact... and I always have trouble with keeping my fat intake low.
    The only thing I am under on is calories... I usually dont' eat low cal, only low fat... but if I stop eating low fat, then I'll go way over.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Sorry I meant to quote that above. If you are meeting protein and going over on carbs, you chould be under on fat and cal. Carb, prot and fat add up to 100%
  • Rensco
    Rensco Posts: 36
    Just a quick comment though not on calorie goal - noticed you're getting married. I did the Buff Brides workout by Sue Fleming for 12 weeks before my wedding and it worked out great! It's all do-at-home stuff. Soo, if you're not doing anything like that, you might want to check it out. Good luck and congrats!
  • StephanieJ82
    I have the same trouble too.
    #1 - make sure you are counting EVERYTHING! Don't forget to add the mayo put on your sandwich, or the butter ect. Dont forget the juice you had that you may have forgotten. You know what I mean. These little things add up and can make the differance. you may be meeting your calorie goal and don't even know it.
    #2 - I now enter everything before I eat it. So if I have 400+ cals to eat for dinner and I am having a salad that day for dinner and can't quite reach 400, I will add say add some tuna or chicken to it till I meet the goal, or sometimes I will drink a big glass of skim milk. A glass of pure orange juice is good for you and can add over 100 cals with just one glass. Try eating some almonds as a snack...
    Hope this helps.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I have the same trouble too.
    #1 - make sure you are counting EVERYTHING! Don't forget to add the mayo put on your sandwich, or the butter ect. Dont forget the juice you had that you may have forgotten. You know what I mean. These little things add up and can make the differance. you may be meeting your calorie goal and don't even know it.

    oh I am scrupulous about entering EVERYTHING I eat, or what would be the point of me being on MFP? I would just be carry on the self delusional 'I have no idea why I am overweight, I don't eat that much' way of thinking that led me to be overweight. I am the only one I hurt by kidding myself that the mayo or the orange juice or the dressing etc somehow don't count :-) And finally I want to be honest with myself, so I can be thin again.

    oh and yes I am in England :-)