

  • Checking measurements and seeing loss there instead of on the scales! Didn't have the best day today so I'm trying to put it all in perspective and realize it's only one day and remembering the progress I have made.
  • Well, hopefully 3rd time is the charm. I've started to reply twice and keep hitting something wrong. Anyway, I just wanted to share that I love a recipe for spaghetti squash tacos at Allrecipies site. I put it in a gluten free tortilla with guacamole. Know that I'm lurking even if I'm not good at this posting business!…
  • I'm still doing the challenge but logged late one night and the system bumped my streak to start again! Oh, well. It is in there... That's desperation to have me be on the elliptical after midnight. Keep logging!
  • Still logging and happy with that. Given the soups and jerky I've been eating my sodium is way out of whack. Going home today so it will be nice to get back to normal routines. However, it's good to know I can do this anytime. I have another 4 day trip later this month so I know I can do this. The elliptical is not as much…
  • Brenda--the best piece of advice I got after my gall bladder removal was to walk after every meal and increase by 1 minute every day. So I started with 5 minutes watching the clock. After a couple of weeks, I could take one longer walk and not do the small after meals thing. Once that gallbladder is removed you won't have…
  • Glad you stuck through the scale mine field! It would be really nice if the scales would say x amount of water, x amount muscle, x amount fat! Until that day, we will just have to look for trends rather than playing the numbers game in our heads! Congrats! I'm away from home so I won't check in with the scale for another…
  • Karen-you didn't mention strength training so I don't know if this is something you do regularly or not. I think strength training helps quite a bit to increase your metabolic burn even at rest. It also might help to just switch things up a bit with your exercise. The body seems to get used to the same movements and learns…
  • Congratulations! I'm glad that you have found success in your journey down the scale this time that doesn't seem so stringent. Your weight loss so far must make you feel so much better in your clothes too! Keep up the great work!
  • 12 pounds is fabulous progress! Keep up the great logging!:smile:
  • Way to go! One day this last week I took a walk just so I could eat some more. Just imagine how great we are going to feel when there is a zero after our total logging days!
  • Still logging and exercising--how about you??
  • I've lost almost 2 lbs. so I'm happy with that. I'm glad to not be on this journey alone!
  • It will be easier than you think. The first time I went GF was the Virgin regimen getting rid of the 7 most common allergens. Foods I like are Food for Life Brown Rice tortillas and English muffins. This year I did the food sensitivity testing. I had some pleasant surprises (not allergic to peanuts or soy), items not…
  • Hello, I am Marcia and I am 50+. I'm happy to be here because I don't want to relive all those other years. I just want to make the later years as healthy as I can. I believe what we do for ourselves now counts more than ever. I wasn't successful with weight loss until my 40's so I guess I'm a late bloomer. It's time to…
  • It's what you do most of the time that counts. I remember one August I just lived on sugar for 3 days--no kidding. It was so uncharacteristic of me. I pulled myself out of the abyss with the thought that if I did well the rest of the month, I would still be 90%. I decided 90% was good enough for me. Looking back at it now,…
    in Day 6 Comment by marciamuse2 August 2014
  • Looks like everyone is on track with the food logging--even being surprised that we can keep with our target intakes with some splurges! Good job keeping with it rather than throwing it out the window. Keep logging through the holiday weekend!
    in Day 5 Comment by marciamuse2 August 2014
  • 100 days sounds great to me. I'm on Day 4 today. I'm liking that I now have a food budget and can add an allowance when I exercise. I'm about 15 lbs from my all time low last year but have successfully kept off the bulk of what I have lost (90 lbs). I'm probably older than most, but that's okay. Perhaps that will make the…