

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Just sitting down now the grandchildren are in bed and catching up.:noway: :ohwell: :ohwell: :tongue:

    Beyond tired. But happy. They are both divine!:heart::love:

    Can't even talk!

    Annie - lovely post:flowerforyou:

    Kim - I havd thought for a long time that you should change your username.:flowerforyou: You are great.:flowerforyou:

    Michele - I wasn't sure what you meant by a lactose free casserole so I didn't reply. My casseroles never have lactose in them..
    What is a casserole to you? To me it is a stew of some kind, so lactose doesn't come into it. Have I got this wrong?

    Too tired to comment further.

    Love Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Another quick post from me. I had good will power for lunch today, but the day is young and I know my Kashi go lean crunch is in the kitchen. That is the reason I don't buy cheerios.

    Linda, I use a CPAP but I have the kind that has the nasal type prongs and it completely blocks your nose. So in order for the CPAP air to get in your nose you have to keep your mouth shut. My sister has one that put humidified air into her mouth. But I don't like the ones over your mouth.

    Syvia, sorry about your Issues with your Mom. I can't say that my parents ever gave us any encouragement or discouragement about our weight. But they did instill in us the kind of lifestyle they expected us to follow. They also led us to believe that people who smoke, drink, cuss or any 'sinful' things were bad people. When I got in college I sure got a rude awakening. I had been living in this tiny fish bowl all my life and had never known anyone of those 'sinners'. As preachers kids we were always surrounded by 'non-sinners'. I saw that those people were good people! I have learned a lot in the world. You got quite a workout in the back yard chasing your dog!!!!

    Jean, you are a member just by posting. You can find us in the section called 'my topics'. I would suggest posting or at least reading more often than every couple of days. As you can see, it is only the 4th day of the month and we have something like 8 pages. We are a chatty group.

    Carol, it is terrible that a group choose a place to eat that costs that much. Good luck finding some where that can be somewhere in the middle that all can enjoy. There is NO WAY I would pay that much for a meal.

    Well I am starting, again, changing the setting on my sleep number bed. I am a 45, and that is pretty soft, but I am sure the beds won't be that soft in our vacation home in Florida. About 5 weeks away now!!!!!! I am starting to make a list now of things I need to make sure I pack and have to call Virgin Mobile and make it a hot spot for me so I can know I have wi-fi. Our rental house doesn't have it

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Click on my profile pic to see the whole image. Success! :bigsmile: :love: :heart:

    Heather UK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Heather - Adorable! The cookies, too. :laugh: :tongue: :laugh:
  • strassenkoenigin

    I have been single for so long and I learned that social activities involving food are not my favorites. I try to join groups which are active doing something else. Like walking, biking, doing art, politics, working with Habitat for Humanity, taking classes at the university or playing games.

    Everything you have been writing about this group sounds like you do not belong there.

  • strassenkoenigin
    Hello everybody new and old, slim and fit, on the way there , or just reading

    I have been reading posts but I was in a very bad mood due to insomnia. Finally last night I slept
    It was about time, I was ready to go bonkers.
    No wonder they use sleep deprivation as a torture instrument.

    Hope you are all working on beautiful goals for September. I am trying out a weather dance to get some cooler weather...

    Anne in the Mojave oven
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Welcome this is a very busy site. This is my third time here today trying to avoid back up.

    I don't spend a lot on restaurant meals neither. Yesterday was out of town Soup and a slice of garlic bread was fine for me.

    Regarding sleep Apnea last night was my first night with the machine. I have the full mask and like it better than the half mask hubby had tried the 1/2 mask years ago. He didn't really need it so sent it back. But I don't think i'll have that option. They said I stopped breathing over 30 times in an hour. No wonder I was spending my days so tired.

    Well supper is ready a nice rice pilaff with stir fry. I'm getting my friend all she needs for her birthday like measuring cups and spoons going to go look for a food scale tomorrow. I also got her a book for tracking and putting why she's eating meal time or pleasure. And I'm getting busy tracking both in my health book and journaling on here. Need to get back with it.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello girlfriends. Another quiet day at work. That is always nice. I hope to have this course done by the end of next week so I can start on the January class. DH and I are looking at a car for DD#2; we won’t buy it but will lend her the money for it. She lent her sister money to buy her car so now she doesn’t have enough for her own and that ancient (1993) infiniti needs about $3,000 worth of work after we spent $1000 on a clutch. No way we are doing that! So we took this other car in to a mechanic and now will negotiate with the owner tonight. After that DH is going to meet the drama queen and boyfriend and lay down some laws for them to either live by or not, but live by them they must in order to be included around here.

    My employee health screening was this morning and I’m anxiously awaiting my lab results! I’m pretty excited!

    Kim: I’m so sorry about how your mom talked to you and made you feel so bad and ashamed. You are wonderful just the way you are and you are on the way to a healthier life! So why keep that screen name? Does it make you feel worse?

    Lesley: sounds like lots of us have unusual relationships with our kids! There is often no telling what sets them off on their paths!

    Cynthia sending you a hug and puppy dog some wet doggy kisses from Benny!

    Alison: hooray for a good night’s sleep

    Beth: so sorry you have those memories of things your mother said and did too

    Vicki: remember that every day is a new chance to do well!

    Linda; nice to see you again. I hope you get the CPAP sleeping routine figured out

    Margaret: it’s always so easy to look back in time and have 20/20 vision. Please don’t beat yourself up for not saying anything to that boy. Nothing to be done now except being as kind as you can now. I’m sure you are

    Yanniejannie: what a great nsv! I am proud of you

    Sylvia: what movie was it where there was the line “Release the hounds!” For some reason I had a funny image of you chasing those dogs!

    Carol: oh no! Will your dinner group always choose such expensive places? Can you ask them to vary the cost of their places?
    That is really too bad

    Heather; I hope you got some good rest and are enjoying the babies! Great picture!

    Well it’s about time to get out of the recliner and get something accomplished. Take care all and have a good evening! Meg from hot Omaha
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hello again from another warm evening in Staffordshire UK

    I have so enjoyed reading your posts. I realise I have to keep up or else I definitely lose the thread!

    I think that it's interesting being from different parts of the world.

    To me a gilet is a sleeveless jacket (a French word!) - Kim you called that a vest. To me a vest is either an undergarment (which I hated with a vengeance when I was little) or a sleeveless t shirt that can be used as a base layer. And a casserole is a meat and veg slow cooked stew - no lactose there.

    My vest was knitted with wool and itched me greatly. I now know that I am allergic to woollen clothing but at the time my mum just thought I was being awkward! You can imagine the arguments! I was 4 (50 year's ago)! I can still remember the irritation and the feeling that no-one was hearing me.

    I have decided that this time around I am having 2 pots and each time I lose 1lb I will put £1 in each pot. The one pot will say ME and the other pot will be for charity. If I gain 1lb I will take £1 from the ME pot and add it to the charity pot. When I reach each of my mini goals I will empty the pots, choose the charity and my treat, and start again!

    At dog training tonight we were running the bronze good citizen test. We had 9 dogs and owners taking it ranging from a tiny yorkie x poodle to a very very very much bigger St Bernard and all shapes and sizes in between. I love getting to know all the different breeds and crossbreeds - it's one of the highlights of my week! 5 passed! The other 4 admitted they weren't ready but wanted to see what it was like. In 6 weeks time they get another go...

    Time for bed said Zebedee. zzzz

    MA in UK
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Everybody! I had a good hectic day and hope you did too!:flowerforyou:

    YannieJannie: I didn’t sleep well last night either. Such a bummer. My only good thought is that I am going to drop like a sack of potatoes tonight.:yawn: Absolutely love your Jan Glidewell quote. It is so true!

    Mon: Great motivation! :smile: It is so easy not to go to the gym sometimes. Once I get there I do feel better.

    Pen2u: I have focused on logging this week too. Congratulations on your 3 day roll.:flowerforyou:

    Michelle in NC: Great NSV for Maggie. I know she loved you telling her!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thank you for sharing your happy websites. I will be using them.:smile:

    Anniebr: Thank you for sharing. I think we might be twins! Putting myself first was a hard lesson for me to learn, but learn it I did. The most amazing part is that in some instances people in my life became more self-sufficient. Now when I help them out I feel better because I am doing it because I want to do it versus me doing it because “who else is going to do it”. Believe it or not I think they enjoy the things I do for myself as much as I do.:wink:

    Meg: I have facial hair too and thought about electrolysis but my hair curls under the skin when it is growing back and I end up with painful hair bumps.:angry: Do you think electrolysis would work for me? Sending hugs to you….do what you feel is necessary.

    Kim: Sending a kick in the backside for your Mom!:explode: My Mom was a clothes horse! I hated shopping and even now I really have to concentrate on buying clothing. In my early 20s I went shopping on my own and bought three dresses which I thought were beautiful. My mother advised me that they looked like grandma dresses. Needless to say I was reduced to tears which was how my father found me. Oh the fight that ensued culminating in my father (the known tightwad) giving me his credit card in front of the entire family and telling me that we were going shopping for all the clothes I wanted. He put me in the car right then and off we went. He also explained to me that my mother was anemic and that was why she was so small and that all the women in his family were large and beautiful and I looked just like them. So I never had to hold on to that hurt! My mom learned a lesson too and never ever said anything like that again.

    Greyhoundlover: Sending hugs to your fur baby.:flowerforyou: Welcome!

    Carol: So sorry….The SO and I are financially strapped right now.:sad: We are finding that the things we are missing out on don’t amount to much in the overall scheme of things. This too shall pass. Don’t stop getting out!

    Well Ladies….I’ll end for now. The SO climbed four trees today so I need to go pay him some attention to let him know that his efforts are appreciated. Have a great evening.

    Tere in RVA
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Well, we didn't get to Williamsburg today........friend we were going with had to work. DD and I went out for Thai for lunch then saw a movie, November Man. Lots of twists and surprises there. Rain poured at times so it was a good movie day.

    Linda........Enjoyed our tea this am, lol. Having more right now.

    Sylvia..........Guess you got your exercise chasing Molly!!! Sounds like the p.i. is much better, yay!

    Carol..........Wow, I agree 24.00 is robbery for a hamburger steak (and the rest of the dinner entrees are way high too); looks like people pay for the "ambience" of that place. If I really, really wanted to go, I would either call ahead and ask if I could order off the kids menu or order one of their salads with a soup or other appetizer. That would bring you in under 20.00.

    Heather.........Another adorable new pic!!! He's gorgeous!!!

    Michele............If you use google you can find tons of lactose free casseroles, and often ratings by people who have made them; and, in some cases, suggestions to make them better.

    Meg........Good luck car shopping; I bought my last one used off Craigslist 6 or 7 yrs. ago and no problems so far. Of course it's the PT Cruiser that everyone else in the family hates, which basically means I have it to myself..........fine by me, it gets me from point A to point B just fine. Between DH laughing himself silly when I found it and everyone warning me to stay away from Craigslist and never buying a used car before
    well, I think I showed them all!!!! Actually, it was pure luck. Now, I likely just jinxed it.

    Sad about Joan Rivers.........she certainly had a style all her own.
    The news is not so good for my old walking buddy either.

    Welcome newbies and good luck!
  • marciamuse2
    12 pounds is fabulous progress! Keep up the great logging!:smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good eve.
    Went for labs this am.
    Hope you had a great day!!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday morning here. Tried to take my Spireva puffer and threw up, still have headache argh.
    Washed all clothes in basket and on line, ironing bed sheets soon.
    Not sure about eating but will try Jeannette's salmon salad sandwich for lunch and making Jamie Oliver's lasagna for dinner.
    Stan went for his blood test this morning and picked up his Nexium, he has been pinching mine for a week. He takes 20s and me 40s so he cuts mine in half.
    Friend coming round at 1pm to cut down metal rods in paddock, Stan put tree branches in so he could see them and not mow over them with ride on
    Hope I feel better and train next week, so over this

    Lesley in Tasmania.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Ma B
    Gilet is French for sweater.

    Yannie Jannie
    I really enjoyed my tea.

    Well I put in a great first day. I think I will get used to the CPAP had a good long nap this afternoon.

    Out of here be back tomorrow. And I'm sure wii will smile for me in the morning.

    See you lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Today was a much better day for me. I did get in a 65 min walk. I can't
    get motivated to go back to the YMCA or even out in public yet but my
    goal is to go back next week when the new session starts.
    Brenda from Md
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    Well, I've lost 2 pounds since joining just a week or so ago. I've done it once before and this time is forever.

    Jeannie in Utah:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did an hour of Jari Love's Slim & Lean DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jillian Michael's Extremely Shed and Shred DVD

    Beth - I'm so sorry your mother treated you that way while you were growing up. It's good that you can look on the bright side....thanking her for making you drink all that milk! So good to hear that your son went to school.

    Shari and greyhoundlover (give your doggie lots of hugs from me) - welcome!

    I don't remember who suggested the item "off the wall" for cleaning vertical surfaces on pool tiles, but could this be a commercial product? I couldn't find it at Amazon.com

    Sylvia - I'm glad your mother came around and expressed her love of you. Just think, after you finish the prednisone, how much weight you'll lose

    jean - this is THE group to join! So glad to have ya Congrats on the weight loss!

    Carol in NC - who decides which restaurant you go to? $24 for a hamburger! Unbelievable. Say, maybe it comes in a 24 karat gold bun....lol

    Heather - lactace is in a lot of dairy foods, so no cheese (or at least on the side and whoever wants some can have some), milk, butter. A casserole to me is something that's a pretty main dish that you put in the oven to bake for a while. So, a lasagna with all that cheese is a no go. What a precious photo!

    Exercised, then I was so tired I took a little nap. Went out to lunch with the Newcomers. I asked not to get the mayo or a bun, but they still gave it to me.
    Fortunately, tho, the mayo was on the side so I only had the creole burger. Just had water to drink. Was able to get 2 orders of squash veges. I did ask that they go light on the sauce (butter and olive oil I understand). Personally, I didn't think it was light at all. barbie - do you ever ask the kitchen to rinse off the veges before serving them to you? Then went to the local library to be sure their wifi will work on my laptop, then to the place where I got my car repaired years ago. See, when I play mahjongg on Mondays the gal's home where we play, her driveway has a BIG dip and try as I might, many times I scrape, especially when I'm backing out. I know that I can possibly avoid this by going out of her driveway at an angle, but that doesn't always happen. Then went to Petsmart, forgot to get dry food for Lance and Shadow. Then home

    Got the results of my mammo. All's fine.

    Made an appt for my annual physical and got the orders for my bloodwork, so I'll probably go next Tuesday after exercise. I'll need to exercise on an empty stomach, but I'm not planning to do anything real strenuous. I'm thinking about doing one of those 30 minute Cardio Machine Meter workouts but this time for the stationary bike. I'll need to go slower to get my settings.

    yanniejannie - I was the same way with my car. When the kids got their license, I had a brown stationwagon. They wouldn't be caught dead in it. They referred to it as "the rolling turd". I looked at it as "that's fine, no one will use it so when I need a car I have one".

    Lesley - feel better fast

    Jeanne - congrats on the loss.

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, I read that the latest Ebola patient is coming to your hospital in Omaha. Did I get that right? I bet he will get outstanding care from any nurses you have trained! Yes, my feet are SO much better today! It's like somebody flipped a switch on that darned itching. What I did not take into consideration is that Molly's favorite thing in the world is to be chased, and once I quit chasing she came over to see what the problem was. But I did get a workout.

    Tere, I have had trouble with hair, and looked into laser hair removal but they said it doesn't work on gray or white hairs very well. I've done waxing in a salon before, (ouch!) but now I'm on blood thinners and I bruise very badly, so that's out. Cream removers dont even work at all on the thick wirey hairs on my chin and neck, except that it gets rid of the small soft hairs next to them so they seem even more obvious. My eyes are so bad that I can't see well enough to tweeze them all out. I ordered a little gizmo from amazon that is battery operated and has two little rotating disks that are supposed to yank out the hairs. Ouch! Then a couple of weeks ago I was at a yard sale and this lady had a whole bunch of little gadgets, brand new, for a dollar, so I bought one. It's a spring with a pink handle on each end. You bend it in a U shape and sort of twist the handles in toward each other and it yanks out the hair. It still hurts, but I've gotten used to it and now I've been using it a little every day. It's not too bad on my chin and neck, but I can't bring myself to try it on my upper lip. Anyway, it seems to be working so far. It gets the worst ones out.

    Linda, glad you are getting the hang of your CPAP machine. My hubby has come to depend on his. The other night he got eight actual hours of sleep! A new record.

    Lesley in Tasmania, I have not ironed a sheet in my life! Do people still do that? I hope you feel better soon.

    I made turkey breakfast sausage patties from a recipe online, and oven roasted potatoes for dinner. I thought the sausage was pretty tasty. Hubby said today he really wants to lose weight, so I tried to make something light but I'm not sure he liked it. He had to add his own salt at the table, too. Usually I make two dinners, one with salt and one without, so he felt a little neglected, I think.

    I should be working on some drafting jobs tonight, but I don't want to, so I'm not. Tomorrow is another day...

    Goodnight everyone!

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Cynthia – so sorry to hear about your puppy. Hope he’s feeling better and healing quickly.

    Sylvia – glad you were able to get the needed medicines for your poison ivy. I’ve heard it takes about 10 days or so to run its course.

    Brenda – thinking about you and sending prayers for comfort as you go through what life has thrown your way.

    Carol – hope you have great luck with your open house.

    ECfromSJ – I hadn’t heard about the Bodyblade before but saw it advertised and thought that it was something I could do at home. So far I haven’t seen it in the gym but a friend said his physical therapist has some and they use it for shoulder rehab among other things.

    Granmallie – sorry to hear about the loss of your childhood friend. It’s great that your DB didn’t pick up a drink with the news.

    Alison – great job shopping.

    Beth - Great news that your son was able to return to school without the migraines.

    Heather – the cookies look so cute…almost as cute as that little boy!

    Linda – hope you’re able to get some good sleep now. I suspect I probably have the same problem. When my sister and I shared a hotel room, I woke to find her standing over me saying “breath!”. She said she stayed awake most of the night, first from my snoring and then I would get really quiet and she would wait until I took my next breath, which could have been anywhere between 10-15 seconds or so.

    Jeannie – congratulations on your 2lb loss!

    Time to head to bed. That alarm clock goes off too early in the morning. At least it’s Friday so traffic to work should be a little better.

    Tina in MD