

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I don't know whether to say good evening ladies or good morning or what. My clock shows it is 11:56 PM. So I guess I am right on both parts since by the time I am done with this it will be midnight!!!

    One thing on my list today was to make my Virgin mobile phone a hot spot for vacation.Check, done!!! Was not easy. I tried to do it online but it asked for my pin number for my account. I bought this phone about 3 years ago and ave never changed any settings and have NO idea whatsoever what my pin number is. I got the paper work out for when I bought it and couldn't find a pin number,just a lot of info about the gmail account I would have on the phone. So I called today, finally got through. I hate phone mail, that what I call the voice menu. It only gave options for something you know you want and they said nothing at all about tech support or for little ol' ladies who don't know what they are doing. Wish there was an option for little ol' ladies. I just know if you keep on selecting 0 they will eventually get the message you have no idea what you need. So I got connected to a human, not a human that spoke English well but a human. I gave her my phone number and she asked me the security question that I had apparently answered sometimes ago. What was my first concert I went to. My mind was blank. So she needed to reset that to my answer. I said the Lettermen. I knew it was either that or the brother and sister duo that she died of anorexia. So she got it reset, and I finally figured out on my iPad how to access it. I did that on my own. I was thinking I was going to have to call them back and have them help me but i was determineded not to ask my dauhgter, son in law but do it myself. So I did it!!!!! Jumping up and doing the happy dance!!!!

    Got a lot more stuff done in the office. I ish that added up to calories burned but I don't know what. I had my window seat cleaned off. But todays big pile was a bunch of pictures I had in a corner. Most of them were from we emptied my Mom's apartment when she died. I couldn't vring myself to throw them away at time but it might be time now. Anyway, the window seat is full of neat piles of pictures that were hung up or on tables/shelves. I got all the trash in a big garbage bag. But now my next task is the computer desk itself and top of the printer. It is very difficult making a copy of anything because I have to hold all this stuff so it won't fall on the floor. Who knows how old it is. I have thrown so may things away that were dated 2008. I had a hard time throwing away Mom's will, durable power of attorney, her acceptance letter for her VA widows pension benefit, which BTW saved all of our bank accounts, just things like that. I was throwing away important things of my Mom's life and I don't feel like I as treating them with respect.

    Next comes my bedroom. I have Mom's old antique dresser which I haven't seen the top of for awhile. When she died I put my own dresser in the closet as an 'organizer' Boy, did it fail!!! So it goes in the same category as the other dresser. Then it is the shelves in my closet. I am afraid I will have to employ the search and rescue dogs for that. I may not be found for days if that stuff falls on floor. Oh no. I just thought of my work table in the laundry room. I wanted a table but didn't want to buy one. We had one of those old console record/8 track tape player combination. You know the monstrous kind. Well my nephew, then now ex son in law and me had a wonderful time gutting it. So it is in the laundry room, the shelf below is used to hold things like blankets and the top was to be a folding surface. Well if is now a magic mountain. magic because it just eats things up and who knows what is on there.

    I also changed up the closet in my office, it was a bedroom, into a sewing room. Saw it on HGTV. Took the bi-fold doors off, painted the inside a pretty soft green left up the closet organizer so the shelves could hold craft books. The large opening just fit an old student desk my youngest had in high school and chair. I put my sewing machine on the desk, put a nice picture on the wall, had some cute sayings about quilting, flanked the outside frame of the closet with a set of lace shears that came free in my daughters trailer. She hated them, U put them in the washing machine and they looked like new. And of course my big bookshelves need organizing. Whew, makes me tired. But i hate it at Christmas when I have to leave part of my house closed off to my family and guests.

    Lesley, you have all the right to stay here. You add to our family. It is working for you, you have a wonderful routine that you and your doctor like and approve of so why change it. We all must make our own decisions about how to do this journey and if it work, it works. If it doesn't then we have to make a decision on how to change it or be satisfied with a less than ideal plan.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    good morning ladies~ slept in and didnt check in last night, came home and my DH was getting ready to go to bed..he got a nasty cold... I feel so bad for him.. because you know men when they are sick:sick: :huh:
    Anne, I dont mind being a member of AARP , have been since my husband turned 50 and he is 8 yrs older than me.. I enjoy reading there magazines, and the AARP discounts
    I do not consider myself old.. I am in much better shape than i was a few years ago and feel blessed for that..I wiped down everywhere here with disinfectant ,because I dont want to come down with anything..
    I am bad with chocolate chip cookies, maybe I will make then and leave them in the little freezer down at the nursing home for the DFIL
    the only thing with the cooler weather is that it makes you want to eat more:grumble:
    With the DH not feeling well, we might forgo going out for our anniversary.. he probably wont remember anyway..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Hi ladies!:flowerforyou:

    It is sooooooo good to be back into my regular foutine with my cardio and strength training. Today I made 581 calories to eat!:laugh: I have lost one of my holiday pounds, so I feel much better about myself.:bigsmile: I like Barbie's quote - most of us sacrifice what we want the MOST for what we want at the MOMENT. :bigsmile: I certainly did that for ten days while I was looking after the grandchildren and on holiday and I knew at the time that it was not making me feel good. On holiday I woke up in the morning feeling angry at myself. Now I am back on track I feel much happier. :happy:
    Also today I have DH'S company for the day and that makes me happy.:happy: I have missed him.

    Meg - I will be in NYC from 30th Sept to 5th Oct, including my 65th birthday on the 2nd. Getting a bit nervous now. I am a terrible traveller, but love it when I get there. :bigsmile: NYC has always been on my bucket list.

    Butternut squash tonight with roasted duck legs. Most of the fat comes off the duck legs as I slow roast them with spices.
    We had a vegetarian day yesterday. I like to eat veggy at least one day, fish twice, chicken or similar once or twice and the rest red meat. I am lucky enough to be able to afford organic free range everything. They almost tell you the name of the chicken! ! !:laugh:

    Time to change my ticker!

    Love Heather in thundery and rainy Hampshire UK.

    PS - Today the Scottish nation goes to the polls to decide whether to stay in the UK. I hope they do. If I were Scottish I don't know how I would vote.:noway: A difficult choice for them.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my friends

    I hope you are all doing as well as you possibly can.
    After being re-admitted to hospital last week to have a drain fitted, I am now back at work! Feeling extraordinarily out of sync, which is always the way when I return to work after being ill. To be honest, I could have used a bit more time off and possibly a holiday in the sun. Still, time to get back to normal now.
    Anyway my lovelies, I will catch up with you all soon.
    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    hugs Amanda~
    It is like Pea Soup out here...foggy as all get out out here which means it is chilly...
    just had some ezekiel 4.9 almond cereal with unsweetened almond milk and 12 a banana and a cup of tea.. , will have another cup of tea ,and then get out for my walk..
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Bump to put in my topics. I'm only on page 4. Later I will catch up.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello, At work and work at the Y again tonight. Long day, I over slept so didn't get my first walk in but plan to walk at breaks and lunch. Tonight I get off at 7:30 so I think I'll stay and do some cardio. I want to start doing Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday nights but that will be at LA Fitness and I need my employee number to get in. I don't have it yet. I think I'll try calling today.
    My first water aerobic class is 9/27 and I am still working on getting it all together.
    We had a lunch and learn yesterday and it was on the subject of "The science behind the diet" Basically the doctor advise to go organic, and to not eat sugar or flour, including wheat. He referenced several book that I'd like to take a look at. According to this doctor the wheat in the US is modified and he said that other countries won't even let it in their country and that is why he recommends not to eat it here. He said that if you stop eating sugar and wheat you will lose weight and your joints will feel much better. Thinking about trying it for a week or two to see how it goes.

    Welcome back Tammy!

    Pat, I miss baking too. I do bake at Christmas every year with my grandkid’s, we’ve done this for years. We use to fill tins with cookies and fudge, now we make people a plate of them. It’s a way for the grands to give others gifts.

    Sylvia, I always think of my Mom when I read about your studio and work. My Mom had a studio for years and all of us still have favorite pieces that she made. She really got into porcelain dolls and all of us girls have them and have passed them down to children and grandchildren, I also have a giant pig bank that I insisted had to have blue eyes like mine when I was a kid, so she painted them blue and she has long pretty eye lashes. I love that pig. I am real sorry to hear about your friend, I’m glad he plans to spend time with you though.

    Anne, So true about AARP, and I get senior discounts at places now, I never thought of 50’s as elderly or senior either. I’m curious about that game though, will have to check it out.

    Michele, I agree that I haven’t learned much yet either but am still trying to fit all the week one video’s in. I’m hoping that after week one we will get into more than the basic. I have to say that the Learning How to Learn was easier to listen to so far. I will try tonight to add my food log and let you know.

    Have a great day ladies,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Hello to all: Off to get a hair cut but wanted to mark my place.

    Lesley in Tasmania - Please stay with us! I think it is interesting to learn about what you are doing and as long as it works for you no one should criticize. You need to do what you find is best for your body.

    Healing angels to all who need them including pets and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • DMRinehardt

    Looks like you are off to a good start. I have actually gotten to the point in my life that I take these doctor's advice with a grain of salt. One year this is bad for you the next year, oops - we were wrong, it's good for you. When I was a teen, I researched and read every diet book out there. My favorite was the Doctor's Diet for Teenage Girls. I was a cheerleader and gymnast and overweight. I tried what the books said and GAINED weight! I spent 6 yrs on a roller coaster.

    I gave birth to my oldest in 1985. Lost 60 lbs in 6 months by listening to my body, not doctors. I ate only when hungry and limited portion sizes. I used sugar not artificial sweetners. I was not surprised to read years later that the artificial sweetners actually help you gain weight via activating your appetite!

    I was blessed to maintain that weight loss with little effort.....of course, until menopause. I felt like I gained weight just looking at food!!!! LOL

    Hopefully I'll get to know everyone on this thread at some point. I am excited to be on this journey with all of you!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I think you’ll enjoy New York City. I never wanted to go there, but did a few years ago when I accompanied a group of eight graders there as one of the chaperones. The city was clean, the people were friendly, and we had a lovely time. The only thing I didn’t enjoy was going to the Today Show, where we stood outside early in the morning and watched the program on TV in the cold. Every once in a while an outdoor TV camera would scan the crowd and people would hold up signs and yell. I’d have rather had extra sleep, and I don’t know whether the kids enjoyed it or not.

    Amanda: I am happy you are here and sorry you’ve had to have a drain installed. I hope you’re on your way to good health and won’t have any further problems.

    I am no where near done with reading this thread this morning, but I hae to get ready for yoga. I’ll stop by again later.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Nothing special planned today. I'm currently soaking one of those "dry clean only" items, a jacket with an acetate lining and hoping it doesn't fall to pieces! Fingers crossed!!! Still working my way through Upstairs, Downstairs on Netflix.........couldn't imagine why I didn't watch this this when it was first on PBS, then realized I was still in school then working night shift and had no tv.

    Pat.........We could be gone all day too.......until after dark when we stayed closer to home and played under the streetlights........hide and seek, fox and hounds, kick the can. I didn't roam as much as most because I usually had my nose in a book. Lived in 3 blocks of homes grouped together outside of a very small town and knew every single person in every single house......some families had been there for four generations or more. Roamed the hills all day if we wanted, including a shale/coal one left from mining that was a goldmine for fossils---a couple of which I still have. I remember climbing the side of the mountain----zero safety equipment, of course; just the hammer and chisel stuck in back pockets
    the sun on my back and legs......I could climb like a monkey back then......coming down off the fossil field terrified me, didn't stop me though. It's amazing that no one I knew fell down a mine shaft............ahhhhh, Pa. coal country!!!

    Carol..............Hope you are finding the chair exercises you wanted to make up for the lack of foot usage. I took my mom to a chair exercise group at a local center once and remember they got a pretty good workout; but, sadly for her, at that point her dementia was at a place where she could not participate very much.

    Heather..............You will have a fabulous time in NYC
    maybe the leaves will be changing in Central Park, it's so pretty in fall. I also hope Scotland stays! What sights are you most hoping to see?

    Meg.............Woohoo!!!! That increase in running time is remarkable
    you must be doing something very right! Super NSV!!!

    Michele...........We never had desserts as a rule either............the only exceptions were the Christmas cookies, holidays, and birthdays. If I was sick my mom always made me lime jello........a tradition I've tried to carry on
    my daughter is not thrilled.

    Hello to everyone else, welcome newbies; hope you all have a good day!
    Stay strong!
    mid-Atlantic..............beautiful, sunny and warm but not too hot
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just a quick good wish for Arthur!
    (And anyone else needing good wishes!)

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Shana - There is an app (I guess that's what is called) by varidesk that you can install on your computer and it will pop up at the times you set to remind you to get up and move. You can tell it how long you want to stand up (or be away) and it will tell you when it's time to sit down again. I sometimes use it when I'm going to be doing something I know I will get in engrossed in. Otherwise, my own wandering mind and achy body reminds me to get up. I made a deal with the guy I work with that I will get up once per hour and walk for five minutes. And, welcome!

    Lesley - I for one truly hope you stay with us. I learn a lot from you about a "different" method of being healthy, not to mention being fascinated by your life in Tasmania. I'm glad your health is improving. I'm sure you're sick and tired of being sick and tired!

    Michele - I drove about 1/2 block with the boot on the other day because it IS a pain to put on and off. I won't do that again! Braking is fine but I can't feel the accelerator through the two-inch sole on the boot. My biggest problem with it is that I walk like the character Lurch. I've switched over to my walking shoes (well, just one) and put an insert in the sole today to try to even my leg length a little. I hope that helps because I'm noticing the strain on my back and hips from the walking lopsided factor. However, I did have almost 7,000 steps by the time I got to bed last night. I (hopefully) have forgotten how to be sedentary and can not imagine the physical and mental torture of being prevented from walking for three months.

    I'm still previewing exercises because I had a meeting last night. I went straight to the meeting after work and got home after 9 p.m. I ate a snack supper and then went to bed! Tonight will not be quite so late but still not a normal evening.

    For those of you signed up for the Nutrition class on Coursera, how is it going? I've been focusing on the other class I'm doing this week and will end up doing the Nutrition class on the weekend. In the other class, I'm reading Jane Eyre and am not really enjoying it any more this time around than when I was in college. It is a LOT to read in one week and I am a FAST reader and love to read. I still have all of the lectures to listen to, too. I do enjoy those, though, and will watch/listen while I exercise. I need to see if I can download them as podcasts so that I can listen in the car on my way to and from work. That being said, I am so thoroughly enjoying having my mind stretched! It has been stagnant for too long!

    I need to get some work done now. I have a large mailing to get out this week. :grumble: :sad: I will probably end up stuffing envelopes at home so that I can elevate the foot and listen to my lectures while my hands do mindless work.

    Carol from delightfully fall-like NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Another beautiful fall day.
    Gonna spend some time with hubby today as he`s off.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Bump again.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes for NYC.:flowerforyou: At one stage last year I thought we would never get there because of DH's anxiety attacks, but I told him that if it was too bad nearer the time I would go on my own. At the moment he seems fine and sleeping much better than me!
    When I am in a new city I like to do a lot of walking, just to drink in the atmosphere. I have bought some new thick socks!:laugh: The art galleries are for me a priority and the tenement museum that someone mentioned a while back. I want to do a boat trip and walk over to Brooklyn. The brownstones, The old churches. Just drink it all in. I have read a very good history book called "Inside the Apple", which has walks at the back and I have a good guide with good maps. I am very good at orientation in a new place and feel I know where everything is already.:bigsmile: DH just follows me!!!!:laugh:
    Oooooohhhhh, excited! :happy:

    Caught up with my typing a bit today, but still not back to where I got to when I lost some.:ohwell: Feels good to be back in harness.

    Love to all. Big kisses for poorly pets. Big hugs and kisses for poorly people. Amanda, I hope you will rest as much as you can.:flowerforyou:

    Heather in cloudy Hampshire, UK. ( Waiting for the Scotland vote results tomorrow)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's rainy here today, so I didn't walk with the kids this morning. We knew last night it was going to be raining. So my son took them to school and I slept an hour later. I'm picking them up this afternoon.

    Today is picture day, and they will all have their pictures taken for the yearbook even though we aren't buying them.

    I'm sitting here at my desk wearing my new size 14 jeans. I don't even have any "spillage" at the top until I sit down, then my tummy spills over just a little. Still, they don't hurt, and they make me feel better, so I'm wearing them. I remember when I was young and I had to lie down on the bed to zip my jeans. And I was thin then!

    I'm trying to get set up for when my new "intern" starts on Saturday. Hubby helped me move my second potter's wheel up into the sunny room in front of the windows. It's much nicer there. And I cleaned off some shelves and moved those too. It will be nice to have some company!

    Lesley in Tasmania, I do not believe in the starvation mode thing, but that doesn't mean that I'm criticizing anyone else who does. I have just not found it to be a factor with my own diet. I admire all the body building stuff you do, and love reading about it, but can't do it myself. I wish I could eat that many calories though! :sad:

    Sue, I'm getting my hair cut today too. Fingers crossed for both of us getting good results!

    Arthur, we are still out here sending you hugs! :flowerforyou:

    Dianne, there was an article yesterday that said a new study finds that artificial sweeteners actually kill some kind of bacteria in your gut which causes weight gain. But only in some people who have that specific type of bacteria, which means that some people will gain weight due to the artificial sweeteners and some don't. I used to drink diet soda a lot, and I gained a LOT of weight. Of course, I was eating huge portions too. When I stopped drinking diet soda and just drinking water, I still gained. Go figure. So for me it is more about the food, but I'm not afraid of a little real sugar. Hubby is a chemist and he says he would not put that artificial stuff in his body because of what's in it.

    Amanda, I hope the drain helps and you feel better very soon!

    Heather, your post reminded me of a recipe I saw online that I want to try. It's oven fries made from butternut squash.

    Barbie, I love the quote about buying a bomber!

    Meg, running for FIVE minutes!!!!! Great job!!!!!!!

    Shana, do you mind if I ask how heavy you were when you started running? My hubby thinks if I start running now I will wreck my knees and feet. But sometimes when I walk I feel like a racehorse being held back but really wants to run. I did run alongside my granddaughter's bike and did just fine. I want to do the couch to 5K thing, but my cardiologist also thinks I'm still too heavy. (He's an idiot though, so his opinion doesn't matter too much.) Maybe someday.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    If someone with multiple personalities threatens to commit suicide, is that considered a hostage crisis?


    Have a great day everyone!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Thursday. I am working short shift today instead of Friday and that gives me three days off. I want to get somethings done outside, but sounds like we are in for some storms the next couple days. Gotta love Nebraska weather.

    Welcome Shana-- Come back often. I work at a desk and have several 12 hours shifts aweek. I try and get up and go to the restroom atleast once an hour and walk to the one farest away and take a long way back. On the 3 days a week I take laxis the steps add up quick. Then I try and walk home the days I have the short 8 hour shifts.

    Lesley--Hope things go well at the doctors. I do hope you keep posting with us. I enjoy reading about your trainning and different things you do. I try and keep an open mind and learn what I can. We are all different and not one way is better then the next.

    Meg--I would love to meet with you, but I do not think I am going to the funeral. I am disappointed in her husband and some things that he has done the last couple years. Also I am going to have my 6 year old DGD as she is out of school and her mom works alday. It makes no sense having the several down there as she lived and worked in Grand Island most her life. I feel he is just doing the cheapest he can. I just keep reminding myself she is at peace now.

    yanniejannie--I agree with the selling at school. Each year they have a list of all the things the child needs for school. That list gets longer every year and then they still want them to sell junk.

    Amanda--glad to hear from you and that you are back at work. Hope you feel back on track soon.

    On the subject of baking, When I was married the first time I baked everything from sratch as DH would not eat anything else. And he always wanted a big breakfast and three meals aday. I did not work outside the home so thats all I did. I was overweight my own life, but gained alot during those years. My DH now likes to bake and he used to alot, but not so much anymore. I like to make cookies with the grandchildren at Christmas and some other holidays if the mood hits. Then we pack them up and give them away to neighbors and friends.

    Syliva--love the joke. You always make me smile.

    Well ladies time to get some work done and then go home. DGD will be there this evening to spend the night and tomorrow. I am hoping the weather will let us do some work in the yard. I saw in a Merards ad glow in the dark spray paint for metal. We have metal work around our front porch and it needs painted. So thinking of trying that. So far everyone thinks I'm nuts, but my thought is I could find it in the dark and would not have to leave the porch light on and deal with the bugs. Just thinking about it right now.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Sylvia - from what I understand about the Couch to 5k programme you just start by doing a little tiny bit of running. Even I can do ten yards! ! ! ! Unfortunately I can't do much more than that with all my joint and foot problems. :sad: A little tiny bit of running can't hurt, but watch it! Almost anything puts my knee out. I think the problem with you would be reining yourself back when you were going well. Slowly and carefully does it! How's the blood pressure?

    Heather UK
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Well today I get to eat and drink up until midnight and then nothing until
    after surgery tomorrow. So far my appointment is 1:00 pm. I'm hoping
    someone will cancel so they take me earlier. My daughter Amber is coming home
    this weekend to help me if I need it. Hubby has to work Saturday.
    Brenda from Md