

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 479 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    Just popping in to say hello. I will do treadmill this morning and then some housework. I am making wonderful progress on my drawing, I have 32 hours in. This is a busy week for me so I won't have a lot of time to devote to it. My brother's birthday is mid November so I still have time!

    Have a great Monday everyone!

    Cindy in OK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning.
    Got a call that my aunt passed away.She had been sick for a long time.She had kidney cancer,obesity,diabetes and CHF.
    Could use prayers for my mom,it`s her last sibling.
    Have a good one.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lesley in Takone: “Starvation Mode” is controversial. Some say it is a myth. I doubt I encountered it at all in my weight loss adventure, but I've been careful to follow the MFP calorie guidelines as my weight has declined. I did reduce calories when the program told me to, and I’ve lost the weight I wanted & needed to lose. It was a
    S L O W process with many, many plateaus. On the up side, I’m staying where I need to be without too much effort. I still count every bite and swallow, and if I go over my allowed calories I exercise to burn those extra calories. I expect that calorie counting will be a permanent part of my life because it would be too easy to go back to bad habits. My skin is not “tight,” but it doesn’t hang off my frame. When I pinch the skin on the back of my hand it snaps back into place as soon as I let go. As active as you are, I’ve little doubt that your calorie allotment is much higher than mine. Polite words cannot express my lack of respect for Dr. Oz. :grumble: I tried one of his miracle weight loss schemes before I found MFP. It gave me diarrhea and the water loss weight drop lasted only until I drank water.:mad:

    Beth: Sitting on the deck watching boats pass is relaxing, but I prefer a bit more activity. I spent as much time there as I did because I wanted to spend the time with DH and he really can’t do much right now. This afternoon we meet the surgeon who will, hopefully, dramatically reduce or eliminate his back pain and improve his life.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: We love Powell’s, but haven’t been there in several months, partly because they’ve been remodeling but mostly because DH feels so awful. I don’t know how far along in the process they are right now. I would definitely stop there if I was visiting Portland, remodeling or not.:flowerforyou:

    Michele in NC: Good luck with your cake project. I’m sorry your Loki is having seizures, poor kitty. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: We used to have a wonderful used bookstore in town, but the recession forced the owner out of business. I miss her bookstore, but occasionally see her at her new job. She now works at a hardware store. You live only a couple of hundred miles north of us, but your day is shortening noticeably more than ours. In summer, the longer days in northern WA and BC are lovely.:love:

    Brenda in MD: Sending good thoughts your way. DH is awaiting surgery right now. Waiting is no fun.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Good luck shopping for a khaki skirt for DGD. Would a place that provides girl scouts with clothing have a skirt that meets her needs?:flowerforyou:

    Kim: My original weight goal was lower than my current weight by a few pounds. I’ve paid attention to Barbie’s experience with her doctor and done much reading about how to remain healthy as I age. I’m at an upward revised target now, and working to stay there. As you go along, you can judge when you’ve found the right balance of weight and energy for yourself. The good news is that you have lots of time and a great support system.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Perhaps your DH will be able to regain enough health to walk at Disney World. If not, your scooter idea is excellent.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I have a military son. I DO NOT want him exposed to Ebola. :noway: :noway: :noway: You can’t fight disease with soldiers.:flowerforyou:

    MA in UK: Congratulations on your loss and your lovely adventure in Wales!:flowerforyou:

    Alison: There are a number of Whole Foods outlets in the Portland area, but none close to where we live. I find many of their items quite expensive. They are well below farm stores on my preferred shopping list, but sometimes they have just the right thing, I'm somewhere in the Portland metro area that is nearby one of them, and I’m willing to pay for it.:flowerforyou:

    Gail: Thanks for the links. According to one chart, I’m too thin for my age and height. Boy, is that a surprise! I’ve never been too thin on a chart before! This is quite a novelty. I feel great and look okay, so I’m not concerned. The thing is, I’m just right if I look at a younger age group. I’m also just fine according to the BMI charts. There is a 30 lb acceptable range there. Who/what is buzzle?:huh:

    Heather: If you don’t feel pretty in your new top, taking it back is the perfect thing to do. When I’m nervous about getting someplace new I leave extra early and wind up sitting around. In my opinion, sitting around is better than worrying or missing an appointment.:flowerforyou:

    Jane: Sending prayers for your mom. Losing her sister has to be very hard. :flowerforyou:

    Today we meet with DH’s surgeon to discuss his surgery. We actually met him when my son was having surgery earlier this summer. I can hardly wait! I only wish the surgery could be sooner than September 30. DH is in a lot of pain.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Need to clarify a little.......that bit about sending the military to Africa in the Ebola fight was from the Wall Street Journal and I believe they were talking mainly about medical people and medical instructors from the military branches and those needed to build portable hospitals. Of course, the political climate being what it is there, I imagine it's possible if not probable that troops may be needed for protection......we'll know more when the announcement is made. I've had both excellent and extremely substandard medical care from the military staffs. Given the choice now, I use civilian.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Katla - many good wishes to your DH.:flowerforyou: Having a loved one in pain is much worse than having pain yourself in my opinion.:brokenheart:

    I found my way to the mammo - eventually! Went wrong once, decided to park and walk there, paid for a ticket and then found out that the place was another drive away.:sad: Never mind, it's done. I wish I were more gung ho with my driving, but every time I go out of my comfort zone I feel I am improving.:happy:
    My necklace came out ok, not brilliant, but wearable and she says it will soften into shape. She also made two small pairs of earrings which I haven't tried on yet. The bracelet was too small so she will add some beads that are left over. Now all I need is an occasion to wear it.:bigsmile: It's better than just having the jet beads in a box and to have it done by a proper restorer would have cost a lot of money. :noway:

    Came back to my food delivery and promptly ate the SMELLY CHEESE that I had ordered! ! ! ! ! ! :sad: Fortunately it is tiny, only just over 2 oz, so I think I will still squeak through for the day.:wink: Good job I didn't order a big one , :noway: :laugh:

    Dinner all prepared, ready to cook as soon as I get back with DH. 12 mins max. I will put the oven on before I leave. The salmon is organic and v tasty. I also bought duck eggs.:tongue:

    Heather in still sunny and beautiful Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Hello Friends,

    :drinker: :
    Anne enjoy your posts.
    The other thing that happened in the fifties was the birth of instant food. The example is pudding. To make pudding it takes 20 minutes of constant stirring at the stove. At first they tried to make a quick cook version using all natural ingredients. It failed. Only when the food scientist was given the go ahead to add chemicals that instant pudding was born.

    High Fructose corn syrup was made not for our health but because it a cheap sweetener that can be added many food products.

    My DH also believes the advent of color TV changed how we are tempted into eating the wrong kinds of foods. We had a black and white TV until I went off to college. Food can be made to look very enticing in color.

    I have already gone on my soap box about how corn and soy beans are produced for profit and not for health. When we took that tour of southwest Minnesota it was all corn and soy beans. Most of it was GMO too.:frown:

    I try to make the best choices I can given what is available to buy and our finances. Food is such a personal and social thing too.

    I do agree seeing our children struggling with health issues at such young ages is sad.:frown:

    Today I will try to make the best choices I can so I can be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, ans spiritually.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    Some of you might be interested in this link based o n the BMI etc., for us more experienced gals:



    Gail, metro ATL

    Gail, thank you for the links.....this puts me many pounds underweight but certainly goes along with what the doctors told me.....the osteoporosis specialist said that if she had her way, women would be heavier. I've gained 10 pounds since I saw her.

    :bigsmile: Katla, I love the way the days get shorter in the winter and longer in the summer,,,,,all the different length days have their own charm and I appreciate and celebrate the differences. If I had my life to live over, I'd probably live even farther north.

    :flowerforyou: Anne, have you read "Salt, Sugar, Fat", It goes into even more interesting detail than the article you cited

    :bigsmile: I leave in a few minutes to meet a friend for a walk on the Olympic Discovery Trail.....this walk takes us along the water and into the trees at Sequim Bay State Park....even, better, there's a restroom along the route (always a welcome treat)

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where I noticed that the leaves are beginning to turn

  • strassenkoenigin
    Hello everybody,

    You have to understand that I come from a different experience than most of you. I grew up in Europe without fast food. My mother was a teacher for home economics and that must have included a good education in nutrition because if I look at what the gurus today recommend, what we should eat, that is what I got as a child.

    Very balanced and varied meals including tons of vegetables, fruits, small portions of meat and fish on a regular basis. As good Germans we would have our coffee and cake in the afternoon sometimes, and we loved our good bread and rolls for breakfast. Added to that my family lived partly in Italy at the seaside, where we got treated to the best of Mediterranean food. And both countries had excellent wine, which was thoroughly enjoyed in my family.

    We went out for dinner, but it was always more a special treat than something we would do on a regular basis.

    So when I moved to the States in my thirties my eating habits were firmly established and it did not even enter my mind to eat fast or junk food.

    My recent concern with food stems from the fact that after menopause I started to put on weight and none of my former recipes to lose weight worked anymore. I also realized that my favorite foods like bread and cake were like poison for me and contributed to immediate substantial weight gain because I could not stop eating that stuff when I had it in my house.

    Another cultural difference is that in Europe TV ads were not shown during regular programs. There was a time before the evening program where they showed mostly American sitcoms which were interrupted by ads. But during regular programming there was no advertising.

    In my former life I have worked in advertising and PR and I know exactly how they influence people .
    And I like everybody else I am influenced by it too. For example I developed a deep dislike to medications for older people, because during the evening news they practically only advertise medications for older people. As they are now forced to list the side effects, this is all what sticks in my mind. I refuse to take any medication because I am worried about side effects, not that I need any, I know of. I now mostly watch only PBS because I am tired of being told which parts of me are going to fail or leak due to old age.
    I also have absolutely no desire to have sex with Viagra or any other similar product. The idea that a men I am in bed with , would have an erection which lasts four hours is totally off-turning.

    So I have to educate myself about the eating history of the US by reading about it as I lack the personal experience.

    I have read a lot, some of it I forgot again, what remains is a deep anger that the big corporations are allowed to destroy the health of so many people for their gain. And it is happening all over the world. And I keep bringing up that topic because I want us all to be as angry and to fight them.

    Anne in the Mojave desert
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    The day just gets better/not.My friend with cancer`s son was in a car accident.They are doing open heart surgery on him.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    I lost you again.:grumble: .........I'm back.:laugh: :wink: :laugh:

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Oh Jane! So sorry to hear of your Aunt's passing and now the death of a friend's son. So very sad...

    Katla ... I'm not a fan of Dr. Oz either ... which is why I'm not convinced Perlmutter knows what he's talking about either with the choloesterol/dementia thing! But I do know that 6 months after starting a statin, my blood sugar levels increased to borderline high and that without the statin, my blood sugar levels are normal. :huh: Which is consistent with Perlmutter's theories. So it's something I plan to discuss with my doctor at my next visit. I have extremely low cholesterol right now.

    I'm not sure of the term "starvation mode," but I do know that if I drop too low in calories (anywhere near 1200), my weight loss stalls and I get very sluggish. Eating enough to cover my BMR seems to make a difference. And at least one eating plan I've followed (trainer and doctor recommended) was entitled "Eat More To Lose More." Only whole foods though with a low to moderate level of gluten based carbs on just a few days of the week.

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Well I'm back from the surgeons office, I'm having my gallbladder out
    Friday at 1:00 so far. They might change the time if a slot comes opens
    up sooner.

    Jane, I am so sorry to hear about your aunt and your friends son. I pray he comes thru the
    surgery ok.

    I can't remember who's husband is awaiting surgery, but I hope he can get in sooner.
    Brenda from Md
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    Two men playing golf were held up by two women playing in front of them. One man said: "I'll walk up to them and tell them to hurry up." When he returned he said: "I have a problem, one of the women is my wife and the other one is my mistress." The second man said: "I'll walk up to them and hurry them up." He came back and said: " We both have the same problem."

  • strassenkoenigin

    I went to that link too and like Barbie I am many pounds underweight following their recommendation. As I do not go to the doctors, nobody told me that I am not at a healthy weight.

    I personally want to lose more weight, because the thinner I am the better I feel. I know that is true, because I was there last year and then I put on some pounds in the late winter months and did not take them off immediately and now I am still working on it. I know that more fat on my body influences my hormonal household negatively.

    It is though the first BMI chart I have ever seen which recommends higher weights for older people.

  • strassenkoenigin

    I had to look up Perlmutter. I am deeply suspicious of any of Oprah's offsprings. While they seem interesting at the beginning, they quickly fall all in the same trap, that means they have to keep up ratings and consequently they become more tabloidy as they go on. Plus there are just so few really interesting subjects they can come up with . Dr. Oz makes a fool of himself, he practically contradicts himself all the time and he will advertise everything anybody pays him money for.

    The other beef I have with them is that none of them was able to make Oprah lose weight. So if Oprah with her minions of help cannot lose weight and keep it off , how can we with their advice? They obviously do nothing else but make money of us.

    By the way I never gave up butter or cream, though I am buying now only butter which has no added hormones in it. I have not found cream yet, which says that there are no added hormones.

    The real answers for healthy living as shown from studying longevity all over the world: A diet including plenty of fresh, unchilled water, lots of vegetables, limited meat and fats and sweets, and the habit of hard farm work or walking and exercise and having a richly entwined family life and close group of friends--a support system.

  • lstanisz79
    lstanisz79 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you Barbiecat for getting me back to the group! You are a big help! also thank you exermom and GodMomKim for the welcome to the board! I have really been enjoying reading everyone's posts. As soon as I get familiar with everyone I hope that I will be able to add something to the group.

    Rainy day here in Indiana. Didn't expect it. Had plans to walk with DH tonight. Last night was the first night that he has walked with me. I've been walking since March. When it rains or has been too hot out I go to the mall. DH says he is not a mall walker. That's okay I will get him tomorrow.

    So excited to be here! Everyone have a great night! God willing, I will be back soon!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Forgive me Jane ... I misread your second post today ... praying earnestly now for the young man's heart surgery!

    Brenda ... praying all goes well with your gallbladder surgery.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. What a weird day today. I had an episode of hypoglycemia today right before lunch and I have felt kind of yucky ever since. I don’t plan to go to water aerobics tonight. I did start out right by parking at the far end of the parking garage. But that will have to do for exercise today.

    Dad got sent to the oral surgeon today which was a crazy episode. I signed all the consents only to get a phone call requiring verbal consent. When I got home there were several messages on the answering machine wanting me for the consent. I saw the paperwork that went to the oral surgeon’s office…it clearly said to call on my cell phone.

    Benny Beagle spent the day at the vet having timed hormone tests to see if we can figure out why he piddles so much dilute urine. So now I’m waiting for the vet to call about that and a kidney ultrasound.

    Mimi: I think in the future we will see a whole ton of genetic testing to determine which meds will be most effective. My brother had a heart attack recently and needs to be on a “platelet slicker upper” and had genetic testing for them. He found that the most commonly-prescribed one would not work at all for him, putting him at risk of another heart attack had he been prescribed that one.

    Kitty: I have a dumb phone so I can’t help you with apps

    Hi Heather: I do feel positive about my new plan. I love veggies! Keeping them fresh for a week is the issue, so we do use some frozen, which I don’t like. But I won’t make extra stops at the grocery store, so I try to load up on fresh veggies the first half of the week. I do have some good recipes for veggie side dishes that use frozen. I don’t think about how to suit everyone one at; each person can make one request for a meal but I make the menus. So that’s not a worry! I used to say I am not a short order cook! And our kids eat everything that is prepared. I usually take my lunch so that’s not a problem…I just think I need some changes As you say, 32 pounds is a lot, so I probably need to change things up some! Thanks for your encouragement! I so appreciate it!

    Cindy: sounds like a successful start to the week!

    Erika: I use a tailor frequently, sometimes for taking in, but usually because the arms and legs are always too long! I think it is well worth the money. Congrats on such a problem!

    Yanniejannie: how fortunate to have a friend with extra concert tickets! When I worked in the emergency department I used to say that all patients had Ebola until proven otherwise….we never knew what kind of diseases our patients might have….and everyone laughed at me saying no way will we ever see Ebola in Nebraska! And now we have our own Ebola patient!

    Gail: maybe making a new plan will work…it seems to have lifted my funk

    Katla: we missed the northern lights too and its so rare to see them here. I’m surprised mfp has not taken my goals down; do you have to do that yourself? I thought several people said mfp did it automatically

    Lesley: maybe I need a refeeding day but I’m afraid I wouldn’t only do one day!

    Beth: it’s always nice to show off your new body

    Barbie: no I have not eliminated any particular food from my diet. I am a “moderator” and I’m not convinced that most people need to eliminate grain products. I need a certain amount of carbohydrates for my diabetes, plus 30% fat and 12-20% protein (per the American Diabetes Association) Thanks for the suggestions though; it’s always nice to get another perspective. I think for me the key is going to be exercise.

    Brenda: sending you hugs!

    Kim: sometimes we have summer in October too! Right now we are having beautiful fall-ish weather.

    Patty: I know…you miss half a day and there’s 10 pages!

    Jane: so sorry about your loss! Sending you hugs Also sending healing prayers for your friend’s son!

    Well I’m off…dinner is ready; leftover baked chicken from yesterday…gotta love big Sunday dinners that give such great leftovers! Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Deb A in CNY
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Interesting conversation growing up in different cultures. I have no recollection of anything but home made meals during my childhood and teenage years. Then I immigrated to North America and boom. Of course, Europe has "evolved" as well and convenience is everywhere, including its partner named overweight.

    At this point my doctor is satisfied with my weight. 145 lbs at 5'5.5". I personally think that is way too high. To add to the debate, my mom, who is 91, is as skinny as can be and obviously living a long life. My personal opinion is that a lot of health issues has a lot to do with genetics. But there are so many studies out there, it makes your head spin.

    For tonight I have decided, since it is just me, to have broccoli, carrot, onion, garlic and some peanut butter all mixed together. Yum.

    From very sunny and very warm Vancouver Island, BC