

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Meg ... I question the lack of homework too! Used to think it was just my son ... he's not the most motivated student ... but we discovered at the end of the year when home tutors got involved that there was actually very little homework in most of his classes. And this past week, I specifically asked for the work and got very little response or work in return. Sorry that you are feeling discouraged ... I've been there for too long myself. I'm trying to remember what I did and how I felt when the weight first started coming off ... finding "the love" again, if you will ... because I really want this! I think you do too!!

    Katla ... sitting on the deck watching boats pass by sounds sooo relaxing!

    Went to church in my most slimming outfit today ... (shame on me for wanting to make a statement) ... but "friends" weren't there this morning!

    I did a fair bit of food prep for the week today ... breakfast cookies my husband likes to grab and take to work, steel cut oats I cook, portion and freeze for me. Worked on some more tomatoes and then cooked three meals for the family since they are all home for the weekend.

    Really hoping to get back into a more regular exercise program. While looking at the finances, I offered to discontinue my gym membership ... but husband was adamant I keep it. It's the piece I've been neglecting and the piece I'm certain will jump start the weight loss again.

    Have a great night!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Hello to all: Fitbit dashboard not working so don't know how many miles done on my 100 but I think I am still slightly ahead of where I need to be. DH going out of town tomorrow so will have the house to myself for most of the day. Yeah!!!

    Michele - "Little Shop of Horrors" was excellent. We have some really talented people here in our community. The plant saying "feed me Seymore" reminded me of when I am on prednisone. I can eat a meal, know that I am full and still want to eat. Luckily I am currently off the drug but only since August 28.

    yanniejannie - I am glad you got the china cabinet home safely. It sounds very much like the one I inherited from my DMIL who inherited it from her DMIL. There is still a shipping label on the back showing it was shipped by Sears from Chicago to Mobridge, SD.

    Sylvia - Congrats on the dress in size L.

    Katla - Do you go to Powell's when you are in Portland? My daughter and I will be attending a conference in Portland in October and are planning to make a stop at Powell's while there. Just recently completed a book by Alan Day, Sandra Day O'Connor's brother called The Horse Lover. It is about the ranch he bought in SD and made into a mustang sanctuary. I really enjoyed it.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Lesley,Very interesting. Do you set your own calorie limit? Tell me more?
    PS Is that the military Tattoo?
    Lesley: can you explain what you mean by “refeeding”?
    Re-feeding is a body building term, it means that on one day a week I only walk the dog and allowed the higher calories to trick my body lol. Yesterday was 1905 cals, not bad. I have Sunday as re-feed day as that is the day Stan cooks Sunday Brunch and we have a roast dinner. Today I am back down to 1620 cals

    Stan the dog and I drove along the coast to Ulverstione and walked along the River Road and then bought our ice cream treat. Then had a lovely drive to Gunns Plains, a beautiful valley, got out and walked by Leven River for the doggy. Drove back home and cooked dinner.

    We watched Edinburgh Tattoo on TV and I had my 5 Milk tray chocs as my weekend treat.

    Have decided cannot do without training so going to do Jeannette Jenkins' Cardio Kickboxing shortly, then walk the dog up our country lanes after lunch. Back to lifting weights next week.

    I follow Jeannette Jenkins food allowance. If you go too low, below your BMR (mine is around 1600) then you go into starvation mode, lose muscle and gain fat. Told that by Tom Venuto who I trust. My muscles were hard won by body building

    Lesley in Takone
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Did an hour of Leslie Sanson's 5 Mile Walk today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a bit of pilates, hold my plank and then take the extremepump class.

    Rori - welcome back! Losing weight while on vacation -- now THAT'S something to be real proud of.

    katla - again I got from Jessica the "mom didn't used to eat this way", but honestly, I really didn't want a hamburger because I remember how terrible I felt back in May when I had one.

    mimi - so sorry to hear you're having fibrillation and tachacardia again. Recently, Vince told me that he'd been experiencing times of when he felt his heart was skipping a beat. We THINK it might be the bacon bits that he was putting on his salad and coleslaw. This has only been happening since he got the adenizene. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. Good thoughts being sent your way.

    yanniejannie - congrats to Barb. WTG!! Glad you got that hutch home

    Heather - do you put the cake layers on the board and leave them there? See, we had to get the cat off the (well, we used) wax paper onto the bed. That's where we were having a bit of a problem. Can you slide the cake off the board? Really can't put a piece of cardboard under the cat while it's on the bed since you cut the cat and bed to eat the cake. Whatever it sits on would have to be something edible. You know what's one thing we totally forgot? Whiskers for the cat! We could have used raw spaghetti, but we just forgot to put them on! The "bed" was chocolate cake and the cat was a yellow cake.

    Alison - not all restaurants will have warm lemon water. You now what I'd do? I'd buy some of those packs of True Lemon (powdered lemon, about 1/4 of a slice). Then most every place would have warm water, so I'd just ask for a cup of warm water and put my own lemon in. I've used this in things like my iced tea. Isn't it amazing how quickly things add up at the supermarket?

    Anne - now that I think of it, you're right. Many members of my family lived into their 80's and 90's (I'm lucky, there isn't much if any dementia on my side of the family, even at 90) and none of them worried about the food they ate or how much exercise they got. I remember my father (who died at 83) was told when he was about 79 that he needed to go on dialysis. His feeling was "what are you going to do, give me 6 more months of pain from my arthritis". My grandfather's (who died well into his 90's) meat was, literally, white from all the salt he'd put on it. He drank (not a whole lot) and smoked (not a whole lot), and he lived to his 90's!

    Sylvia - thanks for reminding me that I need to buy black beans. I want to make some of the black bean brownies for me. I seem to like things spicier now, too, but Vince still doesn't. Actually, Jessica decorated the cake. She's a very good artist. She made it for the vet because he knows that one of her cats is diabetic and is on this one insulin. We're surprised how much it had gone up in cost! Anyway, evidentally a dog who was on this insulin passed away and the owner gave them the rest of the insulin that he had to the vet. The vet gave the insulin to Jessica. In the end, this probably saved her, literally, about $500. The cake was a "thank you". The vet cut the cake, but not before taking lots of pictures. I'm very proud of her and her artistic ability. Don't know where she got it from. Certainly wasn't me. I can only draw a straight line with a ruler! I use savings catcher all the time. You know, one time I bought water at WM and I know it was on sale at another store that they supposedly use, but I didn't get the credit. Admitted, it wasn't for much...but still. I guess so far this year I've saved about $6 with them. Well, I do a lot of price matching myself, so that probably explains why I've gotten so little. But every little bit helps. Liked the joke...of COURSE he's still wrong....lol

    I'm surprised at how fast it got so cool. Yup, today I relinquished my shorts in favor of pants (still have a short sleeved shirt, tho). I also popped the popcorn for the Christmas tree. I'd had pork chops and chicken breasts marinating and Vince just grilled them so we'll have them later in the week.

    Eileen - welcome! Glad your email buddy recommended us

    Heather - I, too, love my veggies. I can easily take 1/2 to a whole bag of frozen veggies and have that with my small piece of meat. Tell me about thinking about cooking with everyone's needs in mind! So many, many times I wind up cooking two separate meals. Glad you had such a nice time with your friend

    Erica - WTG on those shirts!!! I'm sure that how much it would cost to get a suit jacket taken in depends a lot on if it is lined or not. I know that I had a jacket taken in, but it wasn't lined. That one came out fine. I'm sure any good tailor would make it look decent but then the question comes in -- is it worth it? Unless the jacket is a bold print (like a plaid), I wouldn't think it would look obviously taken in. Plaids can sometimes look like they've been taken in since the pattern doesn't match up. Would any of the jackets have a pattern that won't match up after it's been altered? The reason I had the suit altered that I had was because it's very hard to find a lightweight suit with long sleeves, especially down South. I bought it when we lived in PA

    Renny - good luck on your 8K

    I totally forgot that the lady whose house we play mahjongg at on Mondays, her husband's birthday is Tuesday so I made some whole wheat blueberry muffins to take to him. Good flavor, what I like is that they're not super sweet, but I didn't use muffin liners, just sprayed the muffin cups. Now I know that I should always use the liners.

    Loki had another mini-seizure tonight. We were sitting having dinner, and Vince heard his cry. By the time we got to the top of the stairs, he was still jerking. Wish I knew what brought these on.

    Sue in SD - so glad you enjoyed Little Shop of Horrors. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing it!

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mimi, thank you for the link to the program about people ages 90+….it made me feel better about the 15 pounds I put on at my doctor’s recommendation. I applaud your continued efforts to abstain from sugar and processed carbs.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, we have stopped buying certain products because of the political leanings of the company….what a great app….we don’t have an I phone or my hubby would get it in a minute. We have also stopped shopping at a store that doesn’t pay their employees a living wage.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, have you considered eliminating bread, crackers, and other flour products and substituting more lean protein and vegetables? You might get a lot more nourishment and energy for the same or fewer calories.

    :flowerforyou: Erica, congrats on your new clothing size….I know nothing about altering clothes, but I remember crying as I gave away my too large clothes…..now I have a very tiny wardrobe.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, congrats on signing up for the 8K..

    :flowerforyou: Beth, your gym membership is as important to you as my walking is to me……even with tight finances, my hubby always agrees when I need new walking shoes.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I get all my books from the library or paperbackswap.com or half.com. Buying new books at bookstores is outside my financial comfort zone.

    :brokenheart: Michele, sorry to hear about Loki's seizure.....poor baby

    :flowerforyou: I met with a friend to walk for two hours on the Olympic Discovery Trail….we walked a section of the trail we haven’t walked before. Tomorrow morning I meet with another friend to walk on the trail on the other side of town. The weather is so great that I’m happy to be able to walk during the day. My long walks with the dogs are mostly in the dark now.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 34,000 steps today ---- ---three minute ten second plank

    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Wow, chatty group here. Tomorrow I have an appointment with
    a surgeon, he already told me no exercise for a week after surgery.
    I hope they make the appt soon, I need to get back in a routine including
    my body pump and step class. I've only done pump once in the last
    6 wks. Circumstances have been keeping me away. I really miss it.
    Today was a very hard day emotionally and I didn't get my walk in.
    Brenda from Md
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This afternoon we took the two granddaughters to a chamber music recital on campus. They were very good, and said they really enjoyed it. The youngest now wants to play the flute. One of the performers was an operatic mezzo soprano, and the oldest was really impressed by her. In the ladies room during intermission she was trying to sing like that. It was cute.

    We need to find a khaki colored skirt for the oldest for her singing group thing. She's supposed to have it on Tuesday. Walmart doesn't have ANY skirts. Penneys was closed already by the time we got there. So tomorrow I'll have to see what I can find. She's very hard to fit, as she is very, very short and has somewhat of a tummy. I could have made her one but didn't find out till today that she needed one.

    Well, I'd better get to bed so I can get up early. Good night everyone!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Michele... what's this ... popping popcorn for the Christmas tree??? :huh:
  • strassenkoenigin
    Good evening for many of you it is already good night or good morning,

    I spent way too much time on my computer yesterday because I was really lazy and read myself through tons of information concerning women after menopause.

    I read a long dissertation about weight management in post menopausal women and some points I found quite interesting.

    In that dissertation the lady explained that beginning in the fifties Americans started to eat out much more because McDonald and similar fast food chains were created. While eating out was considered a luxury before , now suddenly it became popular to eat out on a regular basis.

    Within a few decades the statistics changed dramatically. While first the percentage of normal weight people was the highest one, rapidly the numbers looked more like one third with normal weight, one third overweight and one third obese.

    In Europe these huge chains of fast food were introduced much later and I think I never ate a McDonald before I was thirty (and then never again).

    Together with the fast food chains there were other changes in the eating habits too. Junk food was sold everywhere in gas stations and convenience stores, packaged conveniently to take with you. More and more households bought microwaves and bought pre-fabricated meals which just had to be heated.

    Advertising on TV showed you enticing pictures of super sized food all the time and the fast food chains went 7/24, so that whenever you had an urge you could fulfill it.

    More and more jobs were sedentary and more and more women worked. All this contributed to weight gain.

    Now the dissertation is very long and explains body image and socio-economic reasons too.

    But the point I wanted to make is, that the big corporations have done an excellent job to make everybody fat by constantly confronting us with readily available prefabricated food. And now they make another killing by selling us all kind of diet food, gadgets, etc.

    Food should be important but not so important. If I think back , during the happiest times of my life I always forgot about food. When life was really exciting, when I was doing something I really loved, when I lived an adventure, when I studied something I was really interested in, when I was in love I was super slim because I forgot eating. As a child I was so active that I forgot to go home to eat, i was always outdoors. Yesterday in the news they had a report where one lady talked about childhood obesity, she said thirty percent of the Kindergarten children are already overweight! And then they go to school and college all the big fast food chains have their franchises there.

    I have a lot of problems with the constant bombardment with food ads on TV. Even if I just ate and they show something Yummy on TV I get tempted. I started to get up and do some exercises with my barbells while the ads are running. .
    I also think it ridiculous that when so many people have weight problems that there are so many cooking shows. It obviously does not change much, it is all about making money and nobody really cares if people get healthy and fit..

    I always buy a lot of raspberries, blueberries or blackberries at this time of year and snack on it. Also Watermelon has become my favorite. What I miss though, which I cannot get here in the Southwest are currants and goose berries. We used to have them in our garden in my childhood home and I really miss them. I enquired if I could grow them here, but nobody thinks they would survive our scorching summer.

    Anne in the cooler Mojave desert, so I could do 53 miles again
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Alison – I do left overs for lunchs, and love the crustless quiches - but I am not doing the no-sugar, no white flour that some of you are doing and I think I remember no sugar for you; not sure about the flour… as it gets cool soups are nice too.

    Jenn – take care; so much at once!!! Keep taking Moose for walks; it helps with the eating and our fur babies are great companionship!

    Heather – your posts make me smile…

    I found it interesting all the talk about bmi/target weights etc… so I did something I have not done – ever – which was finally go to a chart and look myself up. And according to the first calculator that google brought up and when I get to what I consider my goal weight I will be at the very top of overweight…. So I started typing in weights to see when I would get to normal – and the weight I will need to be is the weight I was after 6 weeks of mono in college some of it in the hospital – I was so sick, it is hard to believe that the chart is right for me… but time will tell.

    Journey – welcome

    Vicki – you sound like you take good care of yourself and steer clear of some of the family drama! Good job

    Meg – when MFP dropped my calories the first time I thought I would die! But guess what I didn’t and I just got more creative about what I ate, found more low calorie stuff to fill in the hungry gaps! Doubled the veggies and 1/2ed some of the carbs or sugars…. But I do not eat “clean” or no- sugar or no-gluten as some gals do; I seem to be able to do moderation…

    Katla – the aurora borealis!!! I would love to see it….

    Sylvia – I understand that MFP never goes below 1200…

    Meg – later --- CA weather has been so hot, but that is not completely unusual this time of year, “summer “ goes until mid – October often…

    Erica – if the jackets are tailored (lining, collar, front facing) they are more difficult and expensive, if they are a more relaxed style, it would be easier… I would recommend taking your most favorite in to the seamstress or tailor and talk to them about the cost…

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times done 2 times
    Walk 100 miles -16.34 = 83.66 to go
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week – 1 done

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I tried on both my iPad and smart phone and couldn't find either the buypartisan or the Walmart price catcher things:huh:

    Michelle that cat cake was darling looking. You almost don't want to eat it!

    To whoever is an accountant. My BIL is also and there are times of the month that he is just gone. He is there in person but his mind is somewhere else and he is stuck in his office or having extra hours at his office at work. But he is paid well and is on salary so that allowed him to be the kind of husband my sister needed when she had her breasts removed and chemo therapy.

    It was my brother's birthday today. He is the one who has the son who now has 4 children and he is barely over 30. He is divorced from the Mom of the first child, living with the mother of the other two and then she has another one in the oven. Well while they were all getting along they booked a long Florida trip and rented a house. My brother and SIL absolutely love the Mom and always called her their future daughter in law because they were engaged. But after she got prgnant with the 3rd things changed. He wanted to find himself. He was either doped out on heroin, in rehab,successfully. or a Dad of two babies. He didn't know who HE was. So he decided he wanted to leave. But this trip was already planned and he really wanted to go. Needless to say it was not a pleasant trip. Thye posed for some nice pictures to look like a wonderful family but there was little spoken, he did nothing to care for his two children. Plus my SIL Mother lives full time with them now since she has been in early dementia. It isn't early anymore. And it didn't just have the required amount of rain that Florida is known for. it rained and rained. so it wasn't a pleasant time. My sister who went for a 4 day weekend to Cincinnati now think she has a blood clot from sitting to long in her power chair. The had a Reds baseball game, Creation museum, zoo, aquarium and other things planned. My sister is not healthy, she has the orthopedic body that my Mom had when she died at 86. But my stubborn sister said she would be fine because she would have her scooter.She got back Monday and is still exhausted, in constant pain and has a red, very swollen , hot knee and can't walk on that leg.

    I told Charlie that this is why I have to be in as good health as I can be because of his health problems. His is more uncertain than mine. He wants to plan another big Disney trip for 2016!:huh: I suggested 2015 and he use a scooter like I do. He says he walks 2 miles at day at the mall and will be fine. Disney is not a 2 mile walk. And he walks as slow as he does now I have no idea what it will be in 2 years. MEN

    Only 4 weeks now and I will be listening either on my deck or in my bedroom at the sound o the surf!!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Can't sleep..............again..........

    So I was checking the news stories on my absolute worst nightmare disease:
    It's now spread to 5 African countries: Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Senegal. Known almost 2,500 dead, in reality, it is agreed the total is much higher. Depending on the reproduction rate could go to more than 250,000 by the end of the year (that is less than 4 months!!). A fourth dr. has died in Africa of the disease.
    Dr. Richard Besser, chief health editor for ABC news, former acting head of CDC, "The world yawns as Ebola takes hold in W. Africa. I don't think the world is getting the message."
    Another news report: "President Obama plans to dramatically boost the US effort to mitigate the Ebola outbreak in W. Africa, including greater involvement of the US military." ????? Hmmmmm.........

    Whew........on one hand, I've felt a bit like Chicken Little on the subject so far..... on the other, I'm glad that the powers that be are finally showing signs that this has gotten their attention............as it SHOULD have generated a concerted effort weeks ago, IMO. Hope to read that some other countries are pitching in also as this truly does have the potential to affect every person.

    Off to TRY to sleep agian.......
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Happy Monday everyone

    This weekend took my son back to Uni in Cardiff, Wales and stayed on a lovely campsite 7 miles from the city - it could have been a million miles - herons and other birds I couldn't identify (possibly egrets) and all sorts of wildlife. Next time I stay I'll have to take an eye spy book! It was only 1.5 miles from the coast so a walk to the seawall will be in order next time. This time was soo busy unloading etc!

    After a huge meal in his favourite restaurant on Saturday - it was a pick your own buffet so I choose wisely - just too much - we needed a walk on our way home. We came home through the Welsh valleys and found a lovely ex miners train-line, now a cycle and walking trail, through the woods, so stopped and walked with the dogs for 1 hour, Then called in at the factory shops at Ebbw Vale before heading north for the motorway. The Welsh valleys are so pretty in the sunshine, but so dark and bleak in the rain. It was a sunny day! All in all a good weekend.

    Weighed myself this morning and lost 2lb - so dead chuffed! An even better weekend!

    Have a good week.

    MA in UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I fell into bed and was asleep by 6 pm last night I didnt do any formal exercise,but was running around all day long...I bought quite a bit of yummy stuff at whole foods.. bought a sweet potato salad with cranberries, a small mescalin salad with goat cheese,2 pieces of breaded eggplant,2 slices of herbed turkey breast, bought some no sugar added soup,qunioa salad..I did buy a week ago some caraway crackers that have very few ingredients..i do eat minimally processed stuff, but no white flour anything.. did buy some ezekiel 4.9 bread and english muffins,again no sugar.. but each of these is over 5.50 cents and but had a 50 cent coupon...
    I do not eat corn, except in my suzies thin cakes, 4 of them are 51 calories... love them with a laughing cow wedge.. all under 100 calories. it is 46 degree's out right now brrrrrrr, of course from what I hear from the farmers almanac we are to have a nasty nasty winter here in Connecticut .. another reason I CAN NOT WAIT for Florida... we have about another 4 years here..then I will be uprooted .. The only thing I will worry about is my DF, and DFIL..
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All, I guess this is going to have to be a bump since I tried to catch up with reading but now really don't have time to respond to much. I am at work and have to get cracking here.
    I planned to catch up on a lot this week-end and ended up at the soccer fields all day Saturday and half of Sunday. The twins made it to the finals and took second place. I love watching them play and figure the work will always be there. I did get the yard mowed though.
    This coming week-end my friends daughter is getting married and I am helping with things. I hadn't really planned to attend the wedding and thought I'd help with what ever she needed before and after the reception. But I guess I am invited and now I have to go out and get a wedding present, and find something to wear. It is a very fancy event, open bar, a band and a DJ, entertainment even, so Yikes, I never wear anything but gym shoes and will have to dig out my heals, which I wear only to weddings and funerals.
    The Healthy Lifestyle class starts today, it runs 7 weeks. I've been looking forward to it. It is one of the CourseRA classes that anyone can take if they want to without getting credit for them. Worth learning something new for anyone interested, just go to CourseRA.org.

    Way to stay strong Jenn in Texas. It is so hard not to turn to food and for what you are dealing with, my hats off to you. You are inspiring.

    Joyce, Your day sounds like a special time for you and the granddaughter. I remember when the twins were younger and invited me.

    Kim, I still hope I can work things out with the Y, I’ve been there for 8 years and I love the members and all the friends. We’ll see.

    Really got to go,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Some of you might be interested in this link based o n the BMI etc., for us more experienced gals:



    Gail, metro ATL
  • shopes2468
    shopes2468 Posts: 3 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Good afternoon! :flowerforyou:

    Got to get off to my mammogram this afternoon. Then to pick up my jet necklace from the rethreaders. I am a bit nervous about both things.:ohwell: I have got to drive to the mammo and I have not been there before. (I am a nervous driver)

    This morning I took DH to the cricket and went on to M&S to pick up some salmon. I bought a top that I'm not sure about. It's very clingy and pink. Might take it back this pm or tomorrow. They did have a pale mauve that might be better, but I think a refund would be the best thing. I don't like showing my bulges.:noway:

    MA - fantastic on losing the 2 lbs! ! ! ! ! The UK can be fabulous in the sun.:flowerforyou: We were so lucky in Cornwall. :bigsmile:

    Gail - good references. I am on the lower edge of those age charts normally, but would like to lose just two more pounds. But NO more! At the moment I am two pounds up from my holiday so I have four pounds to go.:laugh: Will have to adjust my ticker.:cry:

    Had a phone call from the delivery company that the van drivers are off work tonight! They want to deliver earlier, but I'm out for a bit so I hope they can organise it. I also have to pick DH up from the cricket after 6pm. Blah!:sad:

    Michele - like you I usually move delicate stuff around on baking paper.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi - so sorry your heart problems have come back.:flowerforyou: Hope they can sort it for you.:flowerforyou:

    Must get on.:ohwell:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Migraine is gone. Son is in school! Yay!

    MA ... congratulations on the 2 pounds lost ... may you never find them again!

    Jan ... I agree, the potential for a worldwide disaster with Ebola is overwhelming. I question how untrained military would serve any useful purpose.

    Patti ... sounds like you have a busy week ahead!

    Anne ... there is no question that our diets and health have declined since the 50s. It was also shortly after that the food guidelines changed ... we changed to a diet higher in grains and lower in fat. So now we have record levels of obesity and related disease. Not to mention an epidemic of demential type disease. Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain, suggests that this reversal in our diets ... and a misplaced focus on cholesterol ... is the reason we have the problems we do. I'm not sure how legitimate Perlmutter is ... he's gotten a lot of press, and if you like Dr. Oz, Oz has given him the nod. But he cites several studies where those with low cholesterol levels have a higher incidence of dementia. He finds statins to be evil, removing the cholesterol from our systems that we need for brain health and causing the body to react with increased insulin (thus more diabetes). Even Time Magazine recently conceded that much of our former science about fats ... like butter ... have been wrong. . One study Perlmutter's cited in his book focused on healthy adults ... those with higher levels of cholesterol than normal and those with low cholesterol were tested on mental acuity. Those with the HIGHER cholesterol scored better than those with the low. I'm not really explaining this well, but it makes you wonder. Add to that the crazy chemicals being added simply to increase the food industry's bottom line ... well all bets are off for making it through old age unscathed.

    On that cheery note .... Have a great day ladies!
