

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Joyce - You should be able to sync your Fitbit with your iPad. At least, I sync mine with my iPhone and I would think the apps would be pretty much the same. As long as you have wi-fi, that is....

    I guess I am the exception to the rule. I grew up eating very little processed foot--we grew most of our own food including meat. I have always been overweight except right before I had my gall bladder out. I was "normal" on the charts, but looked anorexic.

    I am off to the podiatrist in just a little bit to see what is wrong with my heel. My GP and I both think I have tendonitis in my Achilles tendon. We'll see what my punishment is...

    Work is calling my name so I guess I'd best get on with it. Prayers and good vibes for those in need and congrats to those with successes!

    Carol in delightfully cool NC
  • strassenkoenigin

    I went to the library to get the book "Salt, Sugar and Fat" but somebody had just taken it out , so I put a request on it. Thank you for the recommendation. It will be probably a few weeks before I can read it.

    Everybody else who commented that hey grew up with healthy and home cooked food too, I am sure there are plenty of you

    Since I live here. I find the tendency to eat out overwhelming. I am constantly fighting off people who want to go out to eat with me. I am perfectly happy just spending time with somebody without eating. I also see every day the long lines of cars going in the drive through and I think how sad it is that they do not even want to step out of their car to get the food.

    It might be an age thing, that I am not so interested in food and eating out anymore. And when I see the reports they have sometimes on TV about dirty kitchens and teenager who spit into food because they are angry with the customers, I certainly have no desire to eat out.

    On the other hand in the last years countless celebrity chefs opened up very expensive restaurants here. One meal there covers my whole food budget for the month , so that is out of the question too.

    It is probably why I am so attracted to the sport of road cycling. Everybody on the bike wants to weigh as little as possible to be faster, so nobody ever suggests eating out.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We had a very negative meeting with DH's prospective surgeon yesterday and are both quite upset, having had little sleep. The man thinks that surgery is not going to fix his drop foot and that his pain is well managed with medicine. That means no health insurance coverage for surgery, as near as we can tell. We don't care about the drop foot, which is a mere annoyance, and the pain is relentless. We're gong to consult with DHs' other doctors today.

    Please put us in your prayers.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It looks like it might rain today. Hope it does. But my joints are aching, so maybe it really is going to rain.

    A couple of days ago I got my granddaughters some cute T-Shirts. One was Wonder Woman and one was Harry Potter. Both had little capes attached with velcro at the shoulders. They had such fun wearing them to school. They were actually in the ladies section at Wal-Mart. I can't see a grown woman wearing them, but the girls just LOVED them. So did their little brother, but they didn't have any for boys. So last night I sewed some velcro on the shoulders of a Batman shirt and made a little cape for it. He was just tickled to death this morning when he saw it.

    I have a funny little story about my husband. Sunday night I changed the sheets on the bed and put the comforter on upside down. It is reversible. He came in and saw it and said "something looks different", but that's all he said. Then yesterday he told me that he thought the new comforter was a little lighter than the old one. (He doesn't like heavy comforters.) I laughed myself sick. He thought I bought a new one. It couldn't possibly have been lighter - it was the same one! Goof ball. He never pays attention to his surroundings.

    I am having a little trouble weight wise. The scale is up over 4 pounds. I've been very lax about logging lately, and have not walked much. The other day at Wal-Mart I tripped on a floor mat and sort of jammed my foot and it still hurts. That's my excuse anyway. And now my joints are aching. And I have not weighed myself every day like I always do. I've not eaten anything unusual, or large quantities of anything, but I just feel myself slipping somehow. All i feel like doing is sitting. There is no way I'm going to make the 100 mile goal this month. I just have GOT to pull my head out and get back on track! I keep reminding myself that there are ups and downs in this path, but it feels like the end of the world. Like I'm going to wake up at 300 pounds tomorrow and this has all been a dream.

    Well, I have more drafting to do, so I'd better get to it. I hope you are all having a fantastic Tuesday!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    Three old ladies are sitting in a diner, chatting about various things. One lady says, "You know, I'm getting really forgetful. This morning, I was standing at the top of the stairs, and I couldn't remember whether I had just come up or was about to go down." The second lady says, "You think that's bad? The other day, I was sitting on the edge of my bed, and I couldn't remember whether I was going to bed or had just waken up!" The third lady smiles smugly. "Well, my memory's just as good as it's always been, knock on wood." She raps the table. With a startled look on her face, she asks, "Who's there?!"

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Well, the trip to the podiatrist ended with me walking out in a hard cast-type boot. Turns out a piece of bone had broken off and was lodged in my Achilles tendon. :noway: :noway: Walking for exercise is out of the question for the next month so I've got to find something else in a hurry! I'll be researching exercises for folks with lower body injury, I guess. :sad: :sad: Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

    Katla - I'm sorry the surgeon was no help. Look for that second and/or third opinion!

    Carol in Thank-God-it-is-cooler NC (The sock under the boot is HOT!)
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    :smile: How sweet of them. You are so special Barbie. Wish you did not live on the other side of the USA I would take you to lunch too.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got some news on friend`s son,he`s off life support and improving,has a long way ahead.
    Thanks for all the prayers.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 479 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today I did strength training for chest and back, treadmill, and a short walk with puppy Brian. I have a one pound gain so I need to cut back on the splurges of bread and that 2nd glass of wine at night. Back to measuring out those 2 oz pours.

    On the subject of home cooked food, I grew up on a small farm and most everything was from scratch. Veggies came from the garden, milk from a cow we owned, meat from farm animals (though I didn't approve because I loved them all). When things like instant pudding and cake mixes started being sold they made there way into the house. People didn't know better and advertising made it sound good. Thank goodness some things have changed over time, we know better now. My mother worked in a hospital for over 40 years, she always took the doctors opinion as gospel and I always questioned......I think we should listen to our intuition as well.

    Jane, prayers being sent your way.

    Sylvia, I have been feeling those aches in my joints too.

    Michele, one of our pugs had seizures, the vet said it was because of his heart problems. Is your cat very old? He may need his heart checked.

    Cynthia, hugs. Watching our pets going through health problems is hard. Our old pug girl is going through so many due to her age.

    Barbie , love the fall graphic.

    Katia, I hope your other doctor is more helpful.

    Carol, perhaps swimming or strength training for upper body would work for you.

    Hugs to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katla, I’m sorry to hear about the frustrating news from the surgeon.

    :flowerforyou: Carol, search the internet for chair or seated exercise and you’ll find some great ideas.

    :flowerforyou: Patsy, thank you for your kind words….if you lived closer, you could come dance with us.

    :heart: Jane, sending hugs to you

    :bigsmile: I got a text message this morning asking me to substitute teach the Friday afternoon beginner line dance class. I’ve taught the class before so I know enough dances to put together a fun program

    :laugh: I have some important paperwork I’m supposed to be doing and I’m avoiding it by checking in with all of you.:laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Good morning ladies. :happy: Well my weigh in this morning was not as bad as I was expecting, up .3. But yesterday was a good food day and I spent 2 hours pushing the lawn mower last evening. So feel I am getting back on track. When I got to work this morning I learned a co-worker from several years ago passed away lastnight. She had ALS and it is a blessing for her as she has not been able to commucate for months. I feel sad for the loss, but know she is at peace. What really upsets me is I have another co-worker who is having major health issues and on O2 and she will not follow doctors orders or have tests they order done. She just wants the doctor to give her a pill and make it all better. Well for starters she has to weigh over 600 pounds. But she says its the meds. I have tried talking to her as someone who at one time was over 400 pounds. It has to start somewhere and one step at a time. I did not get down to 214 over night.:explode:

    Meg--yes we are having this beautiful weather. Sounds like it is to warm up some by the weekend. I hope we do not have to turn the AC back on.

    Made the roast in the slow cooker with the ranch, italian, and brown gravy mix. It was very good. Can't remember who shared it, but Thanks.

    Welcome Eileen, glad to have you, come back often and get to know us and we get to know you.

    Beth--glad to hear DS is doing better and back in school. Sorry to read DS is sick this morning.

    Jane- Hug & prayers for you and mom over the loss of your Aunt. Sometimes this getting older has some not so fun parts. Also prayers and hugs for your friend and her son. Thanks for the update, hope he keeps doing well.

    Brenda--glad to hear you have a date for surgery and pray all goes well.

    Joyce--I took my fitbit on vacation and since we were only gone Monday to Monday I charged it the night before and them when I got home it put the info for the week in.


    Katla--Sorry to hear about the bad doctor appointment. Pray that he can find someone who will listen and do what needs to be done. The way that doctor was talking I would not want him to do the surgery.

    Syvia--I have the same dream. Deep breath and know it is one day at a time and we are better then we were a year ago.

    Carol--Sorry to hear about your foot. How long will you in the boot?

    Well ladies have a great evening and sending Hugs and Prayers to each of you.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Quick note today. Thanks all for your info on my devices. Problem with downloading the Walmart saving catcher apparently was that i had to much stuff on my phone. So I uninstalled several things I don't really need, like Angry birds star wars, and I was able to download it!!! And thanks to the girls who helped me with my fitbit questions. I do have my fitbit synced with my phone and iPad. It jsut seems that when I go to my iPad it doesn't give me an updated total. It only udpates when I am close to my laptop which has the toggle or whatever it is called. I hadn't thought of just entering everything when I get home. Will it work with the sleep also? I guess the fitbit itself will tell me about steps, floors and calories burned.

    Since I am going to eat supper tonight with the Sunday School class and it's a weinie roast, we went out for lunch. Charlie's first thought was Culvers. So I ordered the grilled chicken sandwich, the manager said it was a 4 oz chicken breast. I took it off the bun. I ordered it with lettuce and tomato and just added those to my side salad. So it wasn't many calories but yet not of lot of protein either. I guess if would have been more if I had had the cheese on the salad.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Good evening folks! :flowerforyou:

    This will be a short one as it's time for my bed.:yawn: I have read all your posts and send love to all who are suffering. So, so many ........:cry: .Also there seem to be a lot of us who are slacking a bit just now! ! ! (That includes me, though today was better with only one alcoholic drink) I have been so tired today and I kept sneezing so I think I'm coming down with something. Sleeping not good either.:ohwell: My socks need to be pulled up as I want to be back to 140 by the time I go to NYC in exactly a fortnight.:noway: Tomorrow I will keep exactly to my limit.:happy: A full session of exercise will help - today was only yoga and a bit of mall walking. I did buy myself a lovely new stripey tea towel as our old ones are very old and tired.:bigsmile: I took back the top I wasn't in love with.:happy:
    We had ratatouille for dinner with zucchini and garlic from the garden and tomatoes from the Cornish greenhouse I watered every day. The eggplant was bought. I rationed myself to two outdoor bred pure pork sausages with fresh herbs and have one in the fridge for lunch tomorrow.

    Time for bed. Watched a film called Take This Waltz this pm with DH at cricket and this evening he was upstairs watching soccer on TV so I watched a French film called Rust and Bone. Excellent, if a bit hard to watch in places. He's got his last cricket day of the season tomorrow.:bigsmile: I have felt a bit lonely these last couple of days, but I like my free time and I like him to be happy. I want to get back to my typing which I haven't done for two weeks. The garden is suffering as I prefer to go out there when he is out there. The danger when he is not around is that I start eating, but I managed today with crunching carrots and celery and a tiny apple from the tree. For lunch I had smoked salmon and two poached duck eggs. Delicious!

    Must go to bed now. Hope I sleep! I have a book called How to Stay Sane on my Kindle which is very calming to read in the middle of the night.

    Big hugs to all those with loved ones suffering.:brokenheart: I think of my DS#1 often and hope it won't be too long before I see him.

    Love Heather in warm Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Vicki,know what you mean about the ALS. DH worked with a man who lived with it for yrs.Another man from a camping club we belonged to was in his 40's when ALs started & he was gone in less than a yr.Such a cruel disease.

    Thanks for the info & tips you all share.I read a lot of Wt loss ideas.These are a couple on line today.The more we learn,the better choices we can make.



    Carol,Hope the boot helps your foot heal.

    Brenda,good luck with the surgery.

    Katla,sorry to hear of problems with surgeon at this late date.So stressful.Fingers crossed that the other Drs have advice to offer.

    Beth,those rebound migraines are the pits. Just when you thought he would get some relief. Poor guy.

    Joyce,you can go to any fast food,Walmart etc to use Wi Fi & post.

    Son in law got my new printer up & running. No idea what I would do without him.He's the Apple expert for the family.

    Made a new .....to me......recipe & never again. Glad I made beef veggie soup Sunday.I can eat that every day till gone.

    Hub asked if there was any veggie not in the soup? LOL,I use all but broccoli & Cflower .Pat
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    evening ladies~
    I am exsausted,my neck and back or kidneys are bothering me, so will make it a short one..under calories today` praise the lord, and especially as I got around 6,000 steps... onward and upward tomorrow nighty night:heart::yawn:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday and woke to rain again
    Going to do Bob Harper's Body Rev and walk the dog
    Food is fine at 1885 calories and happy with that.
    Going to clean house, iron and cook today. Making Jamie Oliver's incredible baked lamb shanks for dinner
    Lesley in Takone
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for the exercise suggestions! I've been meaning to add more weights to my workout routine so I guess now I'd a good time.

    Vicki - I have to wear the boot for a month then go back for another xray. If it hasn't healed, I'm probably looking at surgery which means no weight at all on the foot for THREE MONTHS!!! I'm not at all clear on how this piece of bone is supposed to heal so I guess I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all. Well today was a surprisingly good day! I’m down ½ pound but still above my lowest weight so no ticker change. I managed to have a low cal day with lots of water. I parked at the back of the parking lot and did my after lunch walk. I did notice that my fitbit counts elevator rides as stairs! I rode the elevator with my co-worker who has hip problems and I checked it before and afterwards and yup! It counted the ride as a flight of stairs! Did my weights and yoga. So I am pretty pleased overall.

    Renny: my mom was a horrid cook, but everything was also homemade! I don’t remember ever going to a fast food restaurant until college!

    Joyce: it’s funny isn’t it that we all find our own ways in life. Eating out so much would not work for a lot of us but you have managed to make it work! Good for you!

    Michele: great joke! I finally broke down and bought baby belle cheese because DD#2 always ranted and raved about how good it was. Some of it is ok, but you are right…expensive!!!

    Kitty: yes estrogen is made in fat after menopause when the ovaries no longer function to make it. Lighter weight people are at risk for osteoporosis due to less bone-building stress on their bones. I know for sure I’ll never have that problem! Actually both my parents must have bones of steel because mom fell over and over again before she died, including down a flight of stairs and only broke on toe. Dad fell at least 78 times (that’s when we stopped counting) in assisted living and although he once gave himself a head full of blood , he never broke a bone. His first broken bone was in the nursing home when he fainted and fell out of the sit-stand lift.

    Cynthia: so sad to hear your puppy has even worse vision that before. Benny Beagle sends him lots of doggy hugs

    Alison so sorry you had such a stressful experience

    Patty: you are so right about cholesterol; if we don’t eat enough our bodies make it!

    Beth: oh no! Another migraine!

    DeeDee: I agree about outdoor activity. Our kids always played outside, even in really cold weather, in the orphanage in Russia. As soon as they got here and saw other people with all the gadgets, they refused to go outside. When I’d make them, they’d sit in the hottest, sunniest spot in the yard and pretend to swoon. We used to live across the street from a wonderful big park that always had tons of kids in it and they would not go, not even with us! We still don’t have gadgets!

    Jane: sorry your RA is acting up. Do you take biologics? Why the surgeon for a colonoscopy? My my I am nosy, aren’t I? You can tell me to hush up!

    Jane: sending more blessings your way!

    Michele: I so wanted to see A Most Wanted Man and it was here in the theaters for exactly 6 days. I think that’s one reason movie revenue is so down….few good movies and when they come out, they are gone in a flash. You can’t make plans to go see them.

    Carol: hope the podiatrist report is encouraging…Later….ooops not so encouraging. What is the treatment for the piece of bone? Will it have to come out. Those boots are miserable.

    Katla: I’m so sorry your hubby’s dr appointment did not go well. Has he been to a pain clinic?

    Sylvia: sounds like the foot problem started a downward cycle! I do hope it heals soon and you can get back to your plans! OMG that joke!

    Vicki: I’d say that weigh in was a victory considering how bad you thought it could be! You are a good role model for your coworker even if she doesn’t listen

    Heather: hope you are feeling better soon!

    Well no real news on dad’s tooth abscess/draining fistula. This oral surgeon said the abscess was gone but he needs 4 teeth removed. He also wanted to do xrays but held off since they were just done by the visiting dentist even though he didn’t have them. I say the guy is 90 and spent half his life around nuclear weapons so an extra dental x-ray can’t possibly hurt but they wouldn’t do it. Well if all he needs is extractions, the visiting dentist can do those. What a run around. It started with a phone call saying they needed my consent to see him and when I said “I filled out your consent forms” (the ones with their letterhead THEY sent to the nursing home) the person said “We don’t accept those”. OMG I could go on forever, but I’ll stop now! Gotta do the grocery list for this week. I think I have picked some yummy and healthy things.

    Take care, Meg from beautiful Omaha where the ground is finally drying out!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Did an hour of a 30 Minute Cardio Machine Melter for the stationary bike (did it twice). The plan for tomorrow is to go to yoga and then the deep water class.

    barbie - On Mondays I typically get up, do some yoga/pilates/etc for anywhere from 10-20 minutes and then hold my plank. Then I have breakfast and go to the extremepump class. I also watched DWTS.

    A lady in the neighborhood invited me to lunch with some of the other ladies in the neighborhood. In a sense, I don't want to go only because I was just there recently and I'm not real crazy about spending so much money. But it's good to make friends with the neighbors. Last time I was there I had the creole burger with the veges and I thought the veges had too much butter, even tho I asked them to go light on the sauce. this time I think I'll have the watermelon salad with the dressing on the side. I'm just afraid they'll put too much on.

    Good news - Vince is FINALLY getting his haircut tomorrow. It's only been a little over a year since he last got it cut...lol

    Lesley - hope you feel better fast

    Cynthia - the reason I don't do popcorn and cranberries is because the cranberries dry out and shrivel up. So sorry about your doggie, at least he has SOME vision. then again, maybe in a sense it would be better if he didn't, he wouldn't get frustrated.

    Alison - so sorry dh ripped into you, but at least you only had 4 cookies and not a whole lot

    Beth - so sorry for your son

    DeeDee - I think Jessica did a good job on the cake, too. And I'm not just saying that because she's my daughter. I didn't have fast food, either, growing up. I remember once I was staying with my aunt. She lived on a farm (this was after my mother died so my father needed someone to watch me). Every day we'd go out to the garden and take tomatoes right off the vine. Warm from the sun tomatoes...it doesn't get much better than that. Anyway, when I got home to my grandmother's that night I got physically sick from all the tomatoes. But that doesn't stop me from having them now!!! lol Today is a nice day, not windy or anything, so I'm starting to string the popcorn for the tree

    jane - ((((prayers))))

    The lady from the one bowling team we used to be on called me to sub. I told her (which in a sense is true) that I'm taking an online course in Nutrition and I need to watch these videos, I don't know how far I'll get tonight. In one sense, I don't know that I want to pay the sanctioning fee plus the game fee. The other thing is that there are 4 people on a league and we always get out so late. When we bowled Monday there are only 3 on a league. Even tho one of the people on Vince's other team was very slow, we still had time to go to WalMart

    katla - hope you get some answers for dh. I'll have him in my prayers

    Carol - how horrible you're in that boot. I remember when I had to wear one a few years ago. I thought I was about to die. Not being able to exercise, that was horrible for me. So I feel for ya. The good thing is that it's not forever (but it sure felt like it to me) Cindy had a great suggestion - swimming would be a great exercise, especially in the deep end. You wouldn't put any pressure on your foot yet you'd get a great workout. Which foot is it? The left or the right?

    jane - what good news about your friend's son! Thanks for sharing

    Cindy - Loki is about 4 years old.

    Vicki - so sorry about your co-worker. But you are right, she is in a better place. It's so frustrating to see people not take care of themselves, isn't it?

    Leslie - is that Bob Harper's Inside Out Body Conditioning DVD that you're referring to?

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I am sorry to hear about your friend with ALS but I understand the relief at her passing. My friend’s son, age 46, died of ALS earlier this year and she expressed relief that his pain was over. What a shame about your 600 pound friend. It is amazing how long people will hold onto, “it’s not my fault” as a reason to do nothing about something that will kill them.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, when I go to a restaurant I order the grilled chicken breast (don’t even pretend to order the sandwich) with sliced tomatoes and a steamed vegetable and it makes an awesome meal.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, the ratatouille sounds like a perfect meal.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, thanks for the links to good information.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, thanks for the explanation about estrogen and fat…..it goes along with what the osteoporosis specialist said.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, in defense of teachers, the more the more the system demands in the way of academic standards, the more things like physical education and the arts get neglected. I saw that happen in the 30+ years I taught in public schools.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I’m going to lunch tomorrow with my line dance class friends. We go once a month and I feel like you do that it’s good to make friends. I almost always order very different from the others and they are getting used to it.

    :flowerforyou: We watched part of DWTS last night before going to bed. We voted by phone and online and voted for a few of the dancers we knew already. Today we watched the rest of it (on DVR) and found several new favorites and one that we really didn’t like. We’re going to stay up tonight to watch the results show and hope that the one we don’t like gets voted off.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today ---- ---three minute thirty second plank---over an hour on the exercise bike (while watching DWTS)
