

  • strassenkoenigin
    Greetings to all new and old members,

    this month I am on a biking and a walking challenge. I have a real hard time with the walking part. It is still too hot for walking and I do not have a real destination to walk to. There is a nearby park with a lake and I walk around the lake which is about a mile each time , but I feel like a hamster on his wheel doing the same thing over and over again. Plus, surprise, surprise, the park is full of dog owners who feel entitled to leave their dogs off the leash, despite the fact that there are two huge dog runs in the park.

    So yesterday I decided to visit Interbike, a huge international bicycle convention taking place in Las Vegas, to get my walking miles in. OMG! The whole convention hall floor was covered in a thick soft carpet and to walk for hours on it was sooooo tiring.

    It was a testosterone loaded event. Many depilated muscular men, very few women. Not even the usual convention show girls pushing the products. They used the shaven boys instead.

    But it was fun and I stood longing in front of five thousand dollar bikes I could not afford and salivated over expensive bike computers and three hundred dollar saddles.

    But I made it out of there without spending any money only my legs are so sore that I passed on biking today. Oh well, I will go for yard sales isntead.

    Anne in the Mojave desert
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Alison: I always took leftovers for my lunches while I still worked. Our lunchroom had a microwave, and I also had one in my classroom. I often made leftovers into salads or soups, and my lunches were satisfying and delicious. That said, I didn’t know about portion control and my lunches were a bit too substantial. I’d do the same thing if I was working today, but would use measured portions.:flowerforyou:

    Jenn in TX: You have had a tough year. I’ll keep you in my prayers as you wait for your biopsy. My DH is waiting for needed surgery as I write, and we know about having to wait for something you want taken care of now.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I love your attitude. I also love this: “I am a slim woman and I am eating slim.”:flowerforyou:

    We’ve hit the 500th post and I still don’t see a link to the new thread so I’ll post this, and if it causes the link, yay, and if not, I’ll post it again when the next thread is open.

    Life is pretty much at a standstill right now as we wait for DH’s appointment with the surgeon on Monday. I keep hoping that he’ll take pity on Dh and find an earlier operation date for him than September 30. It probably isn’t a realistic hope.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 1-1/4hr of Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000 DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Leslie Sansone's 5 Mile Walk DVD

    Jessica made a cake in the shape of a cat sleeping in a bed and we'll take it to the vet later this morning (she got the last appt of the day which is 11:30).

    MA - before you bake your spaghetti squash, do you scoop out the insides or do that after the squash it baked?

    Exercised then went to the farmer's market. A lady has these asian pears and she had samples of it. I tried one (well, really two) and they were pretty good. So I bought 1/4 peck. Then I got a sweet potato (his prices are fairly decent) and picked up Vince's prescription, then home to have breakfast.

    Alison - happy anniversary!

    Jenn in TX - I hear ya about how scared you are. I know one time I had to go for a biopsy, same thing, they found changes. I'd heard that it's not a good sign if your breasts hurt. I could have sworn that mine were hurting. Turns out it was really more in my mind than anywhere else. I'm sure everything will be fine, but you're going to be on pins and needles until then. I feel for ya. I'd certainly want it done ASAP too.

    Anne - I just hate it at a restaurant when they won't let you substitute a veggie for something else. That makes me so mad because I know the reason they won't is because veggies are more expensive than the "filler" stuff they serve (french fries, etc)

    I'm going to post this to mark my spot.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Anne, the reasons for keeping my weight higher had to do with age and osteoporosis..I don’t remember the details but what they all said was compelling…..there are BMI charts for women over 65 that suggest higher weights as healthier…..my problems with bread and other starchy foods is partly because I am not good at being moderate with them and partly because for the same calories I can have a ton of vegetables and I like to have a lot to eat. I am just over 5'3" tall...very small breasted and carry most of my weight in my thighs and hips.....I wear size six jeans in most brands.

    I usually don't accept invitations to go to restaurants but my intuition told me that it was the right thing to do and when I found three women ready to buy my lunch and eager to talk about dancing, I was glad I did.

    :heart: Barbie
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,296 Member
    Just jumping in to hold my place!

    Anne and Barbie - there is a lot of evidence that we need some fat on us as we age. Body fat contains oestrogen, which makes for good bone health. We also need to eat fats for good brain function. It is recommended that we don't let our bmi drop below 23. Mine is on the verge of that, or was, so I only want to lose a little more. Neither is the scraggy look particularly attractive!:laugh: I already get comments. :noway: Also we need some reserves in case of illness. Sickness can seriously deplete our reserves and dehydration is a risk. If you attained 110 lbs at 5ft 4 ins you would be on the verge of underweight.

    It is so easy for us to become obsessed by the odd pound or two - I know I am!:laugh: The fear of it running away with us keeps us anxiously checking the scales, but all the evidence shows that the healthiest older women are mildly overweight, with bmi around 26 - 27. I like being a bit slimmer than that, simply through vanity and choice of clothes, but bone and brain health are important.
    When we were on holiday we went to Trelissick gardens and had a lunch there. The National Trust and garden visiting is largely an older and more comfortably off pastime. I noticed that the lunch room was full of overweight and obese women. Only one other woman was my size. A lot of them moved uncomfortably. I sometimes feel these days like the only slim person of my age in almost any situation. Shopping, yoga, Women's Institute. The nation has let its eating gallop away with it.:cry:

    Of course, all you ladies have realised this and are doing something about it.:flowerforyou: That does not stop me pondering on the collective madness that has led us to this state.:cry:

    I will carry on obsessing about my couple of extra pounds I know I have put on this last week and a half until they are gone.:wink::tongue: And they will be gone! GONE! ! ! ! ! ! As I write they are GOING !

    I'm still relieved I am not getting on that train tomorrow! :bigsmile: :yawn: :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • Journey0912
    Journey0912 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm Journey. I just joined MFP yesterday for the first time. I am in my mid fifties, and the mother of three (adult) children, one still in the "nest". I have steadily been putting on weight now every year and now could stand to lose probably 20+ pounds (for starters). I lead an extremely sedentary lifestyle (full time desk job for 15 years now and counting.....and NO exercise what so ever). I would love to learn from all of you if you'll have me.

    All the best to each of you................
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Heather, thank your for your more comprehensive explanation for Anne. It is as though you were at all my medical appointments and remembered more of what was said. I have a battle in my head between vanity and health so I walk a narrow line. By staying focused on food and exercise, I have been able so far to keep my weight from creeping back to where it used to be. Through exercise and eating healthy food, I can take steps toward longevity which is important to me..

    :heart: Barbie

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: perhaps focused is a better way to describe yourself rather than obsessed
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Britain is not the only nation struggling with obesity. I've certainly seen more than a little of it here in the US, and I've also read about it as a global issue. I'm not so sure whether China is part of that picture and couldn't say anything specific about any other country, either. I'm focussed on my health and DH's health and we're both working on it.

    Katla, enjoying continued beautiful weather in NW Oregon
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Good Morning ladies. Hope you all are enjoying your Saturday. I am working today until 1:30 then leaving for Beatrice and DSD's wedding. Means I get to spend time with the ex-wife again. We had frost last night and not real warm here this morning. This wedding is to be in the park so hope it warms up. Yesterday I did BAD on eating, but not giving up. We went and had our pictures taken for the new church directory last evening. First pictures since I have lost weight. They did not turn out to bad. Anyway spent to much money, but have Christmas cards ordered for this year.

    Pat--I agree it is hard when the kids and grandkids live far away. I am lucky as I have several that live close, the others live in Iowa and far Eastern Nebraska. Miss this alot. But do the best I can sending little things to them now and then.

    Just went upstairs as they admitted my DGS acouple days ago. He is 2 and has bad ear infection. Today he is doing better and they may try and send him home tomorrow. I just want to shake DSD and tell her to take better care of the kids. They stay up all hours and eat whatever and run all over the neighborhood. This is the one that has the police over atleast acouple times a week for fights. Another ex (her mom) lives there also. Somedays I feel like they close in on me. I admit we do not go over there much as drives me crazy the way they live.

    Mma--nice picture, thanks for sharing. Have a safe trip.

    Joyce--I agree how the memories of what we do for our grandchildren are priceless. And they care more about time then gifts. My 6 year old DGD just wants me to spend time with her, walking, watching TV, playing babies. I want them to know that I care enough to give them the gift of my time. I like your new cover up dress. You will be very fashionable at the beach.

    Jenn--sending Hugs and Prayers. One day at a time. I know that is easier said then done.

    Well ladies it is time to get things lined up and get ready to go to this wedding. I just hope it is warm enough in the park. I am sure it will be fine. So far today I am on track and going to work on staying there.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello ladies! We just got home from shopping at Kohl's and I'm super happy! I needed to find a new dress to wear to the symphony later this month, and I had a 30% coupon, so off I went. I found an indigo blue Vera Wang maxi dress (maybe the same one that Joyce got for a swim coverup?) and I tried on an XL. It fit ok, but was a little loose in the bust. So I considered trying on a L. I fought with the idea, thinking there was no way, but finally I did it. I tried on the L, and it FIT! It's not too small anywhere! It's sleeveless, but I have a nice little black sweater I can wear over it. I have to fix the front a little, as it's a little lower cut than I like, but a quick stitch will fix that. I have not worn a dress in 20 years, but I think I can wear this one. It can be dressy enough for the symphony or casual enough for other things. Now I hope my shoes still fit. And what about panty hose! Eeek! I have not bought those in 20 years either. Hubby was impressed that I got a dress I liked for $20. He expected it would be much more.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    A young woman visits her parents and brings her fiancé to meet them. After an elaborate dinner, the mother tells her husband to find out about the young man. The father invites the fiancée to his library for a drink. “So what are your plans?” The father asks the young man. “I am a Torah scholar.” He says. “A Torah scholar, Hmmm,” the father says. “Admirable, but what will you do to provide a nice house for my daughter to live in, as she is accustomed to?” “I will study,” the young man said, "and God will provide for us.” “And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring, such as she deserves?” asks the father. “I will concentrate on my studies,” the young man replies, “God will provide for us.” “And children?” asks the father. “How will you support children?” “Don’t worry, sir, God will provide,” replies the fiancé. The conversation continues like this, and each time the father questions, the young idealist insist that God will provide. Later, the mother asks, “How did it go, Honey?” The father answers, “He has no job and no plans, but the good news is he thinks I’m God.”


    Have a great Saturday!

  • strassenkoenigin
    Barbie and Heather,

    thank you for your input. I have not seen a doctor in ages. Last time I went the receptionist was obese, the nurse smoked and the physician was overweight. So I decided I can do better on my own.

    I am not completely buying this and I have not found anything on the Internet telling me that when i am over 65 I should weigh more. It is like with everything else the more you look into something, the more different opinions you get.

    My BMI is somewhere in the 21s at the moment, if I would drop into the 110s it would be in the 20s. There are still pockets of fat on me, there are also substantial muscles on me especially in my legs..

    I was in my 110s last year and I felt much better, had more energy and looked better. Admittedly dressed, but who sees me undressed nowadays, so this is not really important anymore..

    The 110s was my ideal weight all my life. I still have clothes which are over thirty years old and fit me, tight at the moment, because I am not in my 110s.


    Not all lists agree with each other, but I remember that at the beginning of this year the fact that Mexico surpassed the United States as the country with the most overweight people made the news.

    Here is the link


    Anne in the Mojave desert
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just saying hello.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • strassenkoenigin

    I am so happy for you that you found the dress and it fit you. I have not worn panty hoses in decades either. I just do not like them, and as I live in a warm climate, I just go without stockings when I wear a dress. They have these tiny little socks which disappear in your shoes you can wear, of course those do not work with sandal style shoes.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh i thought I was all done reading and catching up since I didn't read anything yesterday. I get to the end of the page and it said continued to next chapter!!!! Glad I made it here. I do't think I am tired when we go somewhere that is activity packed but with my MS my body just lets go of everything when I go to bed. I have been known to sleep 72 hours straight except for trips just a couple of yards away to go potty. Went to bed around 1 and got up about 12 hours later. I have plans on going to a craft fair today. Charlie jsut laughed at me last night. It was at my old church. I have known they have them every year, just didn't go because some one would ask me if I was going to a new church. But this year I was looking forward to going. For one it is a craft fair!!! But I could truthfully answer where I was going. But I slept through it:sad:

    Reanybeany, Target, Kohls and I believe Best Buy sell the fitbits. So at Best Buy you would gain best buy reward points and Kohls you could use Kohls cash if you have any. Plus you don't have to wait for the fitbit company to send it to you.

    Pat, we did enjoy the Apple store. and in saying we I mean we. They had a mini iiPad on a display right in the door and as Charlie walked by he saw that his picture was on it. So he enjoyed making all the silly faces. I also showed him the lap top I want and he didn't say no. My sister says she likes this new Charlie since he retired. He does have a different personality.

    Syvia, when you were talking about a son having all those health problems my first thought was that it was your son. I am so sorry she is going through this but I have to be honest and say that I am glad it isn't your son. He has enough problems. You also have a lot of empathy to fall back on to be a good friend and shoulder for her.

    Katla. I don't know if you are on facebook or not but here in Evansville we had a weightloss support group. It is only for our area so all the activites are local. We have a lot of yoga things to do. I joined it when it first organized but it is mainly filled with young women with little kids and there are a lot of them without cars because of their financial situations, having to make a good diet work while on food stamps. It just didn't match who I am and although I do like to read about the physical activities offered I don't post in there anymore.

    Michelle, I have no complaints at all about a free chair. We will use these chairs twice a year so it's OK that my daughter had one switched by another co-worker. I have 2 nephews that are in their 20s and they were pretty bad kids as far as responsibility until they became dads.that's where everything changed. they aren't the most responsible adults yet but they sure are better.

    Kim, my husband is all about rich chocolate! As we have gotten older, our temperature gauge is off and Jasons Deli is cold to us. If it weren't for the free ice cream and the thick chocolate syrup he wouldn't go there. but he has to have it deep chocolate.

    Jenny, yes you are having a bad year. So sorry, my prayers are that you can get this biopsy soon and it be negative.

    Vickie, we never ever know what we do with out grand kids that are precious to them. Once we had our oldest for us for a long weekend while Mom and Dad had a church conference to go to. I had that time scheduled down to the minute detail. It was what I thought she would want. She hadn't been taught anything in her home about volunteering or honoring other people. My husband is not one who would do that so we didn't do it when our kids were in our home. I did some for my work though. So my theme that week was in honoring our community helpers. So first day we made cookies, oatmeal and chocolate ship. I think she was 4. while we were making those we decorated sacks. well she decorated them. Then we filled them. This whole time Ia m talking to her about the different people in our community that makes it what it is. I identified the doctor, librarian, preacher, fireman and policeman. So the next day we headed out. I had already called and make appointments with these organizations. I brought my camera along so I could take a picture of her handing a bag of cookies to these people. What I didn't take into consideration was that this little girl was shy and it terrified her to shake hands with them,. She was OK with the librarian and my doctor and preacher but not the fireman and policeman. But yesterday she talked to me about that week and making cookies and taking them around. She said the fire station was her favorite! I had no idea. I remember one time we were in the play room in my house and I was talking about some of the things I did as a kid. My little girls just sat there enthralled and when I was done asked me to tell them another story!

    Have a good day everyone! Joyce, Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi all. Just bumping my spot. I have been very discouraged lately and got several great ideas to mull over. I'm just not sure what to do with all the information yet. So I know this is dumb, but I was astonished when I read that as I lose weight I need to cut my calories! OK so I'm slow. Cutting calories!!!!!!! Seriously? Any fewer (and I know I eat more that most of you) and I get all faint-ish and headachy. Maybe I can use my office days for a few less, but when I'm teaching and doing clinical I need all of them and sometimes more! So anyway I'm looking at the whole picture and trying to decide what to do now. Didn't want to come on here and be negative. Take care all, Meg from Omaha where the weather is splendid, but we did get another 1" of rain the other day!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Congratulations on finding a great dress. :happy: Skip the pantyhose unless it is cold where you’ll be or you actually like them. I think they’re torture devices created by men to enslave sensible women.:mad: I love today’s jokes. “…he thinks I’m God.” Laughing & laughing because it is close to home although it is my own kids who sometimes seem to think I’m Santa.:wink:

    Anne, As a teacher I had plenty of evidence that extreme overweight is correlated with low income. The rich kids were thin and dressed in fancy clothes. The poorer the family, the more likely it was that kids would be heavy. While that is a gross oversimplification, it tended to be true. I did have one very thin girl who was hungry and had no energy. We shared our lunches with her. For her pride’s sake, we asked her to do a few things for us. Stress is another big cause of overweight. I surely gained weight as time went on, and in my case, it was due to exhaustion and stress. I’m sure others could add more causes of overweight to the list.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: As MFP lowered my calories, I did have days when I felt hunger pangs, but not as many as I imagined there would be. I filled up with bulky, low calorie foods like celery and other green veggies. There was an adjustment time with each change. You can find good ways to cope that work for your situation.:flowerforyou:

    Have a great afternoon and evening. Wish me luck seeing the aurora borealis. I’ve never seen it before and there are news articles claiming it may be possible now.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    What's this about cutting calories? I don't think I can go below 1200. MFP tells you to do that? I guess I haven't been paying attention. I have, however, noticed that my loss rate is much slower now than when I was 300 pounds and eating 1200 calories. Hmmm. Maybe there is a connection. But my exercise has gone up too, (I could barely move at 300 pounds). so you would think one would balance out the other.

    Katla, I totally agree about extreme overweight and extreme poverty. I've been there. You can buy more potatoes or pasta for a dollar than fruit. The cheapest food is the most filling and the least healthy. My grandkids go to a school where 96% of the students qualify for free lunch and breakfast! and MANY of those kids fit in the extreme overweight category, including one of mine. So what do they serve for lunch? Pizza and corn dogs. It makes me want to scream. But they claim that if they serve healthier stuff, it is thrown away because that's not what the kids are used to.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    So proud of Violet.She walked for the juvenile diabetes walk in WI.
    Spent most of the days at the stores,spent too much,but got walking in.
    Have a good night all.