

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Just waking up from a fabulous half hour nap!:bigsmile:

    We went food shopping in the local village this morning where there is a great old fashioned butcher, veg shop and baker. Tonight we are having double lamb chops, marinated in lemon, herbs and garlic. Fresh runner beans. I also.am slow cooking a pork shoulder stew in cider for tomorrow as we are out visiting friends in the day time and there won't be much time to cook. Will check how it's doing in a minute.:bigsmile:
    Then we went for a short drive to a little cove I used to know well, but the parking place was all taken up with a festival so we turned round and parked in the village and walked down a long, steep hill to a different cove. We ate our lunch of pork pie on the beach. Very fattening, but delicious. Then we had a small beer in the pub on the beach which had been on worldwide news last winter for storm damage. Then we had a cliff walk, up a long climb and back down again and then back up the very steep hill to the car. Good exercise!
    The beach was lovely, but there were too many dogs. They were supposed to be on leads, but they were running about barking and one came up and slobbered all over my new jeans. The owner wasn't at all bothered! I like a well trained dog, but most dogs have pathetic owners who can't even control their dogs.:grumble:
    I then slipped on a wet rock and bruised my shin. It could have been much worse as I landed on my wrist and leg and my head narrowly missed a large rock! I thought of some of you and your injuries from falling.:ohwell: I bruise very easily so no doubt I will see it tomorrow!
    Got to rein in the alcohol consumption tonight. Our relief at getting here meant we sat chatting late over our meal and drank too much. Normally we limit ourselves to one drink an evening, but holidays always see us drinking much more than normal. We eat properly at a table and talk, whereas at home we eat on a tray in front of the tv, so it is less of an occasion. DH wants to watch an England soccer game tonight so we will be finished eating a bit earlier, which will help. I do love my holiday meals though. Just not the calories!

    Kim - I had fish and chips with mushy peas. The first course was toasted brioche with black pudding (blood sausage), poached egg and hollandaise sauce. :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: Calories? About 1600 I reckon plus two white wine spritzers. I used to have this meal every time we went there and haven't had it for well over 2 years. I enjoyed it, but the chips (fries) were cold. I ate them anyway.:ohwell: :noway: Tiredness can do that to you. I slept well last night.:bigsmile:

    Looking forward to seeing our friends tomorrow. They live near a famous beauty spot called Bedruthan Steps. Cliffs and rock pillars in the sea. :bigsmile: :love:

    Heather in amazing Cornwall UK
  • marciamuse2
    Brenda--the best piece of advice I got after my gall bladder removal was to walk after every meal and increase by 1 minute every day. So I started with 5 minutes watching the clock. After a couple of weeks, I could take one longer walk and not do the small after meals thing. Once that gallbladder is removed you won't have those feel like you're going to die attacks anymore! Best wishes for your speedy recovery!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, fooey! After my last post, I was sitting at my desk and everything suddenly went gray. I was so dizzy I thought I might fall out of my chair. I had just finished a bottle of water, so i didnt think i was dehydrated. Thinking i might need food, I tried to eat a couple of banana blueberry mini muffins, but i was so dizzy that it wouldnt stay down. Hubby was in class so I called my son and asked him to take me home so I could lie down. Instead he took me to my doctor's office where the nurse took my BP and found it to be very low. She saw that I have an appointment scheduled for this afternoon, so she agreed that I should go home and lie down for a while and then come back. So now I'm home, feeling better, with no car. Those spells usually only last a few minutes but this one was a little longer. It was a little worse too. Now I'm waiting for hubby to come get me and take me to my car. Good grief! The nurse was concerned enough that I didn't feel completely silly. I wish they could get those med figured out.


  • SheFitWalks
    SheFitWalks Posts: 29 Member
    Bump. So nice to be part of this group!
  • kittytoo
    Good afternoon, Ladies!

    Woke up at 6:30 am today to sheeting rain. At 7 am my new boss called and said not to bother trying to come to work. The Interstate was flooded to the roofs of the cars and the washes were raging. There's even water running in both the Salt and Hassayampa rivers. News is that Noah plans to launch the Ark. Welcome to monsoon season in Phoenix!

    I was going to work at home today, but the Internet has been intermittent. Hopefully I will get this posted before it goes out again.

    Yesterday, I was down 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks. Worked like crazy around the house all day, ate responsibly ... and today I'm back up to my starting weight! WHAT???!!!!! :cry:

    :flowerforyou: Beth and Michele - I've had equal input about adults getting allergies. About 1/2 the people say it's not possible to get them as adults. (They don't know WHY it's not possible, but insist that is isn't. Maybe you always have the allergy, but don't notice it until you're an adult?) The other 1/2 have personal experience with adult allergies. I have lactose intolerance myself, but didn't know until a few years ago. That's kind of like an allergy.

    :flowerforyou: Diane - thanks for the helpful input on egg substitutes. I am still trying to figure out what will hold my muffins together when I bake.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia - not sure about yesterday's joke. I could swear I worked at that place. :laugh:

    Kitty in Flooding Phoenix
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did one segment of "10 Minute Pilates" today, then held my plank for 2 min 30 sec. I can't seem to hold it for longer. I know that I could do it if I use incorrect form, tho. In a bit I'll take the extremepump class. Update: I took the class, I'd totally forgotten that two of the instructors are going to do every other week, and the one instructor who when she teaches I use earplugs was teaching today. I just don't find blaring music to be very motivating, nor her screaming. To me, that's demotivating. But to some people it's motivating so I just wear my ear plugs

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do the 30 Minute Cardio Machine Melter for the stationary bike. I know that I'm not going to go as fast since I need to figure out my settings. It just says "Easy pace, hard effort, brisk cruising, push it pace and sprint". Also, I'm going to go for my routine blood work for my physical and I'll need to exercise on an empty stomach, something that I don't like to do. But this way I can get my exercise in before the doctor's office opens.

    Diane in TX - now that you mention it, I do remember reading that WD40 will take adhesive off. Thanks for reminding me. Didn't know Formula 409 would, I think I have some in my kitchen so I can try that first.

    Joyce - most gyms have the Silver Sneakers program, I think it's very good. The nice thing is that you can go to different gyms and use it. But I THINK it's also dependent on if your insurance company participates because I BELIEVE they reminburse the gym. I do hope our insurance participates so I can use it when I am able to

    yanniejannie - I looked into using the Y facility for one of the Newcomer socials. I was amazed at how much they charged to use the facility!

    lkellandmay - welcome! I know that some ladies use the RunKeeper app. I don't but some others do

    Leslie - I do so love when you list the titles of the DVD's that you do. I just added Jeanett's to my wish list (never too early to start getting ready for Christmas, huh?).

    tere - I've used turkey for the ground beef many times. Lots of times Vince can't tell. I'm going to be making a lasagna for Jessica this weekend and I'm thinking of using turkey instead of the ground beef and wonder if she'll notice. I doubt it.

    katla - we had to take Lexi to the vet the other day for a blood test to be sure the racioative isotope treatment worked and I asked him if he had any advice. The best he could come up with was to google it. However, it seems that when I hug Lance in the bed, I can give him his insulin and then I open the bedroom door. I just know that I have to wait for him to come to me, I can't approach him or nothing good is going to come of that. Now when we had PJ, he was a piece of cake. You know, if he didn't get his insulin on time, he'd actually come up to us and start meowing. Talk about differences! You do have some seriously nice neighbors

    Brenda - another person who needs her gallbladder removed! What's going on here? Get better real fast.

    Off to senior bowling. A gal from the other bowling alley (where we were at) asked if I could sub this Wednesday. I honestly don't know, the weather is supposed to be nice, I don't want to spend the whole afternoon at the bowling alley. Plus, I would have to pay the sanctioning fee. I think I'll just tell her that I have a previous appointment.

    Heather - OUCH!!! The first time I ever had blood sausage was when we were in Switzerland. I think it's probably an acquired taste. I needed something else (had some applesauce) with it. Glad you enjoyed your meal

    Sylvia - how scary!!!

    Kitty - sending oars your way!!!

    Truth time here: I didn't know it, but it seems that the first week of the month someone (and I don't know who) buys cookies for all the people whose birthday it is that month. So I did have about 1/2 of a snickerdoodle. But you know what? It left such a crummy taste in my mouth, I threw out the other half. I didn't take my carrots into the bowling alley with me. I just found that with 3 people on a team, it goes so much faster, I really didn't need them. But now I know, the first week of the month, take my carrots in with me so I'm not nearly as tempted by those cookies.

    Mahjongg tonight

    I'm supposed to go out to luch with some ladies from the neighborhood this Thursday. We're going to Olive Garden. I usually get the chicken spendini and minestrone soup. Does anyone else have any suggestions as to what to get?

    Michele in NC
    who better get dinner ready so I can get to mahjongg
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    When it rains it pours, my life is so crazy right now, again. Yesterday
    I ended up in the emergency room and now I'm in the hospital with pancreatitis
    and have to have my gallbladder removed, on top of that my husband is
    having a colonoscopy and I can't be there for him. Yesterday I had to get a friend
    to bring me into the ER. Because hubby was doing his preppy work so we can't be there
    for each other.

    Pat- thanks for asking about my weekend. It was ok until yesterday. Well the
    Dr is coming.
    Brenda from Md


    I really know the feeling. I had my gall bladder removed in 2009. Worse pain I have had since labor,but without the baby. I thought I was having a heart attack. My problem is, I continued to make gall stones. About 1 1/2 years ago, I ended up in the ER having a gall stone attack WITHOUT a gall bladder. They found a stone lodged in my duct. Such is life.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
    Hello everybody and especially the newbies: Hope everyone's week is starting off well. I went out to the stable early this morning to meet the farrier and get my horse's hooves trimmed. Gorgeous morning, cool and sunny. I have 22.53 miles done so far on the 100 miles in September. That is a little bit behind but think I can catch up without much problem. Yesterday I did not get many steps in because I was singing for what seemed like most of the day. Chancel choir sang at 8:00 and 11:00 and then we had rehearsal for Peace Choir at 2:30 and concert at 4:00. So much fun to sing with folks from all over the area and the guest director and organist were great and the baritone solo was awesome.

    Katla - Congratulations on new grandbaby.

    Tina - Prayers for Sheri.

    To whoever is selling the house - That is a bummer about the open house. Hope the right buyer comes along soon.

    I think I need to learn how to say no. My manager from work talked me into coming into work on Wednesday afternoon because they are short staffed this week. Oh well I should get in extra steps that day.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Take care, Sue in SD
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, my doc said my weight loss is making my BP meds too effective, causing my dizziness, and so the dosages need to be cut back. But she is leaving that to the cardiologist, who I don't see again till the 24th of this month. So till then, I just have to be careful. She suggested spacing them out in the day instead of taking them all at once. She was super impressed with my weight loss, though. She said that nobody could be happier for me than her. She really is a nice lady. The cardiologist poo- pooed the weight loss and said I definitely could not maintain it and it is guaranteed to come back. Hmmm. We will just see about that. Nothing I would love more than proving him wrong.

    Kitty, how scary about the flooding! The desert is not a good place to be in a flood. Water does strange things there. I have had an allergy to fish that most likely began in my teens but was not diagnosed till I was about 20. My son developed the same fish allergy when he was about 18. And yes, it was verified with testing. So I think adults can develop allergies. Just my two cents.

    Brenda and twinteens, I can't imagine the pain that gall bladders can cause, but if it's even half of the pain of childbirth, I think I'll pass. It must be awful! Brenda, I hope you feel better afterwards, and I'm sorry you can't be there for hubby. Let us know how it all works out.

    I stopped at the store and bought a bag of kale, thinking to make some of these kale chips I've heard so much about. To my knowledge, I've never eaten kale. I thought it was just a garnish they used in restaurants.

    Well, I think I have time for a little nap before hubby gets home.

    Later ladies.

  • Gymfinitytowel
    Please check out the Gymfinity Towel! This super absorbent athletic towel conveniently placed around the neck like a scarf makes it easier to wipe sweat and partake in physical activities without picking up or putting down a regular gym towel. The circular quick dry towel is a great accessory for various forms of working out, whether lifting weights, hiking, dancing, running on a treadmill or taking a spin class. Follow the Instagram @gymfinitytowel for plenty of health and fitness tips!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    oh I have been very bad.. I must confess.. a girl at work ,it was her birthday today.. one of the girls made a chocolate caramel torte, and guess who had a piece.... now I feel horrible.. literally... see this is what happens when you are off sugar for awhile..
    Oh well.. back on the wagon in the morning:grumble:
    my DFIL was being his frisky self today.. oh he is a such a pip... bless them down there.. they do take such good care of him...
    my brother had pancreatitis, and it wasnt pretty, plus gall stones, you poor woman, will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Barbie - My name is Anne. I'm 53 years old, married for 12 years, and have a 25 year-old-daughter. I live in Southeastern Massachusetts. I'm new here, so I'm not sure what all of this "bump" stuff is, but I'd like to join the group.

    My August goals were to log in every day to MFP and stay below my calorie goal: Did that
    My September goals: move a little more (doing that).
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Got caught up a bit on the missing sleep from last night; not hard, it's been absolutely pouring and dark all day. We've had 5+ inches and are under flash flood warning with more coming............hopefully lighter. News is showing all these stranded cars; DH made it home OK. Drove DD to a neighboring city this am to get her recert for lifeguarding done; it went smoothly, the worst part, by far, was the drive but I was not going to let her go alone in that downpour. Our city does recerts only once a year, in May, and she missed that.

    Also a Joan Rivers fan; used to love when she would substitute for Johnny; glad she got the star-studded send-off she wanted.

    Sylvia..........How awful; you take care!!!

    Mimi and Kim..........Love the pic!

    Kitty............Firmly on the side of those who think adults can develop new allergies. I've seen it happen more than once. I saw about your flooding also on the news.

    Diane..........Glad your sister's foot surg. went well; may her recovery be fast and uneventful.

    Gloria.............Daisy? My mat. grandmother's name was Daisy and I heard very put out that I wasn't named after her; I'd say she deserves a new buddy when the time comes!

    patceoh..........How great that your DD is visiting for 10 days!..........Does she live very far away?

    Katla..........Glad to hear your DD and new baby are doing well.

    Brenda..........Hope all goes smoothly with the family medical issues esp. your gb removal.........please keep us posted.

    Tere..........All your cooking sounds delicious!

    Heather...........Cornwall sounds fabulous!!!

    I'm still working my way through Upstairs, Downstairs on Netflix; it's only offered until the end of Sept. and I've got a lot to go yet but enjoying it.

  • mimi4boys
    mimi4boys Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first time here. I just started on myfitnesspal at the suggestion of my dietician. I need support and accountability as I need to lose 100 pounds. I know this will take some time, but I also know it will get me healthier and be an encouragement for my husband also. I do exercise with my Wii and we are looking to joint a gym in the next month or so. I am 52 years old and have 2 daughters who are married, one with 3 grandsons, ages almost 13, 9 and 4, and 1 with 1 grandson age 4; and my 22-year-old son is in 3rd year of college. I hope to get encouragement and motivation and maybe be the same for someone else.:smile:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Good Evening Friends,

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Going back to my favorite picture of me. I like the picture and where it was taken, the Como Conservatory.

    Helped my friend in her Kindergarten class this morning and worked on the painting project in the afternoon.

    I agree Joan Rivers went out the way she would have wished. I didn't know how much she gave to charity.

    Today working on the painting projects because tomorrow it is supposed to rain.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Good evening folks!:flowerforyou:

    Just popping in to add my congratulations to Katla :flowerforyou: Lovely to have you back with us.:flowerforyou:

    Well over calories for the day. Holiday mood I suppose!:tongue: I just hope I can get a grip when I get back home.:ohwell:

    I had my gallbladder out about 12 years ago and have had no ill effects at all. The attacks before hand were horrible. Once I had to be taken off a train by trolley and an ambulance called.
    The thing that struck me from all your accounts of accompanying people on hospital visits is that I have always done these things alone. I had no one to go with me for the op and had to get a student of mine to take me home afterwards. I did feel a bit weird about that. I went in for my hysterectomy alone. I went for my cancer diagnosis alone without telling DH. I did all my chemo alone. I think I prefer it that way. I sometimes feel a little pang when I see patients with friends and family in tow, but part of me thinks they are more of a hindrance than a help. But when I had my gallbladder op I simply had no one I could ask. Or felt I could ask. I came out the next day and my son stayed one night with me and that was it - on my own.
    All these thoughts was just prompted by the way all of you seem to go with your loved ones, or even good friends to the hospital. I would not have wanted DH to be there for my cancer diagnosis. I had enough to do to look after my own reaction, not to be worrying about him. (His previous SO died of breast cancer) I don't know what all this says about me, but it is largely my own choice. I am very happy to support other people if they need me.:love:

    Welcome to the new ladies.:flowerforyou: Just take it slowly and steadily. Build new habits slowly because they need to stick, not be a quick fix and then a collapse. We are here to support you.:flowerforyou:

    Love to all. Sorry to hear of all the floods! By some miracle we are having beautiful weather!:bigsmile:

    Heather in sunny Cornwall UK
  • strassenkoenigin
    Greetings to all the new and old fiftyovers,

    it finally rains in Southern Nevada and there is plenty of flash flood warning, but I seem to be in a pocket where my house has never been in danger. So I use the time to clean my bike and do little repairs on it.


    That cardiologist sounds like an idiot. Prove him wrong. I am so determined never to let my weight creep up again. Sometimes it does ,but in my opinion it can only be water weight because I am not overeating.

    People always tell me that I have to eat more because I am biking so much and now I also entered the walking challenge.

    But yesterday I looked up what ballet dancers are eating and they eat about the same thing I do. And they train five or six hours a day. So I do not feel bad anymore. I am simply convinced that at my age my caloric needs are so low and as I am only eating healthy fresh food, I should be okay.


    I read Manon Lescaut when I was young, together with all the other tales of French concubines. I of course also saw the opera by Puccini.

    That sounds like an interesting class. There is certainly a lot of fiction in relationships.


    Every time you write about Lance I feel for you. Since my only cat at the moment is the feral one, who does not let me touch him, I cannot imagine what I would do if he would look ill. But he seems to be a survivor and looks extremely healthy. And he loves his junk food. Growing up nobody fed their pets store bought food and now even feral cats refuse leftovers!!! They must put the same addictive stuff in pet food as they do in people's food. :sad:


    We have to find a solution to the sleeping problem. I am determined. I am living in a fog because I do not get enough sleep.

    For all you dog owners. Today they said in the news that the shelters here are now giving away all dogs free . That means you do not have to pay an adoption fee. Otherwise the shelters will have to kill thousands:sick: . Well, you need a license to cut somebody's nails or hairs but you can have unlimited amount of children or pets without being very much regulated. Something is wrong there, but all solutions to that problem I ever heard about are even more scary.

    Anne in the rainy desert
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Just put my cliff top walk photo on my profile.:happy:

    Heather in fabulous Cornwall UK
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday and 2nd day back training. Jeannette Jenkins' Cardio Dance before breakfast, Jeannette's Cardio kick-boxing after breakfast.
    Feeling MUCH better today
    Visited a neighbour yesterday afternoon. She was really upset as her body builder daughter in Perth was hospitalised. She was 7% body fat after a month after 3 competitions. Her white cells and HB really low. They put her on antibiotics IV and talked to her about her eating patterns. She also trains people at the gym as well as training herself. She went home today with a mask and told to rest up. Hope she does
    Jeannette says my TDEE is 2730 and I NEED to eat 2000 calories a day of HEALTHY food if I train as I do.
    Weights tomorrow
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Brenda and Sylvia - good grief. you guys take care! Pancreatitis and dizzy spells both sound super scary.

    Kim, you asked about my doctorate. It is in curriculum studies with an emphasis in math education. I am retired but still do professional learning workshops for high school math teachers on a limited basis. I'm doing one this week on proof blocks - fun stuff - manipulatives to help students understand and write two column proofs in geometry. For those with insomnia issues, pm me for the URL to the electronic version of my dissertation. It is more powerful than melatonin and Tylenol PM combined. Guaranteed to put you right to sleep.

    I'm so mad at myself. I got busy with the whole family thing yesterday and forgot to log in. I lost my 95 day streak and am back to day 1. Rats, rats, rats!!!!!