

  • Sept111944
    Sept111944 Posts: 11 Member
    I love reading everyone's posts. I've been doing Fitness Pal for 10 days. Unfortunately we had a trip out of town for our 25th anniversary and I've cheated several times also. I lost 2, then gained 2. What a bummer!! I'm setting goals of 10 lbs at a time,,, any more is depressing for me. My weight goal is 190 by Christmas.
    My Sept goals: 1. STOP cheating
    2. Walk at least 30 min. 3x a week.
    3. Keep healthy foods in fridge in appetizing containers.
    4. Use prayer as my motivator each morning and night.

    Brenda in Virginia
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Kathleen in Kent, WA - you mentioned your sister was diagnosed with diabetes. A number of gals here have that issue, as does my DH. Smart of you to be pre-emptive!

    Had a surprise visit tonight from DS#1. He positively glows when he talks about his sweetheart - makes my heart swell and my eyes water!

    So sorry for those of you with parents that didn't make you feel loved - everyone, child or adult, should know they are cherished. More and more I find that we continue to lead a charmed life - we were blessed never to doubt our parents' affection, and all of the brothers and sisters keep in touch and laugh all the time when we are together.

    See....I did more than lurk tonight!!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Carol ... you only spend $24 a week on groceries... did I get that right? What's your secret??

    Kim ... definitely change your username!!

    Lesley ... feel better soon.

    That's all the energy I have tonight ... not fond of school wakeup times!!
  • strassenkoenigin

    Yeah, the news about your walking buddy were devastating.

    They are getting punished for everybody else who does the same thing.


    Sounds like a good idea what you r husband is planning to do. 22 is very young ,they still need guidance.


    I love biking and have been able in the past to drop weight just by biking. Hope your crash was not too painful


    I was thinking just recently how many books I have read about proper diet and exercise and there seems never to be a sure answer. It is like religion there are so many of them and every religion has a lot of followers and nobody knows which is the right one or if there is a right one.. But as long as people believe in one it seems to work for them.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just a quick note tonight.

    Brenda in Virginia. Your post and goals really got to me emotionally. Please put in your goals to forgive yourself when you do cheat. This is a marathon, not a sprint. You didn't get in your unhealthy state in one day and you can't break the habit in one day. Just dwell on the fact that you just gained 2 pounds on vacation. You will find each of us here, even the ones who have had a huge weight loss have had days, even weeks that they struggle. I haven't had any weight loss in weeks but I won't give up. Tomorrow is a new day. hugs!!!

    Joyce, Indiana

    Oh, Heather that little boy is so precious!!!!!
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hello ladies,
    Today we had our senior's luncheon. I planned to make a pound cake, but I forgot to thaw the butter. So I made creamed spinach. It was a new recipe. It must have been good, it was all gone. I didn't taste it, I can't eat spinach. I gave Mom a taste and she said it was good. I always make a veggie dish because so many people make pasta's or potatoes. The church provides the meat. I always over eat at these luncheons. Today, I made better choices. Then I splurged and have two desserts. But I made a light supper.
    My sis has foot surgery tomorrow. I'll drive her to the surgery center. She has a cyst on the bottom of her foot.

    Heather - there seems to be a language difference on the definition of casseroles. You said a casserole was meat and veggies in broth. We call that stew or cassoulet. In America, many casseroles use a cream type soup as a base for the pasta and veggies.We just throw a variety of things in a ceramic dish and glue them together with some creamy sauce. Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour. Dinner in one dish. Love the new photo, so cute!

    I'm lactose intolerant. I use lactaid milk or soy milk when I cook. Or I take those digestive dairy supplements. I'm pretty sure cheese doesn't have lactose because of the fermentation. Just like yogurt. I don't remember who mentioned about lactose intolerance. There's a difference between lactose-intolerant and having a lactose allergy. They mentioned making a casserole lactose-free.

    yannijannie - that was so brave of you to share about your family.:flowerforyou:

    Allison - sorry for the loss of your childhood friend.

    Sylvia - glad you're feeling better. Don't worry about the weight gain, it is probably just the prednisone.

    Kim - Definitely change your username. Every time you sign in, you remind yourself of your mother's cruelty. Shame on her for doing that to you. How about Life's4living or Daddy'sgirl or even MyFathersdaughter?

    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    There's a new post in the Introduce Yourself Topic. A 650 lb. man tells his story...."650 lbs......rambling introduction." It is amazing.
    Diane in TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Michele – I know just the recipe it is a stuffed manicotti – EVERYone loves it… recipe at the bottom of the post… my Mom is a delight in public – always the lady; but when she is one on one she is very opinionated and I don’t measure up, but I have done many a year of counseling and know she loves me and does the best she knows how to; it is not what I want or need, but it is her best. So I try to fill the needs for what she can’t give me other places, or just grab my “big girl panties” and suck it up.

    Congrats on getting insulin into Lance!

    Lesley in Tasmania – sending good thoughts to have that cough go away!

    Cynthia – {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Beth – thanks! I too have a fine relationship with my mom… interesting that they have a similar history… Mine would send me with these god awful lunches! Cottage cheese, plain celery, and sugar free jello – in 4th grade… I don’t eat any of those things now. And while I don’t know what I weighed I have some pictures from about 6th grade in a bathing suit – while I was not Twiggy, I was normal… not the fatty I thought I was…

    Linda – I have not ever had any kids; single – I have a dog and am a god-mom to 2 young adults (18 and 21) and an aunt to a 16 year old.

    Love2bthin, greythoundlov, GrandMamaKate and Jean – welcome – just come back and post ! we are a chatty group

    Sylvia – your mom was right I think about losing weight without surgery if possible; but on everything else –WRONG – like me we are worth loving and caring for; thin or fat, short or tall, it is about the inside… We are all just making the outside match our beautiful insides….

    Stick with the meds and just stay off the scale while you are doing it and for 3 days after you are done and I bet you’ll be fine.

    Carol – I am so sorry to hear that ! I keep my food budget very tight too! Too bad such a pricy place got picked!!! You need to find something else to join for a social thing!!!

    Mon – I am cheap too, but find so many cheap things to do…

    Heather – glad the kids are fun, sleep well ! I am not sure how to translate casserole to UK English, it is a dish usually baked that is usually a “one dish” meal, so we would call lasagna a casserole, same with Macaroni and cheese, or tuna noodle … often layers of a starch, veggie and a protein… Often toped with or layered with cheese… hope that helps.

    MA – You led Levi and I to additional Doggie training, we are almost done with our 1st round of reactive dog training; and he is doing better – he doesn’t react to birds or fish anymore and we can see a dog at about 400 feet with no reaction; which is a really long way but a big improvement… cats and squirrels are still if they can be seen he reacts.. I really like the trainer I found, but not sure what I will do as the next step…

    Tere – good for your Dad – what a wonderful man! Mine was pretty awesome too..

    All with the idea to change my screen name... I'll look into it... diane thanks for some suggestions.... I don't want to loss all my history...hmmm

    Stuffed Manicotti
    16 uncooked manicotti shells
    8 c. marinara sauce
    1 yellow or white onion chopped
    2 c. ricotta or cottage cheese or mashed tofu ** I always make this with tofu, using the soft, silken
    2 tablespoons soy sauce
    ¼ cup whole wheat flour (white is ok too)
    1 teaspoon oregano
    ½ teasp. Basil
    ½ teasp. Dill
    10 oz frozen spinach, chopped, thawed and drained
    Squeeze out any additional spinach liquid. Set aside. Saute onion in a sm. Amount of water for 5 min. Remove from heat. Add all remaining filling ingredients, except spinach. Chop spinach so the pieces are pretty small, mix into filling.
    Place 2 cups of sauce on the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Tightly stuff manicotti with some of the filling place them side by side in the baking dish cover with remaining sauce – you can freeze the dish at this point –
    Bake at 350 for 35-40 min

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times done 2 times
    Walk 100 miles -16.34 = 83.66 to go
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week – 1 done

    Kim from N. California
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Ok Ladies, I checked and I can change my screen name, but ONLY once... so I have to get it right... I don't want Daddy'sgirl - although that is what I am that was always what my mom said my sister was and that there could only be one, so I could not be it - so daddy'sgirl is sad for me... your screen name has to be 4 or more characters so just Kim is out too.. So...any one with ideas toss them out there...

    smiles Kim
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, will they let you change it and have any number of letters/charachters? If so how about momsamodil/justKim now or something like that. That way some one searching for the old you can still find reference to all of your old postings

    Forgot to add. My daughter and SIL's church where they have been so active and it means the whole world to them. Thier pastor and another of the main staff have confessed to a romantic relationship. They have never gone as far as having intercourse but do have a relationship. He has made a formal apology to the church. The church doesn't know what it is going to do. One of the premises of this church is that God loves everyone. He can take away any stain you have made in your life but you must confess it. he has been a wonderful pastor and leader. I have not told Charlie about this as he believes that anyone in the church should not be hypocrites. In the one church he belonged to the chairman of the deacons and he was a pillar in the church ran off with the minister of music wife. They remain married and are very happy. But it tainted the church in general for my husband. I don't know how he thinks the church doesn't have sinners in it. We are all human. I do know that when Charlie first started going to my church, he was the happiest I had seen him for a long time until some one crossed his path. It was this same woman, minister of music wife. They lived on the church property and their little dog was up close to the church building one Sunday as church was letting out and barking and he didn't like it. He told thins lady and she sort of shrugged it off. Their dog was completely used to children of all ages and had never hurt a soul. But he felt invisible

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I wont do that again:noway: I had some slimming tea yesterday afternoon over ice, and because I ate some bad stuff that I didnt log,I had a cup at bed time... bad bad idea:sick:
    been up running to the bathroom most of the night.. was going to go for a walk this morning,but dont think that would be a great idea either..
    we turn off our cell phones at night, and when I woke up there were 3 messages . 2 from my son ,one from my DSIL, all saying that dad broke down again in his car in west hartford..:grumble:
    my brother finally went and got him... I think this is a sign from the man upstairs that he shouldnt be driving!!!
    this is going to be an interesting weekend....one of our dear dear patient's ,that was actually an aunt to the Dr who used to own our practice died of liver disease on weds, the wake is Sunday, and I have a feeling that Marc's wake will probably be then too.. I have to work monday and if that is when the funeral is dont think I can take the time off for that.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Oh for goodness sake, I'm SO behind, as in 9 pages:ohwell:

    Busy week, some internet service provider issues and, quite honestly, if I put the Hay Day pipe down, I'd have more time to be here.

    Have been sticking with the program, just not logging, reading chatting. Going to do better with that next week. Will try to skim later.

    Hope everyone is well and sticking with their plan.

    xo- Gloria in jungle like Metro Detroit
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Just wanted to share my first call this morning! DD called and said "Mom I need some help!":sad: I said to myself what now and said to her with a frown on my face "What's up daughter.":explode: She said "I need some clothes to wear to work". I mentally started pinching shopping money from the budget.:bigsmile: Oh Thank God!:happy: Things are looking up. I don't even care what kind of job it is as long as it is legitimate!:bigsmile:

    Tere in RVA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Tere~ Goodwill, Salvation Army, Savers.... all sorts of good finds... good luck.. I get those calls too.
    on my second cup of tea, load of laundry in the dryer, will take the puppies for a walk around the block, and then off to work..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Good afternoon!:flowerforyou:

    Everyone having a rest. DGD asleep. I dozed off for 10 minutes.

    Thankyou all for your comments on my pic. He so enjoyed cutting them out and decorating them, but I overstretched myself that morning. Luckily I now have the other half of the uncooked dough in the freezer for another time.

    DS rang in the evening to say he was having a wonderful time in Rome. "We're not supposed to be able to do this sort of thing any more and we are very, very grateful and they couldn't be in better hands.":love::love:
    His one year brewery party is on the Sunday, just after we get back from Cornwall. I wasn't going to go, but I have heard that DS#1, the one that is severely depressed, says he is coming. I feel I will have to make the effort if he is there. It is a 6 hour round trip, for a couple of hours being there, but I haven't seen him since Christmas and he is terrible at communicating. The only trouble is if I make the effort to go up there and DS#1 doesn't turn up I will be fed up. :noway:

    Interesting info about the casserole. It is definitely a wet stew for us. A cassoulet is a specific French dish involving white beans, sausages, pork and usually presrved duck or goose. We would call a lasagne a "one dish" meal or a "baked" dish. I don't have any suggestions for Michele other than the tofu and non dairy milks that others have mentioned. You can get gluten free pasta for the other problem. Personally I would make something entirely different. Google dairy and gluten free savoury baked dishes. How about baked, not fried, falafel and hummus? (skinnytaste.com probably have suggestions if you look down their side bar)

    Got to wake the baby up now!:heart:

    Hesther in cloudy but warm Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning friends! I think I'm back on the horse. It's just barely 9am and I already walked my 10,000 steps. It feels so good! I walked the kids to school then came to the studio, turned on the AC, grabbed a water bottle and hit the rails-to-trails. The only problem is that now I'm so sweaty I need another shower. My feet are not itching one little bit. They don't look great, but I don't care about that.

    I tried to sync my fitbit but can't get it to sync for some reason. Uusally I do it with my ipad and I didn't bring that to work with me this morning.

    Km, maybe you could come up with some kind of name that makes you happy, like CaliforniaDreamer, or FairyGodMother or something fun. Or something to do with your work or some other interest. Something that lifts your spirits every time you log in.

    Heather, those cookies were adorable, as was the pic of the little guy. He's a doll!

    Tere, good news about the daughter getting a job. Have fun finding clothes!

    Well, I have a ton of drafting work to do so I'd better get busy. Have a fantastic day!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Heather - a baked dish! that is what you would call it, I knew my British friends had a name for it when they lived here... I love the idea for falafals.... Michelle I will hunt up the recipe I have for that too.

    Someone mentioned that there was not lactose in yogurt and cheese, and that is not right, it may be different and easier to digest for some, but it is still there :wink: And Michelle you mentioned an egg substitute; which is fine, but there is no lactose in eggs - it is only in milk and milk products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter)

    Sylvia - fairygodmother is fun.... you ladies are the only ones I want (need) to find me and I think when I change it over the one time everything will come with me.... But I am still open to suggestions...

    Kim in N. Cal
  • Akinom523
    Hello, ladies!

    How about LovingKim?
    You need to love yourself before anything.

    So I went to that party last night and I did dance a lot, so it's not a total loss from the cardio point of view. I had a few pretzels sticks and a small handful of peanuts and a couple light beers, but managed to stay away from cake and cookies.

    Just checking in, got to get some work done here.

    Happy Friday all!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I wanted to do a quick check in before I head out of town this afternoon. I am going to visit my parents (LOOOONNNGGG overdue) which I also call The Land of No Internet. :laugh: I will use the app on my phone to log, but won't try to read the posts until I get back on Sunday.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks $24 for a hamburger steak is ridiculous! Although I don't keep my grocery bill down to quite $24 per week, I do spend only between $30-35 on average. I buy very little meat, mostly fruits and veggies, so that keeps the bill down. I spent a little more last week because I did buy meat. I also get pretty much everything I need at Aldi, which is very cheap, except for bread, because all of theirs is way too processed and high in calories for me, and my Greek yogurt. I also find that their milk lasts longer than the regular grocery store milk so that saves me some.

    I'm taking a class on Coursera that began on Monday called Fiction in Relationship. I am behind on it, but think I can catch up. I was dreading the first reading assignment because it is such an old (and French) novel, but I'm actually quite enjoying it! I will catch up on the lectures this coming week. I'm also enjoying telling folks that I am taking an online class at Brown! :bigsmile:

    Well, I had more to say and some personal comments, but I've been interrupted so many times that I've forgotten! :grumble:

    Brenda - I did want to say "You're welcome!" in response to your comment on being open with depression. There are several of us here who struggle with depression so please feel free to talk about it. Sometimes we have good advice and sometimes we don't, but we do care.

    Rita - If you're out there lurking, please let us know how you are doing!!

    Off to get more work done...

    Carol in hot and muggy NC
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    You all are awesome!!!!!!!
    Good morning ladies,
    I wish I could get more personable with everyone, hopefully eventually I can but I'm still
    in a fog which makes it hard to comprehend what I read. I hope I'm making sense, anyway
    I do want to to thank everyone for your concern and comments, they have been very uplifting.
    My depression is improving. I have been suffering from clinical depression for over 18 years
    but have been able to lessen the dosage of some of my meds last year mostly because it was
    causing wght gain and minor health issues. I was doing well until things beyond my control
    started happening not once but 3 times since December. I have an appointment with my
    Dr tues so I'll see what he thinks I should do. Plus Monday my husband is having a colonoscopy,
    He's been having issues with his stomach. Most of what I'm dealing with now is not about my clinical
    Depression but about things beyond my control. Does this make sense? I think I better stop now, thanks for
    letting me get these emotions out of my head.:ohwell:
    Brenda from Md
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 492 Member
    Hello Lades!

    I hope all of you have a wonderful Friday. Today I did 35 minutes on the treadmill. I'm still maintaining the 14 pound loss. I have been pushing it some by having bread and wine in the evening. So far, so good.

    Michele, I would check into some vegan recipes. The Happy Herbivore web site has a lot of choices. I think they would all be lactose free.

    Kim, I would research strong, beautiful women in history for some username ideas. You are both strong and beautiful through and through.

    Cynthia, hugs. Thinking of you.

    Brenda, hugs. It is hard to process things we can't control. I keep reminding myself that there is nothing I can control but my reaction and thoughts. Those I can choose.

    Carol, enjoy your visit with your parents.

    Heather, adorable pic!

    Barbie, I'm enjoying The Happiness Project. Thanks!

    Welcome all new ladies!

    Hugs to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK