

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone; I've been AWOL because of lots of stuff going on. People who want to send good thoughts are welcome to do that, especially for my dog. He appears to have an abscess BEHIND his eye. That's probably the reason he has been so unhappy and just lying around recently: hoofdpijn. His eye is pushed out somewhat from its normal position, the third eyelid is red and so swollen that he can't see out of that eye. AND...that's the only eye he has any sight in: the other one is blind and this one normally has about 25% sight. So it's very scary. Yes, I have been in close contact with both his regular vet and his eye doctor. He's on strong antibiotics and we're driving 2 hours tomorrow so his eye doctor can make an ultrasound and/or ct-scan. Possibly there will be a drain involved.
    I have tunnel vision at the moment and am not thinking of much besides this.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • christinekluczewski
    Hi, everyone, and hi niecy, I am new, too.

    my third week on My Fitness Pal and I have only lost 0.2.

    how do you get the cool graphics that show how much you have lost or how much farther to go?

    My September goals are:
    Track what I am eating every day.
    Walk 30 minutes at least 3 times a week.

    Those are modest goals, and I know I can achieve them.

    Chris from beautiful northeast CT.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Cynthia~ poor baby.. will be keeping your puppy and you in my prayers...
    just made some chocolate chip cookies for my DFIL, will freeze them and just take him a few at a time like Michelle suggested..
    sorta weird looking at sweaters when it is muggy out,but know I will need them, I even found a pair of scrubs, go figure...
    hoping everyone here in the states is resting and relaxing on this Labor Day, and be thankful for all that we have...:bigsmile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Bump:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Bump. Thank you, Barbie for your stalwart service to this community. Happy September to everyone, especially our newbies.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Did 30 minutes on the treadmill plus yoga and a short walk with the pup.

    Barbie, thank you for the new thread, that is a lovely graphic.

    Cynthia, my heart goes out to your fur baby, I will be thinking of you and him.

    Alison, yay for your successful shopping!

    Sylvia, I hope your bug bites get better.

    Welcome new ladies, come back often!

    Hugs and wishes for a wonderful day,

    Cindy in OK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. I didn't get much sleep last night. My itchy feet were keeping me awake. I have tried Benadryl lotion, afterbite, udder balm, crushed aspirin, chigger-rid, aloe, and a couple of other things but so far no great relief. The best I've found have been apple cider vinegar and the hair dryer, but that is very temporary. The itches are spreading too. It started as a ring around both ankles and now is all the way down my feet and between my toes. I'm wondering now if it's not insect bites at all. The spots are turning into blisters. I'm afraid to put on the running shoes because I'm afraid they might have bugs still in them. Besides my feet being swollen and blistered, they might not feel good anyway. So, thanks everyone for your suggestions. I'm going to the pharmacy this morning to get some of the things you've mentioned. I'll have a cart full of itch remedies, no doubt. Is scratching an aerobic activity. Maybe it's listed on MFP. ( I've read that Preparation H can help, but I can't use that because it contains shark oil and I'm allergic to fish. I won't tell you how I found out it had fish oil, in case some of you are eating breakfast. Let's just say an emergency room was involved.)

    I kept the kids yesterday so my son could take his wife out for dinner on her birthday. I made waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon for dinner and the kids loved it. Even the little guy managed to eat a whole Belgian waffle. The three kids and hubby ate a full pound of bacon, too. I was so proud of myself - I didn't even taste any of it! I ate some leftover turkey enchiladas. This morning I was rewarded with a small loss at the scale.

    Well, I guess I have to go take a shower now. Have a great day and a wonderful September!

    Sylvia, in Kansas

    September goals:
    Walk 100 miles
    Lose 4 pounds
    Be faithful about logging food again. (I slipped a little in August)
    Work in my studio at least a little every day.
  • marciamuse2
    Hello, I am Marcia and I am 50+. I'm happy to be here because I don't want to relive all those other years. I just want to make the later years as healthy as I can. I believe what we do for ourselves now counts more than ever. I wasn't successful with weight loss until my 40's so I guess I'm a late bloomer. It's time to bloom some more as I have gained some of my weight back in the last year. One week logging on my fitness pal. I think this program is very easy to use. Thanks for the challenge to think about my goals for Sept. I just started with logging which is huge for me.
  • Karen_Reinvented
    Happy September everyone! I'm 55 and new to this thread/topic, so if you see me fumbling around, don't worry, I'll get the hand of it! I'm thrilled to have found a such a supportive, interactive group that can understand life over 50!

    I've given some thought to my goals for the month -

    *Drink at least 64 oz of water a day
    *30 minutes minimum of dedicated exercise (I'm waiting for a copy of 21 Day Fix to arrive and then I'm commandeering the living room tv every evening for at least one video)
    *Getting up to stretch at least once an hour at work (I have a very sedentary job that doesn't leave much room for movement) :(
    *Eating "clean"-er (fewer processed foods)
    *Avoiding stress
    *Getting at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night (this will be the hard one!)

    Best to all, as we start another month of progress towards a healthy lifestyle!

    Christinekluc - you can look for "ticker" under apps in the menu bar for step by step directions on add the "pounds to go" or "weight lost" tickers!

    Niecey - "bump" is just a way to mark a thread so you can find it easier under "My Topics"!

    Molly - try some sort of anti-fungal for your feet. My step-daughter had something similar this year and it turned out to be a bad case of athlete's foot!

    Best to all, as we start another month of progress towards a healthy lifestyle!

    Karen, from Scottsdale, AZ
  • Discoqueen77
    Discoqueen77 Posts: 61 Member
    BUMP - I'm pretty new here too. Been 4 weeks today and I've lost 12lbs by logging in everything I eat and do. My goals are at least 10lbs a month - I know that is going to be a challenge at my age of 54. I have to get back to my weight training. I've only been 'playing around' with exercise for the last 4 weeks. I am almost at my first goal of losing 15lbs by my vacation starting in early Sept. I love water, and start and end my day with that- really keeps the blood moving! Wishing everyone here the best of luck this month!
  • ECfromSJ
    ECfromSJ Posts: 31 Member
    Hi - I'd love to join your group! I'm a soon-to-be-retired librarian, hopefully retiring in a little over two years, if not sooner. That's one big reason why I'm motivated to lose weight and get back in shape. This summer my husband and I went on a short vacation, and I was so wiped out by one day of fun that we came home a day early. I don't want to retire to sitting around the house all day--when I finally have time to do the things I want to do, I want to have the energy and strength to do them.

    I had some success with MFP a few years ago, so here I am again. August was kind of a getting-organized month for me, figuring out how I was going to do things, adjusting my calorie allowance, getting used to going to the gym, and so forth. My goal right now is to lose a few more pounds before my next doctor visit, in mid-October. I'd really like to be 10-12 pounds lighter than the last time. That means getting down to the 212-214 area. It seems very feasible if things keep going as they are now. Wish me luck!

    Erica in Southern NJ
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy Sept. 1!!

    Welcome newbies, first of all!

    Sylvia..............One more idea; if you can take it, maybe you need some oral Benadryl; sounds like you are truly suffering. Blisters? Might be more than bug bites............only you know how bad it is but maybe it warrents a trip to a "doc in a box" type place for a diagnosis and maybe some oral prednisone.

    Cynthia..........I feel terrible for your poor dog..........how uncomfortable he must be and you also have to be soooooooo upset and worried. Good healing thoughts to him and calming ones to you.

    Michele..........I am beyond thrilled that Bryan called you; may he do it again and again!!!!!!!!

    Carol.........Hope things are evened out emotionally for you soon..........major life changes are not easy for anyone and you have had a LOT of MAJOR life events between son going off to college, your job, and getting the house ready and trying to sell it..........any one of those things are enough to trigger distress and depression.

    Cindy.............Happy your dogs are so compatible!

    Meg..........Does DH's cousin become frustrated due to trouble communicating his wants? Or maybe his inability to do what he once could? Do they see a big potential for more recovery?
    Can't believe how low the housing prices are in Omaha............I suggest we all sell up and move there; I ,for one, would kill for a three car garage!!! LOL!

    Kim..........I have zero need for anything super dressy. My "best" dressiest dresses are my funeral/memorial service ones and both were bought at consignment stores. I do have some very casual dresses from places like Banana Republic and White House Black Market.....don't mind spending a bit more for things I wear a little more often. Occ. I have a banquet or such to attend; nice pants and top suffice. LOL, right now I'm sitting here in literally shredded blue jean shorts which pre-date DD (22) and a sleeveless tank top from a 5K she ran........yeah, real formal here!!!

    Dee Dee..........Sounds like you indulged in some major fun with the grandgirls!!!

    Heather...........Oh, Heather.............MY stove needs cleaned too!!! (since you are sooooooo good at it!!)

    "Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." AA. Milne Winnie The Pooh author

    mid-Atlantic..............hot, hot, hot
  • tldavis5555
    tldavis5555 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi - just stumbled upon this board and would like to join. I live in Kentucky. I think this is my millionth time to start again on Myfitness pal. My daughter has been on it for awhile. I am 57 and work full time setting at a desk all day. It's hard to get motivated to exercise after work. I go with my daughter to the gym sometime. But by the time I get home - start dinner and we eat I definitely don't feel like exercising. I don't like to eat dinner too late - I have major stomach problems when I do that. I figure if I lose some of the weight around the middle this problem will go away.

    My goals for September are:

    Exercise at least 4 days a week for 30 minutes
    Stick to my calorie goal each day without going over.
    Stop binging when I'm out by myself.
    Pack my lunch everyday - instead of going out to get something
    Bring healthy snacks to work to eat

    I would love to have more friends on myfitness pal. Please friend me and give me motivation to stick too it! I will also try to help with the motivation factor for you.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Well happy Labor Day to all of us who labor! We had more storms last night and although it rained hard, there was only ½” in the rain gauge. So that’s about 9 ½” this week or so. It is a soggy mess outside. Dh and DD#2 have left OK and are on their way back. Last night they went to the powwow and to the casino for dinner. The cousin is the 2nd chief of the Ottawa and also the gaming commissioner, so he knows everyone. DH said they could hardly eat for all the people coming up to see how he was. It went well except he seemed agitated and once went up to a random table and took a napkin, wiped his mouth, and put it back on the table. The people looked very surprised, to the waitress told them about his head injury (they were tourists). So no hard feelings, which was good! I imagine that could easily have led to a fist fight with the wrong people!

    Kim: maybe you can find something that can be taken in easily later. The house prices about made me choke. 500K would buy you a practical mansion here!

    Sylvia: thanks for the link! Bug bite cure: Do you have walgreens near you? They have an antihistamine/bug bite spray that works really well. It’s a walgreens brand. Sorry I don’t know the name of it. Also Aveeno with calamine and paroximine if you can find it.

    DeeDee: enjoy the grandbabies

    Heather: I am not a good “housewife” either….I don’t clean at all (we have a cleaning lady) so having a schedule is the only way to ensure the deep cleaning gets done because she doesn’t do that type of cleaning. Plus we have all the animals and if you don’t try at least to find the hidden hair, pretty soon you have 2 more animals! So are you broiling or baking the hairy bikers???

    Alison: you should start drinking LOL. You have the patience of a saint; I would not put up with any of that! Horray for all the wonderful clothes you bought! I bet you look mah-velous!

    Anne: oh my! I never thought about urine in pools! Bleh!

    Sue: thanks for making me feel better about pools! Sorry about all the waiting time; that’s awful. Too bad they don’t have some kind of pager system so you could at least walk and return when paged.

    Rori: have a wonderful trip! I’m glad the cat likes his hotel!

    Carol: I sure hope that depression lifts. I remember that awful feeling well. Sending you (((hugs)))

    Michele: ok, sure sign I need to read more closely; I thought you said your hubby was mewing and I couldn’t figure out why he would be doing that! I’m so glad Brian called you!

    Joyce: hooray for all the smaller sizes!

    Barbie: thank you for the thread!

    Amanda!!!!! So nice to see you again. We have really missed you.

    Denise: welcome to our group. “Bump” just is a way of posting quickly so you can find your spot later.

    Cynthia; oh my Benny Beagle and I are sending your pup good wishes for his eye! Even the cats send (((hugs))) for you and fur baby!

    Chris: welcome to the group!

    Marcia: a hearty welcome to you too

    Karen & Discoqueen & Erika &Tidavis: the same to you! It’s good to see some new people….it’s always fun to get to know them

    Yanniejannie: you’d be welcome in Omaha any time! AND I have a 5 car garage and 2 spare bedrooms, so plenty of room for you while you house hunt! Part of the cousin’s problem is that he has been way over-medicated since being sent home. They are just now weaning him off some of his meds….the sedatives/anti-anxiety ones to see how he will do. Part of it is just the nature of his head injury. There are 8 stages of recovery and he is in about stage 5 which includes some agitation. I doubt he will get much better, now it’s just going to be small improvements, but those often are very significant. His wife can now leave him watching TV and go water the garden for 15-20 minutes, which is a huge deal. Before he had to be watched constantly, like a toddler. Some of it probably is due to frustration too.

    Linder: how did the storms treat you last night? I heard Dennison had a lot of damage, but I don’t think that’s real close to you, is it?

    OK I’m off to get my exercise in; today’s it’s the elliptical. I didn’t sleep well again last night, so no getting up early for aqua zumba at the Y. Speaking of toddlers needing to be watched, my dear Benny Beagle has peed in the house right in front of me both yesterday and today. I wonder if he’s upset that DH and DD are gone? Bleh!

    OK take care from Omaha where we still might float away!

    PS August goal: STICK TO PLAN!!!!! I want to lose 13 pounds by the end of the year!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi all you wonderful ladies. but this will only be a bump for when I'm less tired. Feed beat right now.

    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • strassenkoenigin
    Hello to all old and new determined ladies,

    I just want to leave my footprint for September.

    Goals and challenges for September are

    Work on finding a solution for my insomnia. The weather frog on TV said that the nights are going to be cooler, maybe that helps.

    I entered two challenges on this site:

    the walking challenge and I am going for 75 miles and just hoping that I may be able to run a small part of my walk..

    the cycling challenge and I am going for 750 miles and trying to improve my average speed

    There is no swimming challenge, so I have to create my own.

    Obviously I am working on my triathlon skills. I have been putting that off because I hate running, but I will soon be 70 and procrastination will not be my friend.

    Hopefully this diversified activity program will help to reach my goal to drop into the 110s.

    For my soul I decided to find a glass blowing class. Since years I am fascinated by working with glass and
    when I was at Alfred NY I watched the students craft their wonderful creations and was so jealous.. Later I met Chihuly at the Anderson Ranch in Colorado and while I was not so impressed by his personality, I admired some of his installations very much. I never pursued the glass blowing thing, because the local university does not offer classes and because of the equipment required, but now I think I should treat myself at least to a class.

    I also will look for some environmental cause I can get involved in. I did my first walk this morning in the nearby park and was appalled about the amount of trash I saw. It is a very beautiful park, which just recently has been redone and beautified and it is really sad to see tons of plastic bottles and other trash in the lake and alongside the paths.

    Hope you will all have a healthy month and will find yourself fitter, slimmer and happier at the end of it.

    Anne in the Mojave oven
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Labor day!!:drinker: :drinker:
    Amanda,hugs and praying for a quick recovery.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    off to son`s for a cookout.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I turn 50 end of September, so I guess I can join...my goal last year was to be fit for my birthday, that goal got de railed. Which makes me reflect on what happened to that goal, how did I just blow it off? Not sure...how do we keep a goal in front of us? I am going to spend an hour each Sunday, reviewing my goals and progress towards those goals.

    Goals for Septemebr

    1. One hour of peace time each Sunday, to review my goals, and progress.
    2. Log all food each day in MFP
    3. Exercise 5 times a week
    4. Lose 7 pounds this month
    5. Be happy
  • Joyfuliz
    Joyfuliz Posts: 3 Member
    Would appreciate being part of this group. I'm 63. Have lost and gained weight ad nauseum. Tried Medifast again this year in January and lost 27 pounds. It's almost all back on. I've done this before.

    I am a sugar addict and truly do best without sugar, but can't seem to stay away from it. I desperately want to eat "normal" foods and lose weight, but have this mind-set that I "can't."

    Feeling very confused and would like to find peace in the middle of the craziness that sugar addiction is.

    Today is Day 1 of logging in food and seeking out a community. Hoping to find a group where I "fit" and get and give support. I coulnd't bring myself to get on scale this morning.....

    Thanks in advance.

    Blessings, Liz
  • Joyfuliz
    Joyfuliz Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ann --- I just read your comments about insomnia. It has been an age-old problem of mine that I have finally found "some" help. I recdently began taking Melatonin - 3 g - BUT>>>> not right before bed! I was told that I needed to take it at SUNDOWN because it is a regulator of our circadium rhythms. This has helped.
    Also, there is a very good product - Deep Sleep - all natural - that has also helped.
    And finally, I have begun to use Lavender Essential oil (and frankincense) on the bottom of my feet nightly.

    ALL of these things combined seem to be helping ....somewhat.....
    As long as I don't sabotage myself with 1/2 gallon of ice cream and a sugar rush at night, lol....but that's another story.

    Blessings from NY,