nataliesaunders2470 Member


  • I had a Weight Watchers pizza last night.. got to admit, I was disappointed. It was tiny, and I left it in the oven too long so it was hard!!! I'd been looking forward all week to a pizza and beer and I had the WW pizza and 4 bottles of alcohol free beer. Quite nice actually when you haven't eaten pizza for ages, and still…
  • I am absolutely terrible on the weekends, I drink too much and my boyfriend cooks man size meals for me, so all resolve goes out of the window! Stopped using MFP for a while, but now I'm using it again, I've asked my boyfriend not to be offended but I will be bringing my own meals to his! I've decided to substitute things…
  • Hahaha!! I recognised every ingredient, and I'm British...quite a nice change actually, cos I never recognise half of the US foods listed on here! :laugh:
  • Isn't it great when you realise how much veg you can have? I'm the same! Since I gave up smoking, I've developed a real taste for Boost chocolate bars (305) calories, but I've swapped them for veg and my tea tonight consisted of 2 Chicken, Bacon & Sweetcorn Crispy Pancakes Sainsbury's - Special Mixed Vegetables, 350 g…
  • Hi Shortwasp, good luck in your renewed attempt at weight loss. I'm back on here too after doing well at the beginning of the year having given up smoking, but then started a new job, started smoking again and lost my I'm back to my original weight! Our journey starts today then...! Natalie
  • It's funny you should say that because I was reading online that studies showed that it made runners in America run faster as it was inspiring....I think it was the NY marathon, I may be wrong. But you're on the right idea with that. Also, the fastest Ethiopian male runner who always wins marathons loves 'Scatman' by…
  • Hey, I could be that old mind! Actually, I'd accidentally put the totals that'd I'd already worked out. there instead of the real numbers...oops. What does TDEE stand for?
  • I didn't MOS had released a running CD, I'll have to look into getting that I think...I love dance and anything fast paced, although I don't run I use an exercise bike but I'm sure it'll do the same trick!
  • All the best! x
  • I absolutely love milk, and I've tried black tea but it's just not the same so I've given myself a 500ml allowance every day which comes to 200 calories, should be OK on that I think. If I find I'm left with a lot (which I don't think I will), then I'll use what's left in a meal replacement milkshake I think.
  • Hi chronologie, where are you from? I'm in Swansea, but originally from Pontypool. Good luck with your plan, I'm new to the site although I do think so far it's great, it really helps you keep things in check! Nat
  • Hi Adrian, I've been trying to work out a similar thing, I'm aiming to lose 2lb a week, however it's been calculated that I should eat 1200 per day and exercise for 30 minutes, 5 times a week and this will lose me 1lb a week. How do you change the loss to 2lb a week, or am I only meant to lose 1lb? Now exactly the same…
  • Yeah it does seem a, 500 cals per day. Not that much really if you were to exercise for 30 minutes and aiming to burn 250-300. Good luck with it!
  • Chicken breast takes about 5 minutes. You can even cook it from frozen too, although I've not tried this yet. Today for lunch I mixed some BBQ powder with garlic olive oil and marinaded the chicken breast, and cooked some mediterranean vegetables (cooked these in the GF too) To finish, I used lots of black pepper and a…
  • Well done!! :drinker:
  • Hi, I presume you mean the 1200 is the figure you've been given by this site? Well if you exercise too, that's additional. my allowance was 1200, but I also exercised for 20 minutes on my bike which made my total calorific allowance 1422. Thing is that I've found is that I'm really hungry on the days that I…
  • It does indeed! I had mine delivered to work yesterday, as soon as everyone saw what it was they started raving about what they love to cook on it; it just seems so handy for anyone, students, parents, busy workers - and it appears that everything is a lot healthier, what more c an you ask for?? I adore chicken, so I think…
  • Yum. I love toasted sandwiches too, but I find when I've used a sandwich maker the crusts end up too hard. Looking forward to giving them a blast on the old Georgey instead!
  • Sounds delicious, I'm definately going to be trying out steaks soon! My boyfriend was saying how if he ever had bananas that had brown skins and had gone soft, he'd put them under the grill. Worth trying perhaps.