Hello and a question!

Hey Everyone!

Reformed smoker for a little over a year and counting! Ive put on quite a few kilos since the quit and since its my year anniversary its now time to get them off.

i weight about 90 at the moment, and lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle ( i walk to and from work, about 3.5 k a day, plus go to gym three times a week for about an hour and a half and going to increase it steadily) I do University and work at a desk so about 8-10 hours a day im sitting down in front of a computer or drawing board.

I do have a question though. I calculated my BMR at 1890 but MFP tells me to eat 1400 calories to lose about 1.5-2 pounds a week (1 kilo for my fellow metrics). Now that 1400 isn't 50% of my Maintenance Calories (2450, without exercise included) so im not going to run into starvation mode (well so far as i know), but i do worry that i should be eating my BMR at least, as well as eating my exercise calories.

Could anyone please explain if MFP takes into account the BMR when calculating my amount of calories to eat each day? I have searched and read quite a bit on the forums, but there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer (at least to that specific question) (is there ever in the world of dieting!!!) WIll MFP calculations make sure i remain within a healthy eating range, or must I make sure to go back and change things to make sure im above the 1890 figure.

I am pretty new to all this calories and watching what i eat (I used to be a non-cook eat out all the time kind of person, im now discovering the joy of cooking up a storm in the kitchen with un-processed foods)

Any help would be appreciated.

Catch you all on the healthy side


PS. I did read the newb guide but wanted to get more info on the whole thing pertaining to BMR


  • adrianponting
    OK so I did a little more reading and please correct me if im wrong

    My BMR is 1890, My maintain is around 2450 (sedentary with light walking a few k a day) and add exercise its about 2800-2900 a day depending.

    I want to lose 2 pounds a week. So i have to create a 1000 caloric deficit per day.

    i need to eat about 1450 to 1800 depending on the day and exercise (1800 when i get stuck into the jogging to eat my exercise calories)

    BUT that is below my 1890 BMR, so i should not do this? that is the question, i should make sure im making it to 1890? and lose the weight slower?

    The other part is, if i eat below my 1890, wont my stored body fat be used? and thats ok anyway?

    Sorry for all the questions, im going to keep reading up on it!

  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    When I started, I just ate what MFP told me to to lose 1 pound a week. I also ate most of my exercise calories. I lost it much faster than that for the first month. I lost about 1 pound every 2 days, but it's slowed down now. I would say try eating what it tells you to including your exercise calories and see what happens. You can always make adjustments as needed. I have readjusted to lose only 1/2 a pound a week now and it's starting to come off again. I am only 5 pounds away from my goal weight so I just figure it might take some time to get there.
  • nataliesaunders2470
    nataliesaunders2470 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Adrian, I've been trying to work out a similar thing, I'm aiming to lose 2lb a week, however it's been calculated that I should eat 1200 per day and exercise for 30 minutes, 5 times a week and this will lose me 1lb a week. How do you change the loss to 2lb a week, or am I only meant to lose 1lb?

    Now exactly the same query as yours but still a little confused with the calculations of everything. If anyone could help with this too, I'd be very grateful.

  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You're not meant to eat less than 1200 cals a day. That's why it won't let you change it to 2 pounds a week. It did the same thing to me.