

  • ditto!:smile:
  • Welcome and good luck! Linda
  • So happy for you! Someday I might join you! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Welcome and try not to get so down on yourself. Sounds like you have been riding a rollercoaster all summer. I know we will all be here to talk if you need to, this is such a supportive site. Good luck! Linda
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Absolutely perfect!!!
  • The more the merrier!! Good luck and welcome. Linda
    in Hi There! Comment by Nana27 August 2008
  • Very interesting! Thanks for posting. Linda
  • So glad you joined in! Good luck
  • I love that show too and like you I laughed at the look on her face when she realized she had thrown out her candy. If you will notice she never eats the whole thing. Sometimes just the filling of the Ding Dong. LOL
    in The Closer Comment by Nana27 August 2008
  • Congrats!!
  • Yea for you!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Keep fighting the good fight! Linda
  • I have lost 24 pounds and 10 inches (I hope nobody finds it and brings it back, lol). I just :heart: this site and all of you for your encouragement. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Linda P.S. My daughter and grandson are also on board here and they are also having great success! Thank you all again!
  • Hi metco! I understand about the late night eating, that is one of my downfalls too. But I found out that I can do without that bowl of ice cream or that cookie, lol, guess you can tell with me it was sweets! And sometimes I still miss the sweets :laugh: I now buy low cal stuff that will satisfy the sweet monster in me!…
  • Good luck Laurie! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Linda
  • Toot away ! You deserve it! Congrats and keep up the good work. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Got room for me too! :laugh: Heaviest Weight-260lbs Starting Weight-242lbs Current Weight-220lbs Goal Weight-135lbs My real goal would be 115, but let's get real :wink: I am almost 59 and have multiple health issues, do you really think I can get down smaller than I was in high school? :cry: :noway: :ohwell: But I sure am…
  • "We had ice cream floats at work today....I snuck a peak and saw that the vanilla ice cream was 130 calories per 1/2 cup......I had two scoops of ice cream......and when I say two scoops I mean the ice cream filled the scooper....not like at ice cream shops where they dig and dig to make a giant scoop. Do you all think…
  • I would add 30 pounds to my weight and then figure the lawn mowing calories. lol Check out Calorie Activity Calculator at Linda
  • Sounds yummy!! My family loves the peach salsa. :bigsmile: Let us know how it turns out, nearly all of those fruits are used in tenderizing meat also. Linda
  • Please keep us all informed. Like several here, I have also seen the commercials, but it is so hard to believe any of these types of advertizing. I have been burnt to many times in the past! lol Have a great day and hope that they keep working for you. Linda
    in Slim Shots Comment by Nana27 August 2008
  • Welcome Little Skittle!! You're right, we can and will get healthier. Call out if you need questions asked, ect. We are all on this road together. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Linda
  • Sorry I was inputting my grandson's progress and forgot I was on his site. :blushing: :blushing: Linda
  • Here's wishing you luck!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Linda Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I have had hyperthyroidism for over 10 years (my mother had it before me). I have to take 225 daily in two pills to control it. When you have this disease it is impossible to lose weight without medication. It can also cause: depression bone weary tiredness mind problems such as forgetfullness, remembering the right words…
  • I just wanted to tell someone :blushing: I hit the 20 pound marker. Yea me!!! I have also lost 8 3/4". Thanks a lot for your help in reaching this "mini" goal. I read your successes everyday and they really help me.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks again, Linda Created by - Free Calorie…
  • Hi Check out this site: The Activity Calorie Calculator I like it and it is easy to use. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in Housework Comment by Nana27 July 2008
  • If I understand you correctly, you will be driving through Yuma, there is a old territorial prison there that is cool. Also agree that in San Diego you should go to Sea World and if there is time go to the San Diego Zoo also. On the drive from San Diego to Disneyland, you will pass Legoland which a lot of kids really like.…
  • Hi! I have been smoke free for 8 1/2 years. I had tried cold turkey, pills, the patch, you name it, but hypnosis worked! Walked in a smoker and came out a non-smoker!!! :laugh: :laugh: I never even craved another cigarette! A word of warning though - be prepared for weight gain after you quit. I was not in a position…
  • Hi and welcome. I started at the 1st of the month and have found this site to be very helpful. I don't "talk" much, but listen and learn and get very motivated. You can do this and we will all be around to talk to and laugh at our "losses" and motivate when we need it! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good Luck! Created by…
  • See if you can get a friend interested in working out with you. Misery loves company :smile: Good luck! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in help Comment by Nana27 July 2008
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