To those who have been smoke free

I have tried numerous times to quit smoking...gum, patch, chantix...all but hypnosis. I was wondering how all of you have done it. How many times have you tried before it stuck? Has anyone done hypnosis?


  • rosemarymint
    rosemarymint Posts: 132 Member
    I have tried numerous times to quit smoking...gum, patch, chantix...all but hypnosis. I was wondering how all of you have done it. How many times have you tried before it stuck? Has anyone done hypnosis?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...after my father-in-law had a heart attack and almost died from smoking alone...I quit cold turkey! Here's a little info on what smoking can do. Something in tobacco causes cholesterol to change it's chemical properties making it more sticky. Therefore it can stick in your arteries causing a blockage...leading to a heart attack! So...another reason why quitting is such a good idea! Just thought I'd share.

    Good luck!!!
  • tilly6277
    tilly6277 Posts: 202
    I used Chantix but I had to do it twice. I quit the first time for a couple of months but then started up again. Now, I have quit for good. My motivation was my aunt bet my husband and me $1500 (!!) each to quit. We quit and she paid up. If it wasn't for that I would still be a smoker because I enjoed it and had no motivation to quit.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i quit with the chantix. quit within a month. i do notice now my matabolism is slower, with makes me mad. :grumble: my asthma medication cut in half. don't cough anymore, unless i get sick. i don't get sick as often. this was my 3rd time trying to quit. it's funny now i have to work out hard to get my h/r up. before i didn't. feels good, but, i didn't want to work harder LOL.
    good luck, :happy:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I lost track of how many times I have "tried" to quit. The bottom line is this, it never worked out b4 because in the back of my mind I KNEW that I was going to give up and smoke. So anytime I had a stressful day, or an argument with DH, I turned to the smokes. This time however I have it embedded in my brain that I will NOT give in to the cigarettes. I don't want to be a smoker. I don't want to stand outside in the cold or the rain to smoke. I don't want to have to take away valuable time with my daughter to step out on the deck for a smoke. I'm just done doing it. Hopefully you can find the one thing that makes it finally click in your brain. Good luck hun!
  • bodibykelli
    bodibykelli Posts: 135
    Quit a little over 5 months ago, cold turkey~smoked about 1 and a half packs a day. This was my 2nd quit (each cold turkey). I had over 5 years of no smoking with my first quit, but had a wild night out with a bunch of people and came back home a smoker :noway: Good news, I've learned my lesson!
  • Nana27
    Nana27 Posts: 77
    Hi! I have been smoke free for 8 1/2 years. I had tried cold turkey, pills, the patch, you name it, but hypnosis worked! Walked in a smoker and came out a non-smoker!!! :laugh: :laugh: I never even craved another cigarette!

    A word of warning though - be prepared for weight gain after you quit. I was not in a position healthwise to exercise a lot (had broken a disc in my lower back) and gained a lot of weight after quitting, but it was still worth it. So be diligent with your exercise and food intake and you can beat the odds!!

    Good Luck :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

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  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    I have tried numerous times to quit smoking...gum, patch, chantix...all but hypnosis. I was wondering how all of you have done it. How many times have you tried before it stuck? Has anyone done hypnosis?

    Different things work for different people....the trick is you have to really, really, really, really be ready. I had tried countless times over the 26 years that I smoked and never quit for more that a few months. I have now been smoke free for over a year and know that I will stay that way this time. I used the patch, but have tried literally every thing out there over the years. Just make sure you are absolutely ready. And don't quit quitting even if it doesn't stick the next time!
  • rosemarymint
    rosemarymint Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you all so much. I was smoke free for months on the Chantix, than I thought I was okay and stopped. Yeah, right! I had thought about the hypnosis, but wanted to know if anyone else had success with that. I'll have to look into it. Thanks again!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • njksharp
    njksharp Posts: 60 Member
    I quit smoking using hypnosis about 2 1/2 years ago. It was pretty cool. I mean I literally had no cravings...even if I was out at a bar and other people were smoking.
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    It took many times of trying, each time I tried it was because I thought I was supposed to, it was the right thing to do, or somebody else wanted me too. But when I quit 5 months ago, (which is by far the longest I have went without a smoke) it was because I was sick of smoking, I hated it, and so I truly wanted it for myself. I honestly believe that is the only way you will be successful. You will quit when you are good and ready to quit! It takes alot of hardwork, willpower and determination. If you are truly ready to quit then you can surely do it. By the way I never tried any aids to help me each time I tried and even the last time it was cold turkey. You will not always gain weight when you quit smoking. I have not gained anything yet, my weight has fluctuated up and down by maybe 5 lbs or so, but that is always due to having a bad week and just not srictly sticking to good food choices, not due to quitting smoking at all. Good luck, if you need a quitting buddy, just let me know!!
  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    I'm not a smoker myself but one of my friends was; he recently quit using Chantix and had a pretty easy time of it. 2 months smoke free and he claims no cravings (in fact, disgust at the idea of smoking). I'm trying to get my dad to try Chantix now. Good luck to you!
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I quit cold-turkey after overhearing my doctor tell a patient in the next exam room over that she had lung cancer from smoking.

    I had "quit" other times, but only to please other people. This final time (a year and a half ago), it stuck because I was doing it for ME.

    Not gonna lie, the first 3 months were brutal, but it's smooth sailing (and breathing!) after that.

    Good luck!
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    I smoked for 38 years and it took 3 tries with hypnosis, 3 times with patches to finally give up Jan 2007.
    first time with hypnosis I was 18 and it did work for 18 months till we went to a concert and our friends offered us a cig ....we thought as you ALWAYS do, just the occaisonal one won't hurt...............wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Many years later I tried again and again till this time around I know that I can never ever have just that one again's like alcoholics. Too many times have gone through the agony to only restart and know I will have to do it over at some point.
    The motto of try try and try again and you will succeed works.:flowerforyou: You CAN do it when determined enough, good luck ::bigsmile: