

  • I'm a September bride! I'm hoping to lose 20 before the big day... I just started a week ago and the first week the weight just flew off at a loss of 1.8 lbs. I know its going to slow down so it's going to be tough. Let's do it so we can all be proud of our wedding pictures for the rest of our lives!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I don't particularly like the way she uses so much butter in everything she cooks, but I do have a personal story about Paula Dean. My fiance's sister's house burned down in April 2011 and she lost everything (no house insurance either). She and her family salvaged what they could after the firemen and everything came and…
  • So true!! You can use it in smoothies or just mix it with fruit for something a little sweet, but I substitute it for mayo in my chicken salad. Just about 1/8th of a cup in a chicken salad with 4 oz of chicken. Moistens it right up, adds sensible calories (protein!!!) and, since it takes on the flavor of anything, its…
  • I always was warned away from using any kind of diet supplement or pills. They mess with your heart rate for one, but they also screw up your metabolism if you're on them long enough (i don't know how long that is though)... Anyway, the best way to lose and keep it off is to lose the weight and build muscle. Muscle no…
  • wow that's great! congrats!!!!!!
  • I'm 5'2" and want to lose about 15 lbs!! I wanna look sexy as hell at a slim 110 lbs :-) I'm glad you started this thread!
  • wow omg you look so good! This kind of determination is what really inspires me! Keep it up you look absolutely amazing!
  • I eat chicken salad. I make it from the canned chicken and a little greek yogurt, celery, red grapes and dill weed, salt and pepper. Tastes great and I think its pretty cheap since its canned food. And then I add some nuts and an apple or something
  • I noticed this today! Today is supposed to be my weigh-in day, and I had my most intense workout yesterday. Slight gain of 0.2 lbs, but I feel so much thinner. I think I'll take it slow today and do a weigh-in tomorrow. Thanks!
  • I think they are usually raw weights. Get a scale, I got one at Target for $5. works great.
  • graham crackers and light cool whip sounds really good. I'll be trying that one!
  • egg beaters (they're quick and easy and a 1/2 a cup is only 60 cals! fat free small curd cottage cheese (80 cals for 1/2 cup) with dole no sugar added mandarin oranges (40 cals per cup)--DELISH! skinny cow ice cream desserts (100-150 cals) and so good for sweet cravings oh! and also, get 100 calorie packs of oreo thin…
  • Hmm... the only thing I can really think of is along the lines of you comment about 'thinking' you have been following the guidelines closely. When you log things, make sure the serving size is correct. Like get a kitchen scale, and measure your cereal and everything else with measuring cups. The main thing is the calorie…
  • I shoot for 1200 a day and for breakfast I have around 200. Its hard for me to keep the lunch cals down especially if I want a sandwich, so I shoot for the low cal breakfast. But, my breakfast is very filling. I have 1/2 cup of egg beaters (60 cals) cooked into an omelet, 2 slices of Butterball turkey bacon (50 cals) and a…
  • I think the main thing is to reach your calorie goal. Sodium is the second thing. To offset the sodium, try drinking tons of water and buy the lower sodium option of foods if available. I think sodium mainly affects weight loss when its down to the stubborn last pounds. Not at the beginning. So at first I would meet the…
  • I keep seeing NSV everywhere.. what does it stand for?
  • mini clif bars are only 100 calories a piece and pretty filling! I usually eat one in the afternoon to tie me over between lunch and dinner
  • good luck!! Im a student too so you can add me if you want!
  • great! good for you! you're all great motivation for me!
  • The only problem I've ever heard about with chewing gum on a diet is that you get used to the idea of chewing something. But I think its great to substitute a snickers bar for gum! Maybe a long term goal could be to stop the gum too!
  • Good luck to you too! My graduation is in August and I want to look GREAT in the pictures! Like I never gained the college weight in the first place! lol!
  • I'm new too! Just work out and 1200 isn't so bad! You can do it!
  • Hey I'm a runner. Just ran my first half marathon in February so I think I can provide a little insight. First off, my advice would be to rarely run on the treadmill. I am with you 100% on the fact that it is boring and I can barely get through it. Find somewhere to run where you are interested in looking around and the…
  • I did the same thing! gained some weight when I first got to college, lost it, got overloaded with work and gained a little back. Now I'm working towards my masters and I plan to keep this weight off for good!
  • hi i;m running in the race as well! I plan on using this training schedule from the mercedes half marathon that I ran in February 2011. I am not doing the full schedule though, stopping at week 16 and starting the training in about 5 weeks. I need a few weeks…
  • good luck you can do it! i just started a week ago so i am new too and am always up for making supportive friends!
  • Wow you look great! Congrats on meeting your goals and I hope you keep it up! You look killer in that dress!