How do all you runners do it?!



  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
    This is my 2nd go at C25K. Here are some things I changed and it as helped..

    Slowed my running pace. I walk at 3mph and jog at 4 (barely a jog...I'm short too though)
    Use a C25K running app on my so I'm not watching the time the whole time! Goes much faster when I'm not looking at the time!
    Listen to Pandora instead of a playlist so it's always a surprise what song comes on. Oh and sometimes watch tv to distract myself.

    Now, I'm only on week 2 this time...we ll see!
  • NowGoWorkout
    Ok, I'll try to help. I do Tri's and more biking than running, but have completed a few marathons, and several dozen 10k+ races. First advice...get off the treadmill and get outside. Stale air, and a rubber tread under your feet is no way to get enthused about running.

    You say you did half of workout three. Why "couldn't" you finish? My guess is that you could, but you made an excuse and stopped. You need to re-thing this, you "chose" to quit. Your body could have continued.

    Answers to your questions are:

    Do you drink water while your running?
    In your case, don't worry about the water. Just hydrate well before and after. Only worry about hydrating during your run if it's very warm outside, and/or you increase your run times to an excess of 35 minutes or so. In a short run, you have all the fluid you need...longer runs, not so much.

    What do you do to keep time from going faster? ( I get so bored, and there is only so much music I can listen to)
    I hate to tell you, but time doesn't go faster- no matter how bad you want it to. You need to challenge yourself and remember why you're doing this. What's your motivation? Keep that picture in your mind. Working out isn't supposed to be fun...that's a shortsighted mentality. Think of the future you, slim and fit, or you crossing the finish line...THAT is what motivates you. The reward for the work...but you don't get it right away (the marketing / media don't tell you that part, do they?).

    When did you start running further and farther in your running process?
    Personally, I ran a few 5k's then moved to 10k's very quickly after. If you're on a 5k plan, don't worry about distance yet. Follow the plan. From what I gather, you quit in the middle of a short master this training plan, then PM me and I'll help you get a longer distance plan together.

    How do you go from running 2 miles non-stop to 8 miles non-stop?
    See previous. Worry about 8, after you you get your 3.1 out of the way, and can complete all the training runs!

    What do you eat before and after? & how much time before and after your run?
    You'll find this is a pretty personal matter. Some people (myself included) like to eat complex carbs (oatmeal) with some simple carbs (banana) just a bit before my runs, others don't like it at all, and get an upset stomach. Post workout recovery is key for runners. Be sure to get some quality protein (fast-digesting), as well as a balance of carbs (simple and complex) very quickly after running. Your body takes a pounding, and though you are doing a considerable amount of cardio work, your muscles need the nourishment as much as after a hard weight session.

    Do you weight train before or after?
    This depends on what you're going after. If you want to become a great runner, you'll run more, and do less weight training (and probably a different split / load). If you MUST do them back to back, I'd recommend whichever you want the best results regarding, do first. i.e. is lean mass is key, focus on weight training first (nourish) then run. Or if running performance is key, switch it. Again, this isn't the best the two forms of exercise are focused on difference goals.

    Let me know if you need more...
    Okay, so I'm doing couch to the 5k and I'm on week 5, workout 3 (20 mins non-stop). I just did half of workout 3 and couldn't finish. I want to know how all you runners do it!! I hate running, I'm trying to get myself to like it and C25k has help. I think I just get bored easily and I can't imagine running for 8 miles. I mean it could be because I was on the treadmill. Did you feel this way once you started running? Here are some of my questions, some may be dumb.

    Do you drink water while your running?
    What do you do to keep time from going faster? ( I get so bored, and there is only so much music I can listen to)
    When did you start running further and farther in your running process?
    How do you go from running 2 miles non-stop to 8 miles non-stop?
    What do you eat before and after? & how much time before and after your run?
    Do you weight train before or after?

    Okay, I think that's it. LOL! Thank you!
  • Malrich
    Malrich Posts: 2 Member
    Do you drink water while your running?
    What do you do to keep time from going faster? ( I get so bored, and there is only so much music I can listen to)
    When did you start running further and farther in your running process?
    How do you go from running 2 miles non-stop to 8 miles non-stop?
    What do you eat before and after? & how much time before and after your run?
    Do you weight train before or after?

    My answers are what works for me so you can take what you want from them and hopefully they will help.

    Water, it depends on how far I am running but typically after my runs exceed 6 miles I take water with me. I used to hate it but now I'm used to it and I know my body needs it. I think if you are going to run more than an hour it is something you should consider. I also keep myself hydrated before I run. As far as eating it has taken me a lot of trial and error and I still don't always get it right. If I run later in the day I try to give myself 2 hours after meal time or if I haven't eaten for a while I will eat a mini Larabar before. Once I hit 7-8 miles I take GU or something similar with me to refuel during my run. I have a hard time with side aches so when and how much has been an effort for me. I try to eat something small within 30 mins of finishing, banana or a Larabar.

    I pass time with a rotation of podcasts and music. I try to do different things, especially when it gets to higher mileage runs. I like the trails I run because the scenery is nice and keeps me distracted a bit as well.

    I started 3 seasons ago with a 5K and then a half marathon. Last season I did a 20k, a half marathon and my first full marathon. It takes time to build up but I couldn't tell you specifically when I hit certain milestones. You can google for training programs if you are interested in increasing your mileage. I think increasing your mileage from one milestone to another and remaining non-stop simply takes time for you to build your conditioning and endurance.

    Finally, the weight training in my opinion, is a good addition. I didn't weight train last year and I had a couple of different injuries, thankfully not season ending. I started with a trainer this year and have already seen a difference in the strength. Last year I was told my injuries could have been contributed by not having a strong enough core. So my focus has been on my core and my leg strength. Not to mention the fact that the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn!

    I hope this was helpful. I only know what my experience is and am by no means and expert by technicality. One more thing, I found that running in races gave me motivation to stay on track and it gave me a sense of acheivement in the end. I don't know if you are interested in racing but it helped me stay focused.
  • christina_michelle
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    Im just starting to run. So far i love it. The only thing is that i have 2 knee surgery on my left one and 1 surgery on my right. So im worried about it cause i heard that running is hard on your knees. .. but i really am starting to enjoy it.
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    No such thing as a dumb question. I have never done the couch to 5k, but I have been running for a bit, but no expert by any means!
    1) Yes, I drink water while running, I have to slow right down and usually get the kind of bottle that has the sport top-that way you can just spray it in your face!
    2)I love my ipod for a distraction, but I also have a vivid imagination too.
    3)I was barely able to run for a mile (former smoker) and now I'm working up to 6 in just under 5 mos. Wmup mile/coldown mile I do on the treadmill at a setting of 4.5-5, two miles at a REALLY comfortable pace leaves me with the energy to get through the rest at a 6.
    4) Again, dont know the C2K, but the plan I followed included easy/long/ and speed work runs. Seems to help so you can go faster and farther, and it changes it up a bit. You can find it at runnersworld .com, I love the site.
    5) I don't eat much, but I like an english muffin with peanut butter, but for the long runs I'll do a shake before and after.
    6) I will run one day, then weights the next. I guess it depends on what your trying to get better at, aerobic capacity or muscle.

    Just out of curiousity, if you hate running, then why do it? If I don't run at least 3 times a week I go to insta *****, but if you hate it, it's just a chore.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Don't drink too much water at once! Small regular sips is enough to keep you going. Otherwise you can feel it slosh around in your tummy and that can lead to feeling/being sick. I generally try to make sure i'm well hydrated before I start and then sip little amounts when I need them!

    Some great advice posted in this thread!
  • keepsiejess
    keepsiejess Posts: 51 Member
    First off I am no runner. But here goes:
    I am in the final week of couch to 5k, and that day, W5D3, is really hard. just keep trying it and you will get there. the following week you start back at smaller intervals and work your way back up to 20.

    Running on the tredmill can be boring and it does not give you as much of a workout if you ran outside. I have read that you can increase the incline to 1 to compensate, but the belt is still doing some of the work for you.
    Things that keep me from getting bored: a good soundtrack/playlist that I keep fresh and upbeat, being outdoors and having a "route", listening to my footsteps and breathing as I run (i keep one earbud in). Changing my route/ scene is nice too. I recently ran on the beach and it was AWESOME.

    Do you drink water while your running? I drink before and after, i figure im only out there for 30-45 min.

    What do you do to keep time from going faster? some ppl i know listen to podcasts. i cant. I need music to keep me going or the sound of my breath. I try not to think about time or distance.

    When did you start running further and farther in your running process?
    Dont worry about distance until you get up your time. as you increase time you will go further and further. I use runkeeper to track all the stats, but im trying to go easy on pushing too hard. it will come. Obviously, the more you loose the faster you get.

    How do you go from running 2 miles non-stop to 8 miles non-stop?
    just work on the 3 and then the 3.5 and then the 3.75...

    What do you eat before and after?
    I wait until at least an hour and a half after ive eaten, but sometimes thats not enough. Some pple say carbs before, protein after. I try to at least eat protein after.

    Do you weight train before or after?
    I dont, but i would say whichever you want to progress in faster, do first, because you may be too tired for whatever is done 2nd. I think if you can do them at different times, that would be best.

    That being said: I used to get way more out of my yoga when i did cardio first. I think it warmed up my muscles and allowed me to push deeper. On the other hand, there were times when the cardio knocked me out and I was too spent to rock the yoga. Every day is different, every workout unique, no matter how routine.

    Ultimately, you have to do what is best for YOU. Go ahead and read what others post and articles out there on the web. I have found that only direct self observation and thoughtful decision making has lead me to goals. Maybe start there: what are your goals? why are you running, what do you want to get out of it, and how can you best enjoy the process.

    GOOOOOOOOD Luck! You are gonna do great!
  • jmconway1
    jmconway1 Posts: 29
    Hey I'm a runner. Just ran my first half marathon in February so I think I can provide a little insight. First off, my advice would be to rarely run on the treadmill. I am with you 100% on the fact that it is boring and I can barely get through it. Find somewhere to run where you are interested in looking around and the pretty scenery AND listening to your music if you'd like to do both. Don't think of it as a chore, think of it as your time in the day for "me" time and your chance to get outdoors. Even if its raining, runs in the rain can really be fun when you get soaking wet and all that. I also took a running class in college like a year ago and learned that its very tough to improve your fitness UNLESS you run a minimum of 20 minutes when you do run. So do 2 miles slowly and make it last 20 minutes and just gradually increase the distance (no more than an increase of 1 mile/week on your long days) and see if you can shave off a little time on your pace. Also, I have the same problem with getting bored. You should make sure that you do not run the same route and distance everyday. You will get bored! Start slow and aim for 12 miles/week or so and make a long run 2.5 or 3 miles and then spread the rest of the distance out over the remaining 4 or 5 days in the week in which you want to work out. You just need to find what motivates you. For instance, I tell myself, "If I can't push myself to a simple 20 minutes today, how am I going to improve to 30 minutes by the end of the month?" Make manageable goals. 8 miles will take time to get to so make easy short term goals. Say, if your long run this week is 2 miles, make it 2.5 next week, 3 the next week, etc. You can even increase your long run by a full mile to push yourself. Your long run should only happen once a week. Trust me, 8 miles seems daunting, just like 13.1 was for me last year. But you really can do it with small, manageable goals. And trust yourself! Anyone can do it! It's all mental in the beginning. And look forward to it. The long runs are really relaxing and give you a fantastic sense of accomplishment. After training to be able to do an 8 mile run, you'll find that the long runs are your favorites. Just keep it up!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Okay, so I'm doing couch to the 5k and I'm on week 5, workout 3 (20 mins non-stop).

    How do you go from running 2 miles non-stop to 8 miles non-stop?

    If a 5K is truly your goal, that is only 3.1 miles. I just started doing the C25K and I cannot even imagine running 20 minutes nonstop!! lol
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I'm doing c25k as well (W3D3 today). TBH I was apprehensive of going from W2 to W3 because I thought there was no way I could run for three minutes, not when 90s was just about manageable. I repeated W2D3 once and then thought I may as well give W3 a go, what's the worst that could happen? All throughout this, I've had loads of really good advice from MFPers, who really know what they are talking about. Listening to them and taking on board their advice has really helped me (particularly about slowing down and pacing myself better) ... so much so that W3D1 was pretty easy! Today was a breeze - in fact, I added in an extra 2-min run! I now know that I CAN do 5k- maybe not just yet, but in a few weeks, I WILL be doing it!

    So your questions:

    Do I drink water? Absolutely! I drink a UK pint about an hour before I go out (not all at once - usually in two halves), and I have a 300ml fist bottle, which is always empty by the time I finish. I have another pint within an hour of getting home again, again, not all at once.

    How do I combat boredom? I run outside - treadmills scare me! Honestly! I think it helps that I really, really enjoy running (I soooo never thought to hear myself say those words, even a few weeks ago!), and I just love being outside in the early morning. As Angie said, there's so much to see!

    In addition, my running playlist includes a goodly amount of soundtrack from some of my favourite videogames, so when those songs come on, I'm instantly transported to whichever game it is! OK, that sounds really geeky, but it helps me! And I don't care how childish it may be! :laugh:

    What do I eat before and after? Usually a banana beforehand, although today it was a peanut butter sandwich, which actually, I think was better. I try to have food an hour before I run because I want it to actually fuel my run, not have it just sit in my tum! When I get back, I have 200g Greek yoghurt and a teaspoon or two of light agave nectar. This usually keeps me going until lunchtime but sometimes I may need to have a banana around 11-ish as well, which is no biggie.

    I don't weight train at all! I do 10 minutes of pilates before going out for a run, and five minutes when I return, plus some extra stretches. On non-run days I have just started doing 40 minute pilates workouts, plus I usually go for a walk of at least half an hour. Since doing this, I not longer get cramps in my quads. In fact, I am completely pain-free! I suspect that at some point, I will have to revise my regime, especially if I want to keep on running after I've done the 5k programme (which at the moment, I really do!), but for now it suits me fine.

    As others have said, the above is what works for me - it may or may not work for you. I hope you learn to enjoy running because I know that for me, if I viewed it as a chore, I'd definitely have a harder time of it! Good luck with the rest of the programme, and just remember, there's no competition to this - if you do it at your own pace, you're more likely to succeed. :smile:
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Do you drink water while your running?
    What do you do to keep time from going faster? ( I get so bored, and there is only so much music I can listen to)
    When did you start running further and farther in your running process?
    How do you go from running 2 miles non-stop to 8 miles non-stop?
    What do you eat before and after? & how much time before and after your run?

    I start getting a little thirsty at 1.5mi, take a small sip then and about every mile after. I take gatorade. Switched from water when I went over 1 1/2 hrs of continuous runing and bonked. I seem to run better with gatorade. I run with a belt that has 6oz bottles attached (

    I usually build back up every spring after slacking a little over winter. I usually add a minute or two to each run, Just don't do too much too fast or you will injure yourself. Let your body adapt to running. By the way, it usually takes me about 1/2 mile for my body to warm up and shift into a more easy jogging gear.

    I can run 6mi easily outside, but its like pulling teeth to run more than 2 on a treadmill. I only use them when it is very cold.

    Run with inspirational, fast pased music to keep your feet moving. Slow paced musing just does not keep me moving.

    I usually eat only a small mouthfull of pretzels before I run. Get some sodium and carbs and keep my tummy from getting hungry. I usually eat lunch after the run.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I hated it when I started. Really hated it. I'd spend the whole day after each run cursing it. But something just clicked about 4 months in (early Jan this year), and I love it now. Really love it. I had a very traumatic start to the year, and I can't say how much running has helped. It is exhausting, but it totally frees your mind, I can work out all my anger and pain on a long run, even if I feel dreadful when I start, I always feel good after. I love trying new routes, and old ones to beat my time. I love feeling the sun or the rain on me. I just love it.
  • cecrossley
    cecrossley Posts: 46
    I started a slow 1/2 marathon training in like January or February. This was my first time back after having a baby; I have been a runner for a while, so while I had the MENTAL confidence, physically it was still tough. I think the only difference was I KNEW it would get easier. I agree with everyone about pacing yourself and especially about taking it outside whenever possible. I remember the first time my schedule said 25 min non-stop, in my head, I was like, no prob...but in actuality, it really was a challenge. The same for 40 min. Last weekend, my schedule was 8 miles, and I ended up adding an extra half mile. I felt GREAT! One day, you just realize that, hey! My lungs aren't going to explode! I am doing this.

    There is something very sketchy about your training schedule when they trick you into thinking that 5 miles is your short run. ;)

    I run in the mornings, and don't LIKE to eat before... I usually make myself eat 1/2 a bar of some sort and a swig of water. When I get home, I finish the bar and have some more water. Then after my shower I have a real breakfast.

    If you haven't already, check out Start at the beginning, and you will get hooked! He starts at like 360 lbs, runs his first 5k in like a matter of weeks and within a year and a half does a FULL IRONMAN. He's a good writer, too, so it's fun to follow. I got hooked!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    On the treadmill, I like watching tv. Ellen is best. :laugh: Commercials suck the life out of me, though. And now that I've started running outside, the treadmill is torture.

    Outside, great music and changing scenery rocks. I use (or, but I like mapmyrun a bit better) to plot out a course, and have been enjoying exploring my neighborhood on foot. I've lived here for about 15 years, but I only drive the main roads, where I like to jog on the side streets. And I run much further distances than I can walk my Pekingese (he poops out at 2 miles, max), so I get to see and explore more than ever before.

    As far as drinking, I get disgustingly sweaty and overheated on the treadmill, so I'll pause and take a few sips of my drink if I feel I need it. Outside, I bring jelly beans or fruit snacks or (best of all) seedless grapes in a pouch. Keeps me from feeling parched, and the grapes are like having a little tiny portable drink that I don't spill down my neck and shirt. :tongue:

    For speed, I'd suggest, when you're ready, to sign up for a 5k. I'm amazed at how much faster I am on race day!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Yes I drink LOADS of water when I run using a sports bottle so I dont need to stop. My pace on the treadmill last time i used it was 9km/h (about 5.5mph) so make sure your pace isn't to fast.

    I was surprised I managed 20 minutes but I'd done 8 before so I was alright getting to ten and then I was like okay half way keep going - the trick is not to look at the time on the treadmill - the first half is always the toughest it still takes me 1.5 miles to hit my stride!
  • danibee41989
    danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
    I love all you guys so much!!! thanks for the help! I'm still reading most of these post, but seriously appreciate all those who stopped to post! I'm not a runner, I'm really trying to get myself to like running. I hate running on the treadmill especially and usually run outside, but since Chicago weather is always changing sometimes I don't get the chance to run outside! Again thank you all for your advice!
  • qtpie99
    qtpie99 Posts: 35 Member
    I am so glad you asked this question because the same thing happened to me. I was on W5D3 and didn't do the whole 20 minute run either. I ended up walking after 9 minutes. Walked for 3 minutes then ran for 7 minutes and walked for the last minute. I like all the advice from the other runners out there.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I love all you guys so much!!! thanks for the help! I'm still reading most of these post, but seriously appreciate all those who stopped to post! I'm not a runner, I'm really trying to get myself to like running. I hate running on the treadmill especially and usually run outside, but since Chicago weather is always changing sometimes I don't get the chance to run outside! Again thank you all for your advice!

    stick with c25k trust me it works
  • colerunninaz
    colerunninaz Posts: 1 Member
    Get a running friend- you can slow your run down so you can make it farther but can still run while having conversation with your friend. Also find a spot with good scenery.
    I am not very fast but in one year have increased my speed greatly by slowing down- yes I said it- I started slowing my pace down and staying at that pace so I could run farther each time without stopping- somehow that increased my speed without even trying.
    I like to eat something small before running and usually have GU chomps if I need them. I also have a waist camelpack that I put GU electrolyte drink in- too hot here to run without water. Then when I am done running it just depends how I feel- usually a piece of fruit or a protien bar for recovery.
    Once I started running more outside- I will never go on the treadmill again- that is boring to me- life is all around when you are outside running- just look around and soak it all up. Most of all have fun or it will turn into work and you will not like it anymore.
    Happy running and good luck on your goals.