Newbie 'What am I doing wrong?' question....

I started using MFP 11 days ago. I'm following the diet guidelines pretty closely (I think) and exercising every day. Most days I think I'm doing pretty well on the exercise front. In addition to what I log in my exercise diary, I also take Taekwondo classes 2 - 3 times a week. There's just no way for me to know how many calories are burned there so I don't log it in, although I know it's not a tremendous amount - maybe a couple hundred.

I would have thought I'd have seen some bit of weight loss at this point, but I haven't. I'm not gaining weight but not losing any either. I'd appreciate any thoughts or insight as to what might be the reason I'm not seeing the scale move.

- JT


  • skinnyjeans13
    Give your body time to adjust. You also may need to eat more, if you're burning amounts you're not sure of... If you can, I would suggest that you invest in a heart rate monitor.

    Don't stress, it doesn't happen right away for everyone. Keep it up, stay consistent, and the weight WILL drop.
  • jmconway1
    jmconway1 Posts: 29
    Hmm... the only thing I can really think of is along the lines of you comment about 'thinking' you have been following the guidelines closely. When you log things, make sure the serving size is correct. Like get a kitchen scale, and measure your cereal and everything else with measuring cups. The main thing is the calorie intake and the sodium. If you're over on sugar, its okay because many many people go over on sugar just by eating lots of fruit. Just make sure you're really accurate in your logging.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    You also may need to eat more, if you're burning amounts you're not sure of... If you can, I would suggest that you invest in a heart rate monitor.
    I agrere with this. I do Muay Thai, 90 minutes at a time wearing a HRM, and that burns a minimum of 700 calories per session. Absolute minimum. I would guess tht your Tae Kwon Do is similar.

    Also, check out the links in my signature block. They should be really helpful to get you "knowing" (rather than just "thinking") that you are following the guidelines properly.
  • sandrichelle
    I would say incorporate more natural foods, fruits and veggies and less pre-packaged or altered foods.....also, not sure how much water you are drinking but make sure it's at least 1/2 your current weight in ounces.
  • corysboredagain
    are you eating your calorie goals for the day?

    also, with the amount of calories you burn working out, you might need to eat MORE. you body will hang onto fat if it feels "deprived". (ie burning lots of calories but not eating enough) try adding a few healthy snacks. maybe apple slices with some peanut butter, a banana, almonds, hummus and cucumber chips, etc. you can also add more greens to your meals.

    the other question is how long have you been working out like this? is taekwondoe something you've done all your life? your body gets used to workouts, and they become less efficient over time due to muscle memory. you may not be burning as many calories as you think you are. i'd recommend switching up your workouts, maybe your gym ones, since you probably enjoy taekwondoe.
  • heartmn63
    heartmn63 Posts: 4
    Options may look at record your martial arts class under kickboxing to get an idea of calories burned. Just a thought...although when I do a kickboxing video ...I am not always hard core burning calories during I shorten the amount of minutes I workout when I record this. Not saying this is always accurate I suppose...but it gets me close. The other thing is water water water.
    But don't get discouraged...keep going!!! We all have had slow starts or slow downs too. Hang in there.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I started using MFP 11 days ago. I'm following the diet guidelines pretty closely (I think) and exercising every day. Most days I think I'm doing pretty well on the exercise front. In addition to what I log in my exercise diary, I also take Taekwondo classes 2 - 3 times a week. There's just no way for me to know how many calories are burned there so I don't log it in, although I know it's not a tremendous amount - maybe a couple hundred.

    I would have thought I'd have seen some bit of weight loss at this point, but I haven't. I'm not gaining weight but not losing any either. I'd appreciate any thoughts or insight as to what might be the reason I'm not seeing the scale move.

    - JT

    Cut some carbs add some protein, take in at least 8 glasses of water a day if not more. Get a HRM. Do not rely on what machines say at the gym nor MFP workout calculator as gospel.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Have you measured yourself? I notice that you want to lose about 11 pounds, is that right? If that's the case that's a relatively small amout so you might be gaining muscle and losing the fat. Measure yourself and give you body time to adjust itself. you'll see the difference soon!
  • StacyD015
    StacyD015 Posts: 62 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey and welcome!!

    I took a sneek peek at your diary. Your not eating your calories, this is why ur not seeing a loss. your given calories are the bare min u should have. And when ur exercising you deficit is even larger!1 You need to eat those calories back, even if it sounds silly lol

    If you dont get min 1200 per day your body will go into starvation mode and store everything you eat. Thus making it harder to lose.

    Hope This Helps x
  • tmacs
    tmacs Posts: 60
    :flowerforyou: Hey and welcome!!

    I took a sneek peek at your diary. Your not eating your calories, this is why ur not seeing a loss. your given calories are the bare min u should have. And when ur exercising you deficit is even larger!1 You need to eat those calories back, even if it sounds silly lol

    If you dont get min 1200 per day your body will go into starvation mode and store everything you eat. Thus making it harder to lose.

    Hope This Helps x

    I completely agree with this!
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Thanks so much for all the replies everyone!!!

    I am pretty accurate with my food intake. I do measure amounts and I keep track of everything. I definitely don't drink enough water though so I'll really work on upping that.

    I've only been doing TKD for 6 months so I don't know that my body is too used to that as yet. And the reason I don't think there's a huge calorie burn there is that after the warm-up (which definitely get the heart rate up) there is a bit of time in between activities for each person so it's not constant, sustained movement.

    Oh and I do have a HRM to record calorie burn. So I think those are fairly accurate as well. I've tried very hard to vary workouts - I alternate between biking, P90, boxing and TKD - so my body doesn't get use to the same old thing everyday.

    And yes, I do want to lose only 11 lbs. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but it's proving to be very difficult. Prior to starting up with MFP I had exercised steadily last summer and lost 20 lbs. Got lazy over the winter and gained 5 back. So I'm just starting up again with last Monday being my first real, committed day.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I've only been doing TKD for 6 months so I don't know that my body is too used to that as yet. And the reason I don't think there's a huge calorie burn there is that after the warm-up (which definitely get the heart rate up) there is a bit of time in between activities for each person so it's not constant, sustained movement.
    It's the same exact thing with my Muay Thai (stopping and starting the whole time - which equates to HIIT)....and I still, truly burn 700 calories minimum. Don't underestimate your calorie burn. Why not try wearing your HRM to your next class?
    I've tried very hard to vary workouts - I alternate between biking, P90, boxing and TKD - so my body doesn't get use to the same old thing everyday.
    That's the exact right thing to do.
    And yes, I do want to lose only 11 lbs. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but it's proving to be very difficult. Prior to starting up with MFP I had exercised steadily last summer and lost 20 lbs. Got lazy over the winter and gained 5 back. So I'm just starting up again with last Monday being my first real, committed day.
    If you only have a small amount of weight to lose, make sure your MFP setting are right. Someone so close to their goal weight should only be trying to lose about a half-pound per week. Perhaps you are eating too little.....entering starvation mode? Please read the links which are in my signature block. They adddress the issues of setting up MFP correctly, approprioate weight loss goals, and calorie deficits/eating back exercise calories. Message me if you have questions.
  • tmacs
    tmacs Posts: 60
    And yes, I do want to lose only 11 lbs. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but it's proving to be very difficult. Prior to starting up with MFP I had exercised steadily last summer and lost 20 lbs. Got lazy over the winter and gained 5 back. So I'm just starting up again with last Monday being my first real, committed day.

    The less you have to lose is definitely more work you have to do to get there...those last 10lbs are KILLERS! :)
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Log everything in. It will give you a truer picture. You may not be eating enough for your activity level.