thoseAmericanthighs Member


  • Casey 25 (closing in on 26 in August). Born in Houston, now in the grand old Lubbock... West Texas, it's.... expansive and hot. and dry. Single, never married, no kiddos (hopefully one day), but I have a one year old Lab/Heeler mix and she is the best dog ever. Started crossfit about 5 and a half years ago, but since the…
  • Check out Steph "the Hammer" Hammerman. She can't do most movements unless modified since she has Cerebral Palsy, but she is a darn good coach. I know plenty who can do the movements but would be horrible coaches, and then the complete opposite of that, people who can't do them but know exactly what to say to make it click…
  • How much mobility work do you do? Omega 3's (found in krill and fish oil) are definitely a good supplement, as is glucosamine chondroitin. A lot of times, people underestimate the importance of mobility work and immediately try to up supplementation. Sometimes, it's a mix of both. It should not be considered a normal part…
  • my money is on wallballs sooner rather than later. Though I would love to see pistols and dubs, I think it was just something he did to throw people off since he takes so much pleasure in keeping people guessing, he wouldn't be so transparent..... but dubs will be making an appearance, I just don't think it'll be in 15.3
  • Also, in regards to pistols, a really fantastic friend of mine posted this on facebook this morning and we were discussing a similar topic in Biomechanics yesterday. Sometimes, people's bony structure just won't allow for certain movements. Genetics play a HUGE role....…
  • Found this article last night. I feel like it is definitely appropriate!
  • I have been up and down in 5 years of doing this. I have fallen, slipped backwards, plateaued, over and over and over. I've gotten tired of not seeing the results that I want. When this normally happens I have to take a good step back and ask myself what it is exactly that I am wanting from this. Do I want to do it for…
  • I refuse to read it. But I have read lists as such : detailing excerpts from the books themselves... It's too close to home. My first relationship was fraught with instances like the ones provided and the fact that this is so mainstream…
  • ^^^ when in doubt always default to what is used as the standard in competition. This way, even if a coach in your group says a different way is fine, you are always practicing to the standards that there would be in a competition. So if you do end up competing, you aren't struggling with trying to change up the way you…
  • ok fine.... I signed up. This will be the 5th Open I have participated in. We'll see how this goes.
  • I am curious to see how the programming suits everyone this year and whose strengths it plays to. Only time will tell... I'd love to see the ladders with the powerlifts, but since they did the deadlift ladder for the teams last year and the clean speed ladder and the max overhead squat, I find it a stretch to think that…
  • I agree with Matt Frazier, but I definitely think that Noah Ohlsen and Scott Panchik will give him a run for his money. As far as women go, I'd love to see Annie back on top, but she's been very quiet lately. I expect a run off between Sam Briggs, Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet, Annie Thorisdottir, Julie Foucher, and Kara Webb…
  • Been crossfitting for 5 years now. If you seek like minded people, search out the group Crossfit Love rather than the forums when you have questions
  • I shave mine down using a callus shaver and smooth them out with a pumice stone. Plus plenty of moisturizing lotion.
  • I'm 25, 5'7'' currently sitting at about 170# looking to get down to 150(ish) as long as I don't lose my strength. I eat about 2000-2400/day and swim in the mornings for about 1 hour and then after work I go lift heavy. That routine is 5 days per week and then on Saturday, I do one vigorous workout and Sunday is my rest…
  • We're all well and good here, but hookgrip captures the best lifters in the world on video. I'd wager they have much more technically sound form than any of us here.
  • Jeff, I would suggest (if you have instagram or facebook) following Hookgrip; they post videos of Olympic lifters in slow motion so that you can really see the points that need to be hit. They offer a good comparison to my own lifts when I don't have my coach around to critique my form.
  • I would sincerely advise against it and say that you will be lucky to lose 10 of those 30 in the 2 month time frame that you set for yourself. What is more realistic is adding weights into your workout routine and eating a small-ish deficit packed with protein. You may not drop the lbs kgs whatever that you want, but you…
  • $75 per month for my crossfit gym, which I really only use right now for my weightlifting. $18 per month deducted out of my paycheck to use the University Rec Center, with pool, free weights, cardio machines galore, sauna, indoor track, basketball courts, racquetball courts, "crossfit" room, classes for dance zumba yoga…
  • Even at just 25 with no kids, it still makes me pee just a bit. I find that if it's possible to do so right before the workout, I try to run to the restroom or if I'm feeling extra prepared put a small panty liner in my workout bag just in case. As your core and your pelvic floor muscles get stronger though, it will…
  • So much that I want to do this year!! 1.Get back in 75kg weight class & stay there or begin working my way down to the 69kg (there seriously needs to be an in between, like a 72kg class) 2. 200#+ C&J, 175#+ Snatch, 200# OHS 3. 375# DL, 300# Back Squat, 250# Front Squat, body weight bench, 150# strict press 4. Get…
  • nahhh. The longer I've been in it the more I know what I need to do and not do to avoid injury and gain strength. I also know how to listen to my body a lot better. As a noob, I was a lot more prone to hand tears, shin scrapes, overworked muscles. Now I recognize the signs and stop when necessary.
  • I'll pile on to this sentiment. We become especially scary when we've done it for almost 5 years with constant strength gains and without major injuries.