

  • I love this thread!!! Im celebrating the 4th here in the UK and will be having some cocktails this weekend starting tonite with some lo cal beer. Ill make up for it tomorrow with some extra gym time. cheers:drinker:
  • This is a helpful thread as I am in the same boat. Im finding it hard to meet my daily calories in fear of over eating and it makes it harder when I feel I have to eat my burned calories too. I was struggling threw my run today and I knew it was because my body just didnt have the fuel. This thread shed some light for me…
  • I was thinking of getting the jillian Micheals 6 week 6 pack. Thank you for the post. It really is just my lower gut area and the love handles. Im not sure if I will ever get the complete flat stomach that I hope to have after a c section but I am not loosing hope or giving up on trying.
  • I do a lot of cardio and I am loosing the weight in my tummy area. I eat really clean and I have seen the rewards from that. I just want to start toning up. Thanks for all the suggestions. You guys are a great help. Cant wait to try all these out. :smooched: xxxx
  • I just started training for my second half marathon yesterday. I gained some weight after my first one from lack of exercise and bad eating. I am trying to loose the weight at the same time as train hard to improve my time. Maybe we can help each other out?
  • When I started running my friend and I set off together. We ran at diffrent paces and we were fine with that. we didnt compete with each other just followed one another along and it was nice. I moved away and now run alone and it doesnt bother me at all. I actually eajoy the time and clear my head. But every once in awhile…
    in Running... Comment by aadams05 June 2011
  • I am in!!!!!
  • This is a very insipiring post. I had a c section with my 6 yr old and natural with my 2 yr old. Nowever with the c section I never got rid of the pooch and I was telling a friend the other day I never thought I could get rid of it. Now I know diffrent. Next question is any ideas on how to fade your strech marks or make…
  • originally from Brooklyn, MI but I am currently living in Mildenhall, UK
  • Thanks for sending me a request. :smile:
    in Aloha! Comment by aadams05 June 2011
  • Thanks everyone!!! Im super excited and dont feel so jealous of all the others I see on here who have a ton of freinds. :blushing:
  • I am in too sw:152 gw:145 cant wait to see how much progress everyone makes.
  • My husband and I got married right out of high school and he joined that was almost 6yrs ago. The military offers great benefits and although it is hard at times and its hard to see the light. I am greatful for our choice to stay in the military and I am very greatful and proud of what he does. If you go into the situation…
  • Just found this and I love it! alcohol is always my down fall. I go all week and than feel like i deserve a drink on the weekends. I need to stop this! lol:drinker:
  • There are a few foods that have been scientifically found to help with weight loss. Try to add a half grapefruit in for a snack every day or grapefruit juice. It is said to help reduce insulin levels and help with weight loss. High protein is a good way to go as well. If you like spicy food I also read that hot peppers…
  • Thanks everyone for you advice and input. I am happy to know that I am not alone. I do take 2-3 rest days a week . I spend of one my work out days a week in the gym doing some cross training as well. I think maybe I am just pushing my body to hard though. After taking a break I should expect to breeze threw every work out…
    in Running?? Comment by aadams05 June 2011