kitkat536 Member


  • Granola bar - my favorite is Cliff Mojo bars. They are mostly nuts, low fat, medium protein, and half the amount of sugar is the regular cliff bars. I also eat apples beforehand too. The fiber makes me feel full and the carbs give me the energy. Eat 20-30 minutes beforehand, so eat before getting in your car, and change at…
  • My favorite is iMapMyFitness. It shows the hills you climbed and it's steepness, plus it shows how much you walk and what your average pace is.
  • Generally 80 calories is your standard medium apple. Mediums are about the size of your fist. Most of your standard apples are mediums. You can always google search the different apples for calorie count too.
  • Kashi go lean is a great cereal. High fiber. High protein. I have that and a yogurt in the AM and I'm good to go!
  • AWESOME!!!!! You look amazing!!! Congrats!!! :)
  • You aren't necessarily too old of the activities they are doing, you just aren't used to doing them. So instead of killing yourself, work your way up to it. Age is just a number and if you let that hold you back, you'll never get to where you want to be. Ease yourself into things. Instead of 2 classes, start with one. Do…
  • AWESOME!!!! Way to go!! You look fabulous!!!
  • Mostly solid muscle. Be sure you are eating enough proteins and carbs to ensure your able to build muscle. Becareful not to over do it and hurt your muscles. Also, make sure you are eating enough calories so that your body isn't using your muscles in order to lift. Sometimes your body will eat your muscles if you aren't…
  • It happens to me a lot!! I love my complex carbs and starches! I try to stay away from them or go to snack on something else if they are calling my name. Go for the healthy carbs like fruits... That will satisfy your sweet craving and your carb craving :)
  • Best feeling ever!!! AWESOME job losing 34lbs!! :)
  • Look up the 10 minute workouts. They are primarily the resistance bands. My boyfriend uses them (I need the lighter bands) and it's a fantastic workout for him.
  • Feel free to add me! :)
  • Couch to 5k! Look it up! It's a glorious way to start running and not burn yourself out! You love it!!
  • Do the same. Maybe bump it up a little bit the week before though. I always cramp if I've been unactive before my TOM. Hot baths after my workouts help too.
  • I opened it up. Didn't realize it was hidden.
  • You're doing excellent! You've lost almost 40 lbs! Don't beat yourself up! You're going to look wonderful at the wedding!
  • Rub Vitamin E oil on the stretch marks or invest in Mederma. Both work relatively well. I have them on my thighs and sides from gaining and boobs from growing. It definitely helped to hide mine. The vitamin E oil stays oily, so put it on before bed and scrub well during your morning shower. The mederma is a cream and helps…
  • It's called C25K. It's green with a man running and 5k underneath. Paid 2.99. AMAZING! It lets you know when to run or walk. I paid the extra 99c so that it would track my cals lost and mileage. It also tells you your running mph and your walking mph. LOVE IT!
    in C25K App Comment by kitkat536 June 2011
  • Cardio! Getting your heart rate up burns stomach fat! I learned this the hard way. I have AWESOME abs that are hiding under a layer of mush. I personally have started doing more ab work and also more cardio. I'm seeing results. Start rollerblading, running, cycling, swimming, etc. Keep up the zumba because I lost inches…
  • Smelling where their stems were seems to be the best trick for melons. Hardly ever will you find a bad watermelon, but cantelope is tricky. If it smells strong, it's good. If you can't smell much, it's on it's way out. Grapefruits are more on the weight side from my experience. They tend to be a bit heaviver if they are…
  • glynnman - it's done the same for me! I now look on MFP before I pick anything up! I keep my phone with me at all times, so logging isn't an issue, but it's definitely helpful so that I'm not consistently grazing on junk food!
  • I aim for 2 to 3 hours before bed. 7 or 8 is usually the latest I like to eat. I occasionally eat later, but that's only on a date night. :)