Finally deciding when enough is enough....

kitkat536 Posts: 27 Member
I've been in weight loss mode for almost a year now. I've hit the gym hard and struggled at keeping my weight to stay the same. This 20 lbs has just been hanging around and I want it gone! Every year I make a resolution to get in better shape, watch what I eat, and lose weight. How many times have I stuck with my resolution?? Hardly ever. I kept finding myself sneaking potato chips, buying bags of candy, cake or ice cream.... and I can never just have a little.

I recently moved to New Hampshire to be closer to my boyfriend. I know he finds me attractive, but I know that I'm not what I used to be. He and I go way back, and I know he remembers my tighter body and firmer stomach. I want it back. Not just for him, but more for me. I look back and see my flat abs and curvy figure.

A few weeks ago I tripped onto myfitnesspal and downloaded it out of curiosity. Well, it's working!!! I have started to pay more attention to what I'm eating and how much I eat. I'm logging everything that I put into my mouth. Whether it be a piece of chewing gum, or a margarita that I splurge on for Tuesday nights. It's all getting logged. By paying attention and kicking up my cardio recently, I'm down 5 lbs!

I am writing this because I need some extra support. I have a few friends that are doing this with me, but any and all support is great. If you're in the same boat as me, add me. I'd love to swap ideas and tactics that work. I'd also love to support you too!


  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on losing the 5 lbs. Glad that you've found something that works for you!
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    Well welcome kitkat! You've come to the right place. It's hard doing this on your own and you'll find (like I did) that the support of new friends on MFP will make all the difference in the world! It did for me. I'm happy to help support you in any way I can.

  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
  • glynnman
    glynnman Posts: 4 Member
    Hi your story is the same as lots of us on here i guess, what i like about it is when you have to log everything you eat it really makes you look at your eating habbits. It can be a pain logging everything but after a while it gets easy. i can almost guees the calories in food now. What i have found is it stops me picking up junk food on the go at work, like a bar of chocolat at the petrol station etc. good luck
  • kitkat536
    kitkat536 Posts: 27 Member
    glynnman - it's done the same for me! I now look on MFP before I pick anything up! I keep my phone with me at all times, so logging isn't an issue, but it's definitely helpful so that I'm not consistently grazing on junk food!
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    Welcome! There's plenty of support around here, so you've come to the right place. Feel free to add me if you like :)