I was happy until I saw the pictures!



  • How long does that game have to continue? Don't you owe it to yourself to love yourself at every point in your journey?
  • sjackson902
    sjackson902 Posts: 154 Member
    You most certainly do NOT look like a cow. You've done an amazing job! I'm sure you'll stick with it and meet your goals. The confidence you felt while at the party is exactly what is going to get you there, too.
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    Don't let your head mess up all the hard work your body has done! A 39 lb weight loss is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. Pictures aren't always flattering, no matter what your size; and if you need a quick reality check, pull out some old pics of you prior to your current weight loss and hold them up to the bachelorette photos and that ought to give your brain a rough idea of how far you have come.

    This is a journey...more of marathon proportions than a sprint. Enjoy all that you have accomplished thus far and know that you will continue to move towards your goals!
  • MrsAlleyJ
    MrsAlleyJ Posts: 7
    You might be too hard on yourself but try not to be. I do the same thing ESP with my thighs. When I was at my LOWEST weight I saw myself in a picture (Bachelorette Party) and hated it! I thought they were HUGE and that I was disproportionate. Everyone thought I was crazy but I knew what I wanted to see and in the pictures, I didn't see it - whatever you do, don't let this discourage you! If anything, work harder. If you can't or that seems crazy, then keep doing what you are doing! I'm telling you, it is worth it and it means that the next time or time after that you see pictures, you might see a more fitting result. Problem is when you start working towards something, you may not realize it but you are actually harder on yourself than you realize and tend to find MORE wrong with you, than before (things maybe you didn't even think about or notice). It is crazy but I swear...I do it too!

    Hang in there!
  • Minoesh
    Minoesh Posts: 105 Member
    You know what might make you feel better?
    Look at pictures of you before you lost 39 lbs!
    I bet you look a lot better now than before.

    That was precisely what I was going to suggest! :wink: Worked (and still works) for me, I have another 20lbs to go and when I'm feeling really low about how long it's taking or when I think I still look fat, I look at the photo of myself when I was at my heaviest (231lbs) and it works a treat. I have put together a page with before and after photos to track my progress year on year, it's really useful. You have done awesome and should be well proud of yourself :happy:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Thank you so much for all the support!

    I guess it was just so shocking to look at them after I had felt so great :-(

    It's funny I was really happy with the ones from our tea early in the day(my profile pic is from this weekend at tea) but come the club pictures and I was devestated, it didn't help that all my friends have lost a ton of weight and are all very slim now so I looked even bigger next to them.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Really, its so hard - I am fairly fit and looking just about right - but when I stand in a certain position I look huge - my arms, my belly... dont be too hard on yourself - look at the good pics and forget the rest, just keep going on!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I can TOTALLY relate to this. My wedding is not until next July but I am still scared no matter what I weigh I'll look fat. I can feel great in my outfit but once it's in a photo, I look HUGE.

    Did you hire a professional photographer for your wedding? They will be able to put you in angles where you look GREAT! I am going to tell mine she's gotta watch out for double chins and weird poses that would make me look big.

    Unfortunately, pictures where you're partying rarely come out good so I know the feeling!

    39lbs is a HUGE LOSS, one I am anxiously waiting for! Good luck and congrats!
  • gponter79
    gponter79 Posts: 124 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. You always see what other people don't even notice anyway. Oh, and camera's supposedly add 10lb onto you anyway!! I would do anything to have achieved what you have done so far!
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I had that happen to me a couple of weeks ago and I used it as incentive to kick me into a higher gear and it worked! I've lost even more weight and inches and look even smaller than a couple of weeks ago and this is not just my opinion. My picture is posted on the wall at the fitness center and I've had tons of people tell me I look so much smaller than the picture taken 2 weeks ago....lol Don't get discouraged....use those feelings to help you! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Yeah, this happened to me last week but it wasn't pictures. I had just hit 35 lbs lost since joining MFP and over 45 lbs lost overall and we had a health screening at work. They measured my waist line and did it from the belly button around for a 46" measurement. It really had me ready to go eat an entire cake and chase it with a milkshake or ten, but instead I chilled and went to the gym. Not worried about it now! You'll be fine.
  • Jodasi
    Jodasi Posts: 9 Member
    I see that it's been said but I'll say it too- You are doing great! Try to remember that you've already come a long way. Fine-you're not where you want to be yet but that's okay. You're on your way and the 39 pound loss proves that you're committed to getting to your goal. It takes a lot of work to lose 39 pounds- I've done it before so I know firsthand. Love yourself now! Don't wait until you meet your goals. XOXO>
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Just keep going! Get your mojo back! As for the wedding day...do you have a pro photographer? Because they will make sure you look good :) (I know because that's what i do for a living).
  • AmyPfl
    AmyPfl Posts: 9
    The way I have tried to beat getting discouraged is by NOT looking at those photos, de-tagging yourself, or asking your friends to take them off. Realizing that everyday is a new day, yesterday is history, and focusing on the main reason I am doing this which is a healthy, happier life everyday as a lifestyle, not just to lose weight. It is a daily struggle, but you know you look good whether there is one unflattering photo of you or not. Same thing happened to me on Facebook, I detagged it and posted a comment saying, "Not the most flattering photo of me, but that's OK I know I'm hot.":) Just focus on those really great photos of you. Give yourself daily affirmations. Your opinion of yourself is the only one that truly matters because you are the one to carry yourself through in this life. If you tell yourself you are amazing, you will be amazing, at any weight. Then when you reach your goal weight, it will really be just a bonus, because you are already where you need to be to be happy. Like Jodasi said above, you have to "Love yourself now! Don't wait until you meet your goals.' This is the best way to avoid, stop, and prevent self-sabatoge, which is what I did last time I started to lose weight. Now that I am nice to myself (for the most part) I feel like a new person even though I still have 15 lbs to go.
  • kitkat536
    kitkat536 Posts: 27 Member
    You're doing excellent! You've lost almost 40 lbs! Don't beat yourself up! You're going to look wonderful at the wedding!
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    A photo taken at a bad angle can be unflattering no matter how thin you are!

    Don't feel bad, you are doing amazingly.

    This is so true. My daughter showed me how to take a picture where I never have a double chin :) We have a rule on FB "Friends don't post bad pictures of freinds". You give that camera to someone else and they could take some awesome pictures of you! I think you have done an outstanding job! Seriously. 39 lbs is a success.
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Look at it this way... now you have "39 lbs. lost" pics! When you reach your goal you will be glad you have them!
    You're doing great! Don't get discouraged!
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Been there done that. Im happy looking at myself now but when I take a picture, it looks a good 10lbs more Im 149 now I have't loss any weight yet but clothes look and fit better. I need to lose about 19 to 25 pounds. Dont let it get you down!!
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