

  • NBentz214: This sounds like me! I'm 29 but I'm 5'4 and I originally started 2 years ago at 202 and got down to 169... after about a year I crept back up and gained a little weight back and I have been at about 181 now for a couple months and i'm ready to get back to working out and eating better! So my current weight is…
  • seriously impressive!! well done it shows that you worked really hard- i mean you can truly SEE the results!!! great job! can't wait to see the 60 day results!
  • @silverstrychnine it's a tough call- with the hairdo i think i see a little bit of Ginny Goodwin
  • we don't have pro sports here in Louisville KY and i'm a Louisville girl born and raised- GO CARDINALS!!! we thrive on our college sports here :)
  • I have lost 12% of my starting body weight. My goal is to hit 33% lost. Good luck to you! (and everyone!)
  • omg i could've written this exact thing.. I started back in June of last year also.. i lost 30lbs.. still have 40 to go... I slacked off a bit from November to about February and teetered between a 4-6lb gain... I got back on MFP on May 1 and my first official weigh in will be on Wednesday to see if it i'm back on…
  • I am 5'3 just shy of 5'4. I am 28 (almost 29) and I started at 204lbs.. I am currently 174. I have about 40 lbs to go to get to my goal weight. I'd love to join this group and if we have challenges, even better! :) and like someone else mentioned- i am ALL middle!
  • i notice this too. i'll look at that sometimes too- i never thought of using it as a gauge though- that's a great idea!
  • i love this idea!!! i will try my best to start doing that!!
  • try to get some of your calories through beverages if you don't want to eat all of your calories. maybe a fruit smoothie or something...??
  • i notice there are a lot of Michigans! I'm from Louisville,KY USA but i know a lot of people in MI! :)
  • i figured it out! now- how do i delete this post????
    in test Comment by Kritter8682 May 2011
  • sorry- i'm new to the forum thing for the most part and i'm trying to figure out how everyone has their tickers in their signature...... i'm dumb.
    in test Comment by Kritter8682 May 2011
  • i could use more friends like you too!!! you sound like me with the eating healthy til dinner time then i eat dinner, and some after... that's a bad habit of mine... i have about 34-40 more lbs to lose....LETS DO THIS!!!
  • MFP is the best thing to help you along the way! I had 60lbs to lose. I'm almost halfway there!! I'll definitely support you and help you in any way I can to motivate you! you can do it!!! :)
  • YES... i AGREE WITH THIS FOR SURE!!! take pictures!!!!! i took before after pictures and i am so glad i did... every morning i looked in the mirror and didn't see a difference. becuase you see yourself every day and you can't see what everyone else can... so when i needed reassurance that my time wasn't wasted and all the…
  • hey i admire you for being motivated. I am just under 5'4 and i started at 202lbs.. I'm now at about 172. Its a struggle for sure. I too am a food ADDICT. food makes me happy. the taste of food is my weakness. its not the chewing the swallowing or the satisfaction i feel after eating... it's the taste of food and the WHOLE…
  • It's the people who have never struggled with their weight or the people who don't have the discipline to count calories or get healthy that it bothers the most. As someone who has struggled with weight her whole adult life, I would never judge someone for recording calories. It doesn't mean you are "counting calories".…
  • i'm guessing you are in GA? I'm in Louisville but since I'm training with a charity group, I have to fundraise to make it down and have my room accomodations paid for. But at this point, if the fundraising doesn't go well I am tempted to just continue training and drive down and run it anyway!!! I'm excited to attempt this…
  • thank you so much for this!! i love hearing this! I love knowing that if i go out today and run/walk a mile I can call myself a runner! I'm truly motivated to train for this regardless of nerves... I definitely have the mindset now to know that it's all about FINISHING and not just running the whole thing. And i know it…
  • Thanks so much for the support and input everyone! I believe I start the training schedule in about a week and a half or two weeks. The kick off meeting is coming up and the actual Half Marathon isn't until November 5 in Savannah GA. I think the fundraising is going to be a huge mountain to climb but the training makes me…
  • definitely a big difference congrats!! :)
  • do you mind me asking what your diet consists of? I know you mentioned you are staying under your calories so i'm wondering it may be something in the food that you are eating. also are you drinking enough water? and cardio is a huge part of it also, keeping that heart rate up and keeping your metabolism boosted... i'm new…