lq022 Posts: 232 Member
Hello Everyone! My name is Lisa, I'm 23 years old & new to MFP! I've decided to begin my weight loss journey (...again) since I have a cruise coming up in August that I DONT want to be the heaviest one on! ... I've begun working out in late january and have stuck with the gym so far.... which is probably the longest i've done that for! yayy! ... Now it's time to get the diet under control ... Since I am on a time crunch to lose ~20 before this cruise, I am steering towards doing a low-carb/high protein diet .. not necessarily "following" one diet in particular ... just more of cultivating all the diet knowledge I've attained over the years ... (and lets face it, we could probably write the ULTIMATE book on dieting) into a plan that makes sense, is relatively do-able, and that I wont go crazy on. I was good for about a month, but have now caught myself falling back into some of the same patterns (eating healthfully until dinner time .... where I'll eat my dinner....and then some after etc). I'm hoping this website will keep me honest bout my eating habits, and hearing others stories of how to fight temptation will serve as an inspiration!

My goal for August is ~20 pounds ... while my ultimate goal is to lose a total of 80 pounds. The thing that makes "this time" different than "last time" : #1: I've actually stuck to the exercise longer than I usually do .. #2. I have become comfortable with the fact that this will probably take me 1-2 years for the weight to come off, AND STAY OFF! #3: I'm just plain sick of being fat. I'm going to need LOTS of people for help, and to ask questions ... and hopefully I'll be able to answer some of your questions as well! Feel free to add me, I'm very friendly!



  • 3bree375
    3bree375 Posts: 99 Member
    I'll add ya! I need more friends like you!
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks! We got this!!
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    welcome!!!! :O)
  • proverbs1515
    You can do it! I am in the same place you are. But I need to lose a few more than you! This time is the most serious I have ever been about getting healthy. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!
  • Kritter8682
    Kritter8682 Posts: 29
    i could use more friends like you too!!! you sound like me with the eating healthy til dinner time then i eat dinner, and some after... that's a bad habit of mine... i have about 34-40 more lbs to lose....LETS DO THIS!!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Welcome ! We are all here to support one another ! I am sending you a friends request !
  • azachery
    azachery Posts: 45 Member
    I'm just beginning too! I have a way to go as well! I'm with you. I would like to add friends as well! Thanks for your motivating story!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Hi, I'm new too. I have about 35 lbs. to "re-lose". I was at my "goal" weight until a little over a year ago but got off track. I originally lost 90 lbs. about 3 years ago but have since gained back 35 but I plan to get rid of them!