Do People Get Annoyed With You Because You Count Calories?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My husband asks me "don't you ever put that thing down" when I pick up my phone to log. He also starts giving me crazy looks if I hold off serving a meal while I take a minute to log. I just roll my eyes back at him and tell him how many calories are in whatever he's shoving in his face as revenge. Most of the time, when I tell people that I've started keeping a food journal, they ask me how many calories are in the meal they're about to consume.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    But I also have people who make comments like "are you ALLOWED to eat that?" when I decide to splurge and eat something that isn't 'healthy'.

    This ^ I despise. Hence why I won't eat "bad" foods around others, except Hubby. Less explaining to do.
  • Kritter8682
    Kritter8682 Posts: 29
    It's the people who have never struggled with their weight or the people who don't have the discipline to count calories or get healthy that it bothers the most.

    As someone who has struggled with weight her whole adult life, I would never judge someone for recording calories. It doesn't mean you are "counting calories". It's simply keeping track so you can keep a perspective. Whether trying to lose weight or just maintaining, it shouldn't be considered an obsession. Some people smoke. Would you call that an obsession? No. It's not an obsession- It's a habit. I'd point out one of your friend's habits (good or bad) and tell them "i won't give you grief over that if you don't give me grief about this ".. regardless of the situation, friendship as a general rule commands respect and they aren't offering you their respect.
  • DallasLeann
    DallasLeann Posts: 44
    I was caught off guard with the sarcastic comment that eating with me is "so much fun." My response (which just fell out of my mouth) was "I'm sure my funeral would be, too." However true and comment ending that was, I don't recommend using it.
  • Kritter8682
    Kritter8682 Posts: 29
    The rule round here seems to be to only eat in public, so it appears you can stuff your face but maintain a perfect figure. To admit to counting calories would be like admitting you eat babies.

    OMG that made me LOL!!!
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    I've had a lot of people lecture me about counting calories, you're already thin , blahblahblah.... I don't tell anyone what I'm doing on my phone, I could be texting.... if they do ask I tell them I'm doing it to track nutrients.... iron levels, vitamin levels, etc. Somehow that's more acceptable than counting calories.
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Can anybody confirm this? I have the iPhone APP no barcode scanner on here as far as I know
    I'm sure the iPhone app has the barcode scanner, too (I have the Android app). That blows people away. They see me scanning parts of my lunch in the breakroom and then ask why I don't just read the label. "Because it just automatically adds it to my log." This wows them. I've got a few people to grab MFP based on that feature alone.

    as far as the subject matter- my answer is it's only a problem if you let it become one... if a situation requires discretion it becomes quite easy to be a stealth calorie counter (even without any app!) once you live the lifestyle long enough. Unless the 'counter' is being a complete jerk about it, (e.g. evangelically getting in somebody else's face and preaching about how wrong what THEY are eating is, etc) the people who are uncomfortable or threatened with other people counting are obviously just a little less enlightened, poor souls! Go easy on them :smile:
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    No one has accused me of this yet, but I will simply respond with, "Why AREN'T you keeping track of what you eat?"

    Even my friends/acquaintances that aren't "dieting" would probably think twice about eating that meal from Chili's if they know it has almost 3000 calories.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    It's probably too soon to tell as I'm only a few weeks into it. That said, most of the people I know don't get too bothered by it because a) they know I'm going to do it anyways and b) because they understand that this is entirely a personal thing. I don't expect anyone else to take part or do anything different than what they do.

    Besides, it's working, so they can't really argue with results.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    i keep it a secret now. I joined MFP to lose weight before a big trip I went on. ... people were annoyed with me already for that, but now that I'm home, I have been eating "like I used to" when I'm around other people and counting behind the scenes.

    I think it's mostly a big deal for my friends/co-workers bc they are used to going out to eat as a social event, and I was always the running joke because I could eat more (and more often) than all of them and maintain my weight bc I exercise so hard. SO when I stopped eating like crap, it made an obvious, huge difference in our social interactions and my friends who eat a lot of junk were irritated.
  • DallasLeann
    DallasLeann Posts: 44
    I have an Android phone, and it has the scanner. My dad's iphone does not have it. At least we can't find it.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    As for pointing out other's meal mistakes, I don't. I know that I only started recording my diet when I was good and ready to do it. Not a moment sooner or later. If I wanted advice, I asked for it. I believe most people are the same. While I wouldn't have told someone criticizing my old diet to, um, go fly a kite shall we say, it's just because I'm far too polite for that.
  • mt_nest
    mt_nest Posts: 37 Member
    Absolutely! My husband and I took a vacation to see his cousin in Florida. My cousin and his girlfriend came along. I could definitely see the eye-ball rolls every time I pulled out my phone to log my calories or to see how many calories a certain food would cost. But, you know what? I don't care. I'm the one enjoying the success of keeping track of my calorie intake and I feel GREAT! Too bad if they don't like it. :)
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    When someone puts you down for counting calories do your best to educate them on why you are doing it.

    Hopefully, your friends would be willing to hear you out and if they aren't... then that's pretty disrespectful and there may be a deeper

    problem in the friendship.
  • Papaya81
    Papaya81 Posts: 90 Member
    I may be annoying them but not nearly as they annoy me with their constant temptations. How many times do I have to tell them I can't eat the junk food they are eating.

    Completely agree.

    For the most part I am pretty private about it. I just say that I am "eating healthier" but I am definitely aware of what goes in and what comes out. I switched recently to writing it in a journal because I have been busy lately and tend to burn out trying to make sure its all written down online as well. BUT when push comes to shove if they can't handle it, it most likely that they are dealing with some eating battle themselves.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Absolutely. My family are fine with it because my mum is doing it too - doesn't bother them. But there are particular friends that look at me as if i'm an idiot whenever I mention it. Like they think i'm obsessed. And one in particular says 'I don't see the point. I don't give a s**t what I eat.' And I think yea - good for you. But you wont be saying that when you're pushing a size 18, feel really uncomfortable and look atrocious. So she can go ahead and stuff her 2 FAMILY-SIZED bags of malteasers and see if she feels the same way in a year's time when she's plonked on 2 stone.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    Well, I don't make it the center or focus of conversation. If I'm eating with friends, I mentally do some rough calculations in my head, make the best choices I can, and then add things in later. Nobody wants to hear about anyone else's diet. That's rule #1.

    agreed. if you talk about it then expect them to comment.

    just keep it to yourself, smile, record your calories later.
  • Ceylon_Sapphire
    I am really new to MFP; and have only just begun calorie counting. But will not make an issue of it; just write things down to keep me on track. I can not comment yet; but I know at present I can use a comment that to keep track of what I am eating will allow me to keep track of myself and my weight loss goal. It is pretty obvious I did not get fat by not overloading my calories, so being blunt will be my best response to those later on, when I slim down and get myself on track to accepting myself.

    Thank you for this - it is an eye opener for me later on.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Sometimes my boyfriend makes fun of me and makes snide comments about it and it really hurts my feelings. I am trying very hard to stick to this plan, and that makes it a little difficult. Support would be nice.

    That's really too bad :(
    A lack of support could make it easier to give up. Try not to listen to him

    That's so true... ugh... if he can't support you, then who can?


    Don't give up and whenever I feel down about trying to stick to my plan... I always look through the Success Stories. :P

    He is getting better about it, now that he is noticing the difference. But we went out a few weeks ago, and ordered a sandwich to split and some rice and beans. I started eating my half of the sandwich, and then set it back on the plate, and he picked it up. I got a little upset, how am I supposed to keep track of how much I ate if he ate some of my half? Anyway, then he asked me how many bites of rice and beans I could eat, and if I was really going to count them. I decided I wasn't hungry anymore.

    I am trying to remember that I am doing this for me, but sometimes its really hard.
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    im waiting for someone to say were tired of hearing how many calories are in your food daily .im doing it for me and me only i have it on my phone and i love it .never going to stop .