

  • Well said! I go to the gym after my work day so whatever I'm wearing, makeup included is what I wear when I work out. I don't like to look sloppy or what I consider "dumpy" when I work out because it brings down my over all morale. Notice I said "I". It definitely is not the best to sweat with makeup on but all I do is…
  • See how many ounces are in the whole package and then divide that by 3. That is how I figure out most of my servings if it is not specific. A scale can be good but I don't think you have to buy one to figure it out. Good luck and enjoy those fries!:happy:
  • I have only ever purchased the MBT shoes which are the inspiration for all of the spin-offs. I bought them not to lose weight, tone up but to help me with my back and heel issues and they definitely do work for that. I did get toned but that's just because I enjoyed walking more because my pain was gone. LOL!!!! I think…
  • Okay, well...I started May 15th and to date I have lost 14 lbs. I wish I had lost more by now but all and all I'm pleased because I have kept with it. I started just watching calories and then I added cardio (elliptical) and then I added weights and treadmill running. I initially only set my goal to lose 21 lbs. but now I…
  • There is a great calorie calculator on www.ask.com. If you go there it will help you. There is another calculator as well which is http://exercise.about.com/cs/fitnesstools/l/blcalorieburn.htm. Actually I think this is the one I was referring to in the first place. The other site is…
  • Okay very interesting. I am hypoglycemic and I wasn't having problems for the first month but now I am starting to crash during my exercise routine after work. I do Cardio/Fat Burn on the Elliptical. I have tried to eat something that will stay with me (not cause my blood sugar to drop) about an hour before I go and work…
  • Don't use it. They are quacks and your Mom may not have ordered the automatic refill. I looked online afterward when they charged me 79.99 when they were only supposed to charge me for shipping and found lots of people have had problems with them. I went to the Attorney General's office and I got a full refund including…
  • Yes, don't weigh yourself all day, that's crazy. You need to weigh yourself in the morning before you get dressed and before you eat breakfast. You should see some results soon if you are tracking all of your food honestly and doing some exercise. It has worked for me and I wasn't sure if it would but once I saw some…
  • I will friend you. Give me a try. I need all the help I can get. I am starting weight of 166 and want to get to 145 - 140. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Please don't be too hard on yourself and be patient. You need to be patient and I know how hard that is, truly I do. I wish I could just shed 21 lbs. just like that but I can't. I have treated myself occasionally with special food but now I am learning to do more exercise and I find this website really helps me to pay…
  • I weigh myself most every day and I did log it after a few days but now I'm only going to record my weight once a week. You have done so well with your weight loss! I am 47 too and 5'7" and want to get down to 145 for now. I'll see when I get there if I need to go further. I am trying to get in much better fitness shape…