Weighing myself everyday....

10byJune21 Posts: 2
edited 6:18PM in Health and Weight Loss
good idea... or bad idea? i've been doing it, not sure if its helping with motivation or confidence.

what do you guys do?


  • megrrt
    megrrt Posts: 115 Member
    I weigh once a week try for same time same scale.
    I have not done it with mfp yet i will on thurs...
    I think not seeing the scale move everyday can be a neg thought process.
    good luck
    SOUTLO Posts: 2
    Once I started weighing everyday I stopped losing weight, I think it is a bad idea.
  • jimennis
    jimennis Posts: 80 Member
    I am going to quit it also to keep my sanity..
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Bad idea (in my opinion). Not see the scale move OR seeing that 2-3 pound fluctuation is discouraging!
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Oh....and I weigh once per week
  • I use too, but it would either be real depressing or really good, so now I just do it once a week and at the same time on the same day.
  • Jbauer41
    Jbauer41 Posts: 55
    I'm a glutton for punishment -- I am scale-addicted. Always have been. Would love to be able to break that cycle.......can't.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    good idea... or bad idea? i've been doing it, not sure if its helping with motivation or confidence.

    what do you guys do?

    I used to weigh myself everyday. I've discovered that is a bad idea. It didn't help motivate me. It made me more frustrated.

    Now, I weigh myself a couple of times a week.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I weigh every day to keep track on how I'm doing, but I log the weight only once per week.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I am a daily and or multiple times a day person. It is a horrible habit that will be changing by force soon (the scale is not moving with me) I only count my weight once a week so i can see the changes.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    I weigh myself everyday. I go up and down but only document on Fridays...It's gone up 3 pounds and down also..but I only stick with the one weight on Friday.
  • Rklane
    Rklane Posts: 42 Member
    I weigh everyday except the weekends. That's because I use the scales at work. We don't own scales at home! Luckily I haven't seen the big up and downs. I've been pretty steady except for my plateau of 3 weeks. It makes me focus when I do see an increase. You gotta figure out what works for you. Try 2 weeks weighing daily and then 2 weeks of only once a week. See how you feel.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Ha! I'm really bad... I weigh every morning and every night before bedtime. I like to track how my weight fluctuates - it doesn't fluster me at all. If I know my night time weight is down I can expect a pleasant "surprise" in the morning. I record my weight on MFP after my Friday morning weigh in only though.

    Maybe bad for my mental health, but I have no hard feelings towards myself for doing it, so, heh, why not? Probably not for everyone though.
  • mom2gnt
    mom2gnt Posts: 3
    I remember the days that I would weigh myself everyday... of course, I used to think I was fat back then. And now I'm 30 lbs heavier!! If I only knew then what I knew now!! LOL!

    I am only going to weigh myself 1x per week. Every friday.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    I am addicted to my scale, but I don't thnk it's a good thing. I weigh myself at least once a day. Last week I tried to go from Sunday to Friday without stepping on...I made it to Tuesday. The daily fluctuations definately mess with you.

    Even though I weigh myself a few times a day, I only write it down once a week. It used to be Fridays, but Thursday is our 'eat out' night., so I switched my official weigh day to Wednesday.

    If you can avoid weighing in every day, Do it!
  • cm40
    cm40 Posts: 30
    Your weight can fluctuate several pounds thoughout the day. So if you only weigh once week you're not getting an accurate measurement.
    I weigh everyday, then average it for the week.
  • Tigerlily47
    Tigerlily47 Posts: 11
    I weigh myself most every day and I did log it after a few days but now I'm only going to record my weight once a week. You have done so well with your weight loss! I am 47 too and 5'7" and want to get down to 145 for now. I'll see when I get there if I need to go further. I am trying to get in much better fitness shape too. Congratulations on your weight loss!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    This is a totally personal decision. I weigh (and record, but not always on this site) daily. I have found it is what keeps ME accountable. I don't get too stressed out over minor ups and downs, but know that if it goes up and stays up, I need to get my butt in gear.
  • virginiaduty
    virginiaduty Posts: 17 Member
    my doctor said once a week max ---because alot of times u could depressed if you dont lose as fast as you might want to.
  • 10byJune21
    10byJune21 Posts: 2
    Wow, didnt expect so many responses right away. I know I shouldnt weigh myself everyday...but I cant resist in the mornings!

    It definitely messes with my head - gained almost a pound this morning?!?

    ANYWAY - Thanks everyone :)
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