Talk some sense into me...

Though I started MFP on 8/7, I "officially" began my fitness/diet/dammit-I'm-Losing-This-Weight program on 8/1. I have, according to my logs, lost 5 lbs. I keep telling myself that that is a totally normal and healthy rate of loss, because hey, it's only been a month! Five pounds in 1 month is pretty good!

The problem is that I may be plateauing. I tend to lose weight REALLY slowly (despite what that 5 lb loss looks like, it came off in fits and spurts, not necessarily one single pound every week...) Sometimes it was no loss, sometimes 0.2 lbs, sometimes 1.5 lbs. There's no telling how or when or where my body is going to suddenly drop some weight. Right now, I'm bouncing around the same two pounds, for the last two weeks. Up and down. Never really breaking through to a lower weight or gaining more. Sounds like a plateau, doesn't it?

I went back and stitched together my three-week progress shots in Photoshop and I think there's maybe a tiny bit of difference between the first and last ones.

And at least my measurements are showing a continual downward trend, despite my weight being stubborn. But I'm not to the point where my clothes are fitting differently (ok, they might be fitting a little better, but I'm worried it's my imagination.

I really was hoping to reach my first goal weight by this coming Saturday, and I'm two pounds away from it... But I don't think I'm going to make it. This seriously bums me out. Won't you guys talk some sense into me, please?


  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    You don't have much weight to lose. Just keep it up.
    Good Luck.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    MFP generally recommends losing about a pound a week, so you're actually on target. Most folks don't lose weight consistently week after week. I think you're doing well.
  • the slower you lose it.. the longer it stays off!! if you dont have much to lose, you wont lose 2 lb a week. thats OK! I am in the same place as you are, and it can be frustrating. 5 lb in a month is great!
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    What's the problem, you've done great so far. Keep it up you'll lose more. Just stick with it. My birthday 1/18.
  • Okay, well...I started May 15th and to date I have lost 14 lbs. I wish I had lost more by now but all and all I'm pleased because I have kept with it. I started just watching calories and then I added cardio (elliptical) and then I added weights and treadmill running. I initially only set my goal to lose 21 lbs. but now I want to lose another 10. I have realized that this is a whole new way of life for me. I go to work early so that I can exercise midday. It takes anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. I alternate just cardio with weight and like 20 minutes cardio. I do that so that I can burn more calories. Lifting weights doesn't burn enough for me and I'm used to eating those calories. You didn't mention what your eating habits were or whether you are exercising at all. I have a sedentary job although I have changed my work station from a sitting to a standing station. I have a "high" chair, I don't actually stand all of the time. You have to stick with it and you have to be active. If you are eating your limit of calories and still not losing then you should add exercise and don't eat back all of the calories. It also makes a difference as to what those calories are made of. I hope this helps.
  • The last 10 - 15 pounds are the hardest. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there before you know it, just don't give up, you deserve it!
  • zarozinia
    zarozinia Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone. I keep reminding myself that the weight didn't pile on overnight, nor is it going to simply disappear overnight. I was just really hoping to reach my first goal this Saturday (it's my cousin's wedding, and you know how those things can be...). I'm having to reconcile the fact that it's probably not going to happen this week. But it WILL happen at some point! I'm really enjoying the process of retraining my palate to enjoy healthy foods, and retraining myself to cook meals at home rather than rely so heavily on fast food. And I'm walking a minimum of 2 miles nearly every day, and working out at the gym consistently. So, it's slow going, but it's all about the long term goal, I suppose!