beachlvr Member


  • They make great "chips", dip w/ hummus or your fave lo-cal dip. Or I just toss them w/ rice vinegar and toasted sesame seeds. I also make a cucumber salad w/ tomatoes, basil, and lo-fat feta, olive oil and salt and pepper, super easty.
  • I love roasted veggies: Red/Green/yellow peppers Brussel Sprouts Cauliflower & Broccoli Kale Eggplant Portabellos Just preheat oven to 400, toss veggies in olive oil or spray butter, put on a cookie sheet/roasting pan and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then after you have roasted all, or some, or one, you can use them for salads,…
  • I am struggling withe new ideas also, the frozen meals just aren't cuttin' it anymore. I did find these Flatout wraps that are great: I just put a ton of veggies with a light spread of hummus or yogurt dip and maybe a slice of turkey or ham and it's very…
  • WOW you sound just like I did 2 years ago! My 29th year was horrible and I was ready for a new start! Congratulations and welcome. I would be happy to help you out in anyway so just hit me up and we can be fitness buddies! I too lack in motivation (especially this week-ugh) so we can help out eachother. :flowerforyou:
  • Congratualtions and welcome! If you need support or a buddy on this site, hit me up! Good luck with your goal!
  • I also am just coming back to finish my goal, so we are in the same boat! If you need another buddy, I'm here! Good luck to you!
  • Welcome aboard! Good Luck and most of all have a great time!!:drinker:
  • I agree with the Dancing, also I bought a Hula Hoop ($8) and I "hula" in front of the TV. It 's fun and really works your core! :flowerforyou:
  • 1. Laser Treatments for my Acne Scars (this is my second concern, 1st WAS my weight) 2. Boobie Enhancement....I am sure they will go very soon.
  • Ooooh Girl, WTG!!! Keep it up and Congrats!!! :smokin:
  • What really matters is that you are feeling good about yourself.....the rest is just a bonus. It will happen!! :happy:
  • You will get there and it will be the best feeling.....Good Luck! :drinker:
  • WOW....That is fantastic, Congrats to you. You must have really been working hard!!!
  • It really feels good when you start to notice that weight loss.....but when people start noticing and asking "Have you lost weight".....well that just feels fantastic!!!! :laugh: Hope many of you have felt this, I am really enjoying it. :happy: Have a great day everyone!! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • I read somewhere that if you eat a "big healthy" breakfast you are more likely to lose weight. But what if I know I am going to be having a big lunch.....then what? so many rules so little time....anyone able to shed some light on my continuous confusion? :smile: Thanks Bunches1 :flowerforyou:
  • Just dive in head first. :laugh: No but seriously I find that planning my meals for the week really helped me. and have great menus for the week. I am sure there are others as well. Also make a plan to work out at least 4 times a week and work out hard.
  • Mangos Pineapples (with chili lime salt) Luna Bars (also) Turkey Jerkey Lo-Calorie Wine....(a girl can dream) :ohwell:
  • Oh I am so excited....I just saw their crabcake receipe and I can't wait to try it. Thanks bunches for this site, I have never heard of it. YOU ROCK! :happy:
  • OMG that sounds amazing, and perfectly easy too. Thanks Chubby B!!! :wink: :drinker:
  • WOW that looks amazing!!! Hope it works on my George Foreman---(Apartment living, no BBQ) :frown: Thanks for all the great receipes :flowerforyou:
  • That is more than I expected....I just checke out this random website and it said for 15min of vigorous sit-ups I would only burn 2 calories. :grumble: I won't even give you the name of the website bc I thought that was so lame! Thanks everyone!!:heart:
  • Well according to this site.....doing sit-ups or ab work does not burn calories......but I read that if your heart rate is up and your muscels are burning that you are burning calories.....I do an ab class for 15 minutes and I would like to know how many calories I am burning. Now I don't have a hrm or a body bug or…
  • Hey don't fret.....I was awful last week (Yes all week) only went to the gym once (30 mins of cardio only) ate and drank like I didn't care and I still lost 2lbs!!! I know probably a fluke thing and won't happen all the time but at least I had a good time and now it's back to the "Grind". Don't give up and just remember…
  • U said it!! :happy:
  • BTW my ticker is wrong and I don't know how to chane it! :laugh:
  • I have lost over 10lbs and It is amazing! Never thought I would be able to do it and do I FELL GREAT!! This site really helps with all the support. Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • That sounds awesome!! Thanks for that!!:happy:
  • What about meal bars? Luna Bars, Cliff Bars, Power Bars etc? Dried Fruit , beef/turkey jerky, love it! Quick and filling.
  • I love beef/turkey jerkey when on road trips, good protein and lo-cal. Also you can pops a few bags of 100 cal popcorn before and bring that. Have a great trip:flowerforyou:
  • YOU HAVE TO JUST GO!!! It sucks to get there but once you are done you FEEL GREAT and you are happy you did it. Just that initial motivation to get yourself there is hard.....I know, I have been there (that's how I got up to 180 lbs):noway: Go for a nice long walk (with some hills involved).....that might get you started.…