tafaye Member


  • I have been doing this for a few days now. On day 3. I am just staying away from added sugars and sweets. When I am craving something sweet I go eat a piece of orange or a strawberry. I am just trying to stay within the 25g of sugar mfp has me at. So hard, but worth it, I think!
  • According to mfp I should only be eating 30(whatevers) of sugar a day and that is not even 2 piece of fruit, this is where I think I am confused on what to do.
  • One of the reasons I am cutting the bread and pasta is because of the sugars in them. So, I guess it is more the sugars I am worried about.
  • I would ignore it! You are what you need to do for you, so keep it up. Your on the right path just by doing something. Good luck!
  • That's awesome! And one of the goals I have, I can't wait to get where you are!
  • Thats awesome, and no small feat! Great Job!
  • to helloburger: No your not doing it wrong. If you are feeling the burn during you are doing great. I have had knee issues my whole life, so I had to take 2 days off do to a slight swelling from all the jumping. But other then that I have had NO leg pain, just a small amount of soreness in my chest after day 2 but haven't…
    in 30 day shred Comment by tafaye June 2011
  • That is the best kind of victory, those where you truly find the strength inside. You found it now you can overcome anything! Great for you!
  • If you are retaining water you need to INCREASE your water intake. At least according to my doctor. You also want to watch the amount of sodium you are intaking. My dr. also wants me to increase my water by 2 glasses above my normal intake on days I work out. I would consult your doctor. Doctor trumps gym instructor.
    in Water Intake Comment by tafaye June 2011
  • I have been doing yoga on and off for years. You can totally do it. There may be a few poses that may be uncomfortable do to your size, but keep with it and you will be able to get into the poses better and deeper. It's great to do when your muscles are sore and gives a longer leaner look to your muscles and they build and…
  • Day 2 done! My arms are killing me! anyone else?
    in 30 day shred Comment by tafaye June 2011
  • I put it in as general aerobics. And from what I have seen thats how a lot of people log it.
    in 30 day shred Comment by tafaye June 2011
  • There are quite a few posters on their results, just search 30 day shred and you should find a bunch. I plan on doing it for 30 days straight. The only thing you need is a light weight set of dumbbells, like 3 lbs.
    in 30 day shred Comment by tafaye June 2011
  • I put it in as general aerobics since your heart rate stays high throughout the workout.
    in 30 day shred Comment by tafaye June 2011
  • I started this morning.... whooooo, felt great after... did have to stop a few times during the cardio though... heres to getting through without stopping!
    in 30 day shred Comment by tafaye June 2011
  • I was having a smiler issue. I would hit a certain weight and stay there, thats where I would give up. So This time I went and asked the dr. and following his advice worked. So, go talk to your doctor and see what they say, when you get perplexed like this it is good to go to the professional. Good luck!
  • I have had 2 knee surgeries and many injuries do to pushing to hard to fast. The only thing you can do is give it time to heal. Take the ibuprofen daily, it helps with internal swelling and icing even on rest days. If you think you can run on a day go for it, but until the pain goes away I would give at least 48 hours…